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File: 124 KB, 640x478, marginalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18148866 No.18148866 [Reply] [Original]

How to find heavily annotated books? trying to find a place to buy used books preferably with walls of annotations, I like the scholarship of much marginalia and would like the help.

>> No.18148942

Annotated by whom? Just a random person?

>> No.18148959

Perhaps looking for editions with foot/endnotes would be wiser than looking for exemplars filled with cryptic scribbles by some rando.

>> No.18148979

Acceptable condition amazon books

>> No.18148985

resale shop dumpsters

>> No.18149000
File: 66 KB, 663x1000, s-l1000 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have a copy of pic rel. The first two chapters were absurdly annotated to the point of the pages being black. The rest of the book was untouched. I gave it to a political science major when I started my nazi phase

>> No.18149005
File: 97 KB, 1149x891, 1584211889449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most marginalia should rather be called margin-anal because it's shit!

>> No.18149011

do you like to watch your wife getting fucked too?

>> No.18149013
File: 200 KB, 900x1000, Rotha_Beryl_Lintorn-Orman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I started my nazi phase
Is it merely a phase? Asking for a friend.

>> No.18149022

Depends on the person. For me it was a means to end that I didnt even know I was venturing towards. It served as a way of destroying all the values programmed into me so I could eventually reach clarity of thought untouched by social conditioning.

>> No.18149030

This shit is so triggering. Like just fucking remember in your head when you have thoughts about the words. At most make some notes separately.

>> No.18149033

>The first two chapters were absurdly annotated to the point of the pages being black. The rest of the book was untouched.
They literally always do that. I have never found a book that was annotated all the way through. I believe that it could be that people who annotate their books are simply brainlets and pseuds.

Calm down, american. You should talk with your shrink about your obsession with cucking, it has clearly destroyed your brain.

>> No.18149039

>thats a woman
What the fuck

>> No.18149048

She's very handsome and essentially invented the concept of British Fascism. I love her, please don't be mean.

>I have never found a book that was annotated all the way through.
I am currently reading (((Howard Zinn)))'s [who is Jewish, I should add] People's History and it is the same way. First two or three chapters were exhaustively annotated and then nothing. I have a copy of Walden like this as well.

>> No.18149051

I have a highly annotated copy of The Riverside Shakespeare, which is a complete-works textbook edition for undergrads with a lot of period engravings and extensive introductions to each play and poem.

Swiped it out of a GoodWill donation bin.

>> No.18149062

I need this wife.

>> No.18149179

Did this handsome woman write anything

>> No.18149180

Thrift shop
penguins marked up with the colored
dot on the spines. USED BOOK

>> No.18149227
File: 54 KB, 400x584, Bundesarchiv_Bild_119-2179,_Walter_Richard_Darré.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret that she did not, but I was thinking about writing a book on her (or at the very least mentioning her extensively in it) when I get done with some of my other projects.

t. Darréanon

>> No.18149238

I’ve always loved seeing famous authors’ annotations

>> No.18149240

Publish it with arktos. I'll buy it

>> No.18149271

Rarely useful or tasteful. If they’re either, any used bookstore should have some, especially from estate sales (which may be more reliable, to this end)

>> No.18149274
File: 432 KB, 1875x2775, Hitlers Green Party_159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll likely self publish, and chances are it'll end up on Rogue Scholar. I have a notebook full of stuff on the syncretics of NatSoc and various other schizo ramblings on the subject matter.
At the very least once I get 'Blood and Soil' ready I'd love to have it up on Rogue Scholar, as well.

>> No.18149306
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 1619837181775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out I was the brainlet all along. There is definitely more proofing to be done here.

>> No.18149334

Yep. Oxford/Cambridge Annotated editions are pretty good.

OP, the main benefits from annotation is to actively think and engage with the source material as you annotate. Passively reading pre-made annotations reduces your active engagement with the text, and reduces your comprehension and memory.

>> No.18150687


>> No.18150708

Nothing peeves me more.

>> No.18151287

You can have all my books once I kms, I have heavily annotated every single one of them.

>> No.18151551

Shit take

>> No.18151577

Pre-owned by a scholar of the book preferably

>> No.18152178


>> No.18152190


>> No.18152202

I’m about to start reading the Iliad, should I annotate it? In general I only annotate nonfiction or literature that I’m reading for class.

>> No.18152213

Some people can be dumb
I can also be dumb sometimes
I enjoy my annotations occasionally but sometimes I was not as involved in reading as i couldve been

>> No.18152304


>> No.18153546

A better question, what do you annotate you books with?
I can understand. I think it is common to react rashly and throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak when plunging into new philosophies. In the last generation it was a reaction against Christianity, Capitalism and/or Authoritarianism, ect. that lead to the hippies who eventually settled down. I don't think it would be out place to think a similar type of ideological reaction against progressivism would take place in todays young men. People change, but who knows what the future will hold.