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/lit/ - Literature

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18146728 No.18146728 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so praised?

>> No.18146772

It's not just about its inherent quality, it's also about the effects it had culturally at the time and still has today

>> No.18146782

Such as?

>> No.18146821

It's the prototype of Ready Player One. Dante's book is filled with cultural references which were and are still relevant to this day. If you know every character that gets mentioned, you are officially allowed to call yourself a pro-reader.

>> No.18146860

Is there any philosophical value in it? Anything beyond christcuck medieval "be good"?

>> No.18146865

The popular conception of hell, heaven, and purgatory

>> No.18146869

Because it is enjoyable to read?

>> No.18146943

The whole geography of Dante's universe is based on Aristotelian metaphysics, and it's a good representation of just how much influence Aristotle had over pre-renaisance thought.

>> No.18146972

>why is the greatest work of literature so praised?

>> No.18147026

But anon, Epic of Gilgamesh is mostly forgotten.

>> No.18147054

the first fan-fiction

>> No.18147081

So ignore Dante and go for Aristotle?

>> No.18147197

Basically this
Dante also succesfully wrote an epic in a language other than Latin which is something that only a handful of the GOAT can accomplish (Milton and....Longfellow? I guess lol)

>> No.18147239

also true

>> No.18147246

Dante's personal relationships, not just with the rando Italian nobles he comes across, but also with Virgil and especially Beatrice I think are an unintended commentary on how one conducts themselves. Dante is a big time shittalker but seldom does any personal reflection on his own failings. His beatification of Beatrice, who irl he had only known for a short time, borders of obsessive and unhealthy and it's funny how much that aspect stuck with me.

>> No.18147763

Why are you reading a poet for philosophy. That's like saying ignore shakespeare read the Geoffrey Monmouth

>> No.18147769

I believe it was one of the first books written in the everyman's Italian rather than latin, which allowed a much broader audience to read it. Also keep in mind that a ton of perceptions of hell/heaven stem from Dante's descriptions

>> No.18147789

I got to the heaven part, and a griffin is walking around with some guys holding firy swords while maria is in the cart (but her name is not actually maria) and dante is praising them endlessly.
Stopped there. Does it get more coherent or better?

>> No.18147794

its not, its just christcuck trash for boomers

>> No.18147826

You are an ignorant cur. Why are you even on a literature board? I'm Hindu but still able to see it is beautiful.

>> No.18148902

Sad to see that no one in this thread has a clue. /lit/ is so sad, so many people think they know something, but they don't know enough and it won't get better if u will stay on this site. It has something to do with your pride and your lifestyle. So many people here are blinded and brainwashed, it's just fucking crazy how blind they are for their own blindness. I can't even laugh about it, I just feel nothing for this site and the people who post (except for some few good hearted people). u guys think u so smart... cmon man, give me a break...like... god damn, pls. and some people wonder why they're depressed. I repeat myself, cmon man, give me a break. grow up.

>> No.18148928

ERRORE, anonimo

>> No.18148944

>t. average Athiest

>> No.18148952
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I like the part where he BTFOd Muhammad :)

>> No.18149019

and I'm not a "christcuck" or "schizo" or some other shit. everyone who's using theses therms are the real schizos. that's what I meant by "blind for their own blindness" u fucking clowns. these people deserve to rot on this site forever. everyone else deserves better. these low ass terms just prove one thing, that some people are too long on this website and they start using these terms because they feel like they understood something and that they're part of a "community". but it's not really a community is it? where everyone talks shit against everyone lol. no matter how much you've read, it doesn't proof shit. some people just ain't ready but I don't blame them. sometimes I wonder why they even care/*read*, if they talk so much shit. Is it because they're depressed or to proof something? or just some crazy students?

>> No.18149049

Can someone help me? Am I crazy? I tried reading Dante's Inferno but I realized partway through that I'm reading someone's poetic translation of Dante's poetry. Like, it's not even "Dante's" Inferno at that point, is it? Apart from the plot and the themes, I'm not actually reading Dante's Inferno... like I may as well be reading a long synopsis that happens to rhyme.

Does this make sense? Am I wrong for thinking this? How good could a translation of poetry really be in comparison to the original?

>> No.18149077

Are you high? Like did you just smoke pot? I write posts exactly like this after coming back from smoking a joint. I'm not even trying to be "DUDE WEED", it's just the whole "cmon man... give me a break... seriously. guys. come on now." is something I do incessantly and I think it'd be funny if someone has the same habit while high

>> No.18149095

The translations have become famous in their own right

>> No.18149127

nah man, I guess I'm just tired lol, I'm about to get some sleep right now. usually I don't write like that but it felt right atm. anyways, I excepted to read some few interesting theories on why this book is so special but they left me hanging big time. eeeither way

>> No.18149160
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You are half right, half wrong. Translating poetry is essentially dead on arrival for one main reason: sound. You can translate ideas, images, and plot but not the blood of poetry, which is sound. On top of this, translation has two paths it can take. The first is being literal and, as a consequence, awkward. The second is being liberal, i.e. idiomatic, and, as a consequence, unfaithful. A middle road may be taken but you will eventually encounter a fork in road where you'll have to make a sacrifice.
In some cases, a handful of translators, who were poets themselves, may be able to carry over the sound but this would depend on the language it would be translated into (e.g. from Italian to Spanish or German into English), but it would be almost impossible to do that with Italian into English.

>> No.18149184

It's divine.

>> No.18149300

ok guys, I was angry because I'm tired and I hadn't anything to say either but now I'm gonna photograph a page for u, because I can't let this thread die like this. sry, it's in German but who cares

>> No.18149320

Latin is just old Italian.

>> No.18149395
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>> No.18149411

i am jewish convert to buddhism and even i appreciate the divine comedy it's unironically great

>> No.18149413
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>> No.18149435

Sure, like you're just a (semi) intelligent monkey

>> No.18149445

Dante was so butthurt he was driven out of Florence that he took revenge on his enemies by condemning them to eternal suffering in his fantasy world.

Then again, his work survives. And is still being talked about. What about his enemies in Florence? Who these days even care about him?

Yet on can't help but reflect; Dante's enemies lived out their lives in Florence, in their hometowns, as rich and dignified. And he? He was an outcast, moving from lord to lord, whoever would shelter him.

Who won?

>> No.18149462

Dante was key to building the language all they're descendants speak and his ideologies won out in the end

>> No.18149720

Interesting. Must be the classic black and white view of those susceptible to religion.

Why not both? There are so many books, so much great poetry. Why should I waste time on something that is pretty but shallow?

Good job

>he took revenge on his enemies by condemning them to eternal suffering in his fantasy world
Funny guy that Dante. Sounds like someone you'd meet on 4channel.

>> No.18151206

Only praised by pseuds.

>> No.18151382
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you're the biggest pseud

>> No.18152587
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It gave us great games.