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/lit/ - Literature

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18147822 No.18147822 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck is wrong with this board

>> No.18147829
File: 84 KB, 868x751, oe07cxxbuqv31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there's my thread!

>> No.18147832

why do people even bother replying these bait threads. waldun was funny for like a week but quickly got boring. i fucking hate this place.

>> No.18147834

Only 2/4 are Waldun. We can do better.

>> No.18147841

yes i wish there was a better place, someone show it to me please i want to be gone from this forum

>> No.18147843

Where Alfred Janny

>> No.18147847

come home

>> No.18147851

the chinkfags are pushing their cucklord for some weird reason

>> No.18147860

r/AskLiteraryStudies is better than this

>> No.18147862

Did you reply to the Goethe thread?
The Hölderlin thread?
The Jünger thread?
The Heidegger thread?
The Schelling thread?

No. Because you are part of the problem as well.

>> No.18147863

Is it anti-semitic enough?

>> No.18147868

one of those is literature

>> No.18147870

It's the opposite of that, whatever that is. And they think women are equal.

>> No.18147872

Way to out yourself.

>> No.18147874

>It's the opposite of that, whatever that is.
>And they think women are equal.
There are many good female writers, though.

>> No.18147876

Go back. You faggots brought that shit here and it's the reason lit is so shit now.

>> No.18147883

Congratulations, that's pretty kick ass!

>> No.18147884

no matter how bad this place gets, I'm not using reddit

>> No.18147893

lit is shit because 4chan is sinking

>> No.18147897

I brought no chink here, faggot boy.

>> No.18147926

Reddit moment

>> No.18147936

We deserve to be nuked.

>> No.18147951


As always

>> No.18147952

That's like saying you won't visit /lit/ or /out/ because /b/ and /pol/ exist on 4chan.

>> No.18147989
File: 837 KB, 2178x1440, 1619670756841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, let me think... Too much Nick Land.

>> No.18148002

I would never stop until waldun kills himself

>> No.18148009

Leftist infestation ruined this board

>> No.18148020

This board is EPIC

>> No.18148024

Sounds like a bunch of faggots

>> No.18148140

No, it isn't, because /lit/ is not /b/ or /pol/, but all of reddit is reddit. They have persistent ID, Internet points, non-linear conversation flows (in fact it can be sorted differently every time you return), and threads don't bump so once the narrow prime time of a thread is done the only possible people that will know you are posting replies are those you reply directly to that get notifications. It's a nonsense and narcissistic system. I tried it, and wish it were a better alternative to this shithole, but this is as good as it gets, sadly.

>> No.18148151

This board wasn’t originally a pol hive, you know?
We used to ban Ayn Rand shills.
Go home, anon.

>> No.18148473

This. Reddit system sucks

>> No.18148487

This is true but shilling in general is the problem.

>> No.18148999

This entire website

>> No.18149072
File: 433 KB, 500x542, 1585541863536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no replies
>thread dies

>> No.18149151

We are plagued with irony, even sincerity is tainted in irony. The irony of your sincerity is that you believe it's sincere at all.

>> No.18149172

I made the semen retention thread and no one actually talks about semen retention literature except for the first reply

>> No.18149195

I would ban philosophy from this board first if I could.
What a complete black hole for intelligent literature discussion.

>> No.18149225

stfu faggot.

>> No.18149245

Post shelf. Circle the few read ones.

>> No.18149255

both /his/ and /lit/ would benefit from the creation of a philosophy board. call it /phis/... idk actually there might be a better name. we need a religion and philosophy board

>> No.18149259


>> No.18149278

The only interesting conversations that happen here anymore are based around philosophy.

>> No.18149284


>> No.18149314

this. /lit/ would die the day a philosophy/religion board was created.

>> No.18149319

>Post shelf.
you're a vain loser.
cope philosotard.

>> No.18149328

That's because you're too stupid to discuss actual literature so you would rather jerk off over intellectuals to think for you.

>> No.18149340
File: 73 KB, 919x688, lynch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ hasn't been good in literally almost a decade. All of you whiney newfags ITT are literally the monkeys beating the shit out of the new monkey trying to climb the ladder for the bananas, without knowing why. You're all retarded newfaggots and you missed out, HAH HAH

>> No.18149350

yeah that's why /his/ was created and then the mods bitched out and gave this faggot board it's wishy washy sticky. Which you would know if you weren't newfag cancer. You all deserve to suffer here, because you're all reddit teenagers. Deal with it, its never going to change and you caused it.

>> No.18149379

Then why are you still here

>> No.18149409
File: 55 KB, 582x900, GOOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I came here yesterday to post my package of the secret doctrine and am having fun shitting on this faggot board until I drop back out to /tv/. So far I got a painting thread deleted because if other boards have on topic threads deleted you fucking newfags certainly can't enjoy your little off topic circle jerks, and then made a cinema thread on my phone. What are you gonna do about it reddit?

>> No.18149428

Haha go back to your Waldunchad thread.

>> No.18149437

Holy cringe

>> No.18149438

It was a cool package, it's true

>> No.18149440

if you don't watch yourself I'll come back tomorrow night when the jannies aren't sleeping and post 10 shitporn and animal gore threads

>> No.18149477

>what the fuck is wrong with this board
it's largely populated by misfit children who use posting here as a way of getting validation because they don't have any real friends

>> No.18149509

go back to your /soc/ shelf/chart thread.

>> No.18149527

you make it sound bad

>> No.18149563
File: 69 KB, 850x1200, 23416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lack of coom baits and nice photos.

>> No.18149582

Can't say any bad thing about jew or tranny. You'll get shadow ban

>> No.18149603

No it wouldnt

>> No.18149623

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.18149627

Them boys is raising a lolcow.

>> No.18149636

based booty anon

>> No.18149683

the people who use it

>> No.18151048


>> No.18151130

havent seen any Land posting since 2019 desu.

>> No.18151138



>> No.18152354

Thank you for your contribution!

>> No.18152360
File: 69 KB, 288x538, 1619712535323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>havent seen any Land posting since 2019 desu

>> No.18152373

Capitalist realism

>> No.18152395

you know that there are good authors who aren’t German right

>> No.18152398

>havent seen any Land posting since 2019 desu.
is this a joke

>> No.18152535

based booty poster