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/lit/ - Literature

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18145114 No.18145114 [Reply] [Original]

>From the distance I could see, how my fellow and now apprentice writer Timur was being closely followed by a bulky but attractive stranger.
>The coolness of his eyes... The coldness of a killer... or worse... Of one that has tasted the Asiatic extasis of...
>I snapped back to reality, I stopped reminiscing about my younger days... When I was but a mere plaything for strong and muscular stallions of every race that compose mankind... and even when of a literal stalling... Just thinking... about his equine pillar entering my soft and pink insides...
>that just made my duodenum shudder with anticipation... appreciated and loved my young Timur...
>but my arse.. my arse ached for a big meat rod that Timur with his Indian ascendency and small penile length would not be able to provide...
>I would take the streets at night... The legend of the devourer of phalluses would rise again!
>I would take that nom de guerre again... Waldun. W.C Waldun until I become satisfied with the seed of hundred, no thousand of men...

Its over bros... how we can even compete?

>> No.18145134

Woah! *yanks collar to release my shirt-steam* He writes like that!

>> No.18145162

Yeah he uses meme arrows and green text

>> No.18145211

>he hasn´t read Race Car Waldun collected shitposts

>> No.18145270

the Norman Mailer of our generation

>> No.18145295

This guy needs to get his ass kicked just once and then maybe he might tone it down a bit and start making good videos.

>> No.18145301
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Arthur is so annoying and self centered I just wanted this faggot to die in the most brutal way

>> No.18145383

this is Gass, right?

>> No.18145474
File: 118 KB, 787x464, thud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by ''thud!''? Is it an onomatopoeia or did he say 'thud'?

>> No.18145578

What a poser faggot

>> No.18145581


>> No.18145589

Do you guys think the aussie anon is serious about killing him?

>> No.18145606

i hope so

>> No.18145633

Aussies are based so probably

>> No.18145708

its like...
"Mom made pancakes for breakfast!"

>> No.18145714
File: 36 KB, 545x428, Z69cTnK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw waldun had just reached legal age to drink when he wrote the book

>> No.18145740

Aw shit, here we go again

>> No.18145772

People didn’t believe Brenton Tarrant, and look how that turned out

>> No.18145797

>No one has wrote in his youtube channel that they would like to be their little tampon baby

>> No.18145814

wouldn't Waldun's death by the hands of a maniac aussie who hates his writing actually make him more popular? People would start reading A Learned Disguise and someone would finish L'academie and they would unironically call them 'masterpieces'. This anon might actually be doing Waldun a favor

>> No.18145815
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>> No.18145837

Absolutely. It would be in Walden’s best interest for him to get murdered desu

>> No.18145854

based pippin and merry poster
anyone knows at which minecrafter servers waldun plays? wink wink

>> No.18145858
File: 26 KB, 480x442, 1F2E0A14-933D-4C5B-AC61-C65D8AC80D27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re all going to be in a lot of trouble if that anon goes and kills him

>> No.18145869

just the murderer lol

>> No.18145884

Waldun needs to write L'Academie, not only to prove all the /lit/ faggots wrong, but to be the first Australian to write a good novel. Someone who has access to his personal discord needs to tell us what Waldun is planning on writing

>> No.18145892

We will be seen as accomplices or motivators to the death of Waldun (pbuh)

>> No.18145895
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>> No.18145907

are you seriously starting another waldun thread. why is this board like this. im actually seething right now because of this.

>> No.18145915

I suggest adding the characters from the first novel, and then adding equivalents of his new friends
> Arthur
> Gretel
> Felix
> Timur
and then he'll add his poet friends
> Jay
> Jaiden

>> No.18145918

i dont want him to die desu I just want him to get embarrassed and leave the internet

>> No.18145936

why? He's accomplished more than most. For one thing, he has a novel published, depending on your definition of published

>> No.18145940

have you even read the novel? kek

>> No.18145957

*He has self published a novel

>> No.18145971

Wow op... Your shitpost, its like... I can almost see the words... in front of me!

>> No.18145994

Yes, and I give him a pass due to his eslness. Besides his proses, what is so terrible about LD?

> plot bad
The plot of LD taken directly from Sorrows of Young Werther, which is a classic

> it's wish fulfillment for being a writer
The ending of Lord of the Rings and Little Women are both that the main character write LOTR and LW, respectively. To a lesser extent Camus and the Plague and Nabokov and Lolita employ the same format, but it's more of them editing their diaries after the event

> Timur is a racist caricature of a sniveling, easily impressed, small brained pre-Indian independence pajeet
this one is harder, but it's most likely that RC didn't intend for the character to be like this, he's just clueless about how Timur would be perceived

>> No.18146030

>I give him a pass due to his eslness
Why do people do this? Like it shouldn’t be required for him to LEARN about correct fucking grammar and punctuation when he’s trying to be a WRITER. He should be lambasted for calling himself a writer and being so shit at it, not mollycoddled and given a pat on the head for trying.

>> No.18146035

Fuck off waldun you little talentless cunt

>> No.18146037
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>he has a novel published
self published*

>> No.18146039

>Yes, and I give him a pass due to his eslness.

Being an ESL and writing with clunky wording or grammar mistakes is one thing, writing like he did is another.

> The ending of Lord of the Rings and Little Women are both that the main character write LOTR and LW, respectively. To a lesser extent Camus and the Plague and Nabokov and Lolita employ the same format, but it's more of them editing their diaries after the event

Those books aren't entirely about writing and putting self insert characters into the shoes of a promising young writer who fulfills all their real life dreams.

>> No.18146060
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, RCWaldun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I snapped back to reality

>> No.18146072

I give him a pass because it must be fucking hard to be a chink in the western world. All his heros were white and wrote in English, and although he couldn't achieve the first, he could at least attempt the second. This was compounded by his obsession with dark academia and the glamour of being a writer

>> No.18146078

He is a rich chink that speak perfect english.
He has no excuse.

>> No.18146122

>speak perfect english.

This is kind of weird. I know that speaking a language doesn't translate perfectly into writing well, but he seems fairly eloquent in his videos (I only watched 2 though) and the one blogpost I read was also not this bad.

>> No.18146123

>This was compounded by his obsession with dark academia and the glamour of being a writer
he just wants to dress like it. he should unironically just post on /fa/

>> No.18146165
File: 156 KB, 860x889, 1561203976855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he just wants to dress like it. he should unironically just post on /fa/
He would end becoming a SAINTS LAURENT PARIS ROCKSTAR like all the other chinks.

>> No.18146173

> Those books aren't entirely about writing and putting self insert characters into the shoes of a promising young writer who fulfills all their real life dreams.
Yeah, you do have a point there. Frodo and Jo March would'nt be beloved characters if they spent 160 pages going on and on about I is a writer. If RCW had spent more than 3 days writing his book, maybe he would've realized this and added something, anything besides me is writing, to his book

>> No.18146395

oh no no no

>> No.18147175
File: 215 KB, 747x923, CA12B80C-11B5-4167-8908-EF3E39FBF0C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18147244

holy shit how tall is he? lmao

>> No.18147263

If any bikefags know the make of this bike and could find out how tall it is, we can deduce the rest from that

>> No.18147273

looks about 5'10

>> No.18147306

LOL these photos of him are hilarious. Can you imagine asking someone to take a pic of you and then posing like that?

>> No.18147352

I think its edited

>> No.18147375

fuck off chink

>> No.18147376

????????????????? why?

>> No.18147386

That’s not 5’10

>> No.18147401

>the first Australian to write a good novel
He wouldn't be the first:

We had a thread some years ago about a text where White talks about his fascination with learning languages (especially Hungarian) and remembers his time spent in churches in his childhood. He seemed to have a lot in common with Joyce.

>> No.18147404

Waldo-kun... Don’t... lie it’s not edited

>> No.18147417

Its a suzuki, by the shape it looks like a boulevard s40 or something similar, those are like 86 inches tall.

>> No.18147423

I mean 43 inches.
Fuck, I confused height with lenght.

>> No.18147438

Compare his height to the width of the curb.
Curbs in the US are generally 6”, not sure about Australia

>> No.18147442

>taken directly from Sorrows of Young Werther
That doesn't mean the plot is good.

I don't think you can call LOTR 'wish fullfillment' just because a character supposedly wrote the book. That seems less like a self-insert, and more like a clever way of explaining book's existence.

>> No.18147502

Middle-earth is supposed to be our world as after the War of the Ring and the elvens left our wolrd became more and more devoid of magic and Frodo writing the book is just one of the ways that things tie together;
>Middle-earth’, by the way, is not a name of a never-never land without relation to the world we live in (like the Mercury of Eddison). It is just a use of Middle English middel-erde (or erthe), altered from Old English Middangeard: the name for the inhabited lands of Men ‘between the seas'. And though I have not attempted to relate the shape of the mountains and land-masses to what geologists may say or surmise about the nearer past, imaginatively this ‘history’ is supposed to take place in a period of the actual Old World of this planet.
Letter #165

With that said, anyone could argue that every piece of fiction is wish fullfilment to some degree and they would probably be right but Waldun's novel is clearly just his fanfic and Arthur and everything surrounding him is definitively something Waldun had or wish he had. The Failed romance with Varda ( I forgot her name and read it this morning) is probably his way to romantize the actual relation he had with a girl

>> No.18147557

the curb is barely visible you dumb fuck

>> No.18147782

Mailer was a pretentious cunt but at least he could stab his wife. This fag looks like he'd struggle to butter toast.

>> No.18148454


>> No.18148951

This feels forced.

>> No.18149313

everything he do is forced

>> No.18150114

Reminds me of the Moldbug leather jacket pics