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18143592 No.18143592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books with vivid descriptions of beautiful female feet?

>> No.18143599

footfag niggers must hang

>> No.18143617

Eugene Onegin

>> No.18143618
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Start with the Greeks

>To a Woman: Do not ever wear shoes, or conceal your ankles with false and deceptive skins, whose beauty, which consists in their dye, is illusory. For if you wear white, you obscure the whiteness of your feet (since like in the midst of like does not show); and if you wear the colour of larkspur, you offend the eye by the darkness of the shade; and if crimson, you cause fright, as if blood were flowing somewhere in the shoe. I wish that all the rest of you were visible; and you would actually possess far more power, exposing your whole body to the spectators’ eager pursuit. Well, be a bit economical of other features, if you will, and do not begrudge them protection or such coverings as are indispensable; but leave your feet at least bare like your neck, your cheeks, your locks, like your nose and eyes. To be sure, wherever nature has erred, the damage requires clever treatment, in order that art may conceal the defect; but where beauty suffices for its own display, remedial measures are superfluous. Be self-reliant and trust to your feet! These even fire will spare, these even the sea; and if you wish to cross a river, the river will stay its course, and if you wish to scale crags, you will seem to yourself to be treading on meadows. Thus Thetis was called “silver-footed” by the poet who had exact knowledge of all of beauty’s highest forms; thus Aphroditê too, as she rises from the sea, is depicted by the painters; thus too the daughters of Leucippus. Keep your feet in readiness for those who fain would kiss them; and wear no bonds, even of gold.
Philostratus, Letter 36

>> No.18143627
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>To a Barefoot Boy: Your condition is rather delicate, and it’s because, I am sure, your sandal pinches; new leather, you know, is quite likely to cut into flesh that is tender. That is why Asclepius readily heals wounds received in war and hunting and all such accidents, but neglects these others because of the voluntariness of the action—as due to indiscretion rather than to a god’s capricious malevolence. Why then don’t you walk barefoot? What grudge have you against the earth? Slippers and sandals and top-boots and shoes are for the wearing of invalids or the aged. Philoctetes, at any rate, is pictured in such protective garb—because he was lame and ill. But the philosopher from Sinope and the Theban Crates and Ajax and Achilles are pictured as wearing no shoes, and Jason as wearing but one. For the story goes that, when Jason was crossing the Anaurus River, one boot was caught by the mud and held fast under the stream, and so he had one bare foot—not that he deliberately chose to have, but that chance taught him what was best; and he went his way the victim of a salutary robbery. Let nothing come between the earth and your bare foot. Fear not, the dust will welcome your tread as it would welcome grass, and we shall all kiss your footprints. Ο perfect lines of feet most dearly loved! Ο flowers new and strange! Ο plants sprung from earth! Ο kiss left lying on the ground!
Philostratus, Letter 18

>> No.18143761
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>> No.18143839


>> No.18143856
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Here's your med, faggot.

>> No.18143859


>> No.18143881
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There's not a single argument you can make against foot fetishism. It's the least degenerate of all fetishes, it's patrician, it's /lit/, it's probably the only fetish that is consistent with the Christian idea of sex as an intimate union of husband and wife that is supposed to lead to procreation. Fight me

>> No.18143905

>mental gymnastics to justify degeneracy
yea, you're a lost cause. no point in wasting time.

>> No.18143998

It's always brapfags that will complain about footchads the most.

>> No.18144105

Cope. I'll suck my wife's toes when we fuck in missionary, I'll have a handful of babies and I will enter God's garden and there's nothing you can do about it. Stay mad

>> No.18144131
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diary of a mad old man by tanizaki
footsucker by geoff nicholson
trilby by george du maurier

>> No.18144144
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can't you stupid turds just fuck off? how do people like you end up on 4chan in the first place?

>> No.18144150

nice blogpost but I'm not sure anyone cares about your normie plans.

>> No.18144177
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Shut up, feetfucker kek

>> No.18144320

Wish to god I could biologically explain why I am so attracted to dem nice feet.


>> No.18144326

because you are a degen. you probably smelled your mom's feet when younger or whatever.

>> No.18144353

Do you have any fetishes or do you associate having fetishes with being degenerate?

>> No.18144372

>Do you have any fetishes
Well, fetishes are about lusting over objects or fixing over them, so not really.
> do you associate having fetishes with being degenerate?
It's an indicator, yes. It tells you critical information about the person.

>> No.18144392

Hmmm. Interesting. I am considered degenerate for even having a fetish to begin with.

Will keep this in mind. Thanks.

>> No.18144404

Der Koomer

>> No.18144432

Yes, you are. But there is nothing wrong with that necessarily. Just that you are abnormal.

>> No.18144442

This prompts a further, serious question: Is being normal better than being abnormal?

>> No.18144443

What does degenerate mean bros? When Cicero describes certain lovers finding the blemishes of their beloveds (male) beautiful, is that degenerate?

>> No.18144453

I was actually born with the fetish. I held feet to a different standard as far back as I can remember.

>> No.18144468

Faggotry is degeneracy but foot fetish is patrician
Same here bro. I had foot fetish for as long as I had any sexual desire at all

>> No.18144486

>foot fetish is patrician
Too smelly and dirty to be patrician. Legs fetish is the true patrician choice.

>> No.18144488
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Women are so beautiful and so soft, bros. It hurts

>> No.18144499
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>Faggotry is degeneracy but foot fetish is patrician
Sorry anon, but it is precisely the combination of those is patrician.

>> No.18144505

ew, why is she sucking her filthy feet?

>> No.18144508

Idk my gfs feet smell and taste good. Kind of salty
True but interacting with them is a horror

>> No.18144530
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>> No.18144532

>Kind of salty
That's how filth and sweat taste like.

>> No.18144577
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i'd like some one hour parking of my dick in her ass heh heh

>> No.18144586
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legs have feet at the end of them
it's all good as far as i'm concerned

>> No.18144588

That's a question for the ages. I don't think I can fully answer it. The general premise would be that it's fine as long as it doesn't significantly damage your life and other people's. Keep it sane.

>> No.18144590
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You want a girl who’s feet taste and smell of popcorn. God tier. Picrel is her foota

>> No.18144609

most of the time yes

>> No.18144614


Hands >>>>>>>> feet.

>> No.18144618 [SPOILER] 
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jannies about to 404 this thread

>> No.18144622

Yeah, well, people ITT focus too much on the feet. The entire limb is what's beautiful.

>> No.18144625

I like both

>> No.18144634

I don't get the appeal. It's just... feet?

>> No.18144645

It’s just one of those things that unless you like feet it will seem absurd. Same with brapfags, burpfags and peefags, etc.

>> No.18144654

Oh and armpitfags. Supposedly there’s correlation with liking feet and armpits but the armpit thing does nothing for me

>> No.18144659
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Let's consult the Masters, shall we?

>> No.18144661
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>> No.18144668

Maybe if I see them live they would appear more sensual. Was it an acquired taste in your case? Or have you always been attracted to feet? Do you also like male feet?

>> No.18144686

I'm a homosexual footfag anon (but can appreciate women's feet) and I don't like a lot of the feet posted in this thread nor other people's particular ideas of what they like about them or what they'd like to do with them. So I have the same indifferent or aversive reaction you might have. But then when I see a pair of beautiful feet, it's different.

>> No.18144695

Absolutely sublime