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/lit/ - Literature

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18143242 No.18143242 [Reply] [Original]

Made a new chart. The theme is autistic & schizoid protagonists in literature you can identify with. You'll understand when you see it. Need some recommendations on books that capture this spirit well.

I thought of adding A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce and Confessions of a Mask by Mishima, although I am not a gay.

What do you think? Need your feedback to improve the chart.

>> No.18143317

Neat idea OP, I like it. I'm 'new' to literature and having read The Stranger and Stoner, I recognize what you mean with your theme. Will definitely read Confederacy of DUNCES as I've seen it mentioned around here positively and it's on your list

>> No.18143324

WTF you are literally me?!

Now I need to know: with which of the Karamazov Brothers do you identify yourself at most?

>> No.18143340


You should check out

The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge by Rilke.

>> No.18143358

as well as

Kafka - The Trial
Kafka - The Castle

>> No.18143422

bonaventura's nightwatches

>> No.18143428

The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.18143454

American Psycho

>> No.18143469
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You are all generic

>> No.18143488

Harry Haller (Hesse) is most definitely LITERALLY me. I've read this book many times throughout the years and now, as I approach middle age, I can feel myself becoming LITERALLY him even more. I hope I get to have a full blown midlife crisis and fuck some crazy zoomer girl and take psychedelics and get into jazz and shit.

>> No.18143533

missing mishima core, confessions of a mask and golden pavilion, naruto, for bonus joker, harakiri

>> No.18143565

Add "Un homme qui dort" by Perec and also its 1974 film adaptation of the same name

>> No.18143601

if you "identify" with characters you're a plebian plain and simple

>> No.18143727

A Man Asleep

>> No.18143753

It's Vanya.

>> No.18143764
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>no Obolomov

>> No.18143773

Ah, completely forgot that one, and the Torrents of Spring by Turgenev as well.

>> No.18143779
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>> No.18143865

Convenience Store Woman

>> No.18143955

This idea has already been done with the /r9k/ charts but I would recommend A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov.
As an aside, am I in the wrong for disliking Taxi Driver because I had already read Notes from Underground years before?

>> No.18143965

>am I in the wrong for disliking Taxi Driver because I had already read Notes from Underground years before?

Not at all. Honestly, I think even Scorsese is like wtf with all of the critical acclaim and attention that movie receives.

>> No.18143988


>> No.18144023

The idiot

>> No.18144039

I wasn’t like Bardamu from Journey to the End of the Night before reading it but can actually feel myself becoming more like him after

>> No.18144046

Care to elaborate?

>> No.18144054

Add Houllebecq's Whatever. It's of course touted on lit as the quintessential incel/blackpill novel, but I really think it's schizoid at its core.

>> No.18144206

you shouldnt read with the goal of identifying with characters but how can you not if you do? the sun also rises is my least favorite book but i identify with the guy

>> No.18144779

Okay thanks. For me its Alyoscha. Even though we're not the same, you and I have a lot in common.

For your chart:
Book of Disquiet by Pessoa
A Man Who Sleeps by Georges Perec

>> No.18145522 [DELETED] 

If you want a Mishima protag that isn't gay use Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.18145700

As much as I'd like to be like Alyoscha, I still will be Vanya. I've pretty much accepted this as my fate.

>> No.18145733

Having just finished Stranger, I concur with these Kafka recs. Also if you identify with that chad Meursault please talk to a shrink.

>> No.18146671

Bernhard novels
Bove - winter's journal

>> No.18146787

steppenwolf and stoner are good, rest are meh.

>> No.18147143


>> No.18148018

< The Trial & The Castle
Based and Kafka-pilled

>> No.18148030

How do you guys make charts like these? Would really appreciate a link or shoutout.

>> No.18148045

How/where can one make a chart like that? Thanks in advance

>> No.18148101

MS Paint.

>> No.18148511

How does Stoner fit in to this? Yeah he was depressed sometimes but not fucked.

>> No.18149272

Oh, a chart of books where the protagonist feels disconnected with society at large? What an uncommon idea! Wow, thanks so much for collecting a whole DOZEN books where feeling apart from the norm is a thing. You've truly contributed something meaningful and changed this board forever.

>> No.18149296

A Scanner Darkly, Minority Report, heck most of PKD's books

>> No.18149302

I have a chart like this but its just Caro’s books on Johnson

>> No.18150333

I do them in Figma with auto layout.

>> No.18150364

I've put Stoner in this chart since he reminds me of myself, and the theme of the chart was roughly "protagonists with whom I can identify with".

>> No.18150427

Antkind by Charlie Kaufman 100%

>> No.18150490

Is there relation to Hemingway's story of the same name? That one was terrific and I know Hemingway read Turgenev from this letters.

>> No.18150510

I'm not sure if it fits your needs, but since I read it recently, I found Voschev from the Foundation Pit by Platonov to be a pretty autistic and relatable character for me. But I dont know if he counts as a "protagonist".
Either that or the guy that off's himself in Devils by Dosto.

>> No.18150514

No, as far as I know.

>> No.18150532


>> No.18150683

House of Leaves
OP is the footnotes guy

>> No.18150806

Holden Caulfield isn’t an autistic, “schizo” protagonist. The entire point of catcher in the rye is that holden caulfield is an ordinary boy who thinks he is more special than he actually is. And the irony of him hating “phonies” despite spending the entire novel trying to act and sound cooler than he really is.

>> No.18151244

You are right; although, I've used the words autistic and schizoid somewhat ironically. A better term would have been alienated. The point is, however, that I identified with Holden at some point in my adolescence and that's why I included it in the chart.

>> No.18151266
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H-how do I stop being like this anons?

>> No.18151300


>> No.18151584
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>> No.18151942

>The entire point of catcher in the rye is that holden caulfield is an ordinary boy who thinks he is more special than he actually is
thats not the entire point at all

>> No.18152280

>autistic & schozoid
You mean average white male in his 20s?

>> No.18152443

ikiru is one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. I cried by the end of it. I don't think it belongs on the chart because at least he made something of himself by the end of his life.

>> No.18152503

The same could be said of Crime and Punishment, Demian, The Tatami Galaxy, Steppenwolf, and Taxi Driver. I do think positive endings belong on this chart.