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18142474 No.18142474 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Confucian morality has no concept of good or evil?

>> No.18142498


>> No.18142528


>> No.18142619


>> No.18142620

What was the question again?

>> No.18142643

>One should obey one's elders and superiors and treat rulers, parents, and even those who were not one's social equals with respect
Sounds pretty cucked.

>> No.18142661

Good and evil is silly drivel made up by christcuck mouthbreathers, to point at things they wish were so or don't like
All even semi-intelligent people look at what is right or wrong, given a set of conditions and goals, just as Master Kong did

>> No.18142783

I bet you do all those things.

>> No.18142991

No, it sees given acts as good or evil but takes their 'goodness' or 'evilness' as effectively given. There is, unsurprisingly, no attempt to 'deconstruct' what makes an unfilial act evil - although it has certainly been pointed out that virtue is crucial for effective government and societal harmony, this is not the 'reason given'.

>> No.18143037

There's a very clear virtue ethics laid out by nearly the entirety of Confucianism.

>> No.18143043
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>> No.18143054

>All even semi-intelligent people look at what is right or wrong, given a set of conditions and goals
I totally agree. This is why niggers should be farm animals again; if you're even semi-intelligent you'll have to agree with me, sweaty.

>> No.18143842
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One of the five characteristics of the Confucian Junzi was yi, which is moral righteousness/appropriateness. It is also the understanding of how to apply moral appropriateness in particular situations, in a similar way as Aristotle's Phronesis. But where Phronesis has as its source human function and teleology, Confucian yi finds its source in the Dao, particularly the Dao of Heaven (Tian/Tiandao) which is realised by and through human action. This is why Confucius distinguishes how to act when the Way is or is not manifest in the world (it was manifest in the period of the sage-kings, but is absent in the warring-states period, for example). The main goal of Confucian ethics is to bring the Way of man in alignment with the Way of heaven. It is a bit ambiguous what exactly Heaven and even Dao are: my best impression is that It isn't a place or a being (though it may have its genealogy in a supreme being), but some sort of metaphysical force which is imminent in all things and dictates all things. Maybe a kind of Pantheism or Deism. So what makes particular behaviours and relations and traditions which are described in Confucian writings good or bad is whether they manifest or are in accordance with the Way of Heaven. I would guess the idea that there is no concept of Good and Bad comes from this focus in Confucian writing on what good and bad conduct and traits (ren, li, zhi, xin) are, rather than on what good and bad itself is. But good and evil, right and wrong, definitely still existed in and informed Confucian thought.
All that said, i haven't studied Confucianism too closely and it's been a while since i read the major writers, so i could be misinterpreting some of the relations. Also note (since i know daoism is popular on the board) that Confucians, Daoists, Legalists, Mohists all have different understandings of the same concepts (dao, ren, wuwei, etc), so the Daoist conception of dao and the relation between Tian and Ren differs from the Confucian conception. I also think this idea of the unity of Heaven as a force in and over everything that can be manifested in the world through human action motivates the later idea of the Mandate of Heaven, in which natural disasters played a role as revoking the mandate of heaven as it showed a shrinking of the manifestation of the Dao (and hence deficient rule), which in turn affects the natural world)

>> No.18144060

what? you mean sweetie?

>> No.18144135
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The hegelian dialectic my frens

>> No.18144262

Slave morality

>> No.18144987

Go read a book. This is nothing like slave morality lol

>> No.18145010

please take time to lurk the board and understand the culture before posting, thank you

>> No.18145040

Unfortunately you failed to give either the conditions or reasons for why your goal should be considered right, thus you are not even semi-literate, so you need to be either neutered and putto good use on those farms, or put you down. This is the only choice that is both GOOD and RIGHT for the glory and edification of all humankind.

>> No.18145050

Yes. Good vs Evil is a retarded Western (read: Christcuck) concept.