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18141147 No.18141147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Our officers encountered a guy sitting on the kerb, bleeding profusely from the testicles. He had gone to this man to get his balls removed and this guy advertised that he could do that. He did it in his house. So on this dudes kitchen table, he took his balls off and when we did the search of the house we found the balls in the fridge. In a Tupperware bowl. And his name was Dr Wang. I mean you can’t make this shit up! Wang, the ball cutter!
>The long and the short of it is – no pun intended – the victim had sought out this person through some homosexual website and sought out this guy because he wanted his testicles removed. Apparently there are a lot of people that want this to happen; there are people that want this done. But at the time you couldn’t just go into a doctor’s office, because they wouldn’t do it. So there was this website – fourchan dot com or some crap – which is where he found this cat. So he goes in this guy’s house, they have some small talk or whatever and then he jumps up on the dining-room table and this kid proceeds to remove his testicles. Now the kid said that testicles are a delicacy and he actually had them in a Tupperware bowl in the refrigerator with some, like, strawberry pie. And they had even shared some pie. You can’t make this shit up! Have some pie and have your balls cut off!
>So the officers show up and they see the guy and his jeans are just saturated in blood. At first we were treating this as an assault with intent to maim – this is what we’re thinking – but the victim said that he hadn’t been assaulted. He said that he had come here for this express purpose.
>Well ultimately, you’ve got to charge somebody with something; you don’t call the police and have all this going on without somebody going to jail. So they charged the guy with operating without a medical licence. Wang, the ball cutter.

>> No.18141171

It's a true testament that this site has been allowed to stay up for this long.

>> No.18141176 [DELETED] 

ACAB. That is all.

>> No.18141181
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>> No.18141183


>> No.18141191 [DELETED] 
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*ting ting ting ting*


>> No.18141195

Pigs deal with the niggers, retard.

>> No.18141246

Pigs do what they're told, retard. They'll throw you in a cement box for owning an "assault weapon" just as soon as they'll throw a nigger in one. There's a reason why the response to Black Lives Matter was Blue Lives Matter. II got news for you: you're not included in "Blue".

>> No.18141247


>> No.18141248

>. There's a reason why the response to Black Lives Matter was Blue Lives Matter.
The were many reponses to BLM. All Lives Matter was one. Also, no one who is retarded enough to get into trouble with the law matters anyway.

>> No.18141252

the edge of a raised path nearest the road

>> No.18141257

>no one who is retarded enough to get into trouble with the law matters anyways
It only takes one officer's bad day for you to be on his shitlist, anon.

>> No.18141270

>trouble with the law
Whether or not you get into trouble with the law depends entirely on its adjudicators. You have no agency here.

>> No.18141342

>its not our fault we enforce unjust laws
Yes, it is.

>> No.18141350

Cops are the lesser problem with the US justice system.

>> No.18141357

Never had an issue. Cops in my area are based. One even gave me a ride home once ages ago after I was mugged.

>> No.18141384

Laws are empty words without enforcers. Cops are mindless midwit drones who will enforce any law that the leftists in power pass. On their days off maybe they'll drink a few too many and tell you they think so-and-so law is ridiculous but the next day they'll throw you into the prison niggerpit for violating it without a second thought. As long as these people do their jobs efficiently the people in power have their fangs, so when I see BLM retards and cops fighting in the streets I cheer as two groups of people who would gladly fuck me kill each other.

>> No.18141408

thread theme

>> No.18141415

your personal theme

>> No.18141416

When I was younger I thought all cops were cunts because they always treated me like shit.
Then I got older and realized they treat you how you treat them.
Recently I've had three drivijg charges dropped (no rego no license and dui) in one go, if I was a stupid 18 year old they would have locked me up.
Got done with a bunch of class a prohibited substances and the cop just threw them in the bin instead of locking me up until I could post bail.

>> No.18141427
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>> No.18141435
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Cops are the dumbest fucks there is.
> T. Prosecutor.

>> No.18141444

Blue Lives Matter is a cuckservative policy position...

>> No.18141457

Non-American (and proper) spelling.

>> No.18141467

duh, thats how society works idiot. If people just did whatever they wanted at whatver time that wouldnt be a government now would it? its not something decieded by wants of indiviguals, but of gestalt laws and how to bend and break laws. Laws are the abstraction we monky about and play with to keep some semblance of progress instead of just "no u"

>> No.18141470
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why do the cops make lefties seethe so much? it feels like a thousand women in their period ITT

>> No.18141502

And when those laws are unjust then their enforcers are unjust, and unjust individuals with power should be opposed and ridiculed.

>> No.18141508

What laws are unjust?

>> No.18141513

>Never had an issue.

>> No.18141525

Many. Some might be worth keep, (punishments are another matter) but the problem is that there’s no proper enforcement. Cops protect the wealthy from ever having to feel the law which is meant to punish the weak and impoverished

>> No.18141532

Yes, just like I never had an accident (yet), I never had brain surgery (yet), I never had a kid (yet), I never had a STD (yet). What's your point? Just being scared of some potential boogeyman?

>> No.18141535

I asked what laws were unjust, not the vague amount of unjust laws.

>> No.18141538

US cops for sure.

>> No.18141541

Locking people up for drug use and possession for one thing.

>> No.18141542

You would be jobless without them.

>> No.18141549

Sounds like a fair measure. Druggies and dealers are a menace to society. Any actual unjust laws?

>> No.18141559

Butters does not speak for me. Red Flag Laws and assault weapon bans spring out to me as the most obvious. And these are laws are a clamp that is only going to continue to tighten in the future, and cops will continue to enforce them. There is absolutely 0 reason why anyone who is not a leftist should support the police.

>> No.18141569

>There is absolutely 0 reason why anyone who is not a leftist should support the police.
Lefties hate the cops because muh niggerinos killerinos. I mean, if both the gunfags and the wokes hate cops, then they must be pretty based. You gunfags will never use your guns for an uprising. You're pussies.

>> No.18141595

I don't want to use my guns in some kind of uprising you stupid faggot, why the fuck would I want to die fighting a bunch of mindless midwits? Did you respond to the wrong person, this has nothing to do with what I said.

>> No.18141602

if you support the police, you're a faggot niggerlover retard, simple as.

>> No.18141607

> I work mostly on the Crown Council line.
> Basically my job is to tell cops what to do when they forget (or never learned) the Law.
> My job is literally to help them when they invariably fuck up
> "You wouldn't have a job if they weren't so incompetent" - Some retard on the internet.
How about you shut the fuck up cunt.

>> No.18141614

kek retard cops btfo

>> No.18141618

Why do you need a fucking assault weapon if not for war and violence? To hang out with your boyfriend shooting ducks or whatever? These kinds of weapons are for violence, not for your sad faggotry in the bushlands.
The cops are doing the job that civilian faggots don't do, which is killing dindu criminals.
>living under monarchy
kek what a massive cuck

>> No.18141620

Go to gaol.

>> No.18141624
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>Cops protect the wealthy
Shut the fuck up if you are real butters you are a white ontarian woman, literally the safest, most protected person on the fucking planet.

>> No.18141626

So your whole existence is because of cops?

>> No.18141634

>>living under monarchy
>kek what a massive cuck
I know, but I'm already probably being monitored just for being here, ain't gonna post what I'd do to the monarchy, don't want the City of London to disappear me.

>> No.18141637

>why do you need X
how low is your testosterone cuckboy

>> No.18141638

But it only increases the problem, anon. Are you genuinely against people abusing drugs? Than this is the worst strategy on how to stop it.

My “privileges” aren’t being scrutinized here, frog wanker

>> No.18141640

UK cops are clowns. Don't you guys just "arm" them with water guns and rubber dildoes or whatever?

>> No.18141642

>Why do you need a fucking assault weapon
because other people have fucking assault weapons

>> No.18141646

>Why do you need a fucking assault weapon if not for war and violence? To hang out with your boyfriend shooting ducks or whatever? These kinds of weapons are for violence, not for your sad faggotry in the bushlands.
Because cops and niggers have them and cops and niggers are criminal who want to ruin my day.

>> No.18141648

If you rely on long hard guns for masculinity, your testosterone is already the lowest ITT.

>> No.18141651

buddy if you ever got recorded saying the nigger word and it went viral, the cops would gladly arrest you and beat your shit in on the orders of the woketard police chief or mayor

>> No.18141661

>UK cops are clowns.
Are you somehow under the impression that I'm going to defend them?
>My “privileges” aren’t being scrutinized here, frog wanker
> "Please allow me to dodge this for no reason"

>> No.18141663

why sometimes i even put on a dress and pink panties and suck dick. that's how secure i am in my masculinity. can you say the same pussy?>>18141637
bet you'd be too scared to wear women's clothes

>> No.18141669

>if you don't want me to tell you what to do your testosterone is already the lowest ITT
how does that make any sense? im convinced cops are as dumb as niggers

>> No.18141676

>assault weapons
Meme. You could do a fuckload more damage with a M1 Garand than anything that passes as "assault weapon" nowadays.

>> No.18141680

Daily reminder that the perfect society would be one where everyone is sealed in their pod and automated food facilities create algae-based food paste that is drone-delivered to their pods. You don't NEED anything more than this.

>> No.18141683

the police kneel to BLM then shoot and gayop white protestors at the capitol building, kill yourself idiot

>> No.18141686

>M1 Garand

>> No.18141709

>then shoot and gayop white protestors at the capitol building,
Because the faggots didn't use guns. Their type only uses them to shoot ducks with their boyfriends (like the edgelord without testosteron ITT) instead of when it matters. That's why they might as well disappear.

>> No.18141723

the operation was to frame peaceful people as terrorists you fucking imbecile, if they'd had guns it would've been even more incriminating. You need to shut the fuck up and learn because you're embarrassing yourself badly.

>> No.18141725

what testosterone, bro? you jerk off to an assault rifle, how's that manly in any way?

>> No.18141730

Those should be illegal too. You don't need them.

>> No.18141732

>storming a federal building
>rope memes all over Internet
doesn't work like that

>> No.18141733

the police literally let them inside lol.

>> No.18141743

testament to what?

>> No.18141745

Testosterone is bad, all men (including cops) should be forcibly injected with estradiol.

>> No.18141746

>use guns at critical moments: no
>use guns to shoot ducks with bf: YEA!
you worthless worms don't deserve guns. you will never shoot a human being. you will never shoot your enemy.

>> No.18141754

Guns should be illegal for everyone and you cannot form an actual argument against this.

>> No.18141756

>But it only increases the problem
Not that anon, and not even anti-drug, but this is a horrible horrible precedent for law. It’s not about treating individual crimes as systemic, that’s a violation of individual rights. You punish drug users because presumably they hurt the people they sell to. It’s crap, and that’s why anti drug laws generally suck, but don’t excuse crime or the like just because of systemic bullshit— humans are humans

>> No.18141757

I agree.

>> No.18141758

I don't know what, but it's a testament to something.

>> No.18141762

Right, and going outside should be illegal as well. You cannot come up with an actual argument against this.

>> No.18141764

hello bootlicker. some of us live in a world where our governments/overlords mean us harm. please be less of a bourgeois psued thanks

>> No.18141767

the police let them inside
Yep after shooting Ashli Babbit dead
A peaceful protest isn't a 'critical moment to use weapons', those were just normal people incited about the election not an organized revolutionary vanguard. You don't know fucking anything about revolutionary politics. What the fuck would using weapons have accomplished? Literally nothing

>> No.18141770

Nice try, gunfag. Guns are a luxury, not a need. You will never need them.

>> No.18141771

I really don't get why none of the retards (well there is my answer I guess) that do mass shooting have brought a M1.
> ~40 *accurate* shots a minute at 300 yards
> absolutely shreds through multiple targets, perfect for mobs
> Little to no chance of dirt cloggin up the feed in an urban environment, which was the only real problem.
And I guess now I'm on a watchlist.
> that rhythmic *PING* every 8 shots

>> No.18141776

>A peaceful protest isn't a 'critical moment to use weapons',
I unironically shiggy diggy

>> No.18141777

Nice try nazi. Going outside is a luxury, not a need. You will never NEED to go outside.

>> No.18141781

>durr just form a mob and run at the capitol building guys!
are you a fed or something? seriously kys

>> No.18141782

They were just retards being peak retarded. What they did was embarrassing, not because they stormed into the capitol but because they accomplished nothing.

>> No.18141786

>shoot cops or you're a cuck
>btw i love cops
>you should shoot them and start an uprising right now btw
you're not very good at this agent johnson

>> No.18141788

they got completely tricked and gayopped but saying they should've started shooting police is taking it to a level of idiocy that shouldn't be possible

>> No.18141789

There is a psychological need to go outside, actually. There is no psychological need for assault weapons. Most countries don't even have them for their citizens.

>> No.18141790

> that rhythmic *PING* every 8 shots
Remember to keep some spare clips to throw to make your targets think you're out of ammo.

>> No.18141795

>Guns are a luxury
What the actual fuck?
Guns are pretty fucking cheap. You can get a decent one of half a week's salary, even as a poorfag.
I'm really not fucking sure I understand the whole idea here. Cops fucking sucks, sure, but if you can't arm yourself at least theoretically to the same level of the people intent on doing you harm, *and* there are no cops, what the fuck are you going to do? Hope everyone plays nice and that grandmas can learn jiu jitsu?

>> No.18141800

Because you can't justify your desire for assault weapons. And no, jerking off to a rifle is not a good reason.

>> No.18141801
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You will not die if you do not go outside. You have no NEED to go outside. You want to go outside, but it is unnecessary. You are not only putting yourself at risk, you are putting others at risk.

>> No.18141808

luxury: an indulgence in something that provides pleasure, satisfaction, or ease

>> No.18141811

you talk a lot about jerking off to rifles and gay boyfriends you know that? it's weird

>> No.18141823

>still no reasons

>> No.18141835
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>> No.18141838
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>still no reasons to go outside

>> No.18141846

Ease of what? A gun is a theoretical deterrent. Using it as such isn't fucking easy.
Although I do agree that you should not rely on guns alone. Having a big dog and planting weapons around your house in strategic areas is a good thing to do.
Never ever goddamn ever be without a knife. But check your country's law to make sure it is legal.

>> No.18141854

You faggots brought niggers to the Americas. Now deal with them. Oh right, you're too much of a pussy to do that. Nevermind, let cops keep doing their BASED job.

>> No.18141861


>> No.18141863

You mean kneeling to BLM rioters and punishing white people that defend their homes and businesses, ok thanks based fed

>> No.18141868

>every cop is the same
you're like those "all cops are bad" faggots. only in the different direction. nice deflection, though.

>> No.18141870
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You irrationally lash out because you are confused and ignorant. You tried to argue and you have failed. Let this be a lesson to you, you WILL live in a pod. You WILL eat vitamin slime. You WILL survive, because you do not NEED anything else.

>> No.18141883

really agent johnson, calling for genocide of black people now? what would your bosses at quantico say if they saw this post?

>> No.18141888

You haven't used guns in any event of tyranny ever displayed by the US government. What makes you think you would use guns against the NWO? You're already domesticated and you don't even know it.

>> No.18141894

>brings millions of nignogs
>'whoa, why are they savages'?
>cops bad btw even though they are the only anti-nignog force while we white Americans do nothing

>> No.18141899

>you're like those "all cops are bad" faggots. only in the different direction. nice deflection, though.
Cops have a worst ratio than any other profession, and this is coming from a lawyer. If they aren't working in the Cybersex crime unit or IA, they aren't human.

>> No.18141906

It turns out, working in the field is actually way more dangerous than sucking the judge's cock every day in a neat and tidy building.

>> No.18141910
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Exactly, it is natural that we take the next step and make man an inside pet. Every man, rich or poor, white or black, cop, military, or civilian, will live in the pod. He will never leave the pod, as there is no need to. Outside existence is an unnecessary danger. As a society that properly recognizes that all existence outside of the bare essential needs is unnecessary, this is the way forward.

>> No.18141911
File: 58 KB, 720x397, Wait-its-all-just-endless-sufferning-Always-has-been-meme-5083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this is a fucking terrible thread, I hate myself for posting in it.

>> No.18141915

>working in the field
Fuck off you absolute tranny

>> No.18141918

idk the schwabposter is kind of funny

>> No.18141928
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>not a single comment on the OP

>> No.18141935
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>> No.18141939
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I only want what is best for you, and what is best for myself. We are all in this together, it will be The New Normal.

>> No.18141940

cops kill more white people than black actually. disproportionately more
and they'll lock you up for defending yourself.
and they have no problem turning on their fellow cops the minute the waycism accusation pops up, as evidenced by all the cops testifying against chauvin in his trial.
or the cop chief in that florida town who condemned the one man who dared to shove a crazy nigger harrassing his neighbourhood and charged him
btw i know you're a dishonest fed trying to get people to say stupid shit. i'm not posting this for you, i'm posting it for other anons.

>> No.18141948

>blacks good, guns good, cops bad, trannies bad
interesting position

>> No.18141958

The most daring of synthesis.

>> No.18141959

judging by this thread most of you deserve it.

>> No.18141965


>> No.18141967

I mean, you got me, bro. I don't know what the fuck you are. Other than a lawyer, and the other guy above is a prosecutor. All you need is a judge and you can do a threesome. Any judge here?

>> No.18141969

thank you for conceding defeat anon. you could have done it with a bit more dignity and maturity, but i'll take the W either way.
enjoy your day

>> No.18141972

That is indeed a very based combination.

>> No.18141976

acab stands for "all cops are bastards" not "all cops are bad" and if you can't conceptualize the difference you are on the wrong board

>> No.18141977

>itt: libshit btfos gunfags then gets btfo by the pod guy and ragequits

>> No.18141980

>whitoid retards get BTFO by BASED cops
>this is somehow a win for the faggywaggy crowd

>> No.18141988

>fags don't want cops to kill white people
not even who you're responding to but I don't understand how you can imply this

>> No.18141994

>regresses to babytalk
lol. you have the right to stop posting at any time anon. there's no need to keep making a fool of yourself

>> No.18141995

>All you need is a judge and you can do a threesome.
Have you met lawyers?
We are the most degenerate, lecherous kind there is. That doesn't even qualify for a good Thursday night.

>> No.18141997

seems like if this white-hating faggot loves cops, that's even more of a reason to be against them.

>> No.18141998

The fuck is wrong with your cognitive functions mate?
You having a stroke?

>> No.18142006
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>> No.18142013

I dated a law student once. She was fucking insane. Terrible liar as well so I guess she became a terrible lawyer. Bulimic also.

>> No.18142020

See: >>18142006

>> No.18142031

The purpose of police, or as I like to call them, animal control, is to keep poor stupid people from being too disruptive to society . This is a necessary evil, for if you knew what devastation would be unleashed if the masses were left to their own devices, you would wish for cops like they were angels and saints. The central issue regarding policing is not crime, or poverty, or race, but stupidity and having to keep it under control.

>> No.18142040

I don't think anyone in this thread is some leftist arguing for the abolition of policing as a concept. I think the problem really is that in America legislation is starting to be passed that targets middle class kulaks rather than lumpenprole retards.

>> No.18142043
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>fucking insane
>Terrible liar
If she's asian I'm gonna need some contact info.

>> No.18142049
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/lit/ has the the same opinions as twitterfags. I lived to see this day. Fuck.

>> No.18142066

Your picture doesn't say what I said at all, in fact it says exactly what I said was the wrong characterization you were making.

>> No.18142072


>> No.18142073

I’m all for curing the problem, not letting it all hang out



What a time to be alive

>> No.18142078

>I scour Twitter for things to post about
>... because I don’t read books anymore

>> No.18142080

She was Hispanic with pale skin, hazel eyes and petite body. Way better than the chick in your image. God, she was hot but fucking insane.

>> No.18142083

All I did was googling "cops are based" in google images lol

>> No.18142089

No clue.
Knowing her name would not bring her closer.

>> No.18142090

I didn't do shit.

>> No.18142096
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>Hispanic with pale skin, hazel eyes and petite body.
>Way better than the chick in your image.
Sure buddy.

>> No.18142098

True, modern faggots don't do any shit, that's why they get cucked.

>> No.18142100

She was better, yes. Asians in general are very meh. Dime a dozen.

>> No.18142108
File: 146 KB, 720x1225, e0ec14cbd1623432cd0900c714b9365f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dime a dozen.
pure cope.
> This is now a Asian vs Hispanic Jezebel thread.

>> No.18142113

this "woman" has 0 ass and the chest of a 12 year old

>> No.18142123

solid 6/10

>> No.18142169
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>the chest of a 12 year old
bit more than that, but anyway, I'd let her pout at me all day.

>> No.18142206

Actually enjoyed the excerpt, too bad that this thread is just 20 faggots with trannyfly crying about political drivel. Get a clue you spastic niggers. /pol/ and /news/ are where you belong

>> No.18142214

she’s hot, but i literally cant get erections any more

>> No.18142250

>Cops protect the wealthy
Why is this myth so common among anoids? The rich could hire private guards no questions asked and would be the least impacted, the middle class has community watches and armed volunteers at least.
What do the poor have without a public police force? Dick and balls. No surprise they're generally the most supportive of it.
Seriously, this is such a massive disconnect from other socialist stances it's actually pretty laughable: public education, public healthcare, public welfare...no police.

>> No.18142265
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>but i literally cant get erections any more
Well, ain't her fault.

>> No.18142300

I can get erections but her body is too meh as is her face. I feel nothing.

>> No.18142446

wide-nosed rayman-faced brown seamonkey