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/lit/ - Literature

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18139706 No.18139706 [Reply] [Original]

Suggest books to fill it.

>> No.18139713

The top should be filled with /highschool-core/ (To Kill A Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn, etc) and really popular genre fiction (Twilight, 50 Shades, LOTR, etc)

>> No.18139726

Also add the bible up there too

>> No.18139740

Twilight, 50 shades, LOTR and Harry Potter on Top.

Great Gatsby and Tom Sawyer second.

Huck Finn is the father of modern american literature, deserves to be at least in third level. While popular in name, it's not often read fully.

>> No.18139756

put mystic and neoplatonist shit in the 4th or 5th

>> No.18139776


>> No.18139785

very few people actually read the bible outside of cherrypicking a couple verses, and even fewer have anykind of understanding of it

>> No.18139863

The bible's been butchered up so many times through translations and "edits" that any coherent understand would be lost to time.

>> No.18139878

7th tier: the learned disguise

>> No.18139908

'Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition' by Glenn Alexander Magge should be around the 4th or 5th tier

>> No.18139913

finnegans wake goes at the bottom; ulysses and pincone above it alongside proust and cioran

>> No.18139917

In 1st place you should put highschool books like the metamorphosis, diary of anne frank, animal farm, harry potter etc
2nd place The oddysey and the illiad, the divine comedy, the aenid etc
Third place I don't know
Fourth place put Maldoror please (I just like it)

>> No.18139923

Blood Meridian, The Road, NCFOM and The Border Trilogy all go into third tier, Suttree goes into fourth tier, and McCarthy's short stories go into fifth tier

>> No.18139925

Anything can be art. This post is now art. (Blue)

>> No.18139948

rec me a mcarthy short story

>> No.18139951


If the first tier is high school and popular genre stuff then more obscure genre writing, especially sci-fi should probably be third tier.

Marquez should be tier 2 probably, Borges 3 or 4.

>> No.18139953

The final tier should just be Leopardi

>> No.18139958

My dick LMAO

>> No.18139963

Neech, Plato, Aristotle 3rd tier
Heidegger and Deleuze 4th tier
Hegel, Bergson, Plotinus 5th tier
Hermeticists and Mystics 6th tier
Ibn Arabi 7th tier

>> No.18139964

These dubs

>> No.18139965

1 tier for each harry potter volume

>> No.18139967

and then in the bottom desu, it's a horseshoe donchaknow

>> No.18139970

there's only two of them (published) just go to the McCarthy Society website and look at his "Works" section, idk if you can find them online to read though

>> No.18139971


>> No.18139976

>In 1st place you should put highschool books like the metamorphosis, diary of anne frank, animal farm, harry potter etc
better 2nd tier. Metamorphosis and animal farm deserve better than to be next to harry potter and twilight.

>> No.18139986

These people are wrong. First level readers nowadays don't even read high school books or even Harry potter. They read How to not give a fuck, that shitty pop history book, and POC crap. If they read Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer that'd be a big step up but also these are just American books

>> No.18139996
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Top: Harry Potter, Twilight, /lit/
Top-1: LOTR, Hitchhiker's Guide
Top-2: Coleridge, Well-known Shakespeare
Top-3: Solzhenitsyn, Lesser-known Shakespeare
Top-4: Gospel of Thomas, Aristotle
Top-5: Plato, Plotinus, Augustine, Buddha
Top-6: The Holy Bible

>> No.18139997

those books are required reading in most (American) highschools so yes, they belong on the first tier because literary almost everybody who has a highschool education has read them

>> No.18140019


This guy is right. If we put high school stuff in the first tier we'll run out of books pretty soon.

Tier 1 should be self help and maybe some popular autobiographies (Obamas and such) along with the absolutely most popular genre fiction. Tier 2 should be most common high school required reading and some more obscure genre books. Tier 3 should be writers like Orwell and Kundera.

>> No.18140020

Doesn't mean they liked them like the title of the chart implies Dumbo. also they don't read them, they read online summaries and fragments

>> No.18140041

You're right there is a big leap in the quality of the literature but I only put them together because of the popularity. I don't have any idea if OP wanted to make the iceberg about popularity or accessibility
I don't see why we shouldn't put those self help books alongside harry potter and such
And about the space: We should just make the iceberg bigger, it can turn out to be very good.
I think for the second place you could put some beatnik, authors OP: Bukowski, Keruoac and Hunter S. Thompson
And please put Maldoror on 4th, I like it and want more people to read it

>> No.18140060
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something like this so far?

>> No.18140073
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>no philosophy
Fucking nigger.

>> No.18140074

Books like On Grammatology, and studies in literary and critical theory should be somewhere at the bottom. Marxism and Literature, studies in Russian Formalism

>> No.18140078

Add PKD and Kafka to Tier 4

>lol @ Agatha Christie novels
good to know Grandma is still actively posting here

>> No.18140079

Looks good so far.

Add some obscure, not translated stuff from assyrian or yiddish or some native american language near the bottom.

>> No.18140086

Descartes/Neeche at the top
Husserl at the bottom.
Fill the middle with German idealists.

>> No.18140088

Crime and Punishment in the second tier, Brothers Karamazov in the third

>> No.18140089


ibn arabi is demonic

>> No.18140092

Blowjacks aren’t /lit/

>> No.18140094

>Husserl at the bottom.
You are like a babby

>> No.18140096

Should have it’s own iceberg really

>> No.18140106

yoooooo how do i become the second??

I've heard of the saturn shit but cant find any really esoteric info on it, and what's The Machine??

>> No.18140107

I mean he has only filled the first tier 2 so far and most people don't start getting into books with philosophy

>> No.18140113

Aenid should be a tier below the other epics

>> No.18140115
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Gadaffis green book
Sun and Steel
Death in Midsummer
these are the last 3 books i read and idk where they fit into the list desu

>> No.18140116

Yes, thanks for putting Maldoror anon :3

>> No.18140117

Read Ibn Arabi (be aware that once you do this returning is not guaranteed and your Self may be annihilated without the assistance of a magi)

>> No.18140119

Aristotles biological treatises a a tier below the other greek stuff

>> No.18140127

zettels traum goes in 5th

>> No.18140129

what is your intent exactly? more difficult, obscure or depressing books as you go deeper?

>> No.18140130

W&P would fit in well at the third tier then

>> No.18140131

Good point anon. I'd also add Boehme to 6th tier OP, maybe some Indians as well like Abhinavagupta or Ramanuja.

>> No.18140137

Knausgard? Feel like he should be tier 4, but considering how popular he was in Norway maybe 3?

>> No.18140148

I'd say more like tier 5/6 along with Phenomenology and Post-Structuralism generally. The bottom is reserved for really esoteric shit.

>> No.18140150
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>> No.18140153
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7th is:
Voynich manuscript;
Liber Linteus Zagrabiensis;
Rongorongo Petroglyphs;
Harappan script;
Linear A Minoan glyphs of Knossos.

>> No.18140160

seriously WHY do you call them blowjacks. I have never heard a single person other than you ever say that and I have no idea where you could have possibly heard it from yet you insist on saying "blowjacks" when you know everyone calls them wojaks. What the fuck does blowjack mean?

>> No.18140161

put sumerian tax records in the original cuneiform in the last tier

>> No.18140165

seriously? Then was go below that?

>> No.18140166
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>Voynich manuscript
>literal nonsense about plants

>> No.18140168

and stuff like the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili should go just above those you cited

>> No.18140171

Works designed to immediately humble you and shatter your worldview should be found lower on the list when the doomer begins to wither. Augustine's Confessions, Imitation of Christ (Kempis), etc... Someone fit in Sertillange's Intellectual Life. Reference books, mathematical indexes, encyclopedias should be found near the bottom to show the descent into infornography. Don't just make it literature, be creative as you move on to other things that can be read. Field guides to protists, etc....

>> No.18140174

Any particular work?

>> No.18140176

>Imitation of Christ
oh, that's a good one for the bottom tier. I remember reading it and feeling pure despair for some reason

>> No.18140178

I was just gonna say this

>> No.18140182
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remember to save as png while we edit

>> No.18140185

>Libraries are empty when you're not in them
i have a lot of things to think about

>> No.18140187


>> No.18140189

nietzsche is tier 2

>> No.18140193

you're making the words too big, you're going to run out of space

>> No.18140194
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the last tier should be kept for reading the future.

>> No.18140199

absolutely no consistency! You should either put authors or books in this list.

>> No.18140201

O9A should be more higher. (Almost) All of the stuff is out there, you just have to search for it.
Cioran third or fourth place
Serrano a lil bit higher too because it's very famous in esoteric hitlerism

>> No.18140202

put the Carthusian Statutes low in there
Yeah it's designed to annihilate pride and shatter the trust you have in yourself and put it to God

>> No.18140221

Breviary (Liturgy of the Hours) is very /lit/ as well

>> No.18140222
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>You are like a babby
> t. Never opened picrel.

>> No.18140234

You're such a faggot

>> No.18140237
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This is the only correct answer.

>> No.18140245

holy based

>> No.18140247

This thread was a mistake. Except for >>18140237

>> No.18140254


Put the Silmarillion down there in 3, where it belongs, or 2 if you want to be a fag.

Ralph Waldo Emerson in 3.

Oswald Spengler and Camille Paglia in 5.

Kierkegaard in 4.

>> No.18140274 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18140281

we need to decide if we're putting individual books, or entire authors in the tiers

I vote for books, because authors can have different books on multiple tiers and so just adding authors would be messy; from now on, only recommend individual books, not just authors

>> No.18140282
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>> No.18140292
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png is too large

>> No.18140293
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Master and margarita

>> No.18140295
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>> No.18140298

The Tunnel

>> No.18140318
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>> No.18140341
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The Hobbit
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Runaway Horses
Journey to the End of the Night
Blood Meridian
The Painted Bird

>> No.18140343
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>> No.18140346
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have to compress it a ton to fit the filesize restrictions, but when we're done I'll post a link to the full resolution

what else? I got a lot more to add

>> No.18140356


>> No.18140357

also yes this one has a ton of errors because I'm just copy-pasting shit, pls forgive am retard

>> No.18140361
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>> No.18140370

like clockwork this thread pulls retard teenage "hermeticists" into the foreground and exposes them

we know you conceive of your intellectual pursuits like a video game - except youre not playing reading on hard mode by reading esoteric literature; actually you just look stupid as fuck!

whether the universe is Oneness or Multiplicity it makes no difference to your life. Go apply to Dominos and stop leeching off your parents

>> No.18140371

Mccarthy is too well known
Maldoror on 4th spot

>> No.18140377

john dee hieroglyphic monad at the very bottom

>> No.18140382

you mean Les Chants de Maldoror? added

>> No.18140391
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Well-known was half the point hipster (shit people on here have probably read). Hence me, and half of everyone else, including The Hobbit as at the top.

>> No.18140401

bible should be the deepest

>> No.18140403

Trotsky's Revolution Betrayed on the bottom two

>> No.18140407

maldoror is literally sold in hot topic in france, its for teenage girls and well-known

>> No.18140414
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ok added some more

>> No.18140417

what happened to BNW?

>> No.18140418


>> No.18140419

Where to put In Search of Lost Time.

>> No.18140424

I don't care about France, I want more people to read it here

>> No.18140426

also, which "The Road" are we talking? McCarthy, or London? Because i've only read London.

>> No.18140430


>> No.18140447

another one i have to read, huh?

>> No.18140449

Really cringy thread. And Maldoror could only be obscure to americans lmao

>> No.18140452

fuck off it's a good thread

>> No.18140459
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Unironically last tier

>> No.18140465

oui oui monsieur

>> No.18140466
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so far so good, had to move some more around

>> No.18140468

no its actually an extremely embarrassing thread

>> No.18140503

neuromancer 4th?

>> No.18140506

cringiest thread I've seen in a while
who the fuck makes memes this way?
what is this, /mu/?

>> No.18140508


>> No.18140510

>good thread
/lit/ has hit a new low.

>> No.18140511

no wait probably on second

>> No.18140513

It's shitty. Post finished product and fuck off with repeated posts of your changing opinion. I was going to make fun of edgelords/hipsters for calling this thread lame...but your continued presence made me reconsider.

>> No.18140520

idk someone else choose the location

>> No.18140527

fear and loathing in las vegas should probably also be 2nd teir

>> No.18140564

>Top: /lit/
Based. I'm convinced no one who's posting here has ever read more than 5 books in his life

>> No.18140571

You're right. Philosophy should be at the top of the iceberg with YA shit. Giving two fucks about whether the idea of a table exists independently of the table is peak pseud

>> No.18140576

Bible should be at the top and the bottom

>> No.18140586

That’s why we have Tradition silly, go read Communio International Catholic Review for Winter 2016

>> No.18140596

The Apocrypha aren't even that unknown and obscure. The fucking Oxford Classics edition of the KJV includes them with the text.

>> No.18140609

No it isn't. Answering these fundamental questions are how we advanced as a civ, and ignoring these questions is very womanlike

>> No.18140627
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I've written two books in lockdown.

This place can go fuck itself.

Guess this book and I'll post a paragraph.

>> No.18140631

Someone get my girl Flannery O’Connor into tier 2 or 3

>> No.18140634

based, i added wise blood and her short stories to the chart

>> No.18140650

The Bible should be in every tier

>> No.18140659

- The Tractatus Logico Philisophicus is merely a reiteration of the Meditations

- Philosophical Investigations is not a refutation of the Tractatus, it is a defence of the Tractatus

- Anything by Rand is 1st column

- The limits of thought by Graham Priest

- Bottom Tier: Freges Unpublished Theories on Geometry Forming the basis of Mathematics

- CAPTCHA is a test you can neither pass nor fail

>> No.18140661

third or fourth rung's gotta include my twisted world

>> No.18140667

The Book of Disquiet might be ~4

>> No.18140672

>no war
But it's the ultimate form of divination

>> No.18140680

never heard of crystal cafe but I like it now

bye 4chan.

>> No.18140688

Anyone who includes Apocrypha in the Bible is either full of shit or a Catholic. But I repeat myself.

>> No.18140694

>The Tractatus Logico Philisophicus is merely a reiteration of the Meditations
i don't follow. you're not talking about aurelius's meditations are you?

>> No.18140696

Put Tails gets Trolled on the bottom tier

>> No.18140698

The Learned Disguise or Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18140714

All Tomorrows.

>> No.18140715

I retire that.

I'm back. Hello again.

>> No.18140718


>> No.18140725


>> No.18140741

George Saunders and Chuck Wendig in tier 1 to really stick it to those dumdum redditards! >:(

>> No.18140746

You want deeper than books.
The bottom should be like archived menus from summer camps in the 1980s

>> No.18140764

uninspired zoomer attempt at a funny meme

fuck this me-me!

>> No.18140840

It was going so well bros...

>> No.18140843

I'm still lurking and adding things, idk why the other anons got so upset at me

I thought we were just having fun desu

>> No.18140847

3 Book of the New Earth
5 my diary desu

>> No.18140865

nag hammadi at the bottom

>> No.18140913
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>> No.18140981

who cares about the Aenid to put it in a chart?

>> No.18140997

put Dosto on the Doomer level

>> No.18141001

>tkm, handmaids tale, mice and men
>ij, lolita, for whom the bell tolls
>gravities rainbow, blood meridian, moby dick
>crime and punishment, war and peace
>the lusiads, divine comedy, paradise lost
>clarel, finnegan's wake.

>> No.18141002

Which ones

>> No.18141006

Hegel at the bottom

>> No.18141025
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There's already a chart.

>> No.18141029

At the bottom there should be that introspection book written by that mathematician who, as his dying wish, said it couldn’t be published. I forget who it was but I know someone here knows it.
The bible should be at the very top and very bottom

>> No.18141093


>> No.18141119

I still can't get it. are those books in order of how hard/weird they are or how known they are?
Because, either way, how is Silmarillion under Ulysses or Gravity Rainbow? In which axis should Borges short stories (in opposition to what, btw? His essays?) is above The Metamorphosis? This doesn't make any sense.

>> No.18141122

nag hammadi is read by new age soccer moms

>> No.18141123

Lol absolutely cringe and pseud pilled

>> No.18141128

underrated post

>> No.18141155

The lower the book, the more obscure and depressing it is, I guess. Some answers are meme answers but some are books that are obscure

>> No.18141322

where can i find more about Parmenides?

>> No.18141331


>> No.18141341

this desu

>> No.18141355

Are these charts perennial? In 50 years once everyone has read the deep stuff will the deep stuff then become the tip of the iceberg? And if it does, is it just that they are the relative 'new tip', or do they actually rise up to the real tip of the iceberg. For example, nostalgia becoming a commodity, or schizophrenia being used as a 'style'.

>> No.18141428

Get richard brautigan's trout fishing in america to the 3rd or 4th level, dos passos's usa trilogy to the 3rd or 4th, alexander theroux's books to the 4th, nightwood by djuna barnes to the 4th.

>> No.18141446

How about using one font jesus fucking christ my eyes.

>> No.18141461

This except Catholicism and Protestantism should be fucking switched. Change the maze to suit you lmao.

>> No.18141464

Add Secret of the Elemental Masters to the deepest level.

>> No.18141466

the metamorphosis a high school book???

>> No.18141480

It doesnt matter. It does not matter at all.

>> No.18141488

I tought it was in the usa, but personally I read it in primary school

>> No.18141540

Someone add Isabel Allende to level 0, she's just Coelho with vagina.

>> No.18141551

Just cause you can read it at a young age doesnt make it a primary school book.
Kafka doesnt deserve such a low ranking.

>> No.18141576

>Ctrl-F 'John Duns Scotus'
>0 results
the man's works are below the bottom

>> No.18141597

only good post in this thread

>> No.18141615

The Gathas and Zoroaster himself should be near or at the bottom

>> No.18141635

where would ego and it's own be?

>> No.18141720


I went with heroic/positive side of human nature to misanthropic/dark side of human nature. Someone told me one of the books I chose wasn't obscure enough (I didn't think any of them were) so I fucked off; the thread turned into people flexing esoteric reads and making it pretentious instead of fun (with a bunch of edgelords making fun of everything thrown in for good measure)

>> No.18141721

The 8th layer is green eggs and ham

>> No.18141848

>changing font the deeper you go

>> No.18142149
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6th tier

>> No.18142325

1st tier (normie)
>online fan fics
>self-help books
>12 rules for life
>how to become a millionaire
>Nietzsche's wikipedia article

2nd tier (normie reader)
>Harry Potter
>the hobbit
>ASOIAF etc.
>Percy Jackson
>YA novels

3rd tier (highschool)
>Animal farm
>Catcher in the rye
>The great Gatsby
>brave new world

4th tier (/lit/ beginner)
>Crime and punishment
>the bible

5th tier (/lit/advanced)
>Eastern philosophers

6th tier (schizo)
>non-canonical gospels
>medieval french poetry
>Plato, aristotle and homer in ancient Greek
>the bible in greek and latin
>Gilgamesh in sumerian

7th tier (transcendent)
>1950s tech manuals
>lost literature
>suicide letters
>the letter A over and over again
>non-standard reading order
>Grothendieck's last works
>reading oracles from the entrails of animals

>> No.18142376

Why is Serrano in the bottom part when you previously stated that YA fiction should be at the top

>> No.18142410

The Gospel of Judas 6th row

>> No.18142429

4th tier or lower 'I have no Mouth an I must scream'

>> No.18142433
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>Nietzsche's wikipedia article
>1st tier (normie)

>> No.18142454

Land in a unassuming lower tier, together with Rupi Kauer, and JK Rowling’s pen name: Robert Galbraith
6th: Greek Magical Papyri
7th: Enuma Elish, Epic of Ninurta, Empress Theresa

>> No.18142479

garbage and not funny or creative

>> No.18142485

the lowest one should be wikipedia

>> No.18142594

my twisted world needs to be somewhere near the bottom.

>> No.18142630

Things you like: top layers
Things I like: lower layers

It's that simple really

>> No.18142633

why are you so blunt and why are you so mean to me?

>> No.18142666

>6th tier (schizo)
>>non-canonical gospels
Thomas' one has been quite read in my country ngl

>> No.18142672
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>Thomas' one has been quite read in my country ngl

>> No.18142721

uhhhhhhh bros...?

>> No.18142914

Where would the meme trilogy be anons?

>> No.18142921

the very hungry caterpillar at the bottom

>> No.18142942

based, this OP

>> No.18142967
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someone else can fill in the rest

>> No.18142974

truly forbidden knowledge

>> No.18142975

so good

>> No.18142981


>> No.18142989

I'd honestly have to recommend keeping philosophy and religion out of a chart about reading because literature and one's worldview are very different topics.

There's layers to this. You have baby's first Platonism and critique of positivism; you have the people fond of combining Jung with the Perennial Philosophy; you have people who OD'd on the law of correspondence and fell into alchemy and ceremonial magick.

>> No.18142996

banjo kazooie instruction manual at the bottom

>> No.18143002

One of those charts filled with too much meme-shit that it ruins the whole thing. When you have something like this, no one's going to be curious about any of the listings because it's nonsense at face value. You have to start with common factoids, work your way into "Yeah, I think I've heard someone mention that," and then go down into esoteric stuff that very few people know about. The bottom is where you're able to goof off a bit more.

>> No.18143004

This is one of the worst threads in /lit/ history and I don't even want to put effort into a post describing how shit it makes me feel.

>> No.18143011

Level1: wash Ur penis.
Level2: Nietzsche's works
Level3: Dostoevsky's works
Level 4: Bertrand Russell's works
Level5:the ego and his own
Level6: mein kampf
Level7: revolt against the modern world

>> No.18143013

Industrial Society And Its Future

>> No.18143022

Nick Smiths The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters on the bottom

>> No.18143031

Finnegans Wake should be in the fourth tier at the very deepest. It is incredibly well-known. Ulysses should be slightly below the surface.

maybe put "understanding Finnegans Wake" somewhere in the lower tiers, but those usually get filled with memes anyway, so who cares

>> No.18143042

>the letter A over and over again
What does this sentence say I can't help staring at the third word for hours and hours.

>> No.18143061
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proof that /lit/ has no wit

>> No.18143188

what an embarrassing thread

>> No.18143345

Yeah I read Linear A Minoan glyphs of Knoss, they were pretty good

>> No.18143491

Ted's manifesto made me understand so many things I never wanted to know.

>> No.18143652
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>> No.18143934

Are you not familiar with icebergs the point is to make them look like a joke so teenagers think it's all just funny shit then accidentally look up something gorey/scary and real - it still annoys me that people born post 2000s are allowed online

>> No.18143957

the bible
the bible
the bible
the bible
the bible
the quran
the god delusion

>> No.18143962
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The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What Is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion should be among the bottom-tiers

>> No.18144159

That's literally not the point of iceberg charts you brainless fag end.

>> No.18144175

"Every painter paints himself"

>> No.18144191

First tier - catcher in the rye
Second- crime.and punishment
Third - gravity's rainbow
Fourth - phenomenology of.the spirit
Fifth - being and time
Sixth - dead see scrolls
Seventh - song to inanna, ptahotep's maxims

>> No.18144246

You're based as fuck

>> No.18144269

1 porn magazines
2 kama sutra
3 decameron
4 marquis de sade

>> No.18144276

Maybe separate the bible books

>> No.18144309
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we need to fill out the bottom levels

>> No.18144316

Bionicle is a true story

>> No.18144321

Bionicle is an allegory for cancer.

>> No.18144332

Bottom tier should be barely translated books and archaelogical texts, and some fun stuff:

Huarochiri Manuscripts
Liber Abaci
Lost treatise of Aristotle
Apocryphal Gospels
Tao te ching in chinese
Actually reading Das Kapital

>> No.18144352


That is the proper and righteous Tolkien spread for his most well known works, thank you.

>> No.18144368

Maybe reading stuff that aren't books

>> No.18144371

Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde in the the first level underwater.

>> No.18144426

Geoguessr road Symbols

>> No.18144438

Also I Have No Mouth is very reddit nowadays.

>> No.18144481

jordan peterson

>> No.18144493
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I was thinking Basic Economics, Sowell

>> No.18144519

don't get to add F. Gardner next to Serrano

>> No.18144529

12 rules for life is at the top; what other works of his should I add?

what tier should that go in? second?

>> No.18144602

If you want to meme, then a high tier

>> No.18144697

fuck off, roastie.

>> No.18144800
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>what other works of his should I add?
maps of meaning
turbo autism at its finest

>> No.18144871


>> No.18144921


>> No.18144936

Really isn't. Bible is unironically peak midwittery. I don't need (you's), this is just a reminder to fellow anons that your "God" hates you and permits babies to die and for poopy buttsex to happen, and that you're coping hard by pretending things will get better when you die.

>> No.18144952

Bottom tier needs to be my diary desu

>> No.18145027

Wilhelm Wackenroders "Phantasies over Art" bottom tier.

>> No.18145046

ESL? from the context I was obviously meaning the point of the ridiculous ones, not the entire point of icebergs - honestly I'm fine with ESL on most boards but on /lit/ and /sci/ it should be bannable

>> No.18145118

philosophy is more an academic subject, the only 4 tiers are going to be something like
>TOP - continentals like sartre, camus, nietzsche (because it's the "fun" philosophy)
>UNDER WATER -classics like plato, descartes, hume, locke, aristotle, kant
>DEEPER -analytics (because you have to be autistic to enjoy most of it)
>BOTTOM - obscure metaphysics from 800 AD to 1600 AD and shit like bergson or whitehead

>> No.18145138

deepest one should be Churchill's Confederacy alt history fanfic

>> No.18145155

>Twilight, 50 shades, LOTR and Harry Potter on Top.
If you think LOTR belongs with the others (particularly the first two if you give HP a pass being meant for 8 year olds), you are in fact a midwit.

>> No.18145254

hey anon I think you dropped these

>> No.18145380


>> No.18145384

include elder scrolls books around mid-bottom

>> No.18145457


>> No.18145533

Also we have to throw in some made up bullshit in the lower tiers, to throw off the normies. Like

>diary of keno varr
>CIA interrogation protocol #543

>> No.18145750
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this is as far as I've gotten

>> No.18145765


>> No.18145781

these are all shit and you all belong on plebbit

>> No.18146241

Do you meant Shea Serrano when you say Serrano?

>> No.18146353

Why is Tolstoy further down than Dosto? The latter is more unorthodox and harder to read.

>> No.18146362

why does this iceberg analogy keep cropping up lately?

>> No.18146385
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this goes somewhere

>> No.18146405
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Lacan goes somewhere too

>> No.18146429

Ethiopian bibles?

>> No.18146554

Gnostic books last tier

>> No.18146567
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Don't put images, just text, it's unreadable otherwise kek

>> No.18146771

jesus christ, do you need big daddy anon to show you how to get dubs like a chad? observe...

>> No.18147008

Not only do they have the ark, they also have the most estoeric compilation of scripture in their biblical cannon, some of which isn't even translated. Pretty sure they include the shepherd of hermas and the book of enoch, it's the largest scripture of any christian denomination.

>> No.18147173

Of Human Bondage a few mm above the bottom of the second tier.

>> No.18147295
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this is the most replies I've gotten in a 4chan thread.

makes me feel happy

>> No.18147350

Yes cover up the iceberg entirely that's how to make an iceberg meme.

Blood Meridian is in exactly the right place. Now put The Road one level deeper.

Aurora: The Dayspring second from bottom
Corpus Hermeticum bottom tier

Shut your fucking face.

"Ian Flemming is John Dee" 4th tier

>> No.18147359

>Library of Babel exists.
But it does:

>> No.18147367

"Etruscan Gematria" bottom tier.

>> No.18147372

put haitch eye sea and monkey cube on the bottom tier
maybe they are real books
maybe they aren't
who knows

>> No.18147403

"Watership Down was about the Jesuit-Rosicrucian war" on bottom or second from bottom

>> No.18147406

I'm gonna absolutely pummel my meat to this when i get home

>> No.18147416

This looks really good.

Add Ice by Anna Kavan at the 4th level.

Zettel Traum with Finnegans Wake.

Codex Seraphinanus somewhere at the bottom.

Also something about automatic writing

>> No.18147427

also in the bottom tier, Asemic writings

Something made up maybe. Aleister Crowly Asemic novels.

>> No.18147765

>>suicide letters
Holy shit, this sounds like an absolutely miserable read for many reasons. Is there a compilation anywhere?

>> No.18147785

Satan, you cannot foul us.

>> No.18147805
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>Shut your fucking face.

>> No.18147807

Fuck I dabbled in 3, 4 and 5. Better get back to 4 again.

>> No.18147844
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>> No.18147859

Miguel Serrano

>> No.18147961

You underestimate the number of people who use SparkNotes to avoid reading.

>> No.18148035

>almost everybody who has a highschool education has read them

>> No.18149029
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Well obviously not niggers. But in America we don't really count those.

>> No.18149035

Sparknotes and Cliffnotes are actually not bad summaries. They're excellent if you have no background before you actually read the book.

>> No.18149547
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>> No.18149659

Pretty good, but what's that moonrune one on the bottom supposed to be?

>> No.18149736


>> No.18149794
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>> No.18149977

Linear A Minoan

>> No.18150020

2003 was a fucked up year

>> No.18150103
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The Passion According To G.H. is tier 6

>> No.18150632

We have a winner

>> No.18151467

Why does Arabi go so low?

>> No.18151481


>> No.18151522

this is horrible lmao

>> No.18151611
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>> No.18151818
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>> No.18151937

5 gabriele wittkop

>> No.18152180

>wash Ur-Penis
seems like it should be lower level

>> No.18152181

That's fucking awful.

>> No.18152479

fucked up, almost got a trips and still failed at that. this are quds, check'em.

>> No.18152572
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The lowest, such information is not fit for mortals

>> No.18152609


>> No.18153288
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>> No.18153326
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Put Paradise Lost somewhere, then put Paradise Regained somewhere lower.