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18138596 No.18138596[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18138607
File: 726 KB, 1600x1526, Junger junger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>War is good

>> No.18138735

my guy you got kinda... yes you know... kinda that.

>> No.18138747

yes... and?

>> No.18138892


>> No.18139486
File: 371 KB, 709x1040, 918f6981270171.5cfa3ccf5806f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge Holdenr was skateboarding on a cat carcass. The cat carcass asked him "judge Holden who is your favorite gamer?" judge olden says: "Read the second word"

Now, reply to this "Judge Holden if he real" for insane good luck everytime

>> No.18139490

The whole point is that war is human, not God

>> No.18139493

>t. Heraclitus

>> No.18139498

Came here to post this

>> No.18139519

>Judge Holden if he real

>> No.18139528

I strongly suggest you go to your local community college, look up a "debating skills" class, and attend it before ever posting on the internet again. Seriously, I'm sick of what this has become; a pastiche of a pastiche. Someone said or did something you didn't like? That's fine, but why don't you pinpoint exactly what it is that you dislike about what they did, instead of posting a soijak.png and typing in all caps and calling it a day's work?
What you're doing; It's not an argument. It's not original. It's not funny, nor is it witty, and I'd go so far as to say that it's barely an ad hominem anymore, because the image is used with so many conflicting viewpoints that it's lost all meaning. Now when I see it, I just think "the poster dislikes the archetype he's mocking, but lacks the cognitive capacity to clearly articulate what it is he dislikes, and is therefore a midwit.".
That's what I think; I think that you're a midwit. It's not even that I feel attacked; in fact, I become all the more disheartened when my opinion aligns with the one you're promulgating, knowing that it's being dragged through the mud by retards such as yourself. You should stop posting, because you aren't funny, you aren't clever, and no one really cares if you disagree with some imaginary ideal. Only a faggot would caption something someone else says and post it alongside a soijak.

>> No.18139531

This book was awful except for the bits where the kid was traveling through large expanses of wilderness.

>> No.18139535

McCarthy seems to think he knows an awful lot about violence and struggle when he's never done an actual day of work in his life

>> No.18139556

He led a tough life, Anon. He used to bathe in the river because he was so poor.

>> No.18139564

just admit you were filtered, that's all there is to it

>> No.18139594

he used to live in a hut without electricity because he was too lazy to get an actual job and tried to force his pregnant wife into supporting him, which she refused to do

>> No.18139606

Sounds like a tough life.

>> No.18139607
File: 18 KB, 738x415, images - 2021-04-29T185934.047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18139626
File: 348 KB, 1600x900, bloob moeridiam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, Kid

>> No.18139636

Judge Holden if he real

>> No.18139942

>homeless people don't live tough lives because I, a middle class American, says so

>> No.18139960

Why do you need to go to War to know the Universe is fundamentally one of strife and conflict?

>> No.18139966

I kind of want to become really buff so I can hold guns like Judge Gropyer there.

>> No.18139987

Judge Holden exists to btfo centrist faggots (like the Kid).

>> No.18140037

When it is utterly self-imposed, no. My sympathy is reserved for the homeless that are in that situation because they have no other choice.
People who live outside of social norms but still demand hand-outs, as McCarthy did, are the most pathetic scum of existence, seconded only by the pathetic grovelers who can't discern them from the people on the streets who actually need help.
Homelessness is more and more frequently a profession, anon, and you're a goddamn fool if you don't see that.

>> No.18140047

>and the thrashings of a forlorn heart against the cage of bone and the dust kicked up by the apache warband and the interpolated constellations against the night sky and the tortilla and scooping up the remains of his meal with the tortilla and the smell of pine trees and the spanish woman said que while she cleaned the table and later he was alone all alone and then he spat

>> No.18140155

Whatever you've got to tell yourself.
McCarthy was clearly in the middle of developing his style with BM, which arguably peaked with the Border Trilogy. Just be happy that BM even had any high points.
This all is ignoring the existence of Suttree, of course, which is the longest, loosest, steamiest, most painstakingly groomed pile of shit to ever defile the publicly accepted interpretation of "literature". It is evident of everything that is wrong with BM, with none of its minor saving graces: it is a cocktail of Faulkner and Joyce prose half-digested and vomited back onto the page with whatever other bathtub gin McCarthy was drinking to keep his already tenuous conscience from breaking surface.
>three-page-long passages about condoms in a river
>there's a nigger fucking a watermelon! haw haw!
It's not purple prose. It's ultraviolet prose: long exposure leads to various forms of cancer.

>> No.18140159

Judge Holden if he real

>> No.18140196

You read like an arrogant Baby Boomer that thinks all of the World's problems would be solved if kids would just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and suck it up. You're forcing an ultimatum on people by claiming that slavery is more virtuous than poverty, which is retarded.