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18136814 No.18136814 [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain how and why most "anarchists" are more spooked than statists? Sometimes when I listen to them I get the impression that I'm listening to a religious zealot.
Yeah I'd rather not die of cancer at the age of 40 because some "anarchist" moralist thought that testing a potential cure for cancer on a rabbit was just as bad as letting millions of people die of cancer. Sorry but it's not in my interest to support animal rights
I became an individualist anarchist and committed egoist after I graduated summa cum laude in Mathematics and Finance. There'd no work for me in a socialist society and I refuse to undergo a retraining program after years of diligent study and experience. Sorry but it's not in my interest to side with people who think paying other people for work is literally slavery
as a sub 8/10 male I have no interest in supporting women's rights because 60 years of female liberation resulted in rampant hypergamy that deprives anyone who is not a Chad of a possibility of finding a mate. I can still buy a spouse from a country where feminism is not rampant like Russia, Ukraine or Vietnam though. Thank you capitalism
I have nothing against black people personally but I've learned from experience that neighborhoods they inhabit tend to be impoverished full of contagious diseases and crime and I want nothing to do with this. I'm also refusing to pay anything as a "compensation" for years of slavery. It's not my fault they were to weak to resist enslavement lol

I can find few points of agreement with those "anarchists" on matters like gay and trans rights because they don't affect me either negatively or positively. But overall their "anarchism" strikes me as eerily reminiscent of religious fanaticism.

>> No.18136829

>degree in math and finance
>There'd no work for me in a socialist society
lol retard

>that neighborhoods they inhabit tend to be impoverished full of contagious diseases and crime
And seriously, why do you think that is?

>> No.18136874

>lol retard
There'd definitely be a job for which I'd be compensated as much as a fucking janitor. I'm not interested in this.
>And seriously, why do you think that is?
Dunno. Could be genetic inferiority, could be environmental factors and finally it could be a combination of both. Frankly I don't give a damn. They're not more entitled to my resources on account of their underprivileged background than I am to anything on account of my inferior position on the dating market

>> No.18136920

>there'd be no work for me in a socialist society
Yeah they just never used math in the USSR

>> No.18136936

You are right in pretty much everything except women's rights. Research it, hypergamy is mostly a cointelpro myth. The real issue with feminisms are others.
Btw Mussolini was the.first translator in italian of Stirner

>> No.18136977
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I actually happen to live in a post-communist countries and mathematicians never had it better here than after the establishment of market economy and financial institutions. The salary of an average central planner pales in comparison to what you earn as an insurance mathematician. Also tranny "anarchists" think that central planning is literally fascism and USSR was state capitalism so I'd probably be executed on the spot for attempting to model value chains to make their economy more efficient lmao
Yeah I had similar thoughts lately. It seems to me that fascism and rule of power embodies the Stirnerite ideal more than tranny "anarchism". Have you read pic related? Judging by the description and the reviews it's making a similar claim to what you've said. Also could you send me any links about how hypergamy is a cointelpro and what are the worse aspects of feminism?

>> No.18136984

>There'd definitely be a job for which I'd be compensated as much as a fucking janitor
It may be true than the wealth gap between rich and poor in a socialist economy is much smaller than in capitalist societies, but historically in countries with real existing socialism like the former Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and the like technicians, industrial managers and engineers were very valued by the system, and had better pay than random bricklayers or factory floor workers. So basically you wouldn't be payed the same as a janitor, anon, not even close.
Some socialist authors have argued for equality of pay, but historically no socialist government ever has actually enforced such policy, and as far as I know only two relevant political leaders have even tried to get close to that (Ernesto Guevara and Wang Hongwen.

>> No.18137000

>Books that explain how and why most "anarchists" are more spooked than statists?
anarchism is part of atheism, so people are torn apart craving for being a tyrant and being suicidal.

>> No.18137039

I never read that book, but I'm Italian..I read Stirner in high school, and how it relates to fascism became instantly obvious to me: if what I want is the only thing that matters, then I'd want a society that makes the best for me and, if what I want includes other's happiness, what's best for others, too.
Fascism was ideated to be as strong/robust as possible, basically an attempt to take the best from modernity and tradition. It's telling that for the brief amount of time it existed, it transformed a shithole like Italy into a regional power.

The issues with feminism are making women way less happier than they eere before, absurd increase in anxiety and neuroticism, it lowers wages (before a single person coulf sustain a family, now two persons can barely sustain themselves), false rape accusations are the majority of rape accusations nowadays, causing a terrible amount of distrust between sexes, etc

>> No.18137069

> false rape accusations are the majority of rape accusations nowadays, causing a terrible amount of distrust between sexes, etc
Yeah I actually forgot to add this. The rape allegations basically turned into a witchhunt and anti-rape laws are impossible to implement without a robust and totalitarian judiciary so I have no idea how "anarchists" want to simultaneously "trust all women" and take all their complaints very seriously while simultaneously preventing the Leviathan from coming back from the grave. Which fascist authors could you recommend me as being most similar to actual anarchism?

>> No.18137283


>> No.18137339
File: 37 KB, 400x603, 392792C9-B428-442F-B4B0-C0F46AE1C48C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t seem to know a hing about anarchism. Half of that is liberal legalism. The rest is simple codes of conduct for how to get what you want. Being kind to others, as Max usually chose to do, is a most effective way to get your way.

Book? Maybe the three volume set of the history of anarchism here.

>> No.18137345

How about by not raping people
That’d be a good start

>> No.18137374

Point out what I got wrong. Maybe the confusion stems from the fact that you're a supporter of "anarchism" rather than anarchism.
>Half of that is liberal legalism.
Oh so I understand you're against feminism, animal liberation and for capitalism? Now we're talking
>How about by not raping people
Over the last few decades the definition of rape was extended from a common sense "unwanted sexual intercourse" to "being accidentally touched by an undesirable (read: sub 8/10) male". I don't expect you to know a thing about this as you're a woman but take my word for it - the rape legislation in Western countries is the furthest thing from the anarchist ideal and maintaining it requires massive amount of invigilation and police state

>> No.18137389

raping = bad is a spook
I do what I want when I want, bitch

>> No.18137412


>> No.18137920

There is literally nothing wrong with rape

>> No.18137933

It's not a woman. Don't talk to it.

Perhaps you'd be more interested in Christian anarchists?

>> No.18137966

>Point out what I got wrong
Word for word? Wow. How much you pay me, liberal?
> the definition of rape was extended from
Awww. You fragile boy.

Being attacked is not desirable. This is not a spook, you nitwit.

We are not talking about sex or even rough sex. Or are you just trying to be edgy, as you are only a horny 16 year old?

>> No.18138119

>Word for word? Wow. How much you pay me, liberal?
I'm not a liberal. Ironically you seem to be more liberal than me as you believe in spooks like personal autonomy and freedom of choice which are all without exception inventions of liberal Enlightenment Jews.
>Awww. You fragile boy.
Apparently not wanting to be arrested and put in prison for proposing a date is being fragile

>> No.18138137

>But overall their "anarchism" strikes me as eerily reminiscent of religious fanaticism.
Yeah, no shit. God died, they shoved 'people' in his place, and now we're seeing the zealots. The true aware egoist political position is neoreactionary ethnic-national-capitalist libertarianism.

>> No.18138175
File: 895 KB, 480x317, 0C5062B2-8258-45DF-9886-1FA0FAF52B50.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personal autonomy
>freedom of choice
>spooks now
Oh you have to be no more than 16. C’mon, confess.

We’re on a planet full of people and we have to find a decent way to get along. Maximum freedom is a western ideal. You prefer an eastern sort of arrangement.

>> No.18138201

>We’re on a planet full of people and we have to find a decent way to get along. Maximum freedom is a western ideal.
What better way to ensure everyone gets along than by segregating those that can from those that can't? What better way to ensure maximum freedom than to physically remove any elements that threaten to infringe on that freedom?

>> No.18138224

Can and can’t what? Infringe on what? What are you talking about?

>> No.18138228

>Can and can’t what?
Get along. I just said that.
>Infringe on what?
Freedom. Again, I just said that.

>> No.18138242

>Oh you have to be no more than 16. C’mon, confess.
Convince me they're not. Anything that inhibits my desire is oppressive. You had read Feuerbach before you read Stirner, right? Stirner alerts the readers to be cautious with metaphysical stuff like "personal dignity", "liberty" etc. because these concepts are not self-sufficient but instead are concealed egoism of a certain group of people. For example leftist Stirnerites like yourself think that concepts like sacred private property are spooks which conceal the material reality of capitalists' egoism. I'm fine with that. Similarly behind the concept of bodily autonomy etc. there is a material reality of female hypergamy. As this reality is unfavourable to me I have no interest in respecting these spooks and refuse to do so

>> No.18138295

Anarchists almost always tend to serve power because they criticize the power centers that are the weakest and the power abuses that are the most obvious to them (or hand fed to them by media). For example how “defund the police” in practice means defund local departments and centralize power to feds.

>> No.18138310

Ah. Yeah. In a decentralized anarchist pseudo-paradise the scared and backward can huddle together and keep the darkies out. Christian/ufo cults can do the same. They may have enough numbers to be self sufficient even. Have at it.

>Anything that inhibits my desire is oppressive
>like those damn thots that wont suck me dry! I’ll shoot them all!
Need I reiterate your immaturity?

>> No.18138318

>butterfly didn't even read the few good anarchist essays

In accepting the ideology of victimization in any form, we choose to live in fear. The person who painted the “Men Rape” graffiti was most likely a feminist, a woman who saw her act as a radical defiance of patriarchal oppression. But such proclamations, in fact, merely add to a climate of fear that already exists. Instead of giving women, as individuals a feeling of strength, it reinforces the idea that women are essentially victims, and women who read this graffiti, even if they consciously reject the dogma behind it, probably walk the streets more fearfully. The ideology of victimization that permeates so much feminist discourse can also be found in some form in gay liberation, racial/national liberation, class war and damn near every other ‘radical’ ideology. Fear of an actual, immediate, readily identified threat to an individual can motivate intelligent action to eradicate the threat, but the fear created by the ideology of victimization is a fear of forces both too large and too abstract for the individual to deal with. It ends up becoming a climate of fear, suspicion and paranoia which makes the mediations which are the network of social control seem necessary and even good.

>> No.18138323
File: 105 KB, 423x600, 44E0A7D5-3764-44AE-943B-3D0F2820B155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another anonymous fool talking out his ass.
You only see what faux news wants you to see.

>> No.18138328

>Need I reiterate your immaturity?
No but providing an argument would be nice.

>> No.18138338

>Advocate monarchy right in your face
>"Pffft, your racist incel version of anarchy will never work out"
You're not paying much attention or you're not very smart, probably both.

>> No.18138340
File: 59 KB, 600x465, 552F8987-F9FD-4C08-8F21-E0747F67F994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some graffiti bro

>> No.18138353
File: 59 KB, 672x1080, 4CA0338C-1496-4E79-B546-334162169445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another. It’s cute but sensible too.

>> No.18138354

I don’t watch the news. What don’t they want me to see?

>> No.18138358


>> No.18138362

They inform your misinformed ideas in that post. Maybe you just heard it second hand

>> No.18138413

Dont think jouvenal got his ideas from Fox News but if they said that they are right on that point

>> No.18138434

If you need exploitation to find a mate, morally speaking you shouldn't have one.

>> No.18138482

>morally speaking
Spooky. Besides in the absence of some exploitation be it economic or social shaming women would flock exclusively to top 10% Chads. The exploitation is necessary to prevent extreme inequality

>> No.18138483

>Jouvenal is up to date on the defund the police campaign.
It’s sadly another distraction headline. No one is entertaining the idea seriously. If they were they’d introduce the sensible alternative of localized neighborhood watches (and the retention of police detectives and forensics etc.) but again, it’s a joke to incite the circus of Right v. Left. Nothing will come of it. Not until people start to organize and make their own neighborhood watches
Which is why they’re actually against it (the powers that be) they don’t want people organizing. You anons posting Hoppe-head’s anti organizing screed are doing their work for them.

>> No.18138493

You’re an idiot

>> No.18138517

Nice non-argument as always. What good is reading if you don't like being confronted with worldviews that are radically opposed to your own?

>> No.18138567

Well yeah they’re not gonna actually do some retarded anarchist thing. I said anarchists are tools of power not in power. The point is to stamp out threatening reactionary elements in the security forces.

>> No.18138677

Evola, Mussolini, Sorel, Gabriele D'Annunzio were influenced by Stirner. However, I wouldn't argue that someone who accepts Stirner's ontological argument will necessarily become fascist. Stirner anti-humanist, anti-religion, anti-liberalism, anti-democracy because they all demanded authority over the individual's wishes. Stirner is essentially making the argument for the Nietzschean Last Man - the nihilistic consumer who only cares about his own self enjoyment. Stirner also made the claim he didn't care what people used his book for, so, its not as if you can't use him to further fascist goals. However, you don't necessarily have to share reading of him.

>> No.18140744

People who say objective morality doesn’t exist are always the most obnoxious moralfags on the planet.

>> No.18140919

People who follow morality, preach morality are usually the people the most immoral people on the planet.

>> No.18141233

yea why dont we make it illegal to rape and make sure people know rape is bad?

>> No.18141295

Most people believe in morality to some degree or other, so by casting such a wide net you're obviously going to get both very moral and very immoral people. But moral relativists specifically, as a narrow demographic, are almost all complete moralfags, and not very good ones either. It's almost like they don't believe in what they're saying and instead just want to deny/deconstruct religious morality in order to prop up their (usually left wing) politics.

>> No.18141334

I like that last part very much, but lets just let the community deal with the perpetrator.

>> No.18141352

I don't care about anarchism because it's inefficient and inferior compared to the amazon female small male master race.

>> No.18141373

>wanting to live past 40
Stopped reading there why even Stirner post if you're a normie

>> No.18141422

But, that’s all part of the plan, anon

Your bent of mind is abnormal

>> No.18141423

This. I recently read some post online from a self-proclaimed anarchist that they're a moral nihilist who doesn't believe there is any objective basis for morality, and in the same damn paragraph talks about how we ought to reject private property and capitalism and embrace communism. These retards aren't aware of how much they contradict themselves.

>> No.18141473

>expect to see an OP dunking on anarchists
>the argument is just a developmentally stunted STEMfag complaining he can't get a gf
>goes so far as to say blacks were "too weak to resist enslavement" but he can't beguile a woman into sleeping with him
You had my interest too. Waste of a thread.

>> No.18141546

>It's almost like they don't believe in what they're saying and instead just want to deny/deconstruct religious morality in order to prop up their (usually left wing) politics.
Its almost like the opposite is true too. What's even stranger is the complaint of left-wing politics when religion is the dominant form of idealogy intertwined with politics

>> No.18141753


> Individualist anarchist and committed egoist
> Statist

You're literally a parasite. You prefer to reap the benefits of civilization while decrying its foundation as spooks.

>> No.18142139

I don't understand "anarchists". If you were truly an anarchist then why do you care so much for collectivism and power institutes? A truly free man treats the World as his oyster.

>> No.18142191

>historically in countries with real existing socialism like the former Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and the like technicians, industrial managers and engineers were very valued by the system, and had better pay than random bricklayers or factory floor workers. So basically you wouldn't be payed the same as a janitor, anon, not even close.
You're a goddamn retard then. You're arguing that socialism/communism in practice is nothing like it is in theory. Because the whole goddamn point of communism/socialism is to flatten the difference between managers (aka capitalists) and the working class.

OP is 100% right and you're a fucking retard.

>> No.18143284

>The true aware egoist political position is neoreactionary ethnic-national-capitalist libertarianism.
I still don't get how western white man doesn't pragmatically subscribe to some variant of this. Perhaps a few decadents will object to the restriction on some disgusting behavior although that is secondary. Whatever its spook value, it is the ideological form of their statistical spontaneous aspirations considering the knowledge at hand.
Perhaps fascism was seen as an alternative at a time when any form of central control and command orientation was wrongly thought superior to the market-like "chaos" of actors with their own absolute sphere of decision. This isn't the case now.

>> No.18143313

>Because the whole goddamn point of communism/socialism is to flatten the difference between managers (aka capitalists) and the working class.
In practice the soviet union of the 1950s had higher level of income disparity than the US.
Other anon is wrong about technicians and managers though. While they were somewhat valued in propaganda tracts, their relative income improved after scaling back central planning.
When you have a command economy, you can make unlimited retarded decisions and there's nothing people can do about it short of revolution. In comparison, private entities must make decisions that at least half correspond to consumer demand in the long term to carry on business. Industrial management is much more critical because it is a question of survival.

>> No.18143734

>I still don't get how western white man doesn't pragmatically subscribe to some variant of this.
They're possessed, simple as.

>> No.18145511


>> No.18146287

I don’t see what this has to do with anything I said. Moral relativists are almost always left wing in their politics. That’s just a fact. They say objective morality doesn’t exist yet are always moralizing about how evil capitalism is.

>> No.18146367

supporting anarchism is itself a spook. you can do what pleases you, but the simple fact is that you are still subject to the state and sundry other collectivities, you exist at their mercy.
if that is distasteful enough for you to try and attack or subvert it then you are an anarchist in the terms you describe, nothing you say implies an absence of higher authority.
i would say that supporting extremely left wing people may be beneficial because they are the ones who want to undermine authority despite lacking either the competence or structure to take over, which would allow you to transform your earnings into actual power, but not yet since clearly you don't have that much money.
i give you this advice purely because i want to see you thrive :)

>> No.18146986

You're complaining about a problem that moralists impose. Its also strange to argue moral relativity doesn't exist from a religious stand point when religious people constantly spilt, and pick and choose what moral doctrines to follow. There are no agreements among morals on where morals come from, or how documents that dictate morals whould be interpreted.