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/lit/ - Literature

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18134438 No.18134438[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/'s thoughts on people who browse /lit/.

>> No.18134442


>> No.18134448

there are some genuinely intelligent and earnest people here but the majority of you are angry and elitist

>> No.18134452

Make an actual meta thread, or dumpster this shit in QTDDTOT faggot

>> No.18134458

I hate them (including myself)

>> No.18134469
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Exactly as I imagined

>> No.18134474

Yeah. Frater's the best. I fucking hate his takes on plath, pound and woolf, but he's a poetry chad. A genuine example of how i'd like to grow as a reader over the next 15-20 years.

>> No.18134478


>> No.18134479

Why would you want to be anything like a filthy namefag?

>> No.18134481

Can you post a pic of yourself for a pathetic bottom feeder like me? I need you, Mommi.

>> No.18134484
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>> No.18134495

Because i can appreciate intelligence

>> No.18134559
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>> No.18134598


>> No.18134621
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>> No.18134680
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>> No.18134688

Anyone have shoe autist?

>> No.18134795
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>> No.18134797

Ignatius is looking good

>> No.18134832
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>> No.18134873

Yeah you're an american we saw.

>> No.18134971
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>10 copies

>> No.18135019

incredibly pretentious and annoying, not nearly as smart as they think they are. not necessarily an extreme individualist materialist or anything but i find this board's obsession with esotericism quite disturbing.
>Frater's the best.
actually he's shit too, doesn't matter how well read he is when all his hot takes are complete shit.

>> No.18135026

Anonymous board selfie fags should be fucking gassed.

>> No.18135042

>A genuine example of how i'd like to grow as a reader over the next 15-20 years.
Posting on 4chan and engaging with 18-25 year old stoners?

>> No.18135073
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>> No.18135080


>> No.18135105

If ze Drachenlord would read, we would know.

>> No.18135131

what virus, kike?

>> No.18136434


>> No.18136438

The virus that got your president, Joe Biden elected

>> No.18136555

>i find this board's obsession with esotericism quite disturbing.

>> No.18136564
File: 1.95 MB, 2320x3088, Pepe king of :lit: 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18136804

Der Lard steckt seinen Kopf tagtäglich ins Büchelein.

>> No.18136884


>> No.18137227

Too true

>> No.18137275

contrarianism and larping is annoying in any board. when people piss me off, i just dont respond. ive honestly been more annoyed by polite and considerate christian apologetics more than any buzzword namecalling. the taste varies but the only people that could possibly have similar tastes to me are definitely here instead of somewhere else. i enjoy some of the output too

>but he's a poetry chad
but his poetry sucks ass in every way

>> No.18137471


>> No.18137747

Pretty interesting because they are not that different from the anons of other boards except that they have a much larger vocabulary and education to use for their arguments.

>> No.18137762

What is this meme?

>> No.18137804

I'm pretty cool

>> No.18137856
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>> No.18137903

Butterfly, you'll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18138004
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>be me
>wake up at 7:30
>@outsideness still hasn't followed or at least retweeted
>binge @outsideness for an hour while drinking faygo
>retweet all of @outsideness and back up
>check on /lit/ to see if there are @outsideness posts
>make a thread
>same anon keeps saying accfag
>no idea who he is
>not even an accfag just a regular dude who loves /lit/
>post a moldbug thread to see what's new
>boy is his substack neat and fun
>ask mom if we can go to Sonic later
>check @outsideness again
>binge r/sorceryofthespectacle
>no one's responded to my @outsideness threads on /lit/ but always good discussion on r/sorceryofthespectacle
>binge resetting ip
>binge the moldbug thread
>binge frayed wires
>haha this is a great meme bros
>i wonder if i should post face these dudes seem to like me
>haha accfag wonder who that is
>@outsideness is the greatest philosopher of all time
>binge postirony
>@outsideness still hasn't followed me
>what a Chad kek
>there's no denying his influence on modern economic theory, but I think he overreaches in the AI / human capital paradigm
>binge is sentient heh heh
>binge sucking teeth
>but can't escape that feeling I need to whisper some shit @outsideness
>damn that Sonic gon be gud
>Wonder what he's doing right now.
>be me

>> No.18138009

Any particular critique to it? What would you suggest I read or do to become better at poetry?

>> No.18138053

Post face

>> No.18138059

VERDAMMTEN ARSCHLÖSCHER! Ihr glaubt doch net, dass ihr damit dafon kommt!

>> No.18138068

I posted it again

>> No.18138083
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>> No.18138094

lmao wtf

>> No.18138128

Why do you post this every time?

>> No.18138132

Because you post red beanie every time

>> No.18138139

Yeah only one person posts butterfly's son
Take your meds

>> No.18138151
File: 206 KB, 1067x612, 1619504592481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take your meds

>> No.18138152

everyone who's posting that beanie kid has no real sense of humor and is still too young for this site, bitch ass niggers. pls leave this site, ENOUGH!

>> No.18138158

Way to out yourself you fucking idiot

>> No.18138169

Red beanie kid picture:posted
Mom:Knowledgeable of posting habits

>> No.18138170
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>everyone who's posting that beanie kid has no real sense of humor and is still too young for this site, bitch ass niggers. pls leave this site, ENOUGH!

>> No.18138182

Zero self-awareness

>> No.18138192

look mom, I posted it again

>> No.18138194

brb gotta tell mom

>> No.18138202

>post face
>post twitter account
>samefagging intensifies

>> No.18138229

Who would post like this but a facefag?

>> No.18138345
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A fellow /qa/chad I see

>> No.18138364


>> No.18138397

this proves, that the 16y olds finally have taken over. one more reason, one shouldn't take this site serious. this shit is so boring. even being outside, watching some pigeons is more exciting than your beanie guy posts. Zzz, Schnarch, ich schlafe ein ihr Bauer...

>> No.18138421

Nichtmal Eiern in der Hose in sonem Kinder Forum ein Bild von sich zu posten aber selbst nicht merken, wie lächerlich ihr Verhalten ist, weil sie denken, dass es lustig wäre. Ein Furz ist lustiger als so ein Kack. Wo bin ich hier nur gelandet...

>> No.18138442

Nicht mal* sry

>> No.18138447
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The people who post here (exception:me,because I only make fun of you for being pathetic bookcels) are pathetic bookcels that should have sex instead of reading books and discussing them.
All that time you waste you could be having sex instead.
but nooooooooooo
The bookcel wants to read

>> No.18138460

Don’t you want those pink, pillowy, sensual lips wrapped around your cock, suckling hungrily at your hardened manhood? No homo.

>> No.18138467

Sowas hier hat wenigstens noch Ironie und ein Potential lustig zu sein, durch Übertreibung. Aber dieses Beanie Kind seit nem Monat posten, nee Mann.

>> No.18138468

Imagine needing to Go Back this much.

>> No.18138566

it's not as bad as you think to post a picture of yourself, i also posted a picture of myself in the original "beanie guy - post your face thread" that day. but nobody thought it was real. just because this boy used a strange angle from below, everyone is freaking out now because they think it's real because they are on the internet too much and are scared. I think several people even posted a real picture of themselves in the original thread, but because there are a lot of children/ freaks on /lit/, they can't believe it when a normal person posts their face. that's the pathetic thing about it. it hasn't anything to do with "imagine going back to" whatever happened, it's just a fucking pic. and they're claiming to be so smart, aber die Wahrheit ist, die haben einfach nur keine Eier. Wirklich kein Mensch auf der Welt interessiert sich für so einen Scheiß, außer ein paar Kinder.

>> No.18138574

Das wollte ich schon lange loswerden, puh. Jetzt fühl ich mich besser.

>> No.18138577

He doxxed himself retard

>> No.18138603


>> No.18138614


>> No.18138643

whos that QT?

>> No.18138657

no way dude... like... reincarnating the mfking beats!!!!!!!!¿??????

>> No.18138674

So sind se halt, die Angelsachsen.

>> No.18138698


I have no idea how it escalated to this point. The internet is sometimes strange. Or there is one really dedicated Anon.

>> No.18138939

accfag was spamming twitter threads and someone noticed the account looked similar to beaniefag. Then a bunch of his other pics were posted
>>18137856 confirms that its accfag

>> No.18138988

was being a bit hyperbolic. you have poems i like but the usual criticisms are valid

>> No.18139012

Bow to your King

>> No.18139084

I have no idea what this means. accfag is the guy that occasionally spams in accelerationist threads? I never read those because boring

>> No.18139168

>occasionally spams
Nice try accfag.

>> No.18139191
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I have no idea who accfag is

>> No.18139206

>butterfly's son

>> No.18139293

>accfag is the guy
>I have no idea who accfag is

>> No.18139319

>I never read those because boring

>> No.18139355
File: 2.26 MB, 902x905, burning man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a certain type of self-proclaimed right wing or traditionalist poster on this and other boards who despite their right wing beliefs has a problem with literally any type of serious authority.
They know better than their moms, they know better than their teachers, everyone in the government, every doctor, every lawyer, every lecturer. Try to tell them the consensus from a field of people who have spent decades hashing out some or other topic, they will find a way to tell you that actually all that time and effort spent actually made them wrong, and his amateur opinion should be privileged due to its externality to the consensus.
And, hey, I get it. The liberal fetish for experts and credentialism is bullshit. But all authority figures can't be all wrong all the time, that's crazy. It's not exactly free-thinking when it's always a contradiction. They're always defined by their relationship to the status quo or mainstream, which only serves to support the hegemonic structure. They say they want a return to traditional community, when in fact they are completely unable to be a part of any sort of community.
And, what the hell is the use of a conservative who just does or believes the opposite of what they're told? They can't fall in line, they're totally useless to any theoretical actually rightist political organization that may exist in the future. Throughout history, any sort of meaningful rightist political movement is made up of ex-military guys or larping military guys, who are able to take and carry out orders without questioning them. They don't second-guess the boss. That's the power of conservativism. Essentially they're neutered by their contrarian nature and disorganized personalities, so they'll always be nothing to worry about.
This is also why antifa is stupid, but antifa dorks don't post here.

>> No.18139373

Nazi Germany would have everyone wearing masks with far stricter punishments and aggressive social enforcement, but people seem to ignore that

>> No.18139397

yeah dude.
I float around leftist circles and there's always some dyed hair twerp freaking about the "rise of fascism," it's not worth my time to talk them down but between you and me, the american conservative mind is simply not capable of the obedience and submission to authority needed for capitalism.
The absolute peak of grassroots conservativism in america is a bunch of overweight drunk guys in polos fighting a bunch of auschwitz mode losers in hoodies in downtown portland.
Neocons on the other hand represent an elite conservativism, but they don't have to obey anyone or be obeyed by anyone to get their way due to our government and economic structure.
That's hilarious, not a problem at all.

>> No.18139415

needed for feshism I mean

>> No.18139427

This kind of person has always been around, anon. It's still an informative and useful archetype to be around, despite its lack of direct societal efficacy. They serve as guideposts, as I think they intend (consciously or no)