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File: 532 KB, 963x1188, Das_Kapital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18134948 No.18134948 [Reply] [Original]

Do people really read this?

>> No.18134968

No. They put it up to keep deluting themselves that they're an intellectual elite and not just leeches on society, like Marx himself, which would have been put into prison multiple times over if Engeles would not have bailed him out and paid his ever increasing debts.

Imagine following a guy leeching off his successfull friends because he invented a whole new ideology to excuse sticking his hands in other peoples pockets lmao.

>> No.18134989

based, fuck wageslavery

>> No.18135004
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>Stop trying to make life easier. That’s just delusional.

>> No.18135005

Nobody preventing you from living a self suffiient life instead of working for the man and earning a wage. But let' be honest, if you can't even wake up on time, move your ass to your designated wagey cagey you wouldn't survive a single winter on a homestead.

>> No.18135020

Have you read the whole thing, butterfly?

>> No.18135021

>just like, let other people work for you, dude!
Nobody is against social upmovement and improvment of living standards. What people hate is getting sucked dry by those kvetching about it, while not contributing anything themselves. Ironically leechig off the lower and middle class instead of those actually in power.

People will go and try to burn down your house because you inherited it and make your life miserable instead of going againt the federal reserve or the made up political bi-party system.

>> No.18135033

Reordering society to be less efficient and to have less rights is not "making life easier" retard.

>> No.18135038

LOL, she's into platitudes more than reading so probably not.

>> No.18135160

Grammar and sentence structure very poor here

>> No.18135168

>Imagine following a guy leeching off his successfull friends because he invented a whole new ideology to excuse sticking his hands in other peoples pockets lmao.
These are but a few of the perks of being a Rothschild nephew; the eponymous They are better off reading Mao in any case

>> No.18135171
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>> No.18135184

Posting a gay meme doesn’t change the fact you write like shit

>> No.18135212

And yet you didn't engage with the excellent point he made because you know you can't, so you attack grammar in order to still feel superior. Choke on a dick, commie.

>> No.18135231

What was his point? I couldn’t find one in his unclear posts, and I’m not a commie lol

>> No.18135235

>excellent point he made
It wasn't excellent. It was barely satisfactory. Actually, it wasn't satisfactory. He made an ad hominem (leeches on society) then criticised Marx for being imprisoned without taking into account the historical factors behind his imprisonment. The fact Marx could convince Engels to pay his debts just by having ideas is pretty Chad to me, all politics aside. Anyone who can get people to pay them for having ideas (e.g. Jordan Peterson) is pretty Chad and is cheating a broken system to its fullest. You see it as sticking your hands in other people's pockets, but to me it's just emotional manipulation, which is precisely what capitalists do now anyway, but to entire target audiences, not just their dearest friends.

>> No.18135244

Stop deflecting.
>Nobody preventing you from living a self suffiient life instead of working for the man and earning a wage. But let' be honest, if you can't even wake up on time, move your ass to your designated wagey cagey you wouldn't survive a single winter on a homestead.

>> No.18135246

You know improving society is a little different from a complete revolutionary overhaul of its most basic structures.

>> No.18135250

Kapital? I’m not planning on becoming an economist. I read contemporary Marxians like Cockshott, Wolff and Harvey to get my picture of Marx.

You’re sadly delusional. The US os a failed state and in a permanent tailspin because of the wealthy leeches. And the rightwing still defend them because they fall for the political theatre.
You seem to be getting there, but you’re obsessed with the other delusional crowd set up to be your foes. They “Occupied Wall Street” for a damn good reason.

You’re even worse off. Can we start with the statement that the status quo isn’t “efficient” now?

>> No.18135253

>Kapital? I’m not planning on becoming an economist. I read contemporary Marxians like Cockshott, Wolff and Harvey to get my picture of Marx.
Lmao the jokes write themselves

>> No.18135272
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>historical factors behind his imprisonment
Overspending others people money, you mean?
Not paying your debts and having no wish to work it off?
Dunno man, around here he would get both his legs readjusted and thrown in a ditch for sucking dry his fellow man. Putting him behind bars sounds very cultured and just.

>Anyone who can get people to pay them for having ideas (e.g. Jordan Peterson) is pretty Chad
Ah yes, all those evangelical preachers using the gullible and the desperate through lying like a snake are so Chad. I'm not even a communist, but I lived in a communist country and you can be assured, people like that can only flourish in non communist societies, becaue overe there they would get thrown into a labourcamp for being actuall parasites on society.

>just emotional manipulation, which is precisely what capitalists do now anyway,
So intellectually and morally superiour. Gesh, I wish I could see how sch a mindset forms an actual communist society. Surely post factum this lowly ideology will be put to rest and people will all work for a common goal instead of promoting corruption and nepotism for their own benefit! Sadly, we obviously never had real communism.

>> No.18135278

All I was saying is that it was based for Marx to leech off the system, idk what ur dumbass post has to do with that

>> No.18135280
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Various ways have been tried. The system is extremely resistant. It’s selfish and destructive, and it absolutely has to go, root and branch in order for humanity to survive. The linchpin is the profit motive. Accumulative currency needs to be replaced.

Also I’ve been thinking about something Graeber said about the increased layers of bureaucracy. This is the direction we’ve been heading in. An increase in decentralization. It’s practically here already. One little nudge left.

>> No.18135282

>They “Occupied Wall Street” for a damn good reason.
Yes, for a couple weeks before getting subverted by big business and starting to only occupy themselves with their genitalia.
And thinking in "right and left" is so retarded, I wont even start a conversation on it. You literally do not understand modern politics, gutterfly.

>> No.18135286

>he’hyuck. I don’t read anything to get my picture of Marx! Heu heu heu

>> No.18135301

Stop projecting, faggot. I read Marx to get a picture of Marx.
>the increased layers of bureaucracy. This is the direction we’ve been heading in. An increase in decentralization.
It's both decentralization and centralization at the same time. True decentralization would be closer to localism, but the current system has never been further from that.
What's happening cannot be described in binary oppositions.

>> No.18135302

>They crumpled after Walmart set up an OWS T-shirt stand!
The city governors called in extra police to clear them out and the secret services have been working them over ever since. Yes, they are easily wrecked, but you miss the fucking point. I can see the mad reasoning behind the January 6th incident. Fucknut

>> No.18135305

But it's not, that's what the post described. It just proves you're an incompetent faggot.
>idk what ur dumbass post has to do with that
Oh, the irony.

>> No.18135315

>t. I read Marx to get a picture of Marx.
Fine fine. Hello. Stop being an ass.
> True decentralization would be closer to localism
Right. That’s the nudge we need. We shouldn’t want to be anything like China. We can get to socialism by way of direct democracy

>> No.18135318

How can you call yourself marxist yet not read marx? It's like calling yourself platonist without reading Plato.

>> No.18135323

>it absolutely has to go, root and branch in order for humanity to survive.
I’ll bet you felt like a cool revolutionary typing this, but how do you plan on dismantling the entire system? You have no plan, there is no possibility of revolution.
Ugh, of course you post someone like Curtis, a boring reformist liberal.

>> No.18135334

I’ll continue leeching off the system any way I can, idc if your bitch ass seethes about it

>> No.18135337
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Listen guttefly, I'm not even american (thank god for that) but I've been politically active since '95 and I've seen every single political movement rooted on socialism get fished and manipulated easier than shotting fish in a barrell. And that also includes all those old lefties which still have been against Israels apartheid and through and through anti-globalism. Those which survived are falsely called "right wing" by any other name just for not falling for propaganda and govermental subversion. And everytime I point this out, faggots like you, which didn't even have a single hair on your scrotum yet, start kvetching about muh right wing supporting the man and anbody having such political points being against fucking equality - which is a meme in of itself.

So I am going to repead myself: Marx was a delusional leech only trying to get the biggest piece of cake for himself, while seeling iit as a sacrife to the masses. The only people following his bullshit are naive an imature kids and infantile adults.

>> No.18135340

I have never called myself a Marxist, anon.
The reason we anarchists don’t call ourselves something like Bakuninist, is because we prescribe to that kind of personality cult shit. I don’t even care for the stupid flags.

He is very mild British, I know. But of course I can’t do it. Not alone

>> No.18135341

We don't need to get to socialism though. We need interconnected communities that actually work to gradually prove others that there is a better alternative than globalism.
Direct democracy wouldn't help anyway since most people are tuned into mass brainwashing and would still vote for the same retarded policies as they always do.
>We shouldn’t want to be anything like China.
I agree. We should look toward something like the HRE as an example (but withouth the church aspect).

>> No.18135345

So you've proved his point? Great. You're just a manbaby then. The point is not that you should work for the system, but work for yourself and your community instead of being a couch potato.

>> No.18135361

>The point is not that you should work for the system, but work for yourself and your community instead of being a couch potato.
Nah I’m good bro, I collect my neetbux, read books, talk to friends, life is good, Marx had it figured out.

>> No.18135373
File: 227 KB, 1215x628, 65B49D99-7ECC-4F2A-912A-446331258D62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start kvetching about muh right wing supporting the man
They do. Here they support Trump. But I believe there’s plenty with enough sense to see the sense in direct democracies. The US is not happy about this failing economy, and the feds are doing their best to make it about race or gun rights or Russia etc.
>Marx was
Dead now. I don’t care what you think of him.

We can’t have the direct democracy without getting them away from the brainwashing, sure, but once that happens, we get interconnected community and that IS socialism.

>> No.18135374

Not a wage slave yet still a slave.

>> No.18135383

>We can’t have the direct democracy without getting them away from the brainwashing, sure, but once that happens
How do you suppose we get there without having a community to provide an alternative to the brainwashing? You're putting the cart before the horse.
>we get interconnected community and that IS socialism.
Maybe if you'd actually read Marx you'd know that's horseshit

>> No.18135447

In a failing economy people are going to be more open to alternatives.
Electing a socialist party to federal and state government jobs isn’t something the average American is going to be too keen on.
Maybe if I had read Marx I’d have fallen for Lenin and been completely lost right now, like a lot of people.

>> No.18135505

Reminder that people who haven't read Marx can never give a valid critique of his ideas.

>> No.18135579

holy shit im a communist now.

>> No.18135601

Serfdom wasn't particularly harsh in the medieval period. In some places and periods we're talking less than 40 hours long work week, lord-mandated wives for incels and so on.

Like you'd have to be retarded to believe that something that in England alone was widespread for good 700 years(circa 750 when manoral economy makes a comeback to circa 1400 by which time the serf's living conditions improve so much they just pay off their bond and become free) was somehow hell on earth 24/7, and yet you believe it.

>> No.18135629

He's a brainlet. Of coure he will willfully swallow propaganda like that. I still wonder that he hasn't yet started advocating transhumanism. Would suit his circumzised worldview.

>> No.18135639

why would you post when you obviously don't read

>> No.18135646

I totally will one day :^). Most just act as if they have or straight up pretend/lie, I think.

t. "Marxist"

>> No.18135685

i read most of volume 1 during my leftist phase it made me a marxism genius compared to most people even most leftists

>> No.18136589

>It wasn’t all bad.
It wasn’t as intense and invasive as it is now, but don’t pretend to know what I believe about it. The term techno-feudalism is being spoken of lately, and it isn’t the quite the same monster, litli.
We can have that, something close to it anyway, without the fucking lords.
Read William Morris News From Nowhere

You, the poster of /pol/ memes.

>> No.18136612

>not a single rent free board meme posted in the whole thread
Just stop commenting on stuff you lack any expertise, gutter.

>> No.18136741
File: 40 KB, 1024x576, B734C9BC-BB53-43B2-8D3D-AEF54C33293D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t even read the thread, I see.

>> No.18136796
File: 10 KB, 480x320, gutters arguments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only meme I can see is (you).
Now begone.

>> No.18137426

Only way to understand current world properly. I understand if people prefer to enjoy, life, playing fortnite or soccer games as zoomer, or doing nothing as boomers. But do not pretend to give lessons on how society functions, and what to do. Because we won't listen ever again from people who don't understand the basics of the mode of production.

>> No.18137446
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>> No.18137493
File: 595 KB, 760x1108, Screenshot_20210429-093056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet no leftists read him lmaoooo

>> No.18137494
File: 305 KB, 300x182, 1592576789593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, that's perfection. Consider it redistributed.

>> No.18137603

wtf I love Marx now