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18127232 No.18127232 [Reply] [Original]

I’m writing a paper about AI and he would be very relevant to my topic. But I know he was a murderer and that might instantly discredit my paper

>> No.18127237

ha raped dogs so he's based in my book

>> No.18127246


>> No.18127248

Just ask your prof.

>> No.18127249

What ideas from him do you want to cite? There's a lot of less murdery people who have made similar points.

>> No.18127255

That would defeat the purpose because then I give away the fact that I read stuff by a mass murderer
Like all the shit about control of human behavior

>> No.18127258


>> No.18127269

So what? Most of the French intellectuals the academy likes so much were pedophiles. Just say he has interesting ideas.

>> No.18127274

Do you have academic aspirations? If so, tread lightly; otherwise, fuck it who cares.

>> No.18127280
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>> No.18127300

>mass murderer
he killed 3 people lol

>> No.18127303

Ok well I also don’t want it to seem unprofessional

>> No.18127306

if you're an undergrad then don't risk it, if you're a grad then tell them to fuck off.

>> No.18127325

>I’m writing a paper about AI
How much do you actually know about AI?

>> No.18127380

give him a break, it's probably a term paper for a gen ed class

>> No.18127687
File: 45 KB, 600x600, averageamericans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course u can cite him u weak retard. he's a mass murderer? so is julius ceasar by a factor of 10,000 and people cite him all the time

>> No.18127705
File: 80 KB, 480x480, Twenty such men could bring America to its knees..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op, that's the wrong filename u retarded moron of a homo

>> No.18127750

Have you heard his voice? It's surprising.

>> No.18127849

>Better known for other work.
I actually laughed.

>> No.18127871

western academics lol too afraid to quote someone

>> No.18127902
File: 148 KB, 1024x802, 1619544031130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, if you don't plan on making a career in academia do whatever you want. Fuck those worthless paper pushers anyway.

>> No.18128122

Good quote. Recently saw a video comparing Peterson to the Red Skull in some new capeshit run for comics because no one can understand anything without their bloody narratives you have to understand that, and this tied the bow.

>> No.18128217


>> No.18128234

he is not very theoretically rigorous, so i wouldnt rely on him for you arguments about why AI is bad. but i think citing him and his cult following as a critical voice about the ethics of technology is completely valid

>> No.18128237

Is he describing himself?

>> No.18128256

he abandoned his academic career and bombed like 17 buildings what are you talking about?

>> No.18128274

I've helped mark a lot of university papers before. Please anon, I cannot stress this enough, don't try to be based. It comes off as retarded and edgy at best and at worse will get you un-personed and your life will be ruined.
No one will stop you from writing anything you're an adult now. Think about why you're studying and what your goals are. Universities are packed to the rafters with the most humourless cunts imaginable. Picture in your mind your work being read by an angry kissless obese woman, really sit with that image and then make your decision. Good luck anon o7.

>> No.18128289

I'd say go for it

>> No.18128295
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>> No.18128344

Don't do it. You will feel edgy but the only outcomes are a) nobody will know him or b) you will get marked down just for using ideas from "problematic" inividuals. If asked you will probably spill you spaghetti and make a foul out of yourself, further damning you.

What you can do is use similar individuals, which are less known and aren't shilled _that_ much on the Internet or at least which google search will not boil down to a boogaloo.
If you don't know any other people like him, that's a good indicator that you know too little on the subject to try an be based. Chances are your superiour whi you want to edge will fuck you up with better arguments.

You're not a Michael A. Woodley of Menie, which has funds and an stablished career as well as the knowhow to be independant, so don't ruin your future to cite Ted. Nobody will care at best. Follow Teds recommendation from Anti-Tech Revolution and kow when to strike.

>> No.18128382

That's real rebellion? It challenged the System's values?

>> No.18128402
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>ending your career and going on a bombing spree against those you hold responsible isn't rebellion against the system
>t. anon

>> No.18128418

What did he change besides ruining his own life and having some families grieve for a bit?

>> No.18128425

I think its hard to deny that Ted lived up to his own ideals, its just that his ideals were wrong. hes wrong in thinking that academia can do nothing but comfortably push papers. change can only come by breaking apart the ideological structure and academia is key for that. but you cant say the man wasnt rebelling.

>> No.18128459

Rebellion doesn't imply success, but he was succesfull in his goal of making his ideas public. His book was published in the biggest newspapers and he got more exposure than any other rebell till his time.

It was never his intention to change the world instntly, he knew that this is not yet possible but sharing his insights is a firt step on awakening more people till the time is right.

>> No.18128462

His manifesto was read by millions and his books still sell well. He has made an impact, whether you like it or not.

>> No.18128488

If you can quote Julius Ceasar, an actual genocider, you can quote anyone.

>> No.18128600

I quote Hitler in every academic paper I write, no matter the topic.

>> No.18128770

It was an ad campaign and it worked as intended

>> No.18128789

You're writing a book?

>> No.18128792

No, cite Jacques Elul instead. Leave Ted K for edgelords.

>> No.18128794

>Comparing a Cesar to an American survivalist

>> No.18128801

Read by pseuds, Infowars crowd and true crime fans

>> No.18128806


>> No.18128815

Ted was bound to be sensationalized in the era we live in, and besides the latter two groups you mentioned never read his work.

>> No.18128842

>hes wrong in thinking that academia can do nothing but comfortably push papers.
he's right.
>change can only come by breaking apart the ideological structure and academia is key for that.
academe is a superfluous rot upon an already decaying cultural body. if you believe this institution exists in opposition to the system rather than firmly ingrained inside of it then you are nothing more but an imbecile who fell for its marketing gimmick. i don't care for whatever sentimental nostalgia you may or may not hold for academia, it is a festering corpse full of maggots and needs to be burned.

>> No.18128924

His manifesto was published by major media and read by plenty of normies. There are plenty of new Teds out there because he was so successful at spreading his ideas.

>> No.18128933

>hes wrong in thinking that academia can do nothing but comfortably push papers.
Utter cope.
>academia is key for that.
Holy shit you are dumb, or just naive.

>> No.18128998

biggest cope is thinking you can break the system with a few bombs alone. Ted's thoughts or acts did not escape the logic of the system, and was no real threat to it. i agree academia is slowly dying though specialisation and pushing of commercial interests, but this is precisely because it formed a threat to the system to begin with.

>> No.18129010

Feel free to realize your rebellion btter than Ted which is known all over the world and his mindset widely copied and build upon.

Imagine havig to cope that hard to excuss your sad existance as someone working in academia. You are a useless parasite and you will be judged accordingly.

>> No.18129058

Doubt your prof would bother to look him up just cite how you would normally

>> No.18129072

everyone who's older than 20 knows who ted kaczynski is, also there was a netflix special about him that was heavily marketed by threads like this. reed hastings and the netflix shareholders are lovin' the threads buddy, keep up the good work.

>A $1,000 investment in the company 10 years ago would be worth nearly $30,000 as of April 22, 2020, for a total return of nearly 3,000%, according to CNBC calculations. By comparison, in the same time frame, the S&P 500 had a total return of almost 180%. Netflix’s current share price is hovering around $422.

"the system's trick" indeed!

>> No.18129112 [DELETED] 

I didn't know about the Netflix special so your right probably from that but I doubt anyone knew about him before that

>> No.18129119

I didn't know about the Netflix special so you're right probably from that but I doubt anyone knew about him before that

>> No.18129279

>but I doubt anyone knew about him before that
You're just underage. The Unabomber was quite a serious issue when he was active.

>> No.18129317

Idk what’s with the recent praise of this freak. Dude was so smart and yet thought the best way to promote his ideas was to kill people with a fucking mail bomb. If you’re gonna kill someone at least have the decency to look them in the eye when you do it, what a pathetic coward of a man.

>> No.18129428

>I doubt anyone knew one of the biggest terrorist events in the western world during the 20th century
You are probably also too young to understan why 9/11 was what it was.

>> No.18129446

Just add something like "these views of AI have even resulted, with the added ingredient of too much LSD, in several murders"

>> No.18129448


>> No.18129505

I used Guenon, Evola, and Dumézil in a paper on social hierarchies, you'll be fine lol

>> No.18129528

(unless OP's a coward)

>> No.18129622

I didn't mean they wouldn't know about the event just that they wouldn't know his name
He's not citing the moniker "The Unabomber" He's citing the name "Ted Kaczynski"

>> No.18129684

That's like not associating Bin Laden with 9/11 or Ruby Ridge with goverment overreach. People before the internet, if they had anything to do with newpapers, would know quite well about such names. Only since you can just "google" stuff, do people not bother to retain such stuff, memory holeing to the benefit of the goverment.