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File: 25 KB, 250x399, How_Europe_Underdeveloped_Africa,_front_cover,_revised_edition,_1981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18125897 No.18125897 [Reply] [Original]

I was hoping to gain a better understanding of African history, but this kind of strikes me as Cope: The Book...

>> No.18125961

It was the other way around actually.

>> No.18125978

Refuted by looking at pictures of X African city in 1900&2020

>> No.18126021


>> No.18126023


>> No.18126034


>> No.18126035


>> No.18126039


>> No.18126041


>> No.18126045

Probably retarded shit about colonialism, but the title is right. France and America fucked africa up by killing everyone who tried to lift them up. Now that china is trying to invest there i have some hope it will help them.

>> No.18126046


>> No.18126048

I don't know

>> No.18126051

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.18126053

>France and America fucked africa up by killing everyone who tried to lift them up
This. RIP based Sankara.

>> No.18126065

The Americans bombed a paracetamol factory in Sudan because the Sudanese had the audacity to plan the building of a canal.

>> No.18126084

>France and America kill meme dictators in the name of freedom and do some colonization, effectively granting the people a chance at having correct infrastructures, schools, farming, and elect an uncorrupt leader, or at least someone who will get shit done.
>Noooooo!!!! You can't kill other countries rulers like that, it's not democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!
>France and America does nothing, just give out a lot of money, basically every other countries' citizens in the world give out money to african countries at least once in their life to help african babies live.
>Said countries are still poor because their rulers are corrupted and keep it from the people. People can't farm, and destroy technical infrastructures they can't understand. Schools are shit.
>Revolutions, violence and shit ensues in said countries against governement.
>NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! you must help the people, do something rich countries!!!

>> No.18126088

Do people think China is actually trying to lift Africa up rather than exploit its resources, just like the rest?

>> No.18126096

>France and America kill meme dictators
They did more than only this but whatever. See, I can smell the retard in you from here and I'm reminded by the master teaching that all things are contagious.

>> No.18126103

They don't, most people don't even know about it. And those that do really have this retarded mindset. China is basically using africa as a slave workshop, and everyone is fine with it because muh factories and work, which is basically colonization.

>> No.18126117

No arguments. Go marry your spy waifu that will sperg out the benefits of China, fag.

>> No.18126123

Subsaharan Africa was "underdeveloped" before Europeans colonised it.

>> No.18126134

May you be badly positioned on a windy day.

>> No.18126161

No arguments, once more. That's to be expected. I believe in God, go to hell with your curses.

>> No.18126199

>correct infrastructure
Do you see the issue?

>> No.18126207

The Fate of Africa, by Martin Meredith, is a great start. It's a history book that starts in the decolonization era.

>> No.18126208

>schools, farming
Do you understand?

>> No.18126211

>This is America's fault!!!
Every fucking time. Great thread.

>> No.18126215

But please, do tell what's wrong with installing railways and giving poor countries the tools to develop.

>> No.18126236

>China is basically using africa as a slave workshop, and everyone is fine with it because muh factories and work
You're clearly ignorant. The nature of Chinese FDI in Africa is not industrial. The Chinese want to keep factories inside China as much as they can. Their investment is mostly in infrastructure and raw material extraction facilities. Even then, most of the qualified workers in those projects are Chinese.
There is no such thing as benevolence with the Han, but they're not just repeating what the West did with China.

>> No.18126242

>I believe in God
As do I. I'm sorry, I threw that at you because you were making a lie about me having a waifu.

Back in the late 90's the Australians found out that the Eritrean government were giving the canned food designated as famine aid from Australia to the Eritrean military as rations, they didn't stop sending the food though. Eritrea were at war with Ethiopia at the time. Later, the Americans supplied military equipment to Ethiopia for the Ethiopian attack against Somalia.

>> No.18126259

More extensive interracial breeding is the only thing that can bring even the slightest amount of civilization. Central and South America are far better off because much less of the native savage blood remains. Africans were denied their fair share of European blood.

>> No.18126284

Chinese loans are actual loans and not neoliberal imperialism, so yes, it's better.

>> No.18126301

Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need To Know About Global Politics

>> No.18126313

It literally tells you what it is.
You don’t know what the word means. Don’t participate in the corruption of the language for your weak ass memes, anon. Please.

>> No.18126349

a detailed history of intercontinental relations and interesting conceptual framework vs. marxism as a hard science and trying to prove africans are worthy for 100 pages by listing maghrebi societies and ancient egypt as instances of feuadlism, which, according to marxist science, gives you a certain number of good boy development points

>> No.18126357

What is this supposed to mean?

>> No.18126367

Isn’t the new cope “muh rivers”?

>> No.18126375

He don't like commies

>> No.18126390

You are forcing your dumbass European view of how the world should be on a continent in which society works differently. I’m talking about way back when it started too, and not someone building a school there in the 21st century. The damage has been done, now they have to cope with railways that they didn’t need in the first place.

>> No.18126400

Africa isn't as homogenic as you seem to be implying

>> No.18126422

Indeed, lots of different tribes, with lots of different ways of life. Laughable to think that Colonialist values of what the correct infrastructure is, should apply there

>> No.18126450

I'd contend that infrastructure for transportation, agriculture, and education services would all be universally applicable.

>> No.18126481

That's retarded. Loans that can't be paid back; China assumes ownership of any infrastructure built and staffs it with Chinese workers.

China is acting in its own self-interest and you're a complete fucking retard if you think there's even a shred of charity, ideological or otherwise, coming along with it.

>> No.18126525

lol. Native Americans were able to developed complex societies quiet literally cut off from the rest of the world. Between China and the west are the himelayas, the taklamakan Desert, thousands of barbarian step tribes, and they were still able to trade with everyone else thousands of years ago.
Niggers were adjacent to the first civilizations on the planet and they couldn't figure it out, the White Nile goes all the way to Tanzania. When will the cope end, it does no one any good

>> No.18126550

Africa was shit before Europeans came there and will always be shit.

>> No.18126572

Tanzania you say. Where is Zanzibar.

>> No.18126579


>> No.18126620

If you force it on them, sure. But they certainly didn’t need those, and I think it was more about the interests of colonial powers than the benefit of the African population. I’m sure they thought the way you do in a “These dirty savages will finally be educated and know what true civilization is” kinda way but in the end it was probably about making the continent more efficient in exporting (possibly farmed?) resources, for which trains come in handy.

>> No.18126635

Straight back to homogenic Africans. You want to smoke a cigarette with me, anon?

>> No.18126663

So true. The nice thing to do would have been to let them sort out all their bronze age tier tribal conflicts on their own, at mach speed trying to catch up with the rest of the planet. That would be great

>> No.18126748

You mean homogenic in the sense that they didn’t need trains? Seems like a very abstract thing for any type of primitive society to require. And post colonialism I would say they were homogenous in their relation to trains

>> No.18126764

yeah, it's obviously a factor to some degree but certainly doesn't explain everything.

>> No.18126775

Should be decided by a free market and not by central authority. Africans lack the ability to create a stable society enough to have free markets though so you'll either get the hands off approach which produces absolute barbarism or western intervention which brings butthurt liberals.

>> No.18126778

>took me 20 minutes to learn a new word

>> No.18126789

North American Indians vs South American Indians completely different. Also complexity is a relative metric. You have to concede that maritime and rivers provide some societal and technological benefit. Not that it's the only factor, obviously the conditions for which they adapted to an environment is important.

>> No.18126790

You're also doing this weird thing were you think all of Africa is the same thing as whatever your idea of it is in your tiny mind.

>> No.18126802

>some people should have free markets and some should! That's real freedom
Retard, free markets just mean trade is consensual between each party.

>> No.18126809

I'm not even talking about free markets but since you mention it purple does sound sweeter than orange.

>> No.18126816

Africa is less diverse than Europe, environmentally and genetically. Thus broadly speaking you can apply the term Africa and generalize at a population level for applicability.

>> No.18126831

This was a great read.

>> No.18126840
File: 315 KB, 2016x888, 161885630614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18127969

Not really.

>> No.18128690


>> No.18129000

All I can see is goatse

>> No.18129069 [DELETED] 

We've spent trillions on aid to Africa and it's still a shit hole. Instead of colonizing the stars, we've created a continent filled with aggressive monkeys

>> No.18129141

>this kind of strikes me as Cope: The Book...
It is lol
If anything Europeans are the only reason Subsaharan Africans are not still living in the stone age.

>> No.18129771

Trips of truth!

It is not the white or Asian man's burden to help Africa. Given that this author was killed by the post-colonial government he worked so hard to fight for, there is a great irony to his work.

>> No.18129780

ITT: monsters created by Yakub

>> No.18129788
File: 108 KB, 640x580, B1ECB085-AF17-4CA4-9486-A7B8086E85FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image has still not been refuted

>> No.18129869

Hmmm, yes, I will take these high interest loans from China. Nothing will go wrong here.
t. Clueless

>> No.18130053


>> No.18130072

Why does France love niggers so much?

>> No.18130610
File: 112 KB, 727x1024, 1612300911398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18130678

Why was it so poor and underdeveloped before white people were there?

>> No.18130691
File: 192 KB, 1400x2113, 2C731C4B-4514-4BCD-948E-9B48C82FF161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s constantly refuted.
Where’s your neck doily?

>> No.18130945
File: 62 KB, 640x533, 1619227231631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stopping by this thread to let everyone know I hate black people. Thanks everybody!

>> No.18131602
File: 222 KB, 1200x980, 1618165669783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're referring to the wheel; parts of Africa hadn't developed it yet. As a litmus test for civilization, it's just a midwit example given to underscore how primitive the society was at the time.

As far as traditional notions of progress and the value of civilization go...it's easy and fashionable to criticize spiritual emptiness but that's subjective and you can't speak for the whole. That doesn't mean the criticisms are without weight but it does mean they're low-hanging fruit; opinions anyone with half a brain can come to on their own.

The same goes for the value of progress. It's obvious that we've developed to the point where life is much more comfortable for an insanely large portion of the population. Relatively, very few people have to worry about where their next meal is coming from--that's underscored by the fact that we have a selective diet and don't have to subsist on whatever is available to us. (You can argue that the poor have to eat shitty processed food and that there are disparities in nutrition...but that isn't the fucking point: people aren't starving to death like we used to and there's hardly any worry of mass famine as there used to be).

All in all, it's important to note that over 7% of all humans who have ever existed are currently alive at this very moment. Perspective is important and we're a very young species. Only an idiot will argue in terms of absolutes.

>> No.18131621

>we didn't get enough free shit

>> No.18131642

Show us on the doll where daddy hurt you.

>> No.18131716
File: 69 KB, 632x825, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should recolonize Africa (Especially sub-Saharan Africa). Whatever happens, it'll put that shithole continent in a better place than it was when we left it.

>> No.18131813

It probably is, the title seems like some cope about Europe extracting all the resources or some shit, when ironically most African colonies didn't even turn a profit, in fact, most late colonial endeavors were more of a national dick-measuring contest than actually about resources, hell, Togo was considered the jewel of german colonial empire because it actually made a profit, you could argue that the only people that got the good shit in Africa were the brits, in general really. Seems like cope.

>> No.18131915


>> No.18132455

>Should be decided by a free market and not by central authority
Sometimes dad has to drag everyone into the next stage of evolution

>> No.18132486

Agree with this some degree and this also lends credence to the other individual saying Euro standards don't always mean the best development

Everything comes at a cost.
The indigenous were able to discover a great deal of things Europeans could not, and a lot of it had to do with the environment they constructed.
One of the Maya groups had the awareness to build water filtration from quartz and zeolite, which but even today's standards is a superior method

>> No.18132518

Take the Bernard Lugan pill.

Though only if you can read Frog.

>> No.18132536

Viewing relative to Europe still undermines the nuance between groups