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18125278 No.18125278 [Reply] [Original]

Memes aside, is it worth reading Julius Evola?

>> No.18125294

Yes but he filters many

>> No.18125298

Read Revolt so you can see after if you want to read more books from him or not.

>> No.18125972

Read Revolt and then at the very least you’ll have a new worldview to contemplate on

>> No.18126055
File: 2.72 MB, 5000x3827, lxp3nfogx6z11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the chart a meme?

>> No.18126074


>> No.18126076

Yes. This is the correct chart:
(Metaphysics of War) -> Revolt Against the Modern World -> Mystery of the Grail -> Men Among the Ruins -> Anything

>> No.18126252

Read Ride the Tiger first.

>> No.18126271

If you take the meme there's nothing left.

>> No.18126276

Why the fuck do you need fairy tales anon

and then, why specifically his fairy tales?

>> No.18126280


>> No.18126285

“All is worthwhile if the soul is not small” - Pessoa

But if you’re a bugman redditor NPC, cease and desist.

>> No.18126286
File: 40 KB, 479x720, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18126317

why specifically his fairytales

why not another person's fairytales

anon I'm asking why

I will ask another why

why are you afraid to answer me

>> No.18126320

fuck off fascist

>> No.18126323

Think about it critically. Who recommends reading him? Who writes him off as a nobody?

>> No.18126327
File: 99 KB, 768x1024, HLCqQKBLlr47y4C2RuKIrEPXwhjddomFZBiKghsfHmI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he scratches a particular itch. He's not for everyone but you'll only find out if he's for you by reading him.
I don't know what your background is anon, can't tell you more than that.

>> No.18126328

Start first with the content, anon, you fucking idiot. You aren't thinking critically, you use group orientation to avoid thinking critically. Fuck you.

>> No.18126334

You shouldn't need to know my background to educate me, unless of course you sought to manipulate me

>> No.18126359

No, it's because then I can better assess whether you might be interested in him and if so, which part of his writings I would recommend you to start with. Not everyone is out to get you.
What are you looking for? Metaphysics, politics, mythology?

>> No.18126372

I refuse to answer. You shouldn't simply take me into account, there are multiple times more lurkers. I am an insignificant part. If you had truth to say, you should scream it.

>> No.18126374

Fine, suit yourself.

>> No.18126379

Who the fuck are you and what are you on about in my thread

>> No.18126384

My friend used to lecture about Evola all the time, and I do think he is worth reading. I need to get around to read Revolt Against the Modern World. I would read it, but it depends what's on your backlog, etc.

>> No.18126387

I would like people to begin discussing literally any of what Evola speaks on, and so far I have been met with total refusal. I am actually surprised.

>> No.18126396

Then answer the fucking question. What part of his writings are you interested in? Metaphysics, politics, mythology? The man wrote on many different topics. He was a Traditionalist.

>> No.18126409

I am interested in literally anything pertaining to the work of Evola, anything, throw a fuckin dart and talk about it the way you are making this difficult is concerning

>> No.18126427

What is wrong with you? You demand to be thrown a sales pitch, I'm not your bitch. I'm not here to sell him to you. I'm trying to get out of you what you're looking for. If you're looking for self-help books, Evola is not going to be your man.

He was a Traditionalist / perennialist, which means he believed that all religions/traditions strive toward the same Truth but are expressed in different manners dependent on the particular time and place and people. He wrote mainly on classical / medieval European mythology and metaphysics.
He was also interested in politics and wrote criticisms of communism, capitalism and fascism from a "right-wing" perspective, though he was most sympathetic to the latter (although not a supporter).
You could have found this all out by fucking googling, mind you.

>> No.18126430

Also, if you know German, I recommend looking into QRT (Markus Konradin Leiner). He was mentally ill, but some of his views are interesting and meld well with Evola.

>> No.18126456

I was in fact looking for positions he has, at a minimum, literal quotes from his work with perhaps an explanation of the significance of the quote. You aren't my bitch, correct. I don't want a sales pitch. I don't want someone to be sold to me, I want cold hard truth. I don't give a fuck about self help.

Both Evola threads are painfully defensive about talking about Evola. You will say he is X and Y but REFUSE to get into the minutia of what he says, which is all that actually matters. The terms used regarding him don't matter, what he said matters. But somehow you are afraid to say any of it.

>> No.18126479

Why don't you just read one of his books?
You sound like a self-entitled bitch.
Just seek some impartial encyclopedias or reviews. If the subject matter intrigues you, then buy one of his books.
I've been planning to read Evola for awhile since my German friend would endlessly lecture about him to me when I was younger. I never got around to it, but much of what my friend had to say could be found online. He did read several of his books.
Wanting someone to go into the minutiae on an anonymous board is stupid. Just learn to educate yourself instead of acting like a nigger.

>> No.18126489

Only if you're into religion. I don't know why he's considered a political author first and not a religious author first.

>> No.18126494

I was simply under the impression that people that enjoy Evola would at the least be motivated enough to post a quote and discuss their feelings on it.

Apparently I was wrong, what are message boards even for?

You apparently just want to type "XD ride the tiger", and somehow this is enough of a thread for you.

>> No.18126511

> I don't want someone to be sold to me, I want cold hard truth. I don't give a fuck about self help.
Good now how fucking hard was that?
>Both Evola threads are painfully defensive about talking about Evola. You will say he is X and Y but REFUSE to get into the minutia of what he says
Because if you have seen any regular Evola thread you know because of his strong opinions anything will be taken out of context by retards, and the way you began this inquiry about fucking fairy tales doesn't give me much hope you're asking in good faith either.

He was uncompromising, anti-egalitarian, had strong opinions on many things. He though tradition was necessary but shat on the modern catholic church and got into a fit with the pope for trying to turn fascism into some new form of Roman imperialism.
He hated degeneracy. He thought communism and capitalism were two sides of the same coin, both inherently materialistic and subversive.
He was (especially in his younger years) into occult investigations and practiced "magic".
He admired some aspects of fascism but thought it was too modern and too materialistic, but hoped something good could come of it.
He believed Europe needed an empire with a sacred emperor at the top, and he believed in subversive elements instigating the world wars in order to destroy the last imperial remnants (Germany, Austria, Ottomans).
He thought the Holy Roman Empire was the last good thing to happen to Europe.

Sound good? Read Metaphysics of War. Sounds retarded? Great, he's not for you.

>> No.18126519

thanks bro, way to not be a pathetic fucking coward, apparently your bros were afraid of the word "fairytale", 4chan has fucking fallen far we used to be able to say the most awful fucking things and still have discussion, this evasion was reddit tier

>> No.18126530

Based on my memory of my friend's discussion:
Evola discusses how many ancient civilizations based themselves on an ethos of self-cultivation/self-realization which brings one closer to transcendence. Tradition and rituals are fundamental to human psyche which can help open the mind to the divine. The issue with modern times is societies have lost connection to the sacred, and thus, man must reconnect to tradition to understand transcendent, immanent, and ancestral truths. If this subject matter interests you, I recommend reading his books. Evola takes a reactionary approach and views the progressive mentality as fundamentally destructive to man's inner spirit, which is best cultivated via tradition. Evola also valued social systems of strict hierarchy and caste, seeing the importance of a priests in maintaining order and connection to the sacred. I think he would have liked the Druids or mobad for example.

>> No.18126535

No, your evasion was reddit tier. I repeatedly asked you for what aspect of Evola you're interested in and you start crying like a bitch. Do with it what you will.

>> No.18126544

Noice, as a jungian I completely buy into the concept of archetypal knowledge this is right up my alley. Starting the revolt against the modern world audiobook right now.

I feel like I've forced this thread to a higher quality

>> No.18126551

I literally came at it open minded you stupid fucking nigger, meaning I have no specific requirements

you should kill yourself

>> No.18126558

Well, if you're into Jung and know German, I actually recommend QRT (Markus Konradin Leiner) over Evola.

>> No.18126566

Fuck off, faggot. You'll definitely be filtered by Evola anyway and I've wasted my time trying to explain him to a brainlet like yourself.
Tomorrow you'll make a thread saying "huh I thought Evola was based but he's just [insert midwit complaint x]."

>> No.18126567

I'll look into them both, I refuse no information

>> No.18126575

You sound low test, nut up bro, nut up.

>> No.18126577

You sound low iq, read up bro, read up.

>> No.18126584

You shouldn't let sloppiness elude you so easily, you gaping hole.

>> No.18126590


like I said, sloppy

>> No.18126595

Lmao look at this faggot trying to use big brain words and failing hard. Thanks for proving my point.
You know what, if you try hard, you might learn a few new words from Evola.

>> No.18126600

>6 letters

Anon pls, big starts at 7

>> No.18126603

Based on my memory of my friend's discussion:
I think QRT is more interesting for a Jungian because he gets more into the significance of archetypes and how language is imbued by metaphors that originate from ancestral myths. Note, QRT is very nihilistic though, especially in comparison to Evola.
QRT argues the language of our forebears, which is steeped in metaphors originating from a common mythos, have a formative aspect in how we make sense of the world as we age, and we are cursed by the seeds of the transmitted stories and ethos to project their respective values and elements onto the world, and thereby giving it a sensible structure that's genealogically continuous with the past, even repeating the narratives over and over again within novel contexts. QRT's goal involves a romantic ideal to turn one's life into a story while not caring about its insubstantiality (much like Mishima), and I want to learn German to read QRT's works more in-depth, since they are not translated into English. I vaguely remember QRT from my friend's lectures, and I feel his conclusion comes down to preserving the myths that give rise to cultures rather than wholly abandoning them; community and virtues such as duty, honor, respect, chivalry, and so forth are still held in high-esteem regardless of their lack of intrinsic value.

>> No.18126605

Fair enough. Getting filtered by mid brain words isn't an improvement though, but I'll accept it.

>> No.18126618

Sounds pretty interesting anon, thanks. How is it nihilistic though? Do you mean
> repeating the narratives over and over again within novel contexts
? I guess that would make sense in a way.

>> No.18126627

I enjoy archetypes as it satisfies my position on hard-determinism, which for me includes debrogile-bohm quantum mechanics. In this sense, free will is eliminated at least on the level that humans prefer it to be on and so I can be described as nihilistic in this sense but I contend that nihilism is not at all accurate, as there is indeed an underlying meaning but we are restricted by structural constraints of the Universe. QRT, from your description sounds very interesting. I will definitely be looking into it. I find people that discard the abstract by sake of futility to be extremely lazy.

>> No.18126630

>shitposting about a typo

you are a little person anon

>> No.18126631

I am not allowed to share this, since it's from my German friend's essay, but it's been ~8 years so I think it's fine:

"QRT believes that heroic nihilism follows a few patterns: a dualistic worldview, the value of masculinity as opposition to femininity, the attempt to overstep some sort of boundary and through that action to create a new one, the usage of an aesthetic style of speech and gesture to create a heroic life of overcoming meaninglessness, a pessimism stemming from the devaluement of the world and themselves, methodological militancy (steeling oneself, valuing strength and overcoming, not shying away from
brutal and even violent methods of thought and sometimes praxis, etc.), etc.. In fact, it was the style that QRT took to be the main important component of heroic nihilism, a style that involved, in one way or another, all of the other elements. This means that the hero is always a kind of way to "heroize" oneself and one's view of the world, and that the nihilistic part of that is that one knowingly creates something that is a myth and not true (whereas there is another faction that actually believes their myths, which he dubs "heroic idealism", to which he counts a number of thinkers not mentioned here, some of which are national socialists – the style of this faction is not pathos, but rather kitsch). QRT sees himself as firmly placed in this tradition of heroic nihilism, his main contribution being a kind of acceptance of the fictional qualities of heroism found in other theories, and still accepting them."

>> No.18126649

My dwarfism is irrelevant. A big brain nibba like yourself shouldn't let sloppiness elude you like that though.
Well played though, A for effort.

>> No.18126652

Interesting, I have felt this way many times in my life.

>> No.18126658

I am drunk it was one letter you little nigger

>> No.18126659

If you do wind up loving QRT, I do think you could make a decent sum translating his works from German to English. He does strike me as a kind of "Western Mishima".

>> No.18126685

I'm not sure if I'm entirely in line with the nihilistic aspect of it but I'll definitely look into it, I can see the overlap with what Evola tried to do (although he would have maintained that it was not fake acceptance but actually attainable).
And yes Mishima definitely makes more sense in that regard. Thanks anon.
Alright for a degenerate you did reasonably well then.

>> No.18126734

Yeah, based on what my friend told me, I tend to agree more with Evola in that I do believe in some transcendent truth.
I remember reading a very cool quote from Evola where he discussed how the guqin's design is aligned with Daoist philosophy/mysticism. He also described its music in a way that opens up to the subtle Way. Guqin was meant largely for aristocrats or monks/sages and served a meditative function, which ties into his anti-egalitarian views too.
From what my friend told me, Evola goes into great depths about how high-art tends to be inspired by sacred traditions. With the degradation of tradition in the modern world, you will see less inspiring artwork and music.

>> No.18126747

He was a plagiarist who was never taken seriously by actual fascists. Nothing he has written is worth reading and Vinciguerra pretty much put this freak in his place.

>> No.18126759

In terms of art I've always noticed how two very similar pieces, one is a masterpiece, one is garbage, yet both are so similar is directly related to archetypal knowledge. One satisfies an ancient logic and memory, while the other is inconsistent.

>> No.18126776

Well then. Interesting at least.
>Evola goes into great depths about how high-art tends to be inspired by sacred traditions. With the degradation of tradition in the modern world, you will see less inspiring artwork and music.
Yes he does. And it makes sense to me. With the displacement from the higher to the lower (self), art loses its grounding and what you get is what you see around you today. Just look at modern architecture, it serves no purpose except "functionality" and ego stroking.

>> No.18126784

Yeah, studying Evola would be of interest to you then. He does touch on such themes a lot.
Kind of crazy how society went from revering Bach to giving accolades to trashy pop artists. Evola would argue this was due to both of loss of tradition and the push for egalitarianism.
Anyways, I am done discussing Evola. I mostly typed from memory. My German friend was very, very intelligent and could lecture for hours about various philosophers like Ludwig Klages and Julius Bahnsen.

>> No.18126807

Yes, QRT was mentally ill. I did mention that before. He was intelligent and had interesting views at least.

>> No.18126811

At once I had a theory that military soldiers used such boots because the thickness of the sole of the boot disconnected them enough from the Earth to allow them to follow any order

but I am sure this was just a silly teenage thought of mine from many years ago

>> No.18126833

Oh sorry for the confusion, I'm the other anon, already familiar with Evola. I was just agreeing with what you stated. And yes Klages was also a very interesting thinker.
>Evola would argue this was due to both of loss of tradition and the push for egalitarianism.
He'd be correct.
True but mentally ill has many degrees. I was just a bit surprised.

>> No.18127980


>> No.18128537

Props on you brother for willing to entertain him.

>> No.18128555

Yes. Read the Introduction to Magic series.

>> No.18128646

I’m going to pick up The Sufi of Rome next.
Is this a legit book about metaphysics? The name sounds cringe.

>> No.18128663

You have a patience of steel for entertaining trolls.

>> No.18128708

Who is QRT? I just spent 30 minutes scouring the web and couldn’t find much about him in either English or German.

>> No.18128716

Yeah I probably shouldn't have but I had just had a really good discussion about traditionalism in the Sufi of Rome thread so I was in a good mood. This idiot was spamming up multiple threads about it so I just wanted him to shut up.
Apparently some troubled underground artist/philosopher. I think his name was Kurt Leiner. Some interesting ideas but a major degenerate.

>> No.18128771

Where can I find his writings?

I just found a couple of videos on YouTube. One about some shit tier zombie movie with Freudian ravings about how it’s a metaphor for a son killing his mother to free himself from her overbearing maternal love. Another one about serial killing which is quite interesting, but I disagree with his Marxist take on it as being a proletarian invention.

But what I fail to see is how does this relate to Evola? This reeks of postmodern nonsense and nihilism, which are both the antithesis of what Evola, Nietzsche, etc. Which Mishima also failed to understand.

>> No.18129117

You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.18129128

The tiger is out.

>> No.18129143

I'll give you the answer you want, anon.
Evola is rubbish. Evola is nonsense. Don't read Evola. Don't waste your time.

>> No.18129232 [DELETED] 

Thanks! I wanted to hear SO MUCH! I mean, it’s already what I thought (even though I never read him lol!) but I needed to hear someone else saying it. You know, I needed other people to confirm my beliefs, otherwise I get anxiety.

>> No.18129242

meds now

>> No.18129415

I thought we had a good conversation but apparently not

Fuck you too nigger

>> No.18129430

Your use of the n word makes me laugh, please keep it up

>> No.18129433

I feel incomplete without saying it every 5 seconds


>> No.18129443

Is there any writing on esoteric philosophers simply rationalizing neurological mechanisms? This really seems inferior to the analytic tradition.

>> No.18129452

Not really, compared to the other Evola thread, this was shite.
Have you read him yet?

>> No.18129466

Oh no! I was found out!

>> No.18129475

Halfway through Revolt Against The Modern World finishing it today, I am actually amused that you guys are still angry about having to describe Evola in 5% more detail than you normally would have. Insane.

>> No.18129492

as a lurker i appreciate your posts

>> No.18130196

As a lurker, you don’t represent me.

>> No.18130471

no. if you read the wiki you'll get the most important parts anyway. unless you wish to waste precious time on every popular pseud there is and was, then i suggest to start with your own diary

>> No.18130601

I do you just dont consent because you dont post

Live with it baby girl

>> No.18130965

No he broke my spirit

>> No.18130974

He hated the beats but I like Robert Lowell, what do?

>> No.18131082
File: 1.48 MB, 2205x2289, EvolaWiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit
fuck you, you fucking faggot

>> No.18131337

There is nothing incorrect about either of those entries. Have sex, incel chud.

>> No.18131344

>nothing incorrect

The point is that they leave completely different impressions.

Dishonesty comes in many forms. Why not simply extend the article, rather than replace facts with other facts?

>> No.18131643
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I fucking hate when this happens
My head
Of course this shitty thread has almost 100 replies

>> No.18131672

pussy ass little faggot

>> No.18131801

>Reddit spacing

>> No.18131841

When I encounter stupid people

I break up my words

to help you digest them




>> No.18131952

Reddit spacing is the worst meme. That's not markdown works

>> No.18132055

Nobody's afraid to answer you, you've clearly demonstrated your temperament, your closed off nature and your euphoric fedora tipping by calling anything that doesn't fit in your mundane, positivist worldview "fairy tales" - so the question is, why should we bother trying to convince you otherwise?

>> No.18132066

Because you shouldn't be afraid of mean words you little reddit faggot, you should be unphased by my loose behavior with words. Newfag. And we had a good discussion after someone finally grew a fucking pair, so obviously your assumptions are wrong.

>> No.18132144

You should consider killing yourself. I know nothing of Evola just watching you waste time and needlessly argue with people just to get an ounce of entertainment for yourself is sad to watch.

>> No.18132155

t. nigger

>> No.18132188

Has anyone here read the Hermetic Tradition? What are your takes?

>> No.18132196

I'm afraid if I read Evola i will be too entrenched in traditionalist thought to co-exist with my liberal gf

>> No.18132225

Very dense book, not an easy read but a great exposition of the basic patterns/systems underlying the western occult traditions (mostly hermeticism and alchemy).
Just read his book on Eros and have magical sex with her

>> No.18132248

It's not hard to convert a woman away from liberalism.

>> No.18132573

What does Evola mean by traditionalism? What traditions would someone follow they adopted Evola's world view?

>> No.18132612

You know how people consider it vandalism to draw dicks next to cave paintings? People like Evola seem to not recognize the creation angle of culture, and only revere the historical angle. You're both humans, drawing on a cave, but one is 10,000 years old so somehow that one is more valid.

>> No.18132692

Yes his worldview is poetic

>> No.18132706

I have been drawn to him ever since I heard from someone here that he was so based and magic pilled that Mussolini didn’t want anything to do with him

>> No.18132722

It depends entirely on how hard you want to larp.

>> No.18132849

How do we know he is even giving an accurate anthropology of social patterns? Maybe he's just making it all up? His books read as if he found one shoddy example of something in one specific place and then applied it universally as if it was "the way things were". How would he know?

>> No.18132997

You guys read him? I just post memes

>> No.18133006

Keep it that way, the mystique will be intact for longer.