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File: 835 KB, 1080x1080, Welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18125066 No.18125066[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You haven't read the Bible?

>> No.18125076

No, I'm not jewish

>> No.18125088
File: 126 KB, 740x704, 1619326935552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I have actually. I routinely read Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, and Proverbs and then the entire NT cover to cover on a yearly basis.

>> No.18125098

If she's Catholic she probably takes it up the poop chute.

>> No.18125167

If she's catholic she's been getting the pussy fucked since she turned 14 or 15

Churchgirls are turbowhores, catholics especailly

>> No.18125180
File: 24 KB, 626x490, 1618957052309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Churchgirls are turbowhores
There is that oft repeated meme again. I daresay it is getting rather stale.

>> No.18125191

all women are whores and probably less than 1% of so called christians and catholics have actually read the bible

>> No.18125194

Wait a year until you're of legal age to actually have sex, then try to date one of these angelically pure churchgirls you're dreaming about.

Not only she'll be down to fuck on second date, but you'll find out there have already been a few visitors down there.

>> No.18125195

Stereotypes often contain a kernel of truth
Same goes for muzzies though, also turbowhores

>> No.18125218

Sodomy is a worse sin than fornication

>> No.18125222

I read the whole thing but not in one go. The gospels are fantastic, so is Genesis, Ecclesiastes and parts of the Psalms and Proverbs. The rest is not very good.

>> No.18125229
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I'm starting to think religion isn't a factor in all of this bros

>> No.18125235

Tell that to catholic priests

>> No.18125238
File: 59 KB, 626x490, 1618957052309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but your fantasies are hardly true, Mr. Virgin.

>> No.18125239

No non-religious girls are ultraturbowhores

>> No.18125243

It's very simple -- all women are whores.

>> No.18125253

>women are incapable of conceptualizing principle
>thinks it somehow matters which principles they fall under based on whichever religion presides over them

Lmao. Women are dumb beastfolk, most of which are whores.

>> No.18125259

It isn't, female nature is
Had my fair share of these tradlarping girls as a teenager, slut is a slut no matter what upbrining her parents attempted to imprint. You're the one spewing naive virgin narratives, and you'll be the fool getting sloppy 22nds on your wedding night.

>> No.18125264
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You should stop fantasizing coomer, you are ruining your brain.

>> No.18125267
File: 92 KB, 720x960, 1448390077828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No honey I have been day dreaming from last two days

>> No.18125268


>> No.18125270

my asshole reads it

cheap toilet paper

>> No.18125274

She's adorable. I want a gf so bad it hurts

>> No.18125283

I can smell your sweat from here

>> No.18125321
File: 310 KB, 705x535, ruins your board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't expect anything but three buzzwords cobbled together, as you clearly lack any sort of social and sexual experience. Honestly I'm not getting any joy from shitting on your virginal tradfantasies, but please don't kill yourself once you find your bride's pussy blown out before you've even touched her down there.

I know plenty of these girls, with anxiously conservative parents trying hard to protect their daughters - who of course start rebelling once their hormones go wild at 14, fuck bunch of guys to keep up with the cool liberal girls from their class. Then they wise up at 21 or whatever, having bodycount not much lower than your common Tinder slut, and decide to make use of their christian social cirlce to find a good reliable incel hubby to take care of them. That's where (You) come in.

You're obviously underaged so you'll disregard and forget all of this, choosing to remain in your youthful fantasies, but can't say you haven't been warned.

>> No.18125370


>> No.18125384
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1571852424114s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18125400


I'm only up to 1 Chronicles. :/

>> No.18125480

I have, baby. Wanna have kids and go to Church?

>> No.18125486

What's the cope for this

>> No.18125492

Then what is the solution?

>> No.18125514

The stereotype in your Pic Related is far more advanced in his faith than 90% of all Catholics who fought and died for Chistendom prior to 1800.

Having an inkling about which faith is correct is the entry point, not the end.

(You) are a hundred times more "cringe" than those you mock.

>> No.18125518

shut the fuck up, that dude is right. catholics are huge whores. t.catholic

>> No.18125550

Humans are huge whores. All fall short of the glory. Redemption is for all who repent of sin.

Tough shit if you don't like it.

>> No.18125561

based Gokubro

>> No.18125572

>muh repenting sin
sound like retarded shit. pretty sure this is the reason lutherans were a thing. if you rape babyes all your life and """repent""" you shouldnt go to nice sky

>> No.18125607
File: 53 KB, 511x456, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your eyes are brown?

>> No.18125619

>catholics are huge whores. t.catholic
Same. Can confirm.

>> No.18125666
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1617702979267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the bible say about women? Shut the fuck up bitch. Speak when spoken to or its the belt for you.

>> No.18125669


>> No.18125802

Based Satan embracing God's Word

>> No.18125895

I kneel

>> No.18125911

We go to very different churches then.

>> No.18125973

Based post. Me too

>> No.18125981


>> No.18127054

Brainlet take. God decides if your repentance is sincere. Not you and your lifeboat scenarios.
If you rape babbys all your life someone should make that life very short. His people are enjoined to mete out justice in His name.

That color is "hazel"
That's fine, we don't expect nonwhites to tell the difference.

>> No.18127661

She's not white. You can't have nonwhite eyes and be white

>> No.18127730

She's Atlantean.

You're not white. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.18127840

Cute, I hope she's getting some nice BBC :^)

>> No.18127841

I read the New Testament, comfy storytelling, original plot but overrated.
The Old Testament is basically kike mythology, so it's trash.

>> No.18127859

It's the final solution

>> No.18128261

Nobody here reads.

>> No.18128278

I do. Especially the Bible.

>> No.18128328

Actually based. Which should I read first.

>> No.18128533
File: 518 KB, 843x936, 1618477000619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently on my first reading of the bible, brahs. Whish me luck.

>> No.18128543
File: 40 KB, 326x406, 1575307770676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That color is "hazel"
Lol no it isn't, cope harder dude.

I have hazel eyes. Hazel is literally light brown+olive green or lightbrown+olive green+blue. She has 0 green or blue in her eyes even partially.

They are just brown eyes.

>> No.18128549
File: 271 KB, 1302x860, hazel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, actual hazel eyes.

>> No.18128556

this forced and ubercringe meme needs to die

>> No.18128625

ewwww vomit eyes

>> No.18128650

unironic delusion
but sure, tell us why a 15 y.o. newly converted fgt is more advanced in faith than 90% of men who died for christendom before x year
god you rabble are insufferable

>> No.18129340

the % of priests who touch children are lower than the % of teachers who touch children, but the catholic church is to blame boohoo

>> No.18129407


How do you think she comes?

>> No.18129482

Brutal post
>this kills the tradcath larper

>> No.18129516

First Post is the Best Post

>> No.18129566
File: 81 KB, 350x504, stoning2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two posts are severely retarded homosexuals together.

>> No.18129577
