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18125154 No.18125154 [Reply] [Original]

Post pics

>> No.18125208
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>> No.18125237
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this soviet edition of Divine Comedy is one of the prettiest books i've bought
was around 5$

>> No.18125254
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>> No.18125262

Mr.Sadler is banned from 13 different Olive Gardens for pathologically abusing their "unlimited pasta" marketing scheme. He almost put them out of business, by himself.

>> No.18125276
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>> No.18125322
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Gift from me dear mum. Probably read it 15+ times

>> No.18125646

Blake is great. "Jerusalem" is what got me interested in poetry.

>> No.18125858


>> No.18126180

His son is a tranny

>> No.18126539

Is there an actual story behind this Olive Garden thing or is it just "heh heh he fat?"

>> No.18126563

Gregory Sadly would rotate between multiple Olive Gardens in his area throughout the day, in order to not sound the alarm of his systemic abuse of their unlimited pasta policy. He was able to pull off the scam for over 6 years.

>> No.18126672

Any good reqs on where to start with Blake? I’ve been waiting to read him since listening to Neville Goddard speak about his work.

>> No.18126715

On that note, is that Portable Blake a good place to start?

>> No.18126745

I would recommend the portable library edition, actually. It's a good selection of poems, letters, some drawings, and a bit of prose.

>> No.18126749

Is this a real story?

>> No.18126750

Why hasn't he done any lectures on Spinoza? Seems like a major blind spot.

>> No.18126753

The thing about his tranny son was real so I am just not sure if this is merely a joke.

>> No.18126754

I wish I knew of a good edition of his complete works. I have a volume, but it's pretty poor quality :/

>> No.18126760

He said during a livestream that he isn't a fan of Spinoza and never really got much out of him.

>> No.18126771

You should ask him

>> No.18126779

This is too funny to real, but damn I wish it was.

>> No.18126803
File: 366 KB, 496x2104, yeah I read FN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait till he gets to Meltdown and Tic-Talk. I shared Sadler's opinion of him up until some of those later essays. People don't realize that the first 1/3 or so of FN is actually fairly normal.

>> No.18127083
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>> No.18127097

Post a tweet or something. He admits he has a tranny son and then acts the way you would expect a caricature of these people to react with "learning the pronouns" so I wouldn't put something equally as dumb beneath him.

>> No.18127256

Who's this faget

>> No.18127260

My mom gifted me books all the time as a child

>> No.18127268


>> No.18127272

The one YouTuber who understands Hegel and who posts his lectures for free.

>> No.18127302
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>> No.18127304

10 copies of Fanged Noumena is all you need.

>> No.18127363

For some reason, any time I see Sadler, I think of that pasta about the Husserl scholar working at Wendy’s.

>> No.18127369
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>> No.18127612
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>> No.18127622

Post it! I vaguely remember it.

>> No.18127680

I am a 36 year old with a PhD in Philosophy. I am $450k in debt and currently working two minimum wage jobs in order to stay alive. I work alongside 18 year olds and whenever they ask about my background I just tell them I've been in prison for a long time, which is less embarrassing than admitting the truth. I am probably the most well-informed Husserl scholar on the North American continent, perhaps in the world. My 1,500 page biography of his life has been rejected several dozen times. No college will take me on since they don't think Husserl is relevant, and that other applicants are therefore pushed to the head of the line. I have had 6 Husserl-related papers published in different journals and philosophical quarterlies, but have earned no money or recognition for having done so. I just moved to Abbeville, Louisiana since there is a job opening at the university in Lafayette and I decided to go all out in order to get it. But I've just found out that my application was rejected and now I'm stuck working at a Wendy's three shifts a week and a Barnes & Noble the rest of the time. I have no wife, no children, and at this point no friends I'm willing to talk to due to the shameful nature of my existence.

>> No.18127725

Damn. how do you get your latin... tomes... Post shelf?

>> No.18128057

>For some reason

I know the reason, and the reason is that you consider it classless when academics aren't employed by a university. Honestly, chances are Sadler makes more money being independent given the state of universities.

>> No.18128086

I think Sadler is not happy with his lot in life either though. I see him post disparaging remarks about Ivy league schools on Twitter occasionally and it seems more like sour grapes.

>> No.18128112

Definitely this.
He is extremely bitter in general about everything.
Wonder if that is just his personality or caused by some inferiority complex that he thinks he should be more appreciated or something.

>> No.18128128

>I think Sadler is not happy with his lot in life either though.
There's a vast resentment behind his persona, you can sometimes see it showing through the cracks when he interacts with people.

>> No.18128198

>you can sometimes see it showing through the cracks
There are no "cracks", only a giant gaping hole.

>> No.18128325

Posting disparaging remarks about the Ivy League just means you're sane.

>> No.18128352

What he said was something like "the best teachers don't necessarily come from the highest, elitist schools" or something and my thought was "don't pat yourself on the back too hard. You might hurt yourself."

>> No.18128391

Well he's not wrong. There's like 5000 colleges in the U.S, the idea that Harvard or Yale has all the best teachers simply because they have the most money is just a market liberal fallacy.

And besides, the Ivy League schools have already been busted several times for allowing the entrance of wealthy people's failsons and faildaughters through donations, which is something that will destroy the school's reputation and quality if it continues.

>> No.18128439

Thats undergrad entrance, very different than actual degrees granted sufficient to teach. Nobody in philosophy is teaching at the university level with less than a doctorate, and that dissertation is a matter of public record. There is a lot of bad, lazy philosophy being done, but the issue is political convenience more than corrupt legacy admissions.

>> No.18128447

The point is that whoever teaches at Ivy League isn't there simply because they are good at their job, they are there because they know the right people or belong to the correct family. It's just a naive fantasy that we live in a functioning, non-corrupt and pure meritocracy.

>> No.18128464

I agree with you, mostly, but still argue that nobody is teaching because of being from the correct family. Nepotism and political posturing gives people tenured positions frequently, but not family name. If you have a specific example in mind, I will concede the point gladly.

>> No.18129429


>> No.18129431


>> No.18130615

I want to pound your man-daughters boi pucci Mr.Sadler

>> No.18131560

I've decided to believe this an I'm happier for it