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18118870 No.18118870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As a straight white male whos looking forward to checking his privilege and overcoming prejudices towards the transgender community what is some science or theory i can read which can help me appreciate the diverse and vibrant culture of these politically correct victimhood units, i mean these most noble and progressive of creatures? what is some sciene or theory

>> No.18119211


>> No.18119405

Am I suppose to believe that that is a woman?

>> No.18119908
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there's almost nothing good written about us. it's all freaks and gooners getting chosen to speak for us by publishing houses.

that being said, nevada by imogen heap and the whipping girl are considered to be the best quality. whipping girl is a bit dry for trans people to read, with some cases of exceptionally bad prose. to be quite honest, if you really want to learn the truth about trannies, go visit the adjacent board /lgbt/. that's where you'll see us at our most raw and vulnerable. we're really just like normal people, just with a very specific problem
t. tranner

>> No.18119917

you are not expected to actually believe their lies but you are expected to respect them as if they were the truth

>> No.18119928

Maybe (?) tranner here,
I feel like agp should be separated from the weirdo spokespeople we get in media. James in Nevada is very agp, and agp describes my lived experience better than anything else. There’s a big taboo about it because of gatekeeping by psychologists but I feel like there’s serious philosophical ground to cover about its intersection with transgender identities.

>> No.18119933

No they’re clearly non-binary you transphobe

>> No.18119938

As a white male I donate 1/2 of my income to blxck trxns wxmen

>> No.18119944
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agp is definitely real. I've struggled with worrying about it for years before transing. what really got me through it was spending time around cis women, and seeing that their agp completely eclipsed mine. it really is just female sexuality

>> No.18119956
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>it really is just female sexuality

>> No.18119959

same, feels really good that im letting them, by their own powerful selves, deconstruct the societal bonds I made, by giving them my money. Its just really brave and i respect it so much.

>> No.18119961

I've been down to the end of this road, and that's my conclusion

>> No.18119965

>it really is just female sexuality
Nice try, only men can have agp

>> No.18119971

>I’m really aroused by the thought of being turned gay
>I can only imagine sex as a gay man, not a straight one
Is this person gay or straight?

>> No.18119974

absolutely amazing.

>> No.18119983

>being sexually aroused at the conscious thought of yourself liking something is the same as actually liking it without being all creepy and self-conscious about it
ok coomer
that's obviously a meta-attraction fetish and is not an innate sexual orientation

>> No.18119995

So what if it’s meta-attraction, and not the real thing? They can be autosexual and still be trans

>> No.18119998

>that's obviously a meta-attraction fetish
stop using fey terms, just say the fantasy situation arouses you, not necissarily the orientation. though its all fetishes anyways.

>> No.18120020

because metashit is MADE UP
it's not real, it's not genuine, it's not some expression of your inner being, it's as much a part of you as mold on your bathtub is an innate part of your bathroom. you can consciously manipulate these things at will (which is how you acquire them in the first place, nobody is born with these absurdities), which means that they are not "you" in any meaningful sense and demanding that they be respected as such is an insane delusion with the power to bring you an absolutely unimaginable amount of misery when you realize your entire self-conception was literally made out of fucking MEMES
not that i care whether you agree with me or not - the sort of person who lets a fetish become part of his identity deserves exactly what happens to him

>> No.18120063

I don't really care anymore if it's made up or if I unnaturally acquired it.
I don't think I did. The first time my sexuality awoke, without even knowing porn existed, I immediately gravitated to agp porn. But sure, it could've been something I saw when I was 5 or something a parasite gave me. That doesn't make it go away, or change the fact that traditional cis male heterosexuality is more alien and disassociating than agp-trans stuff. Nor do I want to deny myself happiness because it's not 'natural', something I'll never know whether or not it really is.