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/lit/ - Literature

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18119505 No.18119505 [Reply] [Original]

I read the Henna Artist by Alka Joshi for my real life book club. It was bretty good. Here's a greentext of the novel.

> main character is poo woman named Lakshmi in 1950s India
> she was arranged married at age 14 to an alcoholic guy who beat her erryday
> she learned about Ayurvedic medicine (traditional Indian medicine) from husband's mother
> at age 17, she was skilled enough to make a living as a herbal medicine woman, so she ran away to Jaipur
> uses her skill to help women with family planning
> she can make herbal birth control and herbal abortions, but also herbal stuff that helps women get pregnant
> also learns to mix plants to make henna paint and drawing good henna pictures
> starts a new business: she is a henna artist who helps women get pregnant, and thus can charge 10x as much as normal henna artists
> now age 30, she made enough to buy a house, her career and life are stable, everything is good, right?
> nope
> her ex-husband shows up and he brought along a 13-year-old girl
> main character's parents had a baby the year main character left and she had no idea
> ex-husband drops off little sister and leaves
> later in the book, we find out that he's sorry for beating her and to make amends, he becomes an herbal gynecologist for the poor women of Jaipur
> shit, main character has to make money to pay the bills, she has no time to babysit little sister
> main character's infertile female friend offers to babysit sister while main character works
> during day, little sister goes to school, after school she goes to infertile auntie's house or helps main character with henna bizniz
> a few months later
> little sister gets knocked up by a 17-year-old boy at school
> no one wants to get henna designs from someone who has a family member who is having an out of wedlock child
> her business fails, she has to sell the house
> main character, little sister, and infertile friend go to small village in the mountains to have baby
> hot Chad divorced male doctor in hospital is impressed with main character's herbal knowledge and skills
> he hires her as the Ayurvedic medical consultant
> baby is born
> infertile auntie and her husband adopt the boy and return to Jaipur
> main character and little sister stay in little mountain town to start a new life

>> No.18119650

Nobody cares or will read your diary.

>> No.18119666
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>It was bretty good.

>> No.18120822
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Sounds like trite garbage to me. (There's "no accounting for taste" though).

>> No.18120834

Jesus this post is gay and fact that you attend a book club (prob for your hiv aids), read a book by a women, and used the word ‘bretty’ all tells me you are a huge FAGGOT. This is the shit they make you read at a 40 year old women’s book club.

>> No.18121392

OP is probably an unironic woman, which thought that it's high literature which would make people on here change our minds on women writers as well as enjoy the equivalent of random bollywood telenovelas. Either basic bitch or ethnic poo.

Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.18121858

Sounds awful.