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/lit/ - Literature

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18117152 No.18117152 [Reply] [Original]

>Write in a literary shakespearean/joyce style having fun at mixing and blending in the same phrase multiple figures of speech
>Show it to anons
>Get insulted as someone that doesn't know how to write because Writing like finnegans wake automatically filters 99.9999....% of 4chan anons, even on this board
>Have to literally keep explaining how enalagues and tmesis aren't poor writing everytime

>> No.18117157

Joyce is a meme.

>> No.18117190

OP is a meme

>> No.18117215

Fuck, you're as good as Shakespeare and Joyce!?

>> No.18117301

You can't start with Finnegan is awake. First you need to write a dubliners, portrait, and Ulysses so everyone knows you're good.

>> No.18117307

My goal is writing for my own videogames, not literature.

>> No.18117311

I (sadly) remember your previous posts and writing. You're beyond pathetic.

>> No.18117312

vibeo gane

>> No.18117318

Post your writing then fag

>> No.18117368


>> No.18117373

now this is podracing

>> No.18117398
File: 73 KB, 798x546, morganasolil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write in a literary shakespearean style having fun
Picrel is an excerpt from me trying to write a scene between Morgana Le Fay and King Arthur in a Shakespearean style

>> No.18117473

This board is pretty shit, for poetry judgements are alright. The prose ones tho, no. I posted a prose piece that took you into the narrator's head using an experimental syntax style -random stream of consciousness passages, third person indirect, omnipresent third person, first person etc - and the anon said he couldn't figure out what was going on. I only posted the first page of the story and he was already lost and it's not like I used any words that would make someone open up a dictionary or anything.

>> No.18117531

>write in a pointlessly complex style
>anon doesn't follow the style of writing posted by a rando on a Malay child molesting forum
>wow the Malay child molesting forum sure is dumb, why don't they comprehend my random literary farts??

>> No.18117546
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>board about literature gets filtered by figures of speech

>> No.18117563
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>anon thinks his writing "filters" someone on a Malay child molesting forum
>doesn't know that focalisation is not a figure of speech

>> No.18117581

>board that constantly claims to love joyce, faulkner, pound etc
Post something experimental
>can't understand and gets mad over experimental styles despite claiming to love modernists

>> No.18117649

Maybe not everyone actually loves the modernists. Maybe you don't read a modernist novel the same way you read the writing of a random 4channeler. Maybe the adoration of the modernists is a charade.
Maybe anon's writing is shitty and its constantly switching focalisation is indeed confusing and needless, and like a typical /lit/izen wanker he's trying and failing to imitate the modernist greats.

>> No.18117733

what the fuck is that meter

>> No.18117743


>> No.18117750


>> No.18117764


>> No.18117770

Okay maybe it needed some work

>> No.18117817

>be unpublished fiction author
>just an autist describing a video game
Every time

>> No.18117838

>I am a literary genius: the thread
cope harder nerds

>> No.18118291

imagine making a video game, pandering specifically to the most immature and intellectually void group of people in the entire world.

>> No.18118298

I am a celebrated author. I have been published in numerous prestigious literary journals. My name carries immense prestige in the right circles, although few here will have heard of me. Many prominent politicians and philosophers have compared me to Joyce and Nabokov.

The kick? I've never written a word of poetry. All was stolen from various /lit/ poetry threads. My literary theory publications? Just copy-pasted schizoposting with many of the esoteric references removed.

Anyways, keep up the good work OP. You're casting pearls before swine but it keeps my lights on.

>> No.18118313

Yes, I'm learning baroque composition, renaisance painting, greek writing and pixar 3D animation so I can make Art with videogames.


>> No.18118336

Oh, it's you, wannabe polymath guy. How's your story going?

>> No.18118352

I've spent last few months learning enough music theory to BTFO 95% of IRL musicians, still lacking the book on baroque counterpoint and sound design.

Also last few weeks learning 3D sculpting, modeling, PBR layer texturing and 3D animation on blender.

So far doing fine and getting closer to finish both music and 3D.

>> No.18118359

>enough music theory to BTFO 95% of IRL musicians
Post compositions

>> No.18118365


>> No.18118382

lol dude

>> No.18118426


>> No.18118445

Top bait

>> No.18118460
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Gaara == Gaming industry/media
Rock lee == Me
Fight == When I release my game with baroque counterpoint, pixar 3D animation, 2020's AAA 3D models, 80's anime illustrations, Shakespearean writing on Godot.

>> No.18118461

No, he's the real deal

>> No.18118468

Lee lost the fight you goof

>> No.18118472

Browsing through your youtube channel, it will be decades before you've developed any of these skills to that point. Seriously, consider collaborating with people.

>> No.18118473

He still has the best fight of naruto.

>> No.18118481

holy shit, you're the same guy as the well temperament schizo, you're an entire fucking circus in one person

>> No.18118486

I doubt it but you do you.

>> No.18118494

>80's anime illustrations
lol I knew this was going to be kitsch. Every time.

>> No.18118559

god, that's the dream

>> No.18118731

>implying you wouldn't feel like a fraud 24/7

>> No.18118818

>Speak to NPC
>Sniffer of carrion, premature gravedigger, seeker of the nest of evil in the bosom of a good word, you, who sleep at our vigil and fast for our feast, you with your dislocated reason, have cutely foretold, a jophet in your own absence, by blind poring upon your many scalds and burns and blisters, impetiginous sore and pustules, by the auspices of that raven cloud, your shade, and by the auguries of rooks in parlament, death with every disaster, the dynamatisation of colleagues, the reducing of records to ashes, the levelling of all customs by blazes, the return of a lot of sweetempered gunpowdered didst unto dudst but it never stphruck your mudhead's obtundity (O hell, here comes our funeral! O pest, I'll miss the post!) that the more carrots you chop, the more turnips you slit, the more murphies you peel, the more onions you cry over, the more bullbeef you butch, the more mutton you crackerhack, the more potherbs you pound, the fiercer the fire and the longer your spoon and the harder you gruel with more grease to your elbow the merrier fumes your new Irish stew.
I suppose it could work, based schizo

This has to be the shitpost of the century.

>> No.18118823

I feel like a fraud anyway.

>> No.18118854

A fraud? Not at all. I am a celebrated author. I have been published in numerous prestigious literary journals. My name carries immense prestige in the right circles, although few here will have heard of me. Many prominent politicians and philosophers have compared me to Joyce and Nabokov.

>> No.18118867

are you the fucking figures of speech anon kek