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/lit/ - Literature

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18116386 No.18116386 [Reply] [Original]

where do i start?

>> No.18116393

don't make me do it

>> No.18116405

Loading the gun, putting it into your mouth at a 45 degree angle, and squeeze- don’t pull- the trigger.

>> No.18116420

Start by opening the book and reading it instead of seeking attention from the brain dead zombie retards on /lit/

>> No.18116422
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>> No.18116433

reminds me of chip hardware circuit number Intel used
how appropriate
be a state robot or else!
just look at North Korea

>> No.18116444

i think you oughta take your meds

>> No.18116451

as a brain dead zombie retard
you will become addicted to the attention I provide
now smoke this drug
and open your third eye to organized crime

>> No.18116555

disregard memeniggers
Das Kapital vol. 1-3
commie manifesto as a supp reading but don't take it too seriously

>> No.18117694

By burning his books

>> No.18117867

You don't

>> No.18117882

Fearful hysterical boomer

>> No.18117895

There is a guide into marx on the wikia. I am a booklet who never used it but it looks helpful.

>> No.18117909

i believe you have to undergo the hormonal replacement treatment

>> No.18118728

what is there to learn? all of his predictions for the future and possible solutions were trash, the only thing of value he produced were is critiques of capitalism, which there is no way in hell you arent already aware of if you are thinking of getting into his work

>> No.18119049

>all of his predictions for the future and possible solutions were trash
such as?

>> No.18119296

you start with hobbes and locke whom he was reacting to

>> No.18120721

Condition of the working class in England 1848
Family Private Property and the State
Peasants war in Germany

Value Price and Profit
Contribution to a critique of political economy

>> No.18120764

read kapital
then von mises and bohm bawerk

>> No.18121486
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>> No.18121521

>this destroys the communist

>> No.18121582

Harvey's a particularly liberal academic reading of Marx. Try Cleaver _Reading Capital Politically_ instead.

>> No.18121586

all the snowflakes getting triggered by marx lmao I enjoy this view everytime

>> No.18122220

nick land - fanged noumena

>> No.18122370

He’s anti capitalist

>> No.18122979

Economic calculation promblem is a socialist commonwealth

>> No.18122993

Yes, from an entirely bourgeois-liberal perspective which views Marx's project as ideological not praxical, and views Capital not as a toolkit of actual historical critique available for workers to halt the circulation of value, but as a series of potential additions to the analysis of, for example, literary critics.

>> No.18123415

did you read those?

>> No.18123655

Anon, Harvey wrote, “A Companion to Marx’s Capital” so non-academic readers could use “Capital” to understand the predicaments of living under Neo-liberal capitalism. Also, Harvey isn’t a bourgeois liberal. He is something of a tankie: he recently praised The Chinese Communist Party’s authoritarian tactics in tackling COVID, comparing them favorably to Trump’s lasse-faire (sp?) clusterfuck.

>> No.18123695
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>> No.18125139

Have you dilated today?

>> No.18125192

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