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File: 1.26 MB, 3375x2213, 2020-07-09T185128Z_411704174_RC2UPH90S8JD_RTRMADP_3_GREECE-PROTESTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18115000 No.18115000[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

these are the people they want you to start with

>> No.18115016

...the turks?

>> No.18115021

Yo bruh poggers! It's hella yikes cringe to start with the Greeks. Look at their stupid little letters and their little retard legs, which, bruh, I gotta tell you, is NOT based or poggers af AT ALL off top. Bruh

>> No.18115035

OK based

>> No.18115076

>We should stop reading white old men, who are no longer relevant for students today
Said person is now a law student. She specifically attacked Plato.

>> No.18115091


I dont understand what you are responding to.

>> No.18115102

he's schizo posting

>> No.18115120

No they aren't. They have 0 relation to an ancient people who lived 2800+ years ago. This is like trying to compare modern day Britain to the pre-conquest Anglo-Saxon kingdoms or Spain to Al-Andalus.

>> No.18115123

Every single time

>> No.18115178

Greeks are BLACK

>> No.18115216

I KNEW IT!!!!!

>> No.18115219

you mean the Greeks have zero relation to... Greeks?

>> No.18115274
File: 175 KB, 736x920, 32b6d56f55d263345fe8b4c1d7cfa46c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare ancient egyptian architecture to contemporary architecture
compare gothic architecture to contemporary architecture
compare mughal architecture to contemporary architecture
compare the islamic golden age architecture to contemporary architecture
compare imperial chinese architecture to contemporary architecture
compare the architecture of all temples from the medieval period throughout the world to contemporary architecture

do you really think contemporary people are in any way linked to their predecessors

>> No.18115280

This thread is off topic low effort and shit.


also, please call OP a retard

>> No.18115283

I mean they are literally... related...

>> No.18115285

>>18115000 Athenians have a really broad political spectrum and constant riots and agitation, it's interesting and democratic

It's basically

>> No.18115294

>A people that fights against austerity measures, IE the bleeding of cash from Greece to Germany
Yes. Start there.

>> No.18115296


>> No.18115297

if you know what the word related means in relation to the word linked you'd find yourself being better at understanding the connection between this post and this >>18115274 post

>> No.18115305

They fight for the rights of the citizenry. We fight for the right to party...

>> No.18115308
File: 89 KB, 679x522, 1618438695921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a dog is related to a wolf

>> No.18115319

Same species bro. Dogs and wolves can and do breed, as do coyotes and dingoes and all other wild dogs. What I'm not sure about is jackals but I assume they are also dogs.

>> No.18115338

Like different species that split off and developed independently from one another?

>> No.18115350

Species is an unscientific term.

>> No.18115355

They're literally the same thing genetically

>> No.18115363

Modern day Greeks have little in common with Greeks from over two thousand years ago, yes. Both ethnically and culturally.

>> No.18115374
File: 15 KB, 128x113, 1618457132463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop! you are missing the point. try this: like BASED producing CRINGE offspring

the ancient people are like the wolf (based)
the contemporary people are like the dogs (cringe)

same materially, different ontologically

>> No.18115381
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 1607084172384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand now

>> No.18115388
File: 57 KB, 1000x800, 1607715948374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18115405

Tomatoes are botanically fruits and culinarily vegetables

>> No.18115422


>> No.18115439


>> No.18115520

Different religion
Completely different values
No intellectual vigor
Completely different political organization
Most of their cultural customs are more Turkish than Greek

>> No.18115521

Yes, but then old Spartan and Athenian wolves were 100% Nordic Indo-Aryan, described with blonde or red hair and intense blue eyes.

Modern Turks are wolves that were rape babied by swarthy inferior Latin and Turk savages. Ancient Egypt was also Nordo-Aryan but fell long ago.

>> No.18115554

>Spartan and Athenian
>100% Nordic
Oh god it's one these retards.

>> No.18115563

Everyone I like is Nordic!!

>> No.18115611
File: 8 KB, 257x196, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by this metric scandinavia would be a den of wolves but look at it. it is the cringe region of the world. so what about all the whiteness? guess it doesnt mean anything

they would be in the iron age still if it werent for the mediterraneans

>> No.18115620

Nice subjectivisms you have there you fucking postmodernist faggot cocksucker.

>> No.18115640

This but unironically

>> No.18115676

All of these are objective fact.
You are a roach and not a real Greek.