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/lit/ - Literature

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18109183 No.18109183 [Reply] [Original]

I’m wondering, do any of you like any Capeshit? I don’t mean quality wise, just as a leftover from your childhood. We all had at least some connection with some kind of American capes, so I’m curious to see if worldwide you still have some attachment to some part of this low-brow type of fiction.
>inb4 /co/
No point in asking it there. For lots of kids comics are proto-/lit/ these days, so my question is whether you still like, say Superman, ever since you got into Plato or something.

>> No.18109215

never liked capeshit

not a pseud of autist

comics like every medium have their good and bad

>> No.18109224

Superheroes are an emblem of the atomic age and the new man in postindustrial society, it does not really resonate now, it's been largely retrofuturistic since the 80s

>> No.18109358

I really liked Static Shock tv show. When I was a kid. Definitely top shelf capeshit.

I did like the Venom movie, and I liked the Constantine TV show. I like really weird love stories and morally gray dickheads. And ghosts and demons.

>> No.18109385

I liked the hulk cartoon when I was 4

>> No.18109389
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Oh yeah, and the 2011 Hawkeye comic was nice.

I was much more into The A-Team and The Avengers (old british tv show)

>> No.18109421

Not being able to appreciate old school Superman is pseudery at it's finest. That said, you are supposed to grow out of your enthusiasm for comic books at some point.

>> No.18109428

When I was a kid and comics were getting more popular because of the Raimi Spiderman and other movies I bought a couple comic books to try them out, one was a Daredevil one and I can't remember the other. It didn't really pull me in. I did read Watchmen about 5 years ago though and enjoyed it. That's the extent of my comic book career

>> No.18109433

I read asterix comics when I was a child

>> No.18109441
File: 83 KB, 579x536, 71A751FA-F5CD-4076-8EA8-8454E28B53B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well add an image

>> No.18109469

No not really. I had literati helicopter parents who forbade comics for most of my childhood; my first was Watchmen, at 16. Comic-books as a medium are fine -read manga etc now- but I've no lingering attachment to Superman or whatever

>> No.18109559
File: 116 KB, 673x1023, Superman-701-Suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of superman. I dont care so much for the quips and the powerlevels and the epic meta commentary and the political agenda but I'm a sucker for stuff like pic related

>> No.18109600

I like good superhero stories. Most comics are really bad. Some are good, and some of those are really good.
This is a /lit/ Superman comic (not published by DC)

>> No.18109703

I don't like American comics but I watch anime and read manga if that answers your question

>> No.18109785

Superman sucks though. There's a reason Batman was always more popular.
>dood he's perfect and good and wholesome but like, he's not perfect and like he's also literally the most inspirational person ever and-
It gets tiring after a while. He's got this great hook going on, an alien from a Noble House that's been destroyed, he's got all these great villains, but all he does is the same shit on Earth.

>> No.18109813


so you're only half retarded instead of full retard

>> No.18109989

it had its moments between the 70s and the early 90s

As far as nostalgia, meh. The old x-men cartoon was awesome.
Its not really worth feeling nostalgic about characters that belong to other people.

>> No.18110914
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I think Green Lantern is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.

>> No.18112517

I recently got an omnibus of classic Deadpool on the grounds that I like graphic novels and am interested in comedic characters.

>> No.18113361

I used to watch 'Smallville' as I grew up, which left a pretty positive impression on me. Generally, I'll avoid capeshit now, but that's more because I feel like I've seen just about every iteration on the story. Most of what has come out in years is just a reskinned version of something I've already seen.

>> No.18113388

I liked Spiderman when I was little. That was it.

>> No.18113604

I enjoy the idea of Superman, his historic and philosophical underpinnings. I do not enjoy comic books and Superman movies are all pretty terrible.

A good Superman novel would be something like a Bible. But centered around Superman Myths. AC Grayling mixed with Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.18113623

hate superhero shit. hate watchman too. never read enough comic books to know if they're worthwhile as a medium. don't care.

>> No.18113629

>I enjoy the idea of Superman, his historic and philosophical underpinnings.
"neoliberalism good everything else bad"

>> No.18113636

>ESL faggot likes deadpool and graphic novels

>> No.18113651

Any BPRD readers here? Is it good?

>> No.18113657
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Stay butt hurt about it I guess.

>> No.18113665

The only comic I ever read cover to cover was Watchmen. I generally find the comics themselves uninteresting. I occasionally end up on wiki pages for various superhero fandoms if I end up seeing some snippet about an interesting power or backstory, but that's only every so often

>> No.18113680

>I occasionally end up on wiki pages for various superhero fandoms if I end up seeing some snippet about an interesting power or backstory,
That is really really really gay. Let me guess, you're an INTP aren't you?

>> No.18113708
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>> No.18113777

That pic is the epitome of Superman to me, not current DC and their misguided edginess.

>> No.18114071
File: 137 KB, 1024x1448, superman_redesign_by_comicbookguy54321_d8gpk0k-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same desu. Superman as a character, with his lore and mythos, is GOAT. You could do lots and lots of things with him. Even something that goes beyond genre fiction. But he's held down by the status quo, American capeshit conventions and the never ending publishing schedule. I'd love to get my hands on the entire Superman IP and really put it to good use.

>> No.18114102

>I don’t mean quality wise, just as a leftover from your childhood.
When I think about my childhood relationship with capeshit I feel angry, like I was conned out of something precious. Comics are the most soulless consumer shit imaginable, riddled with propaganda, advertisements, written by people who shouldn't have written. Every visual medium corrodes the imagination. They're penny dreadfuls for kids, and have contributed to the fall of Western culture. They're a very American poison which is the worst kind of cultural poison. Everyone who hated comics back in the day was completely right, it was all a huge mistake and kids should've been protected from the damage and exposed to decent literature instead. We have the cancer that is anime today because of goddamn comics. Even the "good" comics from Europe are shit and the only merit they have is the art, which is terrible for its own reasons, similar to why animation is also horrid. I wish the printing press was never invented.

>> No.18114149
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>tfw wasted so much time and money and later came to the same realisation
>tfw can't let go of nostalgia and my completionist ideal so I still have TBs worth of comics in my external HDs
Please help me stop the cycle anon. I have so much merch, so many wasted hours. I can't just... drop it all.

>> No.18114319

Well at least it's not capeshit
Anyway you are running on sunken costs. Sunken costs are a horrible thing to have in your mind. I have learned to drop shit if it's bad for me regardless of how much time/money I have invested in it and it was probably the best self-improvement move I have ever made in my life. If you have lots of material shit just put it for sale. You can make money with it.

>> No.18114367

It's not just Dredd. I have Chronological Runs of tons of capeshit. Batman, F4, Iron Man, Dr. Strange, WildStorm, all of Vertigo, and so on and so forth. I delete them and I download them again. Hundreds upon hundreds of GBs. I have this completionist mentality where if I like one thing that belongs to X genre or has Y theme, I must like everything that's also similar to it. An example
>I like Sci-Fi
>that means I must like Star Trek and Star Wars and WH40K and [...]
>that means I have to watch all Sci-Fi movies and anime, play all the games and read all the genre fiction books
>which means that I must also consume the entire SW EU, the non-canon one
>so since I like SF I must also like the F4
>and the F4 are Marvel's equivalent to Superman, importance wise, so I must also download 300GBs worth of Superman
I can't escape this. I've always been like this. I make some progress, but I've recently downloaded every SF show I hadn't watched yet and am sitting at ~2TBs of content that I dread to watch... I genuinely enjoy some stuff, but I force myself to like eveything and... I figure my time is too much to not fill it some way.

>> No.18114374

If you're a Stephen King or Dean Koontz fan, you might as well read comics.

>> No.18114396

Gravity's Rainbow is good

>> No.18114552

Man I haven't watched or read any piece of entertainment in years. I have played one short videogame in 10 years over a few hours until I completed it and then went back to not consuming anything except books and I haven't touched pulp stuff in a long time.
Before then I was a videogame addict, not a whale but borderline for a multiplayer thing. Sunken costs are eating you alive, get rid of everything and discover what you can do with your free time. It's so liberating. The less you "entertain" yourself the better off you will be. I can't define entertainment but when you are looking at something you can tell for yourself if it's "entertainment".
This probably feels like I'm telling you to cut your favorite leg off, but these things do not define you, they are there to consume you. They are like a worm that replaces you. Get rid of them all and look for the things that matter, I can't tell you what it could be for you, and you don't have to necessarily discard everything that you own right now, but you have to look for the things that matter to you spiritually, for lack of a better word.
The only drawback to this is that you realize that so many things are out to get you, to take your time and give you nothing back.

>> No.18114590

Never actually read comic books as a kid, so I never got too into superheroes, but I did always find the concept of the X-Men to be pretty cool.

>> No.18114610

You're completely right anon. In truth, I haven't bought a lot of stuff bar floppies I keep in longboxes. I've wasted more time than money. All the merch I bought was of the very "cream of the crop" favourites of mine, so I don't really have anything I want to get rid of. But I have TBs of stuff for the sole reason that I get this train of thought I described above stuck in me. Like you said, they don't even entertain me, they're a hassle I go through to satisfy my completionism. In the past few years I went though tons of tv shows, acclaimed and not, because of this completionism, and now I'm down to none. So that's something. I just feel this mix of completionism, fear of missing out and a hint of nostalgia.

I know that my time is short and spent better otherwise, but it's hard for me to make decisions. You're dead on with everything, but I don't know how to stop hoarding data and wanting to like everything. I don't even know if I "like" anything anymore...

>> No.18114658

You should unironically format the drives. The bigger or more expensive these things are the more relief you get when you get rid of them and the harder it will be to relapse. It's going to hurt and make you depressed but if you manage to find something fulfilling to do to replace these things you'll be reborn. I have cases of hoarding in my family so I know addictive mindsets well, find a healthy outlet for this time and energy and then nuke the consoomer shit.

>> No.18114707

I've read every batma, superman, spider man main issues, and a lot of other stuff.My total reading time might be above 10000 hours.
Most of it was shit, but the high points were really high.

>> No.18114723

>Most of it was shit, but the high points were really high.
That's just brain damage anon

>> No.18114824

I haven't read much of it, but I liked watchman and Moore's Swamp thing. It's mostly schlock and that's fine

>> No.18116025

I've completely wiped my external storage HDs multiple times. I always end up redownloading stuff. I don't know anon, maybe it's because I haven't found one thing that I can have as my guilty pleasure. One pop culture thing that I can enjoy endlessly as a way to kill time. Maybe I should dive into WH40K again? I don't know...