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18110804 No.18110804[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>secularism will wor-

>> No.18110811


>> No.18110816

Humans really do need to create meaning for themselves.

>> No.18110821

damn it feels good not to be a burger

>> No.18110828

Look, there is a lot of problems with racism out there. You SHOULD NOT be racist. :3

However, this man, George Floyd, was largely a drug addict. He was using counterfeit money. I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this.


Chauvin deserves time, but if this trend continues, this is going to be worrying.

>> No.18110829

Will this become a tourist attraction so thousands of fat american families could visit to worship a dead nigger?

>> No.18110838

I have come to regard "woke" as a new religion, or perhaps a new brand of Protestant belief. Time will tell if it sticks around

>> No.18110842

I can't think of a more American thing than worshipping a dead drug-dealing nigger

>> No.18110844

do burgers really?

>> No.18110843

okay redditor.

>> No.18110854

wow easy with the spicy takes there bud

>> No.18110866

I have been here for years. Everyone knows who I am :3

>> No.18110886

very original wow

>> No.18110887

Do Americans really?

>> No.18110889

I’m always seeing people point out that progressivism is like a modern day religion, and it’s like, yeah no shit? America was a strong Christian country and now Christianity is a corpse. Americans need religion no matter what so they’ve taken pronouns, BLM, transgenderism etc as their personal idols, even making George Floyd into a martyred Saint. Nietzsche already talked about this shit 150 years ago, humanity is never going to move on from religion or Christian influence

>> No.18110902

As a conservative, I think wokeness is bad, like a religion, even though I’m a conservative and I like religion, wokeness is the bad kind of religion, not the good cool kind.

>> No.18110910
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Imagine being Derek Chauvin. Fucking hell. One druggie dies on your watch and you're in the slammer and a worthless nigger is practically deified.

>> No.18110930

> :3
why the gay face?

>> No.18110932
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>> No.18110944

Maybe he shouldn't have knelt on his fucking neck, I don't know.

>> No.18110950


There are, but if you pick a clear cut case where an innocent man was murdered, right wing media will admit that it was wrong and there's nothing to rail against. How are you going to signal your wokeness if there's no one to scream at?

>> No.18110954

Thank you, thank you

Life got a lot simpler when I realized the true nature of wokeness. Just as insulting Jesus or drawing pictures of Muhammed is bound to anger people, so will being critical of LGBT or BLM. As a result, I try to be accommodating of people's pronouns and the like, just as I would someone with other religious beliefs. They are practicing their religion, and I just treat it like any other.

>> No.18110966

Butterfly, one of the women who browses here, likes it and it makes her horny :3

>> No.18110973
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>> No.18110987

This thread will be deleted and rightly so because it has nothing to do with literature but please answer my question. I live in a country where there are 1000-2000 noggers at most. Speaking from your experience are most black people like some crazy possessed racial activists who hate white people's guts and want to establish Wakanda in the US or are most just normal people who want to live their lives but are given bad press by a handful of radical activists?

>> No.18110991

Cope stormfaggot

>> No.18111000

The vast majority are normal people, and in fact the majority of racial activists are White women

>> No.18111014

Wish more people would say this. The loudest, angriest people demanding everyone walk on eggshells are almost always, or almost always revealed, to be some white girl trying to score virtue points. Most people just want to live and don't give two shits about the semantics play people here use to justify their racism.

>> No.18111025

this is disingenious. /pol/tards will use ANY reason to hate blacks.

>> No.18111033


But thats just more christian nilihims in the never neding slippery slope. Apply yourself.

>> No.18111039

Wokeism has eery parallells to millenarian movements like Catharism. When I first read about cathars I felt sympathetic for them and their noble values and virtues. Complete genocide over a couple of theological differences, isn’t that a bit much?

Now I understand their persecution a bit better. When you have millions of absolute nutcases roaming around trying to actively destroy civilization in pursuit of ultimately unattainable and abstract esoteric ideas, something needs to be done.

The wokeoids have similar noble values at face value, but when you scratch the surface just a little bit you find a toxic cocktail of corruption, mental illness, careerism, grifting, ulterior motives, social climbing etc. that is actually driving this horrible machine forward.

Genocide is in order.

>> No.18111041
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(You) are retarded

>> No.18111050


Wokiesm is an entirely american phenomenon driven by educated middle class white americans.

>> No.18111055

I live in Portugal. I lived all my life among them I've never met a smart/inteligent one. They all act irrationally. They are violent; when a news appears of a violent crime it's almost always a black. If you criticize their shitty actions you get called a racist. It's tiring and gradually I began to hate them.

>> No.18111056
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>crime statististics made by cops who get caught lying on police reports are true no questions asked
>covid numbers, climate data, the election are all faked

>> No.18111057

Yes murderers typically go to jail.

>> No.18111062

He didn't die from fentanyl

>> No.18111064

I think it was proven that Chauvin knelt on his neck for too long buddy. Please do not say 'nigger' on /lit/ either.


>> No.18111065


America needs to destroy itself so the rest of the world can live. I am sorry but thats the way it is. This is a romantic insight but its true. The big capital machine and its logic of individuation needs to die.

>> No.18111069

What are you talking about schizo?

>> No.18111070


>> No.18111071

that's not how it works. floyd had tolerance and chauvin kneeling on his neck was enough to stress his body into death.

>> No.18111072

So long as the narrative fits, assert it's the truth.
140 IQ board btw.

>> No.18111074

Have you ever considered this sort of phenomenon isn't exclusively American, and that religiosity is an inherent part of the human experience?

>> No.18111085

You mean by the guy the family hired that didn't even get to check the body, nigger?

>> No.18111089

Oh god it's you, no it doesn't and you're just as disgusting as (fake) butterfag
It just makes you look like a fag

>> No.18111090
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It's all fake

>> No.18111092

Retards. /Pol/ hates the Jews who brought the propaganda more than blacks

>> No.18111100

how would he be able to check the body when the cops basically locked floyd's body and threw away the key. it was the cops who didn't want the public to know what happened.

>> No.18111102

Butterfly still browses here, and she has visited me irl :3

Deal with it

>> No.18111109

Right, I mean their private investigator might have been biased.

But the problem we're running into, especially with states like MN, is that their police force is primarily white. They need to spread out their races a little more. ESPECIALLY in the police force.

>> No.18111111


>> No.18111114

that's bad logic. hating jews more doesn't make /pol/tards hate blacks any less. they hate them both.

>> No.18111116

Actual African people are alright. African American people are more of a problem. (But most are alright too)

>> No.18111124

>right wing media will admit that it was wrong
I distinctly remember everyone from Ben Shapiro to Tucker Carlson expressing clear sentiment that George Floyd was wrongfully murdered. Honestly I think it is because he was suffocated for a ludicrous amount of time rather than shot or something.

>> No.18111129

>getting a woman from 4chan to masturbate publicly to him on several occasions

I think you're just mad that lifting didn't work out for you, douchewipe :3

>> No.18111133
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>> No.18111136

>They need to spread out their races a little more. ESPECIALLY in the police force
Yes. Yes. It's the governments fault that black people aren't becoming police more

>> No.18111138

>Actual African people are alright.
Only the ones that stay in Africa
t. Euro

>> No.18111146

You're still a faggot and you're not even funny, your larp is even sadder than the ALL CAPS CHRISTMAN

>> No.18111149

they're the ones in charge of the hiring process. plus the police unions veto the hiring pretty heavily and police unions are primarily lean right.

>> No.18111153

I didn't say that. Whereas I think placement in the private sector actually might go a little too far, I think that helping them get positions in the police force is extremely important, since it does seem like, for some reason, they actually take offense when they enter into a disagreement and manage it.

As a result, and because the police get called into the ghetto more often, they NEED that racial perspective and racial representation in the police force. Otherwise you are clearly sending a racist signal.

>> No.18111160

In my country they've installed quotas to hire minorites as police officers and all it's done is increase incompetency and corruption amon police and decrease trust.

>> No.18111162

>venerating a criminal nigger who got so many chances to turn his life around and squandered them all
Do Americans really

>> No.18111166

She was literally just flirting on here with me the other day :3

The best part is that I have a girlfriend also. You don't have to take women THIS SERIOUSLY to do thing with them. As a matter of fact, you just take them SOMEWHAT seriously, understanding that they are usually flakey. You are treating this like the absolute most ridiculous thing.

Well guess what? On several occasions I have gotten that woman to flirt with me. Recently she has taken a liking to me whipping it out in front of her

>> No.18111169

Seriously faggot, it's not funny, just sad

>> No.18111170

Do you mean to tell me that in 2021 the police academy isnt hiring black people because of their race? Maybe more whites are in the police force because they are the majority?

>> No.18111173

You're years late coming to this perception.-

>> No.18111175

what does the quota have to do with anything? i just provided a possible reason why police hire mostly white guys. don't push my position into something else.

>> No.18111178

It doesn't matter. In your country you probably don't have the amount of minorities we have.

If it increases corruption, this is preferable to riots.

>> No.18111181

And another possible reason is because blacks on average are less interested in becoming police officers, or just lack the proper disposition.
My point is hiring people for their skin colour solves nothing. Quite the contrary.

>> No.18111183

No one is laughing. You're the only one replying. You're just angry, spiteful, or mad.

If someone does something with a woman -- who cares? Trust me, my friend, this mentality will help you out as a man.

>> No.18111184

what i'm saying is that police unions basically control the police force. and police unions lean right, mostly white.

>> No.18111187

No quite similar, western Europe. About 30% minorities.
>If it increases corruption, this is preferable to riots.
That makes no sense. It should do neither. It's not all black and white (no pun intended).

>> No.18111189

It was mostly a response to the guy who thinks that pol hates black because they're activists but the activism part is hated because of Jews. No one thinks blacks are doing this anti white stuff by themselves. Sure they hate blacks but for their physically aggressive/impulsive behaviour not for BLM (that's why they hate Jews)

>> No.18111195

Seriously faggot, it's not funny, just sad

>> No.18111199

>It should do neither.
But it doesn't :)

See, now you're just arguing with reality. This is how it is. You have to take one or the other, and you're not allowed to say "STOP RIOTING HURRRR THIS IS UNFAIR" because those are people and they have their own worldviews and perceptions of the world.

>> No.18111200

/pol/ was right again

>> No.18111202

It's not the police departments responsibility to get more blacks since we're not a militarized government anymore. Becoming a cop is not a popular profession anyway

>> No.18111205

Lol. :3

>> No.18111207

Unironically are there any good works of philosophy that can help me understand the mindset of this religion of the godless?

>> No.18111209

The problem isn't with the police then, but with the people. I knew your education system was bad but apparently it's dogshit.
>those are people and they have their own worldviews and perceptions of the world.
I guess you grant the same to the right wing rioters?

>> No.18111211

Hoffer's True Believer

>> No.18111217

What the fuck am I reading

>> No.18111218

>It's not the police departments responsibility to get more blacks since we're not a militarized government anymore.
Where is this argument coming from?

It's their responsibility to prevent rioting and help social welfare (stop endemic racism like seen in this thread)

>> No.18111222

Seriously faggot, it's not funny, just sad

>> No.18111227

Yes my friend. Everyone should be sufficiently happy so that they don't riot.

That's how civilization works.

>> No.18111229

Okay? Just because they are more right leaning doesn't lessen the amount of black people being hired as police officers? Maybe lots of blacks don't want to join the police force

>> No.18111236

The truth. Why should you ever care if a guy fucks a woman. What does that have to do with you? :3

>> No.18111239

>prevent rioting

cops literally got caught on tape attacking protesters just holding signs while ignoring rioters in the periphery. it's game theory.

>> No.18111241

And what if, hypothetically, the reason they riot is objectively unreasonable?

>> No.18111246

>Maybe lots of blacks don't want to join the police force
Even if this were the case, some do.

>> No.18111247

Seriously faggot, it's not funny, just sad

>> No.18111251

And what reason do you have to assume they are rejected for their skin color only?

>> No.18111252

maybe. but the inherent nepotism basically implies they will have a preference for right leaning white guys over black guys.

>> No.18111253
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Secularism, OP, really? I'm just going to call that shithole of a post-colony "pre-secular." There was not a single femtosecond in US history when its inhabitants weren't rabid religious fanatics. As cool and fashionable as it would sound, I can't even speak of "post-secularism."

>> No.18111255

>Some do
Yes. And they usually do become police officers. You're making it seem as If they don't have a chance.

>> No.18111256

>you should not be racist
Why not

>> No.18111257

No, that implies they will have a preference for right leaning people over left leaning people.

>> No.18111258

I don't think there is a single damn thing you can do about it if they've already started rioting. Your time of explanation of core principles has passed at that point.

This is how sociology works retards: there are basic inputs and outputs because races and cultures are so different. If a racial or cultural group is rioting it's because you've done something wrong as a society, perhaps as a member of another race. It's time to start examining things from this lens, because you may never truly know what it's like to be black, something they've been saying for a while.

Unfortunately I agree, I think they don't teach officers this sort of thing enough.

>> No.18111259

There was a time when people dreamed of being able to look past skin color. Now it's all people want to talk about.

>> No.18111260
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I'm tired of people not affording American culture the respect that they show to other countries'. When people visit, for example, india they don't denigrate Hinduism and the cultural idiosyncrasies that go along with it. When people visit Tibet they don't take such joy in insulting Buddhists and nomadic herdsmen. But apparently its fair game to pour scorn on the intricate cultural practises that have formed in the relatively short existence of the cultural melting pot we call America.
Shame on you all.

>> No.18111264

I find this so sad because I think like 80% of the people sucked into this have good intentions but they are being deceived by what is essentially the thing that biblical Satan is a metaphor for. I don’t have any idea how to convince black people that they are being lied to though. This “satan” made sure to make the mind virus so deeply personal that has essentially become one with its corporeal hosts. You can’t explain to them why they are wrong without them perceiving your message as a personal attack

>> No.18111266

Give me an example of a black person being rejected by the police academy based on their race. Have you never seen a black cop before?

>> No.18111267

So segregation is the best solution? Otherwise you'll just end up in a reverse situation with black police officers terrorizing (innocent) white people, if we assume you're correct.

>> No.18111268

>this is going to be worrying
Gee. Ya think?

If you still think this rock is remotely salvageable or redeemable you need your head examined. The sooner we wrap this whole thing up, the better.

>> No.18111269

No one is saying they are.

Affirmative action, something I have criticized for the private sector, is completely understood for public sector things, like the police force, because they are supposed to represent the population.
You lost the train of the argument.

>> No.18111274

You can see the lack of cultural appreciation the Europeans have :3

It's really amazing. They wouldn't know how to interact with anyone over here.

>> No.18111275

>No one is saying they are
That's the implication made here though.
> they are supposed to represent the population.
And that can only be done by skin color? What a shallow and racist way to view people.

>> No.18111280

Seriously faggot, it's not funny, just sad

>> No.18111281

Neither. They want to just live their lives but living their lives means commuting disproportionally higher amounts of violent acts and transgressions against everyone else while being easily manipulated by rhetoric.

>> No.18111286

There are a shitload of black cops dude. At least proportionate to their percentage of the population

>> No.18111288
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Spengler's Decline of the west (not as a meme). In particular the pieces on the decline of religions and the second religiosity as an empty farce.
Im pretty sure Adorno also wrote on it, but im not really familiar with him outside of Prisms.

>> No.18111289

>a reverse situation with black police officers terrorizing (innocent) white people
In this situation, this sort of scenario would only happen WITH segregation.

The solution is just to keep going with desegregation. There are going to be protests, after all they were slaves. I don't think that completely logically justifies hatred for whites or special treatment for blacks over whites, of course.

But it should give you some understanding of what's going on.

What really needs to happen is the cultures need to mesh a little more, on non-sexual, or non-aggressive lines.

>> No.18111291

Man has the innate drive for God. It can't be stifled or taken away. He will worship monkey if nothing else is sacred

>> No.18111292

America is having our own version of the Russian revolution aren’t we
I don’t wanna go to camp bros

>> No.18111295

>In this situation, this sort of scenario would only happen WITH segregation.
That makes no sense because with segregation, white police officers would deal with whites and black ones with blacks.
>The solution is just to keep going with desegregation
Yeah race relations have never been better since doing that
>What really needs to happen is the cultures need to mesh a little more, on non-sexual, or non-aggressive lines.
So now you want to erase distinct cultures as well? You're tyrannical.

>> No.18111297

>is skin color important in a representation of a demographic

Did you seriously ask this?