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/lit/ - Literature

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18110278 No.18110278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

All discussion related to Waldun, Jay and Jaidyn and Melbourne Street Art Scene goes here

>> No.18110283

I'd rape Waldun just to hear him scream.

>> No.18110315
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>> No.18110539
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>> No.18110557
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Melbourne is all scene and self promotion, what great work has Melbourne actually produced?
Best i can think of is Monkey Grip by Helen Garner and that's more than 40 years old now.
The Melbourne "scene" is literally a bunch of posers and wankers sitting around some funk-groovy hipster cafe in Fitzroy talking utter bullshit.
No great book will ever be written in Melbourne.

>> No.18111105

L'academie is pratically finished and you're going to eat your words. Dubs and you print your post and eat it

>> No.18111331

How tall is that fella?

>> No.18111357

From his instagram today

>When you’ve no internet in your apartment...

>When I moved into my new place, I made a conscious effort to cut out distractions. After a bit of work, the place is now my little reading cabin in the thick woods of concrete buildings.

>I’ll continue this train of thought in my next video on how to live more deliberately. #thoreau

Can't wait to be educated on Thoreau

>> No.18111362

almost 6ft

>> No.18111366

Usually great works come before movements. How about we wait until they actually publish something worthwhile?

>> No.18111373


So 5'2"?

>> No.18111388

Who is this person? In out of the loop. Please fill me in.

>> No.18111391


>> No.18111405
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>The novel plot will be hushed up until all is complete and together. All I can say is. Different views, different writing styles, true stories. All compiled into a prose fuelled free flowing gritty story-telling narrative.

>> No.18111409


>> No.18111411

RC Waldun. He's been a self-help youtuber for a few years and believes he is fore-fronting a literary movement.

>> No.18111433

Apparently just wait two weeks

>> No.18111716
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When it comes out there will be a sudden upsurge in spinal injuries from people cringing so hard

>> No.18111754
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Further to my earlier point, notice all the great Canonical writers of Australia aren't from Melbourne?
Tim Winton- WA
Richard Flanagan- Tasmania
Andrew McGahan- Queensland
Thea Astley- Queensland
Kylie Tennant- NSW

and i could go on...
Melbourne is good at self promotion and image, nothing of any actual substance comes out of that shithole

>> No.18111761

what kind of dweeb follows this shit ho man

>> No.18111770

Jay and RC are working on a novel together. It will be experimental, passionate, and realer than anything you could ever write.

>> No.18111779

Nothing wrong with that mouth-breather

>> No.18111785

I's manuscript is now complete after 2 days.

>> No.18111786
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It will be cringe inducing drivel from a couple of spoilt upper middle class university brats with no life experience other than living with their parents and going to school. They spend their time hanging out in hipster bars and cafes dressed like a twink version of Harry Potter and talking bullshit with other like minded wankers. All style and no substance.

>> No.18111794

Fuck you, you dumb nigger. You know nothing and will eat your words.

>> No.18111798
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"Experimental" means novelty above content, playing with forms and other devices to hide the complete lack of anything to say. As Bukowski said "those without passion always resort to form"

>> No.18111806

Should be "Waldun's and my manuscript"

>> No.18111813

>Waldun and I’s manuscript
Are you retarded? I’m not joking. Are you? There are plenty of ways to mog on Robin and his friends, but half the time /lit/ just ends up making itself look retarded instead. I remember a couple weeks ago some guy posted an excerpt of some random critically acclaimed short story and credited it to Waldun, tons of people calling it shit and only one recognized it wasn’t Waldun. Really fucking embarrassing. I’m mad pozzed

>> No.18111822

"realer than anything you could ever write"
Where are they getting this "realness" you speak of? What of they seen of life? Of the real world outside campus and the Melbourne hipster scene?
They are basically kids. Spoilt rich kids at that.
They can't write anything real because they've seen nothing of life.
Want to write something real? Go work in a bottle shop for a year, travel up to the NT and live in some remote shithole for a while, work in a hospital and see a bit of life and death. Learn what poverty and loneliness are really life.

>> No.18111827

You're making a fool of yourself.

>> No.18111851

Can't wait to read your "Tales From 4chan.org" memoir. Waldun and Jay are actively living in the now and making art out of their experiences.
You really think spoiled rich kids can't write? Buddy, they're been the best writers this whole time. Keep being poor and seething tho

>> No.18111868

Chink manlet

>> No.18111873

lol reading the losers in this thread complain to no one. Meanwhile Jay is living, writing, and fucking his hot gf too much to care.

>> No.18111877

I'm Jay's hot gf and I must say, his cock is enormous

>> No.18111968
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>> No.18112002
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What experiences? Being a twink who wears tweed in public? Drinking fruity nonsense cocktails in a hipster bar?

>> No.18113046

chad hipster tatto

>> No.18113062

is waldun peak masculinity?

>> No.18113071

No. He's 7'2". and extremely thick.

>> No.18113107
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I shuffled off my burlap messengers bag and peacoat, slid into the booth, and took out my moleskin journal - the black one, not the brown one. It took me a few minutes to decide between pens. Finally I chose my second-favorite super-fine-tipped black pen, which didn't bleed too much, but still had a nice flat look when absorbed into the page. I opened my journal to page two, where I'd left off after I bought it last week. I gave a sigh and prepared to write. The ambiance of the dimly-lit cafe distracted me. I could see the baristas sliding past each other, almost dance, serving thirsty and cold wanderers like myself. I sat back unable to write, not because I was a talentless hack with no ideas, but because the objective beauty of my personal experience was overwhelming.

But as a writer, I had learned to sacrifice myself in a way. It was my duty to impart beauty upon my inevitably large audience, so I pulled away from the consuming perfection of my life and looked at the blank journal page. I pushed up my glasses and began the sacred work. "Once upon a time..."

Ten minutes later, I give my weary soul a break from its labor. A writer lives on coffee, so made my way to the bar for an order. I looked directly into the eyes of the tall maiden behind the bar and said "I'll take a coffee, if you've got any to spare." She smirked, obviously charmed, but to her probable disappointment, I had no intentions of flirting. "Cream and sugar?" she replied. "Black" I replied.

As I leaned on the bar waiting for my writers nectar, thoughts flew through my head about where to go with my writing. Not what I was actually writing, but how I would shape the wet clay of my career as an author. Then, it came to me. It was a revelation as subtle and beautiful as my presence in a cafe listening to smooth jazz and drinking black coffee: I would post a video to the internet explaining my intentions to write a story every day. That it could be done with exceptional benefit to both my development and my oeuvre was a given, but telling people on the internet of my intentions would be a source of hope and excitement for the viewers. I got my coffee, returned to my table, and stared at the page impatiently. My phrase "once upon a time" was surely a promising opening, but ideas for the thumbnail of the video were burning in my head. I had to pack up and leave.

>> No.18113176
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I posted this in the writing general board a while ago.

I was deeply disappointed in the other anon’s emissions, so I set out to correct it for both /lit/‘s and dar academia’s sake.

he was correct that screens do cause cum to look very seethrough.

>> No.18113187

Hi, Anon. I'm the the guy who cummed on Waldun's face. Once I get a printer, I will make daily threads cumming on Waldun's face

>> No.18113192


>> No.18113195

Great job though!

>> No.18113204
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What's he planning? This board wouldn't be able to contain the autism if these two came together.

>> No.18113219

Hi, anon. I am the anon who you just responded too. I would very much appreciate if you would do this.

Kindest regards, and my thanks,


>> No.18113345

Waldun and gardner linked up! Need it or keep it?

>> No.18113373

Cutest /lit/ crush yet imo

>> No.18113377

Hey are the other two nudists from the perilous Waldun thread here? We should campaign for a nudist/naturist board.

>> No.18113392

Previous thread, I mean.

>> No.18113404

Absolutely need it

>> No.18114136
File: 8 KB, 200x252, Maugham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually believe this is what the little faggot sounds like. You've completely nailed his pretentious aesthetic.

>> No.18114150

I am a novocastrian. I wil murder you all with a peeling knife. Fuck melbourne. Fuck sydney. Brisbane is a bogan shitehole.

Newcastle, I save you for suicide.

>> No.18114186

Good pasta