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/lit/ - Literature

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18108953 No.18108953 [Reply] [Original]

I need to compare and contrast my life with the life of a strong thinker. I've decided on these three: a philosopher, an artist, a statesman.

All three of these biographies are supposed to be quite good. Which would you read first?

>> No.18108966
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Get this biography instead

>> No.18109005

>928 pages
>4.41 on goodreads, wtf?
>covers modernization of people's republic of china

Damn, bro.

Thank you for this suggestion. I'm going to seriously take a look at this.

>> No.18109216

The power broker is really good, but it won't make you want to be a statesman

>> No.18109228
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>Van Gogh

>> No.18109238

They're really good picks anon, though I'd replace the third with a Napoleon or Cromwell biography.

>> No.18109366
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I can say, as someone who wants to be a writer, that reading of and about van Gogh was insightful. I really like getting perspectives from artists in other mediums besides my own.

>> No.18109490

I wouldn't exactly call Van Gogh a "strong" mind, but it's still worth reading about him.
Also why are you timestamping? You think we're gonna not believe you if you say you own these books or something?

>> No.18109491

Wittgenstein is the only one out of those 3 you should imitate 2bh. The Power Broker while a great book is more of an expose of a man than someone you would want to imitate, and well, Van Gogh

>> No.18109699

No intention of being a statesman.

Which Cromwell bio would you recommend?

Ahh, interesting. Thank you.

I need attention, obvi.

Did you like The Power Broker?

>> No.18109777

isnt wittgenstein just the template for the edgelord ironist redditor?