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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 482x482, FE180E4E-CD7F-48B7-8615-AFDAF5D47FA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18108819 No.18108819 [Reply] [Original]

>The post-Foucaultian dialectic has presented itself as a form of postcapital, with deterritorialized hives of autonomous neo-antineometaphysicians forming as a body without organs, inside relation to Capital yet observing as critics. In reality, neo-Chinese technophysics have enclaved the temple where once sat Aquinas, as a form of Platonic- Durkheimian synthesis, truly in a nonartifical relation Capital.

>> No.18108861
File: 974 KB, 2320x3088, 1616614152182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banger tweet Mr. Land!

>> No.18110168

What is this pepe supposed to be?

>> No.18110181

I've been gone for a while, what's this new fake land spam?

>> No.18110194
File: 137 KB, 537x847, 161937810839111017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refuted by Nick Sea (war be upon him)
>The pre-Foucaultian dialectic has presented itself as a form of precapital, with reterritorialized hives of dependent paleo-neometaphysicians forming as a body with organs, outside relation to Labour yet observing as affirmers. In reality, paleo-Chinese biophysics have enclaved the temple where once shat Aquinas, as a form of anti-Platonic- anti-Durkheimian analysis, falsely in a artifical relation to Labour.

>> No.18110204

stoner who doesn't brush or hair pepe

>> No.18110218


I see. I'm a stoner who looks a lot like that and am affected by Accelerationism, despite not wanting to be. Rings strongly of truth.

>> No.18110248
File: 813 KB, 2100x1500, 1619317120547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Mr. Dr. Chad Sadler. I am contacting you and your trans daughter with this One Time Opportunity™ that could change your life forever. I will send you 10 FREE copies, yes that is right 10 FREE copies, of Nick Land's CCRU Writings (Urbanomic INC ™). All that we ask is that you review his fantastic fun and groundbreaking work on your youtube channel. Please respond todayto accept this 1 time offer. I cannot stress enough how much this book can benefit you and your trans daughter.

>> No.18110685
File: 2.16 MB, 2320x3071, 1616728260663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why mr moderators you are probably wonder why is this related to your hypercommunist subreddit? Well let me please explain. You see this image,this photo is showing a keked out meme of an edited facefag with a masculine chin. Why the chin you may ask and why the title you may ask? Well let me answer that latter down the line. But first why a facefag of all people? Why because he a gourgouis man of intellect who's quotes I have etched into my membrane and he is apart of the reading list on the left side of my (our) computer(s).now let's get to the meat and taters of the picture:what's with the Chin and the title? Well,well,well let's begin... The chin is supposed to represent the aristocrat, the chin of fine taste in music,philosophy and films.now the title,upon seeing such a chin you will now know that man hat great taste when you first glance on him

And now you know why I posted this meme, this SATEMENT to show everyone that the computer gangster communist of yesteryear is trying to stay relevant though the media and our elders and we must assassinated this cyber beast of the neo east

>> No.18110836


>> No.18111539
File: 17 KB, 480x360, heghegh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first post that's made me laugh all year. Thanks for warming my schizo heart.

>> No.18111584

Where should I begin with Nick Land? I have a copy of Fanged Noumena. Should I just read the essays in order or is there one I should read first?

>> No.18111597
File: 157 KB, 1173x689, 1619364818805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having 10 copies

>> No.18111605

The Land from 'Fanged Noumena' is very different from his later writings.
If you are interested by the Land that /lit/ knows (the drugged up schizo) then read what you've got.
If you're interested in the later Land, you should start with the text 'Reignition: Nick Land's Writings (2011-)' (https://www.are.na/block/8771828))

>> No.18111619
File: 39 KB, 728x655, E83AC594-8186-4F8C-B254-7EA6C908FD7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't know.

>> No.18111635

well well anti-accfag thinks he found a new cringe meme.
This will be as boring and uninteresting as the last 15 memes he has been pushing the last 2 years.

>> No.18111637

It was from one of those "post yourself in MS paint to get a book recommendation" threads. It's just some fucking nerd, you may even be talking to him right now.

>> No.18111646

Actually no I'm wrong, someone posted it in one of those threads but I've seen it posted before.

>> No.18111647

Reminds me why I don't miss studying the humanities and the tedium of academia

>> No.18111723


>> No.18111731

Some autist posted his face. Then another autist made the connection that its accfag

>> No.18111808


>> No.18111885


>> No.18112003 [DELETED] 

Retard deleted the tweet too just to confirm it is him

>> No.18112028

Land is getting old bros ):

>> No.18112037 [DELETED] 

lmao saw that

>> No.18112049

He got doxxed?

>> No.18112100

No he posted pictures of himself a couple times and then he was spamming a twitter thread here. The dude's profile picture was obviously the same guy

>> No.18112157

What a dumbass.