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18108307 No.18108307[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I lose my mind trying to convince people to loosen up and quit their 01010 view of the world.

I don't get it. How do you have the audacity to think the world revolves around your race, dick/vagina, nationality or religion?

People of the white race take the spot light for being "chauvinist" but this biased exclusive focus on only white racism is what fked all the whole world.

Muslims are racist and have an expectation that they are above everyone. Saudis think the world revolves around them. Iraqis, Syrians, Turks, Eastern Europeans, Western Europeans, Russians, Americans, Christians, etc...

I read broadly and find that no matter what shitty of a book or culture I read on.

Truth is relative and is a spectrum, all solid expository works and mainstream political views have some truth to them.

It drives me nut. Every niggerminded person thinks his hood represents over all...

Should I just quit discussing literature with others?

Talked about a fucking philosophical work with an Arab and he said he'd kill me if he could.

Are these people a lost cause?

>> No.18108319

Go post your blog on MySpace where it belongs you fucking faggot.

>> No.18108388

> read broadly and find that no matter what shitty of a book or culture I read on.

>Truth is relative and is a spectrum, all solid expository works and mainstream political views have some truth to them.

Accidental space.

Wrote this while boiling, all I meant to ask is should I just quit trying to "fix" people who take up retarded views?

What do you do with people who pseudo-read some author's work, misunderstand the context of that author and start conspiracy theories on the same level of absurdity of Covid-19 hoaxists?

My mere attempt to infer to people that they need to correct their interpretation of that author's work and put their religious biases aside caused these people to talk shit about killing that late author's readers.

Context: a late author made a book to seek to break the taboo of needing someone to intepret religion for you, Saudis got mad at me and started calling me an infdddddile because anything short of a radical approach to religion is BS

They escalate mere discussion to violence and they bark when someone inhibits their violent tendencies

I don't get it. Prominent radicals send their kids to study in Ivy League western unis and they urge lay people to hate the West. AND LAY PEOPLE PUT THESE HYPOCRITES ON A PEDESTAL.


>> No.18108392

>Posted in r/coolguides

>> No.18108408

>deracinated liberal bugman janissary can't understand why everyone else doesn't have an eradicated sense of group identity or self-identification
nice spacing fag

>> No.18108417



>> No.18108425
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What the absence of medication does to a nigga.

>> No.18108428

Which philosophical work were you discussing with the Arab, OP?

>> No.18108440

>What do you do with people

I mean, you don't do anything "with" them. You go about your day and leave them be. There will always be dunces in the world, your job is to take advantage of them and get ahead. You aren't supposed to seethe over the fact that individuals who are less intellectual than you exist.

>> No.18108532


A Saudi blogger made a video that attacked the late author Ali Al-Wardi and said he was on in a conspiracy to undermine the timeless fixed traditions of the Islamic world (aka fundamentalist interpterion of Islam)

The late author, who was born in 1910, is a graduate of Sociology from the United States, specifically a Ph.D graduate of Sociology from the University of Texas in 1950.

I want to make one notice:

My English is not that good. I also can't translate his works (they aren't translated and he is survived by a greedy fucking son who lives in Sweden who wants $100,000 to give the rights of translation to the state or any individual, that motherfucking money whore ruined his father's legacy).

I am willing to go through that author's books and write a simple incomplete summary of his main ideas, but you need to put in mind that there is more to what you will see and that my translation might do him injustice.

I am genuinely ready to skim his books and translate main ideas, it's not hard because I highlight conclusions and paragraphs that summarize the whole topic while I read, so it'll take me an hour maybe. I'll use GhostBin.

I am waiting for your response.

Will you bother to read that summary? Will you put in mind that I might mistranslate some of his thoughts, and that there is more to what you will read?

At your command I will skim his books and write a concise summary.

>> No.18108536

Look at the way you post, the manner in which you construct your thoughts. You know what it looks like? A schizopost. You could never convince me, let alone anyone else, of anything, no matter how compelling your arguments are, because your tone already preps me to disregard and contradict everything you say.

>> No.18108560

>Will you bother to read that summary? Will you put in mind that I might mistranslate some of his thoughts, and that there is more to what you will read?

Yes. Absolutely. I'll be waiting. Take your time, brother.

>> No.18108590

>Truth is relative and is a spectrum, all solid expository works and mainstream political views have some truth to them.
two lines down
>conspiracy theories on the same level of absurdity of Covid-19 hoaxists
try not being a brainlet before calling other stupid

>> No.18108602

>Wrote this while boiling, all I meant to ask is should I just quit trying to "fix" people who take up retarded views?
yes fuck off

>> No.18108615


I am incomplete and a human. What is your end goal?

My initial way of conduct is the result of my upbringing and the fruit of the society I live in. I live amongst illiterates and hyperinflated egos. What do you expect?

It is through reading books I seek to become better every day.

Don't want to go strawman, but are you inferring that you've reached a perfect state of being? Because if you say that, it'll all make sense, you're no different than those fundamentalists I argue with

>> No.18108649

I would honestly advise against arguing with religious fundamentalists on the internet. Don't waste your time or your energy.

>> No.18108663

I think he's a bit upset that you aren't fluent with English. Bit choppy, that combined with the obvious aggression is off putting. I felt the same way as that other poster initially. Where are you from OP?

>> No.18108704

How you managed to jump from my post to those conclusions is beyond my imagination. You are truly a schizo. Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.18108817

I mean it kind of seems like you think the world revolves around yourself and your precious feelings.

>> No.18108898

>How you managed to jump from my post to those conclusions is beyond my imagination

Erm, I think you mentioned something about his tone being unconvincing and I think OP was trying to state that his tone is due to his

>result of my upbringing and the fruit of the society I live in

which is essentially composed of

>illiterates and hyperinflated egos

which results in his

>initial way of conduct

Was it really that much of a stretch of the imagination to make sense of? Your welcome, in any case, since certain things go "beyond" your ability of imagination.

>> No.18108945
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NICKY why won't you follow ME!?

>> No.18108955


>> No.18108973

Cosmopolitan hands typed this post

>> No.18108988

Based Arab

>> No.18109012

>Truth is relative and is a spectrum, all solid expository works and mainstream political views have some truth to them.
Why are all midwits so timid. Retarded people will have an opinion and never change it, while the highly intelligent have an opinion and stick to it assertively but change it if they're proven wrong. But midwits have this retarded thing they do where because they can't find an answer they assume there IS no answer and all stances are equally valid. So they refuse to call any opinion right or wrong, any person bad or good, any practice moral or immoral. It's infuriating.

I can bounce ideas off retards like a superball off the floor, and I can talk with intelligent people about things and they'll tell me they think I'm right or wrong. It's only when talking to midwits that I run into people who refuse to take any real stance on any issue.

>> No.18109082

In your classification of human intelligence, where do you stand, anon?

Are you (a) highly intelligent, (b) midwit or (c) retarded?

I'm using your terminology.

>> No.18109090

I generally think of myself as a reformed midwit.

>> No.18109146

I like your answer.

Why aren't you (a), though, then?

>> No.18109262



pass is 123

dude said most of this between 1950 - late 1980s, died in 1995.

Maybe 60% accuracy. About 40% context is lost in translation, maybe more.

>> No.18109289

Op you should practice organizing your thoughts better, make your point more clear and concise.

>> No.18109290



Don't forget to read this too

>> No.18109296


I can't, now. My father is dying from cancer and our coffers are nearly empty. I am too concerned with thinking what the fuck to do to avoid complete fucking disaster in the following months. I can only put my mind into some abstract shit once I get my life in order.

>> No.18109318

Please take care of your sanity. Now is not the time for escapism for you, it's time for a clear mind and stout heart.

>> No.18109329


The guy you talked to wasn't me (the original OP) but its like he's speaking in my tounge, so I'll answer his question for him:

Because I think that my perception of my intelligence is not objective. I will never accurately judge how smart I am.

Either I see myself as really dumb (it would be false, because it'd only stem from low self esteem) or I'd see myself being smarter than all (overinflated ego).

Then, the best course of action is to not seek perfectonism. I will never be the smartest, but I have all the reasons in the world to squeeze every bit of my intellectual potential.

I really can't say I believe in anything, because I think of my preconceptions as a (in a non-scientific way) theory.

Context and reality will always take precedence in what I believe in.

>> No.18109341


Read those two ghostbins I sent you. The newer one, about culture was hastly written so only think of it as 50% correct.

The foreword one is like 70% correct.

Sometimes I come across very complex sentence structures in Arabic that I am too lazy to think how to accurately translate so I instead summarize the main point in my own language and put it in the "translation"

A lot of what I wrote in those ghostbins has been structured to fit my own way of thinking, and it might not wholly be a 100% objective presentation of Ali Al-Wardi.

As I said, his son is a greedy copyright junkie and does not want anyone to translate his father's works, he wants so much money so he can become a millionaire or something. Once I knew that I stopped putting all my efforts into translating the late author's works

>> No.18109354

how old are you?

>> No.18109362


20, why?

>> No.18109364


>> No.18109398



This is the video that boiled me. Translate the comments.

I don't give a fuck about the video itself because the reader is a -i/z/i/z subtle-sympathizer

His response to Ali Al Wardi's books?

> He isn't a waouh-ha bi, like me!

> He doesn't put theology on a pedestal!

> He was educated in the west!

> His writings question the authencity of my fundamentalist ideolouges

> He was a originally a s -h 1 1 t e m - s l - e m so he's an i nfoda.l

> Heresy! Burn his books!

> I only read one book from his ~10 books and I read it once in 3 days and it was enough for me to know what type of a person he is!

The comments only reinforce that guy's narrative. The video title itself is Don't read this dude's books.

>> No.18109409



Raise your blood pressure, now.

>> No.18109439

