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18103656 No.18103656[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Best books on Nazi Germany? That accurately explains their economic policy, domestic policies, etc

>> No.18103734

Mein Kampf, specifically Volume II where he lays out the National Socialist policy platform

>> No.18103753

Hitler's Beneficiaries.

Answers how plebs got on board, without resorting to "they were brainwashed".

>> No.18103770

danke nigga

>> No.18103846

theory =/= practice

>> No.18103948
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>> No.18104066

Leave the nazi larping for the boomers anon. Carve a good life out for yourself while you can, it's a lot more rewarding than having the feds knock on your door 5-10 years from now.

>> No.18104088
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>> No.18104120

Think whatever you like anon, it's not going to change the situation we're in.

>> No.18104131

central banking and the enslavement of mankind

the book does dance around tsarist persecution of jews and of course all the fucked up shit Hitler did.

that being said, it accurately describes why Hitler was so loved by the German people. by severing ties with the Rothschild-associated private central bank of the Weimar republic, Hitler turned Germany from a borderline failed state with ridiculous unemployment into a phoenix rising from the ashes.

megalomaniacal psychopath who orchestrated mass murder...absolutely

genius politician that rose germany up from nothing....absolutely

>> No.18104133

Not with that attitude it won't

>> No.18104340

It's interesting to look for contemporary works from that era

The Economic Recovery Of Germany 1933-1938

The Social Policy Of Nazi Germany

>> No.18104387

Nazi Seizure of Power. For me personally it’s Fascist Italy. Way more kino desu. Mussolini was a major chad too.

>> No.18104431

I'm not trying to discredit his accomplishments as a politician, he certainly saved Germany from their destitute position (both economically and morally). However, we are nowhere near capable of pulling off such a feat today.(For the glowies listening, I mean the economic/cultural miracle, not the other thing) The time for change was well before my generation was born, 60 years ago at least. It would literally take the second coming of Christ to change the direction we're headed in. Call me a shill if you'd like, but I don't think such a revolution to be possible. This is coming from a conservative/catholic point of view, so take it whatever way you'd like; but I'm not going to resolve to killing someone simply because they're brown. I agree, the nogs are out of control and the oligarchs control everything but the amount of resources these people control is beyond the imagination of anything we've seen. You don't just worry about the Feds, but you can't even trust your own neighbor to not snitch on you. All the data you've ever given them when you searched something online makes you both an easier target for Blackmail and puts you on a watchlist. I'd rather just try to lead a good life instead of spending my times ranting about ((((them)))) on a basket weaving forum.

>> No.18104460

Nigger im not a /pol/ tard I'm just curious about that era
You people here are so fucking quick to generalize into stereotypes, please go outside lmao

>> No.18104504

This is the first time I've been here in well over a month. The amount of mouth breathing, 14 year old faggots ranting about "da revolution" but can't form a coherent sentence is astronomical. There's no way of knowing where anyone stands so obviously I'm going to have to make a few assumptions. You're just words on my computer screen, I don't know what you had for breakfast, maybe the glowies do but I don't.

>> No.18104508

I don't think anyone is going to miss you if you leave again

>> No.18104509

> by severing ties with the Rothschild-associated private central bank of the Weimar republic,
Clinical retard detected.

>he certainly saved Germany from their destitute position (both economically and morally
Except that's wrong. Literally every other political party agreed with most of the basic gist of Hitlers policies (except the obsession with Jews or launching a war on Bolshevism) and even most foreigners were sympathetic to Germanys position on issues like Danzig so any other government could of actually solved those issues through diplomacy without going full retard.

>> No.18104544

I didn't come here for validation like some 17 year old insta whore, I came because I thought OP was going to larp as a neo-nazi (which he isn't, problem solved) and I'm trying to save him from getting himself into trouble.

>> No.18104571

Oh, no! Someone on the interwebs might dip their toe into Neo-Nazism! I must be vigilant.

>> No.18104594

>any other government could of actually solved those issues through diplomacy without going full retard.

Which is why it's a shame that Hitler was forced to fight. Without the wars he was dragged into, he could have built the greatest Germany we'd ever seen.

>> No.18104616


>> No.18104625
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>forced to fight.
At no point was that the case.

>> No.18104626

It's your life man, you choose your own destiny, but you have to realize you're doing yourself a disservice. Take it however you'd like, I wish you the best.

>> No.18104636

Yes it was, don't lie.

>> No.18104648
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That's incorrect. People are reading "The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed" by Prof. David L. Hoggan.

>> No.18104651

Hitler prepared to invade Poland for years before he declares war.
Not that anon btw

>> No.18104661

>Hitler prepared to invade Poland for years before he declares war.
As a contingency? Sure. That's what you do when you're surrounded by hostile states. Unfortunately, the ramping up of Anglo-Polish aggression and violations of the Reich's frontiers forced his hand.

>> No.18104668

WW2 was obviously implied, not the rightful reclamation of German territory.

>> No.18104671

The Fuhrer Myth by Ian Kershaw
The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler by Laurence Rees

Those two books have essentially formed my understanding of that era.

>> No.18104679

>dude, Polish chauvinism is at fault

>> No.18104699
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This user has not read "The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed" by Prof. David L. Hoggan. If he had, he wouldn't be posting this coy meme response.

>> No.18104732
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I literally have. The central thesis is Poland was at fault and the average Pole was more anti-Semitic than Hitler anyhow

>> No.18104733

Well it was at least partly lol.

>> No.18104770
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This is what a complete and true lack of understanding does to someone's arguments. You ought to try looking beyond the 'Poland Bad' veneer you've constructed and consider the actual geo-political implications of the time period.

>> No.18105780
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Schmitt is good.

>> No.18105812 [DELETED] 
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All you have to know is that the jews are behind everything.

Before great hitler, the jews controlled media and had transgender societies and other degeneracy satanic niggonism.

Hitler removed all of them

We get a subverted history about hitler because the jews told use the holoblunga was real and the 6 gorrilion billion that died in it should be mourned by creating isreal. Now if you ask me, its not our fault we don't learn more about hitler, its the jews. Hitler was bad and good and his bad was shown as the holoblunga which we've already discussed is pretty gay and fake. His good is shown as bad ( nationalism and taking back the country ) because the jews are niggers

>> No.18105813


>> No.18105823

pathetic low life

>> No.18105851 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18105931

Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer
Without question the best first-hand account ever written.

Adolf Hitler by John Toland
The absolute best biography of Hitler. It's mainstream, but he avoids making almost any judgment. Avoid Kershaw.

>> No.18106710

Hitlers Revolution - Richard Tedor

Gives the best explanation of Hitler’s economic schemes and miracles, the lead up to WW2 and the justifications for Germany’s annexation of Austria and involvement in Czechoslovakia and the failed negotiations with Poland in order to save the Germans within these nations

>> No.18106730
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>problem solved

>> No.18106989

Wages of destruction

>> No.18107852


>> No.18107980

Even if you are not a /pol/ tard, your libertine use of that racial slurs means you are just as a social outcast as them. fuck off.

>> No.18108015

oh no he said nigger on 4chan what is the world coming to

>> No.18108021

>you can't say nigger otherwise you're from /pol/

>> No.18109254

Myth of the 20th century by Alfred Rosenberg.
He was the interim party leader when Hitler was in jail and head of party political education. His book is more intellectual than MK and offers valuable insights on what the Nazis wanted.

>> No.18109283

Ideological belch like Goebbels said.
If you really want something good then Tooze's "Wages of destruction" is definitely the go to

>> No.18109295
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Most people would use slurs of all kinds if given masks.

>> No.18109331

Do you know where you are, you retarded redditor?

>> No.18109496

>Having the right to call anything belch
Tooze is overrated btw, he is only this important because vampire economy drips of seethe and cope

>> No.18109564

I feel like Goebbels' work was necessary, but the way he treated people was terrible. I cannot forgive him for the way he maligned Darre.

>> No.18109577

>your libertine use of that racial slurs
does that mean your use of racial slurs could be described as... niggardly?

>> No.18110166

>the way he maligned Darre.
What did he do?

>> No.18110640

Lightning and the Sun by Savitri Devi.
The Mystery of Belicena Vilca and The Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom by Nimrod de Rosario.
Adolf Hitler the Last Avatar by Miguel Serrano.

>> No.18110663

>The Mystery of Belicena Vilca and The Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom by Nimrod de Rosario.

>> No.18110671


>> No.18110673

Too many false elements in it.

Rosenberg was admired as a critique of bolshevism, his religious ideas and other such manias however were literally mocked by Hitler and his entourage.

>> No.18111009

None of those books have anything to do with economic or foreign policy. At least lightning and the sun is quite interesting though.

For their economy some good books I found was Wages of destruction which was negative, Hitler's revolution which was positive. The biography of Hjalmar Schacht called Hitler's Banker by John Weitz had some interesting things about Schacht's role in rebuilding. Obviously the writer is Jewish and quite clearly biased but it had some interesting things. Perhaps look for something about the four year plan instated by Goring as well but I have not read any book specifically about that yet.

>> No.18111079
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I read this earlier this year. A German right wing nationalist and former revolutionary who didn’t like Hitler or the Nazis (but was friendly with Rohm and another fairly high ranking guy in the SS who I cannot remember the name of)
He turned down chances to join both the SA and the SS. Partly because he was making pretty good money as a scriptwriter in the German film industry and partly because he found the whole ‘heil Hitler’ cult of personality grotesque. The book was an interesting account of Germany from the Weimar period all the way through to allied post war occupation of Germany when he had to answer the Questionnaire that led to writing the book.

>> No.18111185
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>Adolf Hitler the Last Avatar by Miguel Serrano.

PEOPLE WILL BE READING the first English translation of Serrano's 'Him and Me' Vol I.

>> No.18111293

hello curtis yarvin, why yes, i´ve already watched hitler lives, stop spamming dr seuss

>> No.18111299

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony C. Sutton

>> No.18111320

>Too many false elements in it.
really? like what?
I mean it's probably true that Speer lied because you know, it's Speer, but what is it exactly?

>> No.18111586

Well it seems from Nilsson that it is highly unreliable (sic) and if I recall, that Joachim Fest was literally ghostwriting parts of it.
So I'd say it can be interesting but clearly not the go-to book to understand nazi Germany.
Maybe try the Noakes-Pridham documentary reader series if you want first hand stuff.

>> No.18111715

>Anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi holocaust denier says it's all Poland's fault that Hitler invaded
Yeah, this definitely sounds like a man I should trust.

>> No.18111749

hey at least give it a try and actually read what he says

>> No.18111768


>> No.18111776


>> No.18111791

Hoggan was a pre-eminent Historian.

>> No.18111805

By writing fantasy instead of what actually happened?

>> No.18111832
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Your little """argument""" won't be so strong when I say the N word.

>> No.18111842


>> No.18111871
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>> No.18112041


>> No.18112051

>Avoid Kershaw.

>> No.18112105

Typical system historian who peddles all the standard 'stinky hitler' fare.

>> No.18112310

He's the Jew-approved "Hitler bad" historian and can't go 3 pages without calling him evil or a monster.

>> No.18112377


>> No.18112468


>> No.18112480

You should have the wisdom to know if he was truly on that path a comment like yours would do nothing to dissuade him.
People responded negatively to you because it was a flagrant display of vanity on your part.
Take that however you like, I wish you the best.

>> No.18112483

Inside the Third Reich

>> No.18112498
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Richard Tedor's "Hitler's Revolution" is amazing. It is accessible to any reader in ability, academically researched with proper footnotes and an extensive bibliography, it reads easily and its that sketchy to buy, relatively cheap off of amazon too. It is perfect for anyone looking for ideology and policy in practice in Nationalist Socialist Germany. Also, Mein Kamph is an excellent source as well, and it would be worth your while to get a copy of the NSDAP platform.

>> No.18112503

This. Social outcasts do not belong in 4channel!!!

>> No.18113085
File: 18 KB, 180x233, eichmann-in-jerusalem-a-report-on-the-banality-of-evil-by-hannah-arendt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.18113362
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(Pic) and Hitler's Table Talk.

>> No.18113372

Based selection

>> No.18114047

>Which is why it's a shame that Hitler was forced to fight


>> No.18114067

>As a contingency? Sure. That's what you do when you're surrounded by hostile states. Unfortunately, the ramping up of Anglo-Polish aggression and violations of the Reich's frontiers forced his hand.
Lol Poland was a poor country after over 100 years of occupation surrounded by enemies from west and east. Surely Hitler didn't want any wars. Maybe learn a little more about history from sources other than /pol/-tier conspiracy theories befrore making a clown from yourself.

>> No.18114277

best books on Fascist Italy? All I know is what i've seen from TV documentaries

>> No.18114308

Deal with it or leave.

>> No.18114677

The Faces of Janus [Marxism and Fascism in the twentieth century) - A. James Gregor

>> No.18114733
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>> No.18114751
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>> No.18114874
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Retardpilled, honestly