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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 789x469, jordan_peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18103121 No.18103121 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate Jordan so much? What's wrong with his books?

>> No.18103133

Just another midwit that got into the rightist grift.

>> No.18103137
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I think he has offered pretty good advice to young men who grew up without father figures. That said, it seems clear that he has not done enough reading about postmodernism, poststructuralism, and many of the other things he rails against. His "debate" with Zizek was very telling, on this point. Basically I like him but he needs to stop talking about things he does not know enough about, at least until he's done the proper reading.

>> No.18103150

His writing is terrible and he overextended his claim of expertise.

>> No.18103165

I have forgiven him for being a Jungian since he went off his rocker.

>> No.18103177

He doesnt need to do that if he sticks to debating journos and talking heads. Which is what he should, cause it is very enjoyable to see smug bastards realize that their usual tactics doesnt work.

>> No.18103178

He's a fine psychologist, but I think money and fame got to his head
He's a self proclaimed philosopher now
t. former peterson fan

>> No.18103198

So you only care about who wins, not who's right. I could debate a middle schooler into tears but all it'd do is make me look like a moron attacking easy targets.

>> No.18103200
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>> No.18103203

what's wrong with washing your penis?

>> No.18103220

He tells them the truth that they will never be a woman and that makes them seethe.

>> No.18103234

He's smart but held back by his libshit axioms.

He should do the reading, but most of the reading is materially worthless. James Lindsay does the reading and increasingly realizes that modern critical social justice, 'woke'ness, etc are all just Hegelian dialectics applied spuriously to misunderstood social stratifications instead of economic ones like classical Marxism. The tools necessary to understand and debunk them are all the same. The perceived novelty is just symbol manipulations.

Regarding Zizek, he basically acted like a troll in the debate. Rather than discussing the actual topic of the debate, he chose to just go into his own personal philosophy, which confused Peterson, who had prepared to discuss classical (economic) Marxism. However badly you think Peterson did, he actually spoke about the resolution, which Zizek didn't.

>> No.18103246

It just make me laugh when I think about kemit the frog sounding, benzo abusing, spiritual stepdad of manchilds telling me to wash my dick

>> No.18103282
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>James Lindsay does the reading and increasingly realizes that modern critical social justice, 'woke'ness, etc are all just Hegelian dialectics applied spuriously to misunderstood social stratifications instead of economic ones like classical Marxism.

Are we ever going to be fucking rid of Hegel? That spooky German bastard haunted the entire 19th AND 20th centuries, and he's still hanging around causing trouble.

>> No.18103293

He is a broken man from a broken family with a broken family. His whole campaign was an effort to reinstate a father figure. He needs help

>> No.18103297

>are we ever going to be fucking rid of Hegel
No, anon, we are not. The parallel development of ever more detached 'theory' will continue indefinitely.

>> No.18103417

>"Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them."
>His daughter is a slut
Ergo he approves of sluts.

>> No.18103515

Nothing, but people who dont move beyond what he says are only marginally better than those who remain in the shitheap of their unfulfilled life.

He is a first step. More should follow.

>> No.18103529

Because he's a midwit riding the wave of globohomo controversy for his own fame.

>> No.18103534

>>His daughter is a slut

>> No.18103573 [DELETED] 

His father is a pimp.

>> No.18103587

Her father is a pimp.

>> No.18103592

what rock have you been living under? His fans took it harder than his drug problem.

>> No.18103613

I don't live under a rock. I am actually a rock. And I don't pay attention to e-celebs. I guess I'll just google it.

>> No.18103636
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an individualist
nuff said

>> No.18103640

Don't know how much you'll get out of a google search but in short she cheated and left her marriage(?) for some pimp pick up artist.

>> No.18103657

That's horrible. Thanks for the info.

>> No.18103714

I don't hate him, I'm indifferent to him. He doesn't espouse any thought that hasn't already been thought before, he's just another unoriginal internet persona

>> No.18103742

Jordan needs to go back to Maps of Meaning era Mircea Eliade Shamanism

>> No.18103763

They don’t like him because he’s a classical liberal and on this board it’s only cool to be a communist, a fascist, an anarchist or apolitical. He’s also hustles merch which is annoying, but not the same as a grift.

>> No.18103824
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I have a folder for that.

>> No.18103900

i want to rape her while her cuck dad watches so he understands his failures as a father. confront this chaos you fucking hack

>> No.18103918

The point of the joke is that he’s passing off basic good advice as some kind of deep wisdom.
Peterson is a decent self help author, he is a terrible philosopher.

>> No.18103929

I don't really hate Peterson, I hate his followers

>> No.18104044

Nothing he says is revolutionary, it's all common sense conclusions that any sensible person would be able to come to.

>> No.18104069
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Based centrist libshit saving the heckin west

>> No.18104073

>who had prepared to discuss classical (economic) Marxism.
Lmao. Reading the Communist Manifesto (a pamphlet directed at railing workers for the cause) does not count as studying Marxism. Jordan had no idea what he was talking about, and it showed. He should have either stuck to his Jungian lifestyle guru stuff or spend a few solid years actually studying the philosophies he wanted to criticise.

>> No.18104116

I can't decide which one of these people is uglier.

>> No.18104188
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>> No.18104204 [DELETED] 

Well if you don't know, that's the queen neolib betraying her own people to be killed and have their land stolen by niggers so stupid that they ended up bringing famine on themselves. Big win for enlightenment values.

>> No.18104220

We hate him because he's retarded.
Now back your dimwit containment board >>>/pol/

>> No.18104254

>Reading the Communist Manifesto does not count as studying Marxism.
Okay. Did I say Jordan Peterson was studying Marxism, or did I say that he prepared to debate about Marxism?

>spend a few solid years actually studying the philosophies he wanted to criticise.
No one should have to waste so much time reading so many derivative works when they're all based on the exact same immediately disprovable axioms.

If they're all based on the exact same Hegelian dialectic, labour theory of value, and blank slate egalitarian nonesense, then you're just wasting your time validating each individual diatribe by giving it the time of day.

>> No.18104367
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Imagine thinking that debates are done to see what ideas are right. The socratic method died many eras ago, it's all about who humiliates who.

>> No.18104391
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Because he’s a conservacuck who pushes ‘individualism’ and libertarianism when what whites need is teamwork and collectivism.

>> No.18104408
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Literature is political. Go back to your containment website Reddit

>> No.18105467

because hes talking directly to us

>> No.18105846

because he's the archtype tyrannical father who deserves to be thrown into the pits of Tartarus

>> No.18105848

academia is just about trashing now
definition of Trashing: https://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/trashing.htm

>> No.18105854

He is a closeted materialist atheist who went into a severe depression from drinking apple cider.

>> No.18105943

He fundamentally misunderstood the tranny law, that law was basically saying the same thing as "you can't call your students the n-word," not some fascist crackdown of free speech.
His take on there being a reality outside of language rather than language defining reality sounds based to me, and there are plenty of other reasons to enjoy him dabbing on college SJWs.
It's hilarious that he only eats beef and has a messy room.

>> No.18105975

He's not as bad as his haters think nor is he as great as his fans think.
He's just a dude who started saying what a lot of gamers and coomers who don't actually read wanted to hear at the right time.
A lot of what he says is fairly innocuous, some is pretty silly, some is probably useful.

>> No.18106666
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I'm ex-alt-right and I hate him for throwing his right wing audience under the bus, as he does with so many of his former allies.

He betrayed Faith Goldy, Milo Yiannopolis, Gavin McInnes, he was telling Kavanaugh that even if he is innocent or rape that he should apologize regardless for ''good faith''

He was one of the first people to begrudgingly admit IQ was genetic, heritable, and racially varies - and then he goes on to support Israel, Jewish nepotism, and racial nepotism for every group except white people.

I don't hate Peterson for being a ''tyrannical father figure'' ... I hate Peterson for being weak

He had a moment in the cultural zeitgeist where he could've truly lived his own advice, and spoken the harsh truth, and had principles, and done something. Instead he cucked.

Instead he chose the comfy oversocialized Sam Harris podcast intellectual lifestyle.

The fact that Zizek debated him made me lose respect for Zizek by mere proxy.

Peterson larps as a modern Nietzsche - but he's no overman, he's an oversocialized status-obsessed modern academic.

Ironically all my leftist friends bought and used his 12 Rules for Life book, while my Nazi ass is sitting here being like ... well I'm not gonna say what I'm planning cause Los Federales be glowing uwu

>> No.18106670

*even if he is innocent of rape

>> No.18106675

Racist digits

>> No.18106678

Man try say he's better than me
Tell my man, shut up
Mention my name in your tweets
Oi, rudeboy, shut up
Better than me?
Shut up
Best in the scene
Tell my man, yo, yo
Couple man called me a backup dancer
Onstage on /lit/, I'm a backup dancer

>> No.18106688

>Peterson larps as a modern Nietzsche - but he's no overman, he's an oversocialized status-obsessed modern academic.
Couldn't be more true - even down to his faggoty chemically induced mental breakdown.

>> No.18106719

i dont have my licence yet so icant go anywhere with a car like him ;(

>> No.18106753

I do it while thinking of Peterson

>> No.18106784

epic xD

>> No.18106839
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>It's 2021
>/lit/ is still posting about Jordan Queeferson


>> No.18106929

Stop pretending to be retarded.

>> No.18106979

She looks like a gypsie

>> No.18107006

He's Reddit.

>> No.18107248

This is actually based

>> No.18107275

nice digits
how do you identify politically these days, anon?

>> No.18107289

Because he doesn't talks about behavioural psychology and psychoanalysis deeply .
Take the case of the incel problem,has this faggot ever talked about it deeply as to the reason why incels are on the rise apart from not adhering to the monogamous relationship(which is one of the important points but he definitely refrains himself from talking about genetic detetminism)?
He knows deep down that chaos and destruction is brewing underneath the fabric of society and also knows the reason behind it but will never discuss it out in the open with the fear of being labelled as a hypocrite.

>> No.18107425

He vastly overextened his claim of expertise and seeing how full of shit he is with so many things I don't really care about what he has to say.

>> No.18107459
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He has the most basic self-help advice and for some reason people worship him. The worst thing about him is that he can't even live up to his own advice, he was a fucking opioid addict and his daughter is a fucking slut, who broke up with her husband after having a baby to fuck a pornstar.

>> No.18107468

Maps of Meaning is cool

>> No.18107476
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>> No.18107480
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Marxist literature goes into quite some detail desu.

>> No.18107536

>But what if I were to masturbate to Jung and disguise it as my own writing?
>Delightfully devilish, Jordan

>> No.18107554

insufferable populist garbage, like zizek is now but without the comparable early success

>> No.18107560

> Taking life advice from Kermit the Benzo Addict
> ?????????

>> No.18107616

>He was one of the first people to begrudgingly admit IQ was genetic, heritable, and racially varies

>iq is genetic
>low iq people procreate the most
>iq constantly needs to be adjusted upwards (i.e. average iq would be rising without the adjustment)
How do you explain it?

>> No.18108135
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top tier leftist "strategy" is the just keep goalpost shifting in order to avoid criticism as much as possible, I stopped being a socialist after I realised that it falls to any analytical criticism whatsoever and thats why socialists avoid that topic like the plague.

>> No.18108161

How can he give anyone meaningful advice when he couldn’t stop his benzo abuse and failed in raising his own daughter? How can you help ME, when you can’t even help YOUR OWN DAUGHTER?

>> No.18108166

>i want to rape her while her cuck dad watches so he understands his failures as a father. confront this chaos you fucking hack
fuck you degenerate incel loser

>> No.18108180

lose everytime to that lol and i actually kinda like peterson

>> No.18108187
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hes insufficiently right wing

>> No.18108214
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>reading one of the most important documents in marxism written by marx doesnt count as studying marxism bro
>your always a few years of study away from understanding why we have to exterminate millions to build utopia bro
my vitriolic hatred of commies sometimes scares me, its a real physical hostility like some people have to rats. it makes me uncomfortable

>> No.18108270
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Expecting someone to adopt your own framework of subject 'truth' is an unreasonable request.
Just because you're lost in a labyrinth of bullshit that doesn't mean someone else should get lost just to speak to you.

>> No.18108299

If you're going to complain about Marxism in academia you should read Marxists in academia. Going up on stage and saying "clearly when the Communist Manifesto was written it was from a mindset of not even examining one's own beliefs" is like debating an evolutionary biologist by opening with how much you didn't like Darwin's tone in Voyage of the Beagle.

>> No.18108332

Dialectical Materialism is poison from the start. The object comes before the subject. The cart before the horse.
That's why it sucks and why it never works. You're not a robot. Material doesn't act upon you, you act upon it.
Equality doesn't work.
>to each according to his own needs
Nature already takes care of that. It's arrogance to think you can organize nature better than nature can. It's arrogance to think you can decide what's best for another.
No property = you don't even own yourself. What is it called when you do not own yourself? Slavery. You are a slave to the collective.
I am not an object. Are you? I do not want to be a slave. Do you?

>> No.18108354

See even this would have been better to bring up during the debate than what Peterson attempted

>> No.18108357

Yeah, but I'm a fucking genius.

>> No.18108451

That's an important point right there.
Being a mess oneself and spouting advice is one thing, but failing to apply it to your own offspring is major proof of such advice being harmful.
>But it's good advice because it's reasonable!
Being humble, peaceful and virtuous are all spouted as positive character traits, but positive to whom? Definitely you lose on all accounts.

>> No.18108459

It's a 50 page "book".
There's no theory in it.
Read das Kapital.

>> No.18108479

>You are a slave to the collective.
What's wrong with that?
You're not a servant to a king, but to a group with aligning interest aka family.
Is family slavery?

>> No.18108490

If your family demand that you be a slave, then yes. People are naturally empathetic. We are naturally social and team oriented. You don't have to force people to look out for one another. It occurs naturally.

>> No.18108501

What do you think you're arguing against here?

>> No.18108502

>Reading theory and studying something beyond a pamphlet is goalpoasting

What an absolute retard. Do you even listen to yourself?

>"you can't be a surgeon anon, you don't have the credentials nor the experience

>"I read a wikipedia article about what a surgery actually is, stop goalpoasting

>> No.18108520

The way he views people as objects. Marx is right about some things, but completely wrong about others. The abolition of government is good, but his way of going about it and his materialistic view of people/the world are dogshit.

>> No.18108528
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There's no force though? The kulaks didn't want to participate and they were nicely asked to fuck off to Siberia. Is that so wrong?

>> No.18108538


>> No.18108542

>The abolition of government is good


>> No.18108552

If you want to be free you must have no master but yourself. Otherwise you're a slave.

>> No.18108563

I think his psychological lectures are pretty interesting, but I think his boomer liberalism is fucking boring. He's like a grandfather who tells his grandson to go ask the local boss at the paper mill for a job not knowing that the paper mill hasn't been around for 20 years and is now located in Chengdu, China. In other words, Peterson's flavor of liberalism is a tiresome anachronism.

>> No.18108575

>family is good because people are inherenty good
>any other form of organization is bad because it's inherently slavery

>> No.18108585

Government is not organization. It is theft of autonomy. If I ask you to help me with something do you need a gun pointed at your head to not be a cunt?

>> No.18108766

>the Manifesto
>one of the most important documents in marxism
You have no idea what you're talking about. Try first part of German Ideology to get a glimpse of what marxist literature is.

>> No.18108795

I don't hate him.
I also haven't read a single on of his books.

>> No.18108851

This is how the mind of a 70iq goblin reacts when he tries to formulate arguments against something he doesn't understand.

>> No.18108901

Do you like it when others tell you what to do? Do you like it when others take from you what is not theirs? Do you like being a slave? No? Don't do it to other people.
Do you want a central authority (who inevitably, every single god damned time throughout history this happens) to dictate your life, force you into bondage, then steal from you? No? Don't do it to others.
Everyone who supports this state of affairs is a slave who has become complacent in bondage or is a wannabe tyrant. These are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.18108916

None of the things you sperged in that post have anything to do with marxist theory.

>> No.18108926

Yes they do. Marxism is slavery to the material and to the collective. The internal, the human, is left unaccounted for. As a result it breeds slavery.
Every time.

>> No.18108951

>Marxism is slavery to the material and to the collective.
He has no idea that marxism actually tries to put man above the material social relations that developed from the means of production
>The internal, the human, is left unaccounted for.
He has no idea about Marx's critiques of Feuerbach's human nature theory and his analysis of consciousness and social relations
As I said, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.18108952

>Do you want a central authority (who inevitably, every single god damned time throughout history this happens) to dictate your life, force you into bondage, then steal from you?

You mean like the Fortune 500 companies that practically own all contemporary Western governments?

I mean, I'm no defender of communist countries, but Western liberal democracies are basically only marginally better for the average person in the street.

>> No.18108976

What is happening currently with racism? People are trying to solve racism, with racism. It's insane.
That is what Marx attempted to do. Solve materialism, with materialism.
He wants to free you from the material, using the material. That's not how it works. That is the cart before the horse.
>Yeshua said,
>Why do you wash the outside of the cup?
>Don’t you understand that the one who made the inside
>also made the outside?
It is an attempt at cleaning the outside of the world before the inside. The inside comes first. You cannot escape materialism with more materialism. It's just throwing more shit on the pile of shit of materialism.
Intent is not the same as impact. The impact of communism is slavery.
Abolish government. Govern yourself.
Vampires cannot be let into your home unless you let them in. Why are these people in power? Because the people believe lies. They buy their stupid shit and let them siphon off money. They have become complacent in bondage.

>> No.18108987

>Vampires cannot be let into your home unless you let them in. Why are these people in power? Because the people believe lies. They buy their stupid shit and let them siphon off money. They have become complacent in bondage.

Meaningless tripe and the fantasy of abolishing government isn't politics, it's your subculture LARP.

>> No.18108995

It's the truth.
A king without an army is just a man in a funny hat. If no one goes along with the tyrant the tyrant is just some dickhead.

>> No.18109009

>That is what Marx attempted to do. Solve materialism, with materialism.
Lmao. Boy, start actually reading or give up altogether. You have no idea what you're talking about and it shows. You don't even understand what materialism it, let alone discuss/criticise it.

>> No.18109028

Marx placed the value of what he wished to destroy on a pedestal. The material, the outside world, is still your God.
As a result it cannot work. It does not work.
Don't think of a pink elephant.

>> No.18109038

I could say the same thing about your pathetic libertarianism; property is only real because people believe it is real, if nobody believed it was real, your "ownership" of a house or a car, would end fairly quickly.

>> No.18109041

You're as delusional as marxists if you think that you won't be completely fucked once you're left completely alone without the ever present threat of massive force to deter crimey types, mafiosos, warlords and lastly nations.
Commies understand that you can't just do away with the state, so instead why not remove the undesirables from the top and bottom and drive the whole thing together?

>> No.18109052

Trade cannot exist without a threat of force to keep brigands at bay.

>> No.18109055

He's just absolutely boring.

>> No.18109057

Does James Lindsey do good summarization and critique of postmodern, neomarxist and critical race theory authors and literature? I've been listening to him and some of the stuff he is reading seems so batshit insane that I'm skeptical that Lindsey isn't strawmanning the ideas.

>> No.18109091

It is your right to free will. That is real. You have no right to take what is not yours.
Because it is all based on the material. There are some aspects of Marxism that got it right, but the hyper-focus on material possession is where he went wrong. His view of history as the cart pulling the horse is asinine.
Exactly. You are well within your rights to defend what is yours from thievery. That is what I am saying. There is no lawful thievery. Thievery is thievery.
The government is the mafia. The wannabe socialists are the mafia. They just try to convince you that is is 'lawful' thievery. That thievery is for the best. It is not.

>> No.18109098

Like most right-wingers Lindsay doesn't understand that ideas are tools that serve a specific function in an economy, so the only thing people like him can do is point out hypocrisy, tell them they are factually incorrect, or whine about the morality of it all.

And neither of these things work, because wokeness is the new ideology of the elites in society and they don't have to justify themselves to random plebs precisely because they have all the power.

>> No.18109101

He's shilled relentlessly.
A midwit academic who branched out into self-help books targeting vulnerable young men.
He's basically an e-celeb at this point

>> No.18109126

Also, you are not alone. That is what tyrants do. They divide and conquer. They make you think you are alone while among the other slaves. The slaves outnumber the slave driver. It is a choice between freedom and slavery.
They only have the power you give them.

>> No.18109159

I honestly don't agree with the claim that he's a midwit academic. Peterson is one of the most cited psychologists in the world because of his work on alcoholism and related subjects. The guy is obviously smart and good at his job, but this clearly doesn't translate well into politics at all.

>> No.18109185
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>Exactly. You are well within your rights to defend what is yours from thievery. That is what I am saying. There is no lawful thievery. Thievery is thievery.
Look retard.
How the fuck do you plan to protect your tiny little trading caravan of 10 lads from getting fucked up by the Mongols on your way to China if there are no states along the way who are partial to your cause for a little investment in their military infrastructure?
There is no trade without the thread of force. You are not it.

>> No.18109193

Do you really have more than 1 maybe 2 people you could trust to shelter and protect you for an extended period of time in case of serious emergency?
Probably the only people who can say they do are Mormons and the Amish.

>> No.18109200

Libertarians are dumb retards who don't understand that might makes right.

>> No.18109211

You give in to fear too easily. Fear is a method for control.
Psychopaths create an illusory fire that only they can put out. That is the great trick of government. They are the fire.
That is how they keep you in bondage.

>> No.18109218

Yes. You have no faith in people. As a result no one has faith in you. It's a mass hypnosis of fear. What is on the TV? Fear, fear, fear, everyone is out to get you. It's mind control.
This is the society that has been created. It is born of fear. The roots are deep. Pull them out.

>> No.18109226

He's cited an incredible amount because he's relentlessly targeted by sjw academics wanting to take a chunk out of him in their work. His academic work is bullshit that's given elevated status by manchildren because he triggers sjw's, trannies etc. Its nothing to do with the merit of his "work".

You're out of your depth

>> No.18109257

>be you
>be retarded
>hate things you don't even have a basic understanding of
Sure is /pol/ in here this afternoon.

>> No.18109298

Discord trannies hate his simple advice because they know deep down that if they had gotten the same advice they would not be trannies

>> No.18109340

Nice rhetoric, but it doesn't amount to anything.

I can say the same about your quest for "individualism". What good does it do you to by in perpetual conflict with your fellow man when you could join hand in hand towards the greater good (and shoot those who refuse).

>> No.18109451

>He's cited an incredible amount because he's relentlessly targeted by sjw academics wanting to take a chunk out of him in their work.

No, he was literally cited almost 10000 times before he was ever known publically for the gender pronoun thing in Canada.

>> No.18109467

is this how it feels to be a midwit?

>> No.18109690

Go back to your containment board

>> No.18109732

The main takeaway from the debate for me was that they agreed on pretty much all of the views that were used by leftists to call Peterson fascist. Zizek’s views are equally ”reactionary”, but for some reason he is well-liked and accepten among the hipster lib-leftists.

>> No.18109931

>The perceived novelty is just symbol manipulations.
This guy gets it

>> No.18110402
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Honestly, I'm disappointed he didn't have any public benzo blackouts. That's why I don't like him. Never read the Wash Your Penis book, or it's sequel. The only media I'm familiar with are interviews of him warbling at presenters.

>> No.18110531

Stupid grifter with boomer takes, embarrasses himself constantly when talking politics, or marxism or post-modernism. Dumb "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" worldview. Useful tool of the ruling class to keep the proles under the boot.

>> No.18110555

>Does James Lindsey do good summarization and critique of postmodern, neomarxist and critical race theory authors and literature? I've been listening to him and some of the stuff he is reading seems so batshit insane that I'm skeptical that Lindsey isn't strawmanning the ideas.
James Lindsay is an idiot who thinks the leftists are going to steal his testicles. I am not sure if he is puposely strawmanning them though, or if he is just that dumb.

>> No.18110558

>They worship him for no reason!!!!!!!
t. man who hates him for no reason

We definitely need an antidote to the Cathy Newman types. The mildly left wing people have done more damage than the zealots, because there are more of them.

>> No.18110566

Zizek is basically trolling all leftists, he's not communist at all and they are just too stupid to see it. It is amazing.

>> No.18110636

>Are we ever going to be fucking rid of Hegel?

we should get rid of Marx first

>> No.18110666
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fuck zizek, i want to see Peterson debating Mencious Moldbug

>> No.18110680


>> No.18110689

>Peruvian who has to take half a pound of make up to appear caucasian

how embarassing

>> No.18110698
File: 115 KB, 603x523, Money grubbing .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate him but I have lost any shred of respect I had for the man. His daughter is a money grubbing walking catastrophe and he has reduced himself to peddling self help books for money. I sincerely believe that he ran what can only be described as inteleltual equivalent to a pump and dump scheme.

>> No.18110706


>> No.18110709

>to a pump and dump scheme.

my theory is that since he was hopitalized for nearly a year, it brankrupted him so immediately had to release another book to recoup losses

>> No.18112107

its just esoteric self help for virgins

>> No.18112510

None of your business, Fed.

>> No.18112514

makes the average lit loser feel self concious about all their completely preventable failings imo

>> No.18112519

If we get rid of Hegel we'll get rid of Marx, too, they're a package deal.

>> No.18112520

That's not how averages work, you moron. If elements of a sample set keeps tending towards the bottom, then the average tends towards the bottom too.

>> No.18112522

So you?

>> No.18112556
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Any figure of authority who advocates a "mind over matter" philosophy of self-determination is going to face significant resistant from the hedonistic/materialistic consumer class in the West. These types tend to like philosophies that let them feel comfortable making no personal changes to their pleasure seeking lifestyles whatsoever; Peterson and his ilk ask their readers to be temporarily uncomfortable in order to achieve change. This of course is very triggering to aforementioned hedonists who will then gnash their teeth on social media and grasp at straws to attack and debunk this perceived threat.

>> No.18112774

Yes it does. It amounts to freedom.
>What good does it do you to by in perpetual conflict with your fellow man
This is the result of slavery. Who starts the wars?
>the greater good
>shoot those who refuse
That isn't good.
That is psychopathy and childishness.
>if you don't do what I say I'm gonna shoot you!
Many people are still children. They only LARP as adults. Why are they children? That's the inevitable outcome of being slaves.