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18097694 No.18097694 [Reply] [Original]

Picrel is a decent read, but the author is so far up his own ass it's a slog to get through. Any recs for similar books without the historical illiteracy and cocky tangents? Might be a tall order, but my biggest critique of this book is how McKenna leaves massive holes in his arguments, especially in references to Europe and its "dominator culture". Feels like something a kike would write, but it does have some serious fuel for thought. Would love something equally in depth without all the cringe-tier pandering to feminists and leftists.

>> No.18098055
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You scared me, OP. For a second, I thought you were saying that Wells' The Food of the Gods was a decent read.
t. anon who read it and found it to be a massive bore, but the author probably no less tucked up his own asshole about PrOgReSs.

>> No.18098668

Yeah same, I can't believe my friends hyped this up to me given the sheer ridiculousness of many of McKenna's claims as well as his sheer lack of sources to back up his historical... assertions. I mean, even Dan fucking Carlin will post historical sources and books he references. McKenna expects the reader to just take his educated guess for it.

>> No.18098914

You’re looking for rightwingers who take hallucinogens. Didn’t Evola do that?

>> No.18099229

I'm just looking for someone that isn't a massive faggot that LARPs as a historian. Simple as.

>> No.18099346

I'm not OP but I'd be interested in this too. I think Junger took psychs, did he ever write about his experiences?

>> No.18099538
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