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18097571 No.18097571[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>move in with gf
>we pass each other in the hall and literally don't say a word
Why do books never mention this?

>> No.18097636

oh good im not the only one
i also, somehow, ended up with a gf. i dont like her.
i think this has been a tremendous mistake.
i called my older brother and he wouldnt stop laughing and said do what bukowski would have done. he hung up because he couldnt stop laughing.

>> No.18097657

Do you need to say something? If you do, say it, if not, don't.

Based cynic brother

>> No.18097666

>move in with gf and gf's other boyfriend
>they are making out in the hall and I pass them awkwardly

Why bros

>> No.18097669

Is she hot?

>> No.18097685

You should've written a short story or poem about it and posted it here, sounds interesting.

I don't think it should make you too uncomfortable. Wouldn't it be manic to expect the both of you to give each other undivided attention.

>> No.18097686
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>move in with gf
>accidentally feed her to the basement gators

>> No.18097692


>> No.18097723

I hate when that happens

>> No.18097737

>move in with bf
>he's actually a 4channer
I hate you guys

>> No.18097739

Also trips of truth and judeo-satanism

>> No.18097763
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>move in with gf
>she farts loudly, wastes time on social media and behaves like a impatient child when forced to watch some intellectually demanding film
Honestly thinking of dumping this pig, ending my incel NEETdom tuned out to be a critical error

>> No.18097778

>move in with bf because he asked me to
>have a terrible fight with him and decide to invade his privacy to find out what he truly thinks of me
>read through his schizo journals when he's not home
>one of the entries says I'm manipulative, evil, ugly and he wants to move on with his life without me
>freak out and use his toothbrush to clean the toilet and his clothes to rub the floor
>call my mom and tell her I will kill myself
>pack up, leave and stay at a hotel for a few days

this happened in my last relationship which btw I still haven't gotten over
I slept with a knife next to me many times because I was afraid he would try to kill me even though he never hurt me physically

>> No.18097785

le serious face

That's bad news *wide grin man*

>> No.18097793

She's so cute :^)

>> No.18097797

post her panties

>> No.18097809

are you gay?

>> No.18097815

>implying femanon
which harry potter is your favourite?

>> No.18097819

I'm a girl
honestly I never want to be in a relationship again. I just want to a reclusive cat lady

>> No.18097833

this but my schizo journal just contains rants about the ADL and SPLC

>> No.18097837
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>> No.18097840

post your panties

>> No.18097845

This happens in Houellebecq's Serotonin

>> No.18097854

slap her ass next time

>> No.18097856

If you dont like her then break up with her, but you’re logic is nuts. Leaving incel n33td0m is not the issue. You also sound like you suck

>> No.18097861

woman moment

>> No.18097862

>wife passes me in the hall
>grab her ass
>wife enters my field of view
>walk up and fondle her tits
>wife does anything near the bed
>fuck her

If you arent an HR nightmare sexual harassment machine at home you are fucking up. Its great

>> No.18097864

make physical contact some small touch is nice

>> No.18097865

>>she farts loudly
is this a bad thing?

>> No.18097871

stop manipulating men. if a man has to describe a woman as "manipulative", she must be really insane.

>> No.18097872

someone post that marital rape greentext

>> No.18097878

I know this and desu he wasn't that wrong because I did manipulate him passively
he wrote something along the lines of me not "daring to be upfront about my manipulation" and it was very true, and I knew it
I've always been incredibly passive-aggressive

>> No.18097885

I wasn't insane about it though. It was subtle. He also manipulated me though, and his tactics were more aggressive. Whether or not it's a feminine trait, men use it their own way and it's every bit as tormenting

>> No.18097891

you can't rape your wife. "marital rape" is a jewish oxymoron

>> No.18097892

disgusting kys

>> No.18097894

Women don't realise how opaque they are and it's embarrassing. Biggest group of pseuds on the planet.

>> No.18097899

>Leaving incel n33td0m is not the issue
It is though, every day I dream of doing nothing but shitpost and read all day like I used to. This gf+job meme just seems like an awful lifetrap for plebs, unless you get lucky with perfectly suitable partner and a job you like to do - which obviously isn't my case.
Yeah she's gross

>> No.18097901
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how do I get a manipulative lit gf

>> No.18097906

yet the majority of men will endlessly simp for women. Who are the real retards

>> No.18097909

yes exactly that one now post the rest

>> No.18097916

I give mine a wink or a anime because I love mine and cannot help it

>> No.18097917

How did you manipulate him exactly?

>> No.18097919

absolute psychopath

>> No.18097922

a anime ?

>> No.18097923

I dunt 'ave it, mate.

>> No.18097926

A smile*. She doesn't like anime.

>> No.18097929

what do you mean? opaque?

>> No.18097932

fucking state of this board. everyday I torture myself here

>> No.18097933

legitimately feeling pity for you, living like you think you're a midwit when you're actually a dunce.

>> No.18097934

I thought you were going to say enema

>> No.18097935

Some women, maybe. I've never been easy to figure out. This is not a "not like other girls" moment, but I know you'll read it that way. Whatever. I fooled him many times and proof of my success was all over those journals. A lot of it was intentional -- he just didn't know how to interpret my behavior. I'm very reserved and hate expressing strong feelings or showing vulnerability. When he did notice my manipulation, it was because I was in a lot of distress and actually wanted him to realize something was wrong. I had control over the situation and always did, and I know realize that

>> No.18097936

Holy shit a woman is literally hogging the entire thread and confirming that she is a bitch.

>> No.18097940

You should have listened you Bukowski anon.

>> No.18097943

>has BPD

can you at least be original

>> No.18097946
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>those digits
What did God mean by this?

>> No.18097952

if your retarded bf realized it, you need to learn how to manipulate better, then.

>> No.18097962

nice larp, homo. You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors. Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.18097968

What do you mean by fooled him? You cheated on him without him realizing?

>> No.18097973

I don't see how I'm that much of a bitch. I made mistakes when I was desperate, but I'm not evil

I don't have that, but I am bipolar

>> No.18097974

There's something going on with society, and the world in general, to make it so that necessarily someone like you is in a relationship.

I don't exactly know how it works, but either the woman or the man has to be like you, and the other one is always very open and honest and ends up with their worldview lowered or damaged.

>> No.18097976
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Please leave this thread, it would be better for you if you weren't here

>> No.18097980

This is what happens when you lose traditional Christian ways.

>> No.18097988
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>> No.18097991

no, I fooled him on an emotional level. I led him to believe things about me and about himself that weren't true and it caused him a lot of suffering

>> No.18097995

i don't believe you've ever had sex

>> No.18098000
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This is why I never want a relationship. I never understood incels, not that I hate them like weird normies do, but I just don't understand what compels them to think that way. I'm fully comfortable with being alone, frankly I want nothing to do with anyone. Living alone is pleasant, I have my own routines and am not bothered by anyone. I couldn't ask for a better life. Seriously, fuck women, fuck friends too. I don't need any of that shit.

>> No.18098002

You should write a book then. This illness is very literary. You are already a riot with goofy experiences who is also a 4chan poster. You waste your shit you dumb faggot.

>> No.18098004

You're just really really really really unpleasant and the guy didn't want to come to grips with the fact that he was wrong about you being attractive. That's it.

>> No.18098007

I'm indeed leaving. See ya

>> No.18098009

filthy whore show us your fat tits

>> No.18098016

>be tradcath larper
>marry some repentant churchslut who is deeply disappointed in your sexual inexperience and only lets you fuck to make babies
Many such cases!

>> No.18098019
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>> No.18098020

No, I'm not that interested in writing. At least not prose. I read a lot which is why I'm here. I'm a musician though

If you say so lol

>> No.18098024
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After reading this and all your other posts I don't think your ex was off base.

>> No.18098025

Speaking from experience, buddy?

>> No.18098029

>I hate relationships because I dated a schizo who I thought was gonna kill me
>wtf what do you mean you're not supposed to emotionally manipulate other people

>> No.18098030

I don't see the problem. Silence can be good. If she was a virgin before meeting you, then you're fine. If not, then you're screwed.

>> No.18098038

Seriously, it sucks when you fall in love with a completely shit person. You can't believe it yourself, so you treat them as though they are malicious deceivers. Actually you're just a fool, and it takes a while to realise that.

This happened to him.

>> No.18098040

Yeah, you probably have a point. I'm not that good at analyzing myself, I think. But I am trying to be a better person. Thing is I'd rather be alone from now on, with my cats, my books, my piano, my violin and my plants.

>> No.18098043

Actually I do, some of the churchsluts I banged are now ultra traditional wives openly dominating their gullible church hubbies.

>> No.18098058

You might be projecting, I'm not sure, but you're definitely adding to my story for some reason. I'm not saying I'm a great person, but it is strange of you to assume he wasn't an asshole himself. And it was I who broke up with him, not him. He still texts me.

>> No.18098079
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>expecting women to act like men

>> No.18098088
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>I've never been easy to figure out
You're a garden variety psycho-bitch. Probably raised by a single parent and guaranteed to not get along with your mother. You lost your virginity before 16 to a dude much older than you and jump back and forth between, "I don't care," and "Why did I do that??". You have no real hobbies or interests either, because you're too busy being a emotionally unstable hurricane trapped in a whore's body, your time is spent wondering if your 'loved' ones still love you or if they're just stuck with you.
All these developmental flaws and failures you project onto others and/or seek out similar people, causing a constant feedback loop where you are always simultaneously the perpetrator and victim.
You are not hard to figure out. There are women (and a few men) all over like you.

>> No.18098089

Why would I concern myself with what you do or do not believe?
Nice assumption fail, I'm Protestant.

>> No.18098092

Should have read Stoner OP.

>> No.18098098

Nothing wrong with solitude, and if you are a genuine manipulative and bad person, it may be the best thing you can do for others.

>> No.18098099

based brother

>> No.18098105

Well I only have experience with catholics where the greentext you quoted is pretty much the norm.

>> No.18098109

do you smile at her?

>> No.18098117

you just described your average esfp girl

>> No.18098121
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>alphabet astrology

>> No.18098152

Doesn't sound like you have much experience in general. I have 5 decades of life upon the Earth spent in careful observation and my own personal events to draw from.

>> No.18098172

Yeah I'm sure you're a 50+ year old man posting on 4chan and not just a seething christlarping incel, terrified of the idea that his future tradwife is getting banged by high school Chad as we speak.

>> No.18098180

Wtf is wrong with you guys i’ve gotten along with 99 out of every 100 people i’ve spent time with in my life. I can’t imagine suspecting my gf of so many manipulative, machiavellian schemes I keep track of them in my diary.

>> No.18098186

Well, I wasn't this old when I started posting on 4chan, but this isn't 4chan, son.

>> No.18098198

Don't insult a timeless art by comparing it so some bullshit internet psychology meme. Yes I am being serious

>> No.18098209

You should try /pol/ on 4chan then, it's where unironic boomers and underaged incels congregate. Impossible to tell them apart, I wonder why...

>> No.18098213

those are surprise rape moments
she has to roll a successful saving throw to evade rape

>> No.18098221

Well see, that's where the problem is. I'm an ironic boomer, and have essentially zero interest in politics.

>> No.18098234
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you got a pretty pathetic life gramps

>> No.18098242


>> No.18098250

In the worldly sense, I do indeed, but in Christ Jesus my life is incredible beyond any expression. Thankfully the kingdom of God is eternal and this world passes away, so that's not a bad allocation.

>> No.18098254

In her defense, you’re wasting time here.

>> No.18098262

Kek, got him

>> No.18098709

Oh wow, boner o’clock came early this Friday

>> No.18098712

i moved in with your gf too. we talk all the time.

>> No.18098725

what are we supposed to glean from this other than that your boyfriend was right not to trust you

>> No.18098727

He was right

>> No.18098742


This is true unfortunately. Domestic existence sucks ass for most people. Life is drudgery, including whatever shitty work you do.

>> No.18098788

Have you ever dated a girl that uses 4chan? It's worse for your psychology than getting molested.

>> No.18098813

Every BPD thinks they have bipolar before they get their diagnosis. You sound very much BPD.