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18093076 No.18093076 [Reply] [Original]

Propaganda is everything. If you go outside the world is only propaganda. Can we discuss why propaganda is good for people? My grandma wants to know.

>> No.18093113
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>> No.18093147

Real replies only please

>> No.18093357


>> No.18093431

Most human apes (sapiens) are really too stupid to know what they are supposed to do or how.to be helpful and reasonably functional members of society without it. Social conditioning requires vast amounts of propaganda to keeps it's meaning and form from generation to the the next.

It's the reason most honest people can't stand transexuals. It offends the sense of natural order and beauty that we have been conditioned since birth to understand and Vue, or even worship. You are fighting millions of years of propaganda.

>> No.18093777

As a trans person I know exactly the person I am. Your post is very stupid. Propaganda only works on people with weak minds.

>> No.18093790

I'm a trans communist pandirectional sexual dog humanoid being. I am a massive faggot and I love cock. I do not understand or appreciate proper arguments, because everyone but me is wrong. I will just reply to everyone's posts with a book and claim that is my counter, sweaty.


>> No.18093791

lmao filtered

>> No.18093792

>As a trans person
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.18094280

whats with the fake trip?

>> No.18094300
File: 34 KB, 300x167, thumb_food-water-atmosphere-tdt-the-legions-of-crassus-wandering-the-persian-desert-58884608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for a riveting discussion about Edward Bernays with...a trans person...riveting.

>> No.18094321

Ah, so the P in propaganda stands for propaganda.

>> No.18094327


>> No.18094350


>> No.18094616

You stopped reading because you're a disgusting cis loser who probably can't read anything that isn't about Nazi Germany. Your children will be gay and you will be proud. Just wait.

>> No.18094630

You got propagandized into thinking you were literally the opposite sex to the point of having your genitals mutilated.


>> No.18094789

Propaganda atrofies your critical faculties and denies your freedom the moment you assert yourself.

>> No.18095340


Yes. After reading bernays and others my eyes opened up o a different world.

>> No.18096561

I was always this way. My mom know from an early age because I played with guns and I wasn't afraid of bugs just like real boys

>> No.18096568

It is not good for people, and it is not everything. Foucauldians are retarded.

Also >>16158888

>> No.18096578

>As a trans person I know exactly the person I am.
>Propaganda only works on people with weak minds.
does the cognitive dissonance hurt?

>> No.18096748

I yesterday saw a video posted on /pol/ of cringe NA alt-rights doing a book burning and the book they chose to burn was OPs Edward bernays' Propaganda.

How retarded do you have to be to want to burn a 100 year old book and think you are doing anything of worth.

>> No.18096764

Which is really funny because the entire nazi propaganda machine was based off bernays. The only reason those kids know anything of fascism is because of bernays.

>> No.18096774

I shidded AND farded

>> No.18096821

american alt right are not (german) national socialist though.
neither is national socialism fascism.

but sure...

>> No.18096843

>Can we discuss why propaganda is good for people?
Ummmm it isn't?

Propaganda is basically any message out there that wants to form some group to protect certain interests. Propaganda is a way for elites to stay safe.

The only message that isn't propaganda is one that empowers people, gets them to trust their own judgment instead of the official narrative.

>> No.18096898

I work in advertising, which is, in essence, corporate propaganda. To the extent that anything is good, it deserves, in some respect, to be known as good. Propaganda is simply the name given to the work of propagating ideas which the propagators believe to be good, or at least useful to their ends. A Saul Alinsky style of left-wing politics has made the word into something very evil and manipulative, and to do so they've had to thoroughly confuse the meaning of the word. When some rock and roll musician sings a song praising rock and roll, such as Chuck Berry's "Hail! Hail! Rock 'n' Roll," that is propaganda for Rock and Roll. When the Beach Boys sang "Surfin' USA," they were performing propaganda for surfing and '50s/60's surfing culture.

More specifically, it comes from the Church's Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, which in Latin is the Congregātiō dē Propagandā Fide. The Latin meaning, from agricultural practice, is to cause to continue or multiply by generation or successive production. It is deeply tied to the Catholic use of the word Cult, as in culture or cultivate. As the faith is often described metaphorically and mystically through terms of agriculture, the Church used words of agriculture to describe its spread and development.

In modern times, as the world became increasingly secular, Catholic terms became increasingly secular as well, used principally by governments and philosophers, and eventually by corporate interests of all kinds.

Now, every kind of public composition or work which promotes some idea, or moral, or thing is, in actuality, a kind of propaganda. Memes, for example, are simply a particular aesthetic for the spread of ideas, and this reality is revealed by the root of the word itself. They are words and images which are made to be memorable and easily shareable, transferring ideas and experiences across the internet rapidly.

Knowing all this, we can easily see then that the good of propaganda is proportionate to the good of the thing propagated. However bad a weed is, it's evil is multiplied to the extent the weed itself is multiplied. Likewise, it is good to sow some crop only so much as the crop is good and beneficial. Though a crop may be good to a degree, to propagate it too much becomes as harmful as to propagate some weed.

So, the products and services offered by companies are good to a degree, in so far as they help people to enjoy the goods of life and to live morally and to the extent that they do not harm society.

But also, since works of propaganda are themselves a composition, there is some good in them of themselves, according to the goodness of their composition. This is why there are some ads, of both a corporate and political nature, which we enjoy even if we do not care for what they propagandize, or even if what they propagandize no longer exists.

In all of this, propaganda is, essentially an extension of rhetoric into the more varied media of public expression.

>> No.18096910

This board would be substantially better if you left.

>> No.18096940

Propaganda is long dead.