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/lit/ - Literature

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18089100 No.18089100 [Reply] [Original]

I challenge /lit/ to post a book that everyone here considers good. This place is so cynical and forcibly contrarian it'll never happen.

>> No.18089109

Moldy Dicc

>> No.18089112

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.18089113
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Find a flaw.

>> No.18089117
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>> No.18089119
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>> No.18089131

Calculus: Early Transcendentals

>> No.18089139

This is my favorite book but at least a few people here think it is unfunny.

>> No.18089148


>> No.18089155

Principia Mathematica Philosophia Naturalis

>> No.18089159

Crime and Punishment

>> No.18089168

Yeah, cringe pseuds who judge it without having read it because they think it's """""unbefitting of an academic""""" or some shit.

>> No.18089203

That’s true but only because the only people who will have read Pierre are people who like Melville and therefore will enjoy Pierre, and its good even though it’s not his best

>> No.18089205

It gets a lot of shit thrown at it on /lit/

>> No.18089206

hundreds of people post here. in what community that big can you find anything that all of the members agree on?

>> No.18089212

I can't remember anything bad being said about Don Quixote.

>> No.18089222

That your mom is a dirty butt slut

>> No.18089253

__ ____

>> No.18089264
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>> No.18089443


>> No.18089448


>> No.18089452

Lonesome Dove

>> No.18089462

Trips confirm

>> No.18089472

The Odyssey
Don Quixote
The Violent Bear it Away
Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.18089504

I’ve seen all of these get hate. The books with unanimous praise on lit are always more niche.

>> No.18089540


>> No.18089553

Redpill me on calculus anon

>> No.18089725
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>> No.18089749

This clown can not be a real person. This is one of you larping as a neckbeard right?

>> No.18089761

I love it but I see a lot of people here who don't. Probably hits a little too close to home.

>> No.18089815

This is the phenotype of the average /lit/ contrarian.

>> No.18089820

These are the creepy guys who hang out near the manga, holding a Camus for cred.

>> No.18089926

>I challenge /lit/ to post a book that everyone here considers good.

find the book no one on /lit/ has read,

>> No.18089940
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>> No.18089954

I've never been so personally attacked by a book in my life

>> No.18089978


>> No.18090004

You don't visit this board often, do you?

>> No.18090011

Stoner maybe

>> No.18090041
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>> No.18090064

gigabrain stuff, here's your well deserved (you)

>> No.18090072

its shit. just toilet humor.

>> No.18090080

Les Deux Etendards
Its pretty obscure and anyone who feels the need to do the work to seek it out is guaranteed to enjoy it

>> No.18090084

I don't need to. This book will single-handedly redpill you on Calculus up to multivariable equations. Three college classes of mathematics in one book.

>> No.18090121

pic related is kind of in the same category as >>18089119, the only people who read it are people who already like kazantzakis

>> No.18090130
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forgot pic

>> No.18090230


>> No.18090241
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Gg ez

>> No.18090252

Ghastly rigmarole.

>> No.18090322

One and the same

>> No.18090343

I can't find a PDF of it which doesn't have horrible formatting

>> No.18090359

This is true because everyone who actually reads it ends up liking it to justify the sunk cost.

>> No.18090436

I kneel.

>> No.18090494

Rendezvous With Rama.

>> No.18090503

God I loved having this read to me as kid by my mom, loved the animated movie too.

>> No.18090513

Surprised that crocodile book hasn't shown up yet.

>> No.18090630
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>> No.18090661


>> No.18090669


>> No.18090677

Eh. It's okay, maybe decent

>> No.18090679

Emma by Jane Austen, the perfect novel (matched by Proust)

>> No.18090687

Best piece of lit I've read is Inferno

>> No.18090845

Blood meridian

>> No.18090871

holy based

>> No.18091150

you know where. reddit!

>> No.18091165

Thomas Ligotti's short stories, for a novel, I think we all like Infinite Jest

>> No.18091468
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c'mon guys...

>> No.18091476

The Man Without Qualities
The Good Soldier Svejk
The Sleepwalkers
Berlin Alexanderplatz

>> No.18091484

I hate that shit. Immensely boring

>> No.18091492


>> No.18091493
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>> No.18091499

>joyce never criticized

>> No.18091518

Really? I really liked it when I was 14 or whenever I read it. I should read it again to see what I think of it.

>> No.18091546


>> No.18091806

More contemporary lit like Heinrich Böll, Salman Rushdie, Robert Bolano, V.S. Naipaul

>> No.18091811

M' Boy Dick

>> No.18091816

it's way too long

>> No.18091822

my diary desu

>> No.18091834

At least go for Spivak

>> No.18091842

It's a shit book. It has no pictures

Unironically this

>> No.18091895

This. Still can't believe I spent hours on a book where literally nothing happens till the last few pages. But I'm sure there's an analogy hidden somewhere.

>> No.18091914
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>> No.18092045

The Elementary Particles or almost anything written by Houellebecq

>> No.18092655


>> No.18092697

Finnegan's Wake*
*not Finnegans Wake

>> No.18092713

It does have though

>> No.18092716

It's not a very good book. By no means a terrible book, but it's not good. It's definitely a book, though.

>> No.18092717
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A veritable tour de force

>> No.18092730

Not true, it’s a truly great work of art but Moby-Dick is a fairly dense book and it’s popularity/fame leads many people to read it who are intellectually lazy speedreaders who get almost nothing out of it and so resent it. These are people who will boldfacedly claim that their is no subtext or deeper meaning to Melville’s writing, simply by ignoring it.
I like it but it was a little disappointing given that despite the proto-lovecraftian stories that made it famous, it’s mostly just comfy ghost stories

>> No.18092735

Probably the most correct answer for a book that a lot of people here have actually read

>> No.18092811
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One of my childhood favorites.

>> No.18092819


I wish I could skullfuck you to death

>> No.18092844
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>> No.18092866

>Posting the reactionary sewage that is Mien Kampf
It hits the heart sure, but that doesn't make it good.

>> No.18092873

The Iliad. I know some "people" hate it but let's be honest do they really count?

>> No.18092969

>The Violent Bear it Away
Corniest cob Ive ever read

>> No.18092976


>> No.18092978

Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.18092989

absolutely niggerlicious

>> No.18093305
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>> No.18093323

> Notes from Underground/Brothers K (anything by Dostoevsky)
> A Confederacy of Dunces
> Marcus Aurelius

Basically anything that will make you bored and depressed is in the /lit/ canon

>> No.18093341
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>> No.18093354
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>> No.18093869

I disagree, I once threw an apple and it remained in air, levitating

>> No.18093879

yeah I specially loved when the protgaonist literally reads a book explaining the message of the story for 20 pages. Masterfully done.

>> No.18093960

came here just to post this

>> No.18094286

filthy degenerates, all of them!

>> No.18094443

/thread and based

>> No.18095450

I just don’t think it’s funny.

>> No.18095463

stoner gets shit on in every thread it’s brought up

>> No.18095637

storm of steel

>> No.18096959
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Simply perfect.

>> No.18096976

Yes, Mr Melvin!
I would love to read another 40 page chapter about your misinformed thoughts on whale biology

>> No.18097001

Holy shit I can’t believe I forgot about this book. I absolutely loved it when I was young.

>> No.18097019
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>> No.18097031

Excellent choice.

>> No.18097053

I'm actually going to read this now

>> No.18097592

Good, its an interesting book

>> No.18098698

My man.

>> No.18099185

Indisputably BASED.

>> No.18099214
File: 195 KB, 1333x586, picturebookanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek there is unironically a /lit/izen who fucking despises Eric Carle and that book. He apparently makes picture books himself and is extremely mad at the picture book industry

>> No.18099237
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>> No.18099319
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anon... i...

>> No.18099417
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i liked watership down

>> No.18099508
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>> No.18099531
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>he hasn't read the gay way series

>> No.18099619
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What about the violet one?

>> No.18099627
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>> No.18099630
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>> No.18099645
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>He doesn't know about mourning, rebirth and the tenacity of the human spirit.

>> No.18099853

PURE kino

>> No.18100141

Nah, Childhoods End is a much better Clarke novel

>> No.18100148

Stay based Pony Boy

>> No.18101377

it started falling apart with the whore stories

>> No.18101651

dogs cant be presidents anon

>> No.18101680


Homage to Catalonia is a better anti-Stalin book.

>> No.18101718

Agreed. For some reason as a child I autistically read this 17 or 18 times in a row because I loved it so much and couldn't find any other kiddo fantasy that hit the same sense of sheer strangeness.

>> No.18101871

>This place is so cynical and forcibly contrarian it'll never happen.
holy shit what a revelation.
Almost as if people from all walk of life visit this site and as such everyone has differing opinions on everything


>> No.18102191

based Nabby poster

>> No.18102225

midwits will hate you for this

>> No.18102289

try gutenberg or libgen

>> No.18102348
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>> No.18103586

Too long for a story about a whale.

I like it but it's a bit reddit and i've definitely seen it get hate here.

I despise it.

Hated by lots of people.

I'll go with Don Quixote, very difficult novel to hate.

>> No.18103642
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I have never seen anybody from /lit/ shit on Borges'body of work.

Women in the dunes by Kobo Abe is generally well regarded by the few people who has read it in here

>> No.18104237

Of Mice and Men

>> No.18105174

The guy on the cover looks like mario lol

>> No.18105330

Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.18105366

same here, it's such a quick read, and so clever and fun.
just started reading it at bedtime to my girlfriend because I'm a fucking creep and found out she hasn't read it.

>> No.18106295
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>> No.18106466
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No it's gotta be the Red Book that's not even Red.

>> No.18106477

The covert art makes it look a lot more charming than it actually is.

>> No.18106487
File: 78 KB, 526x526, 129667584_23846039377870737_5941197710248575527_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where in the constitution does it say that a dog can't be president?

>> No.18106493
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>> No.18106501

Well you'd have to find a Dog that was over 35 to start.

>> No.18106510

>just started reading it at bedtime to my girlfriend because I'm a fucking creep and found out she hasn't read it.

Well, is there any more to that?

>> No.18106520

Every time she would fall asleep Id start opening and closing the book really loudly. When she got mad I started ripping out pages and told her “Listen to me and MY STORY” louder and louder until she left

>> No.18106581
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>posting the wrong red book twice

>> No.18106718

Into the trash it goes

>> No.18106734
File: 67 KB, 704x704, 4907BBEE-AD9D-4CCC-A09B-84B4CC2E6E2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most unanimously highly rated books here are all children’s books

>> No.18106967

A childhood favorite of mine.

>> No.18107467
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>> No.18107496

Crime and punishment.

>> No.18107551

It's very hard to know which character is saying something in this book. Funny though

>> No.18107941
File: 2.80 MB, 1995x2882, Atlas_Shrugged_(1957_1st_ed)_-_Ayn_Rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admit it /lit/, you loved it

>> No.18108123

That's the preface nigga

>> No.18108234

You just admitted that you haven't read it

>> No.18109308
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>> No.18109315
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It's called heightened reality, anon.

>> No.18109330

Zelda cdi art

>> No.18109337
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Fanged Noumena

>> No.18109519

These are books which I think everyone can actually agree were trash.

>> No.18109574

Reading books is for children

>> No.18109597

>oh look I can use twitter to make you cringe!!1!

>> No.18109625

It's not highbrow lit but it was entertaining (especially the middle section where Daphnie is building the rail line). The John Galt rant turned it into a DNF for me though (and I was only like 100 pages away)..I fucking get it jesus.

Also, Randianism teaches you a lot about buying into a cult of ideology and how good it feels when you think you're never wrong (you can empathize with identity politics types).

>> No.18109634

good motives, shit writing

>> No.18109654

Shit's /lit/.

>> No.18109711

They can be over 35 in dog years.

>> No.18110029

She really does love beating you over the head with her messages

>> No.18110129

les miserables

>> No.18110139

This is one where I have trouble seeing how someone could dislike it. There are multiple sublime scenes. Jondrette’s prisoner is one of the coolest in all of literature

>> No.18110206

Samefag is obvious and hates the enlightened mathematician

>> No.18110220

extra points if you read it in greek

>> No.18110273

No one can deny the greatness of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason if we’re counting philosophy. But if we’re talking fiction only then I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone seriously say The Brothers Karamazov is a terrible book, it’s probably the most loved book on this board. I also haven’t seen anyone try and shit on the Magic Mountain but that gets talked about a lot less.

>> No.18110389

Should I read anything before Moby Dick?
Or use some kind of side material?
I was thinking of tackling it after I'm done with my current reading.

>> No.18111134

I've seen a few anons say he's overrated but never that he's bad, yeah.

>> No.18111296
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God, the fact it sets aside like 8% of a 1000+ page novel for an ubermensch to go off, rant about how people who are better than others should have more power, is a huge strike against anyone who wants to defend it as being entertaining.

I'm embarrassed by how deeply I bought into her shit as a kid. But, as I said above in a prior comment, it gave me a line into what it feels like to be an ideologue and a better window of criticism once I'd reformed myself.

>> No.18111305

Crime And Punishment
Anna Karenina
The Count of Monte Cristo
If you dislike these there is unironically something wrong with you

>> No.18111308

R*ddit ruined it. I hate it now

>> No.18111313

I quit Confederacy of Dunces after about 50 pages

>> No.18111342


>> No.18111398

Good work. Proves thread's hypothesis wrong in under 2 min.

>> No.18111422
File: 627 KB, 1152x768, still going.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG! 300 Debates! He MUST BE STOPPED!

>> No.18111437

Every time he wins a debate, he grows another hair on his neck.

>> No.18111766

A bit on the long side for me desu.

>> No.18111772

>muh Biden causing 1984 all over again.
Magatards ruined this book.

>> No.18112088

You spastics know it's a joke account, right? That's the guy that made bushworld adventures

>> No.18112153

lol he kind of does lol

>> No.18112163
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>> No.18112340


>> No.18112354

Shakespeare, the Bible, idunno mayne. Moby Dick is the kind of book I'm gonna reread multiple times in my lifetime and I'm gonna get something new out of it every time as I grow older. Just jump into it

>> No.18112356

Based picture. I once used this exact picture in coursework report about algorithmic image processing.

>> No.18113658

I kneel.

>> No.18114275

I have never before, in all my days, read anything this based.

I am talking about both the book and this post.

>> No.18114284


>> No.18114358

No, Stewart is shit

>> No.18115233
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>> No.18115391

It's mogged by TBK.

>> No.18115412
File: 90 KB, 445x650, Dubliners Joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ulysses may be controversial but with Dubliners there's no discussion. Also there's not excuse for anybody here to not read it.

>> No.18115414

kinda sucks ngl

>> No.18116209

What do you think of Portrait?

>> No.18116219

Are you ESL by any chance?

>> No.18116233

Some of the stories fell flat for me, but yeah, it's still at LEAST "good"

>> No.18116247

>people from all walk of life visit this site
Not sure about that, bud

>> No.18117320

2001 a space odyssey
(the sequels get progressively worse as clarke's dementia also progresses lmao)

>> No.18117434

Silmarillion, I wish I could say don Quixote, but I've been putting off the reading of the original Spanish for a while, a year now.

>> No.18117443

Harry potter.

>> No.18117529

English doesn't have a word for how based you are.

>> No.18118080

Holy based

>> No.18118155

The holy quran.

>> No.18118163

Dies irae (the visual novel)