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18086733 No.18086733 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best "banned" book you've never read?

>inb4 Turner Diaries (it's not banned, and neither is Hitler)

>> No.18086740

My diary desu

>> No.18086756

Not this
Srsly we need to end this bubble of clickbait edge lord books with literally no substance that generate followings because they are elusive and only know through 4chan shitposts

>> No.18086772
File: 59 KB, 604x453, cat-with-knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah well, OP got dubs so...

>> No.18086783

Whats pic related about? I like lemurs. At my local zoo my favorite part is the lemur enclosure. They're so cool and used to be allowed tonl run free till some stupid FEMALE had some issue and now they're in cages. But they're still cool with their lemur hands and lemurs hand-feet and big lemurs tail and those tantalizing lemurs eyes. I want one, but I know they're wild so I can't have one.

>> No.18086856

You can keep lemurs as pets in some places (not Australia), one of those scientology actresses has pet lemurs.

>> No.18086864

I'm sure, I dont mean legally. It just seems wrong. My inner beast is saying "hey, let the monkey be the monkey," rather than "let the monkey wear a collar,". You feel?

>> No.18086871

delete your life

>> No.18086891

I prefer cats, I wouldn't trust a monkey (or a bear). Cats are still essentially wild enough to survive on their own and they prefer houses to people and you never really own a cat you have a sort of contract with them whereby they stay at your house and you mind them.

>> No.18086913

meta-textual meta-physical multi-user astral domain space reifying parsing calculator with transduction amplifier option and turbocharged turbo encabulator

>> No.18086918

You make a very strong argument for cats. The other options have strong negatives.. Birds would be nice, but are too loud. Dogs are messy and needy. The various rodent options (gerbils, hamsters, mice) are all smelly. Maybe a rabbit, but they're fragile as hell and rapey. I want ducks though. Their coolness outweighs their negatives.

>> No.18086931 [DELETED] 

If you want ducks you will need a pond and some kind of island on that pond for ducks to sleep on so foxes don't slit their throats in the night. My Dad has some ducks, they're lovely.

>> No.18086948

If you want ducks you will need a pond and some kind of island on that pond for ducks to sleep on so foxes don't slit their throats in the night. My Dad has some ducks, they are lovely.

>> No.18086959

I'll remember that. I was thinking ducks mainly for the benefits they can have for a garden, of which I intend to have a large one.

>> No.18088220

where to get oneself a copy of that sweet sweet print of masters hands?

>> No.18088737


>> No.18088749

Starting Fires with Electrical Timers was a trip, total LARP but pretty funny to think about some self proclaimed master arsonist writing a little manual

>> No.18089030


>> No.18089082

Anyone had the PDF?

>> No.18089118

sorry about the mess

>> No.18089152

Good god, is that the only available way to read it?

>> No.18089165


>> No.18089196

this a shill who spams his book and samefags

most of the thread is him

>> No.18089246

>this a shill who spams his book and samefags
>most of the thread is him
low energy reddit post

>> No.18089251

I still have no idea what Behead All Satans and People Mover are about even though I know the basic plot setup to every Gardner book.

>> No.18089316

>Srsly we need to end this bubble of clickbait edge lord books with literally no substance that generate followings because they are elusive and only know through 4chan shitposts

They wouldn't be so attractive if retailers wouldn't REFUSE to carry them. The allure of forbidden knowledge is massive.

>> No.18089512

GOOGLE.COM you faggot

>> No.18089531

OP here and no I'm not him and yes you'll just have to take me word for it. Did you have anything else to contribute?

>> No.18089617

google says jack shit you stoopid fokin cunt

>> No.18090882

>using google in the year 2000+18

>> No.18092027
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>> No.18092449
