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18089848 No.18089848 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a young woman who wants to leave womanhood and embrace manliness. Is there any author or book with these themes?

>> No.18089858

Will you be my gf?

>> No.18089859

You are not optimized to perform the male role.
Your womb will be filled with the genetically modified future human master race.
Stop raging against your purpose.
Why do you want to leave womanhood and embrace manliness anyway?

>> No.18089879
File: 245 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_p3fzz6jBqX1qgb3euo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike being a woman. I admire men. All my life I've admired men and their art

>> No.18089895

kathy acker
fleur jaeggy
gertrude stein

>> No.18089896

Stone Butch Blues maybe?
Are you autoandrophilic?

>> No.18089917

you are gonna have to flesh out your bait a littlle more if you want proper amount of (you)s.

>> No.18089920

Why do you dislike being a woman though. You can make art as a woman.

>> No.18089936

SEX AND CHARACTER by Otto Weininger.

>> No.18089958

fuck off tranny

>> No.18089967

You do not understand. Men admire other men as equals, as superiors, as competitors. We are similar to each other, and so we admire in each other what is best in us. We admire women also, but we admire them for being unlike us. We admire them for excelling in all those ways which are dissimilar to the ways we excel. As you woman, you admire men in the same way that men admire women. The tragedy is that feminism teaches women that it is bad to be women. Feminism teaches that feminity is ugly, weak, disgraceful, and humiliating. They teach women that men hate women and that men have made women to be feminine in order to degrade women. If only you could see that the opposite is true. Feminity is beautiful. It is graceful. It is the glory of mankind. While women are weaker and more fragile than men, femininity is, in a way, a superior thing to masculinity. What is the good of men? Men are strong. Men think more reasonably. Men are daring. But what purpose do these serve? Men provide and men protect. Men serve that which already exists. And women? Women are more emotional, they are softer, more cautious. Why? Because they make and raise children. They create and nurture. They must be more tender and more emotionally responsive because they cultivate the future of society. Men serve society in the places where society is hard and strong and dangerous. Women serve society where society is fragile and soft and vulnerable. Their purpose, then, is a more vital purpose. Men are, to a degree, expendable, and we glory in this and it is a certain joy to us that we may sacrifice ourselves for our friends. Women are not expendable, but are in fact the most valuable. Culture is made and defended by men, but it lives in women. You have been taught to hate your culture. You have been taught to hate your ancestors. You have been taught to hate yourself. How tragic. A man who fails in his duty is a missing cog in the machine, but a woman who fails in hers is a missing fire.

>> No.18089984

Holy shit dude how cucked can you be

>> No.18089985

why do you think you can be a man when most men aren't even men?

>> No.18090005
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Yeah yeah yeah. Being a woman is cool, yes. I don't want to be that. I feel myself like a Hamlet or a miltonian Satan. Not like some Ophelia or some stupid Eve

>> No.18090007


>> No.18090031

Part of being a man is accepting that it's impossible for people to change their sex. It's a sad paradox.

>> No.18090035

You pride yourself on how much you are controlled by the physical experience of being with a woman. Lust is weakness and slavery.

>> No.18090046

It doesn't matter what you want. It's what you are. If you want to be happy, excel at what you are and do not be sad for what you are not.

>> No.18090049


>> No.18090059

Thread closed

>> No.18090063

A woman (female) purpose is to have thick enough hips to shit out babies without dying and big enough titties to feed them. Even better if she can birth in litters.

>> No.18090068

Checked refers to when a person gets digits you fucking newfag

>> No.18090071

And yet all the great female writers, from Sappho onwards, were lesbian (or bi) and mostly childless. Suck on that, misogyniggers.

>> No.18090082

>You have been taught to hate your culture. You have been taught to hate your ancestors. You have been taught to hate yourself.
Lot's of projection going on here

>> No.18090091

... and mediocre in comparison too

>> No.18090097

okay i'll see myself out

>> No.18090105
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>> No.18090143


>> No.18090153
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No need for books.

>> No.18090167

>all the greatest women were very masculine and had very few feminine traits. take that, misogynists!

>> No.18090208
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i dont know about books but just act like a dude instead of a woman. simple as
you dont have to be trans and you honestly shouldnt. you can shift you roles and purpose as a woman without going down the road of questioning your gender.
for physical appearance - just wear what you want and build some mass.
i dont suggest getting a short haircut because instead of looking masculine it makes most women just look like lesbians.
dont alter your appearance in a way that causes damage to your body though.
you will never truly be a man but you can take the tomboy route and try to be treated as one of the dudes

>> No.18090248

You can try but if you are incompetent and fail to acknowledge the hierarchy men build you will be shunned. Men know immediately that some person's opinion takes precedence because they can admit to competence of the other man. So basically get good or you're just a cute play thing who will eventually piss men off.

>> No.18090263
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Unequivocally based; you are doing the lord's work anon

>> No.18090265
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>I'm a young woman who wants to leave womanhood and embrace manliness.

Wanting to be something you are not is extremely unmanly.

>> No.18090275

He's not wrong. Just look at what people say about the past. Totally inaccurate, emotive, and delusional. And helps to back a lot of women into a corner of self-doubt and rejection.

>> No.18090301


>> No.18090315
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What do you think these things mean exactly?

>> No.18090331

You can be masculine as a woman. Just do things that are scary, do physical things, don’t shy away from competition or a challenge. Hang around men you respect. But you don’t need to try to look like a dyke. If I met a strong aggressive woman I would be the most turned on I’ve ever been

>> No.18090433

Women who abandon their duties live hallow and embarrassing lives. Middle aged unmarried women without children are the most miserable people on the planet.

>> No.18090435


>> No.18090440

Okay but do you have tits?

>> No.18090505
File: 60 KB, 934x625, chhhhheckem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose that which you wish to be. But, please, before you become a man or a woman in the hope that you might correct the wrong that nature has wrought upon you; and before you take on the advice of the authors you seek and the anons who respond to your questions; and before you change yourself for the sake of personal validation; first, please, become the best version of yourself that you can be.

You are complete as you are - as you are. And know this before you would subject yourself to any change in body or mind. And thence add or remove as much as you wish, but understand that the glass is never half-empty or half-full; its size and volume are always replete, and you are now no less the dignified individual you desire to become. You don't need to reject anything about yourself or extol those traits which you yet possess, anon.

Also, check 'em.

>> No.18090684

That's not masculine. That's disgusting.
Don't bother with that performative shit. Do you have what it takes? Then do it. Or rather, don't, as there's nothing to "do". Just act in a way you consider virtuous for you to act in. Smoking doesn't make you cool or manly, and neither does that shirt that bloke over there is trying to sell you. There are financial incentives to push you towards frivolous yet marketable "solutions" against your self-interest. Unveil and reject them. Don't treat identities as goals. Change the things you want to change whenever you see the alternative is superior, and let your actions speak for themselves. Don't ask others how to be more like [brand]. A painter is a painter because he likes to paint, and does not paint to be a painter.

You will never be a man, in the empty, nominal sense, but you can acquire any "manly" virtue you see fit. This isn't an MMO with class-locked skills, and neither is manhood patented. The only question is if you really want it.

>> No.18090700
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Here ya go bby

>> No.18090703

Good post

>> No.18090710

Too bad it isn’t true

>> No.18090713

based and genderpilled

>> No.18090714
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I feel the same. I don't want all that ~soft, tender nurturing~ female garbage. There's no real respect or dignity in life in being, as you've said, Ophelia or some stupid Eve.

Even the tradshitters in here talking about how vital femininity and motherhood blah blah blah is, then you see how these males really think about us in other threads. We're wet holes at best to them, made to be pliant servants. I'm not trans but I would just love to be able to actually leave womanhood behind.

>> No.18090729
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The fuck is happening to /lit/?

>> No.18090733

all of 4chan is like this now. pick any board, its practically unusable.

>> No.18090740

Decent post but I don't agree with everything you say.

>> No.18090741


>> No.18090752
File: 167 KB, 1130x1300, greek-ancient-philosopher-aristotle-hand-drawing-portrait-pastel-brown-color-107506524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was 14 I would reply with a "based" but I cannot help feeling nauseated by this post in a fashion not dissimilar to seeing OP (typical gender constructivist or some such position). My disdain for modern feminist theory goes without saying; however, I feel as if I should explain why your post is so trite and insulting. First and foremost, you impose and ideal upon that you do not, and never will, espouse. My contemporary males, those who are so quick to tell you how their position is in the slums, fighting wars, or in statecraft are corpulent, weak fellows; yet, they fancy themselves akin yo those who fought in the trenches of Flanders. They are so obviously repugnant, weak, flabby—unlike the men that they aspire to be. Their proclamations of valour and combat are naught more than a particularly hasty gilding of what the untrained observer supposes is gold. As if this wasn't enough, you tell >her that feminity is the glory of mankind. How utterly preposterous and baseless your virtue-gender distinctions are, how easily can one see through your veil when you proclaim men are more reasonable as if virtue isn't tantamount to wisdom, as if virtue can be attained at all in a consequentialist paradigm. You charlatan, speaking in the same manner I would use to speak to a golden retriever: "your purpose is to fetch and because it coalesces with my desire to throw, you are noble."

Yes, I think I see: the position of the conservative is as nauseating as the liberal because they both use gendered language for their own genders benefit; that is, rather than teaching what we know to be true—that virtues are absolute, attainable through wisdom, and consciously willed—they divvy up virtues arbitrarily and assign them to genders unbeknownst to them they delegitimize the very concept of virtue itself.

>> No.18090753

you will never be a man

>> No.18090770

Monsieur Vénus.
tbph you probably don't want to embrace manliness. if that was your natural inclination, males would already say shit to you like
>you don't count

>> No.18090778

I am >>18090740 and thank you for posting what I was too lazy to do.

>> No.18090788
File: 505 KB, 2000x2000, jcrew-brown-herringbone-harvest-herringbone-vest-product-2-2190996-334451303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think youll come to regret it in a decade. Being a woman is a wonderful thing that a man can never be but sadly many try these days.

Of course be capable, dont be weak. Learn how to defend yourself or even fight would be what id recommend. But you can explore this world for yourself in your own way. Just know that your world is different to my own all other men and thata the law of all things.

Best of luck

>> No.18090846

Like what, talking obsessively about gender? That's the entire Western world the past 5 years.

>> No.18090883

>as if virtue can be attained at all in a consequentialist paradigm
Can anyone extrapolate on this a bit? It doesn't seem self-evident, but I'm not too familiar with consequentialist theories. Am I missing something?

>they divvy up virtues arbitrarily and assign them to genders unbeknownst to them they delegitimize the very concept of virtue itself.
Aren't virtues gender-dependent? If a man has feminine virtues, he would be considered girly or weak.

>> No.18090892

>he doesn't know 936
LMAO get rekt faggot

>> No.18090919

Is it not obviously more noble to give birth than to validate parking tickets? If the modern world has robbed men of their glory, why should we allow it to rob women of theirs as well?

>> No.18090929

Focus on buying genuine free range poultry products.

>> No.18090992

I actually used to suffer from pretty severe autogynephilia; I was a miserable, creepy, pretentious mockery of a man. Then, God gave me the grace to realize how wretched I had become and a found a good priest and made a general confession. As soon as I finished, I was literally free from all depression, anxiety, and perversion. I am now married, with a house, and my first child on the way. I say what I say not because I am worthy of saying it, but because it is true and needs to be said for the sake of OPs immortal soul.

>> No.18091128

>Aren't virtues gender-dependent? If a man has feminine virtues, he would be considered girly or weak.
Not that anon, but virtue is dependent on the situation and what it requires of you. So you start by figuring first that the situation requires courage, honesty, charity, etc, then you figure out what that specific virtue consist of through reason and the law of the Golden Mean.

>> No.18091160

This post is 100% true. If you disagree it is because you swallowed too much plastic or trusted the Jews or had a faggot leftcuck of a dad. If you did or had all three of the above aforementioned things you are or will become a trannny

>> No.18091175

Imagine being this brainwashed, wew lad

>> No.18091182

A great uncucking has commmenced

>> No.18091194

You are now an atomized consumption zogbot. Great job

>> No.18091219
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Both men and women are subject to the same thou shants, but the thou shalls are completely different. Despite using flowery language and a stock photo, you are saying the exact same shit as the gender constructionists (though deconstructionist would be more accurate), that normal gender roles only exist to subjugate and control women. That a desire to return to these norms is just a ploy by corpulent weak and repulsive fellows to get laid. You could have just posted pic related, but in your slightly extended prose you exposed us to one very important fact: like the Greek whom you idolize, you too, enjoy dicks up the ass.

>> No.18091241

>Women who broke free from feminity

>> No.18091258

It'll only be as deep as your fashion choices. Men are held accountable, tested, and expected to prove themselves in ways that women never are. Men will never see you as another man, because you won't be another man. Even if they say the opposite, at a very deep level, they will never hold you to the same standards that they hold other men. Your smallness and delicacy will be plain for all to see no matter how you decide to dress.
Can you imagine the possibility that you and an adult male might end up in a fistfight? And that he would feel no qualms about punching you in the face if he had to? This is an ever present possibility that pervades male social interaction. It's not that we're all itching to throw hands, but that we all understand that if it really came down to it, you can hit another man. On the other hand, in our culture currently, it's unimaginable for most men that they could ever hit a woman. Unless adult men can conceive of punching the shit out of you if the situation called for it, then you aren't actually a man.
This is just one of many necessary conditions for being a "man" socially. On its own, it's not a sufficient condition. If men go easy on you, or feel like they should be defending you, then you're just play acting.

>> No.18091264
File: 38 KB, 853x640, CC13CC9E-8AC8-47F1-976D-BC76DA05EFA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The tragedy is that feminism teaches women that it is bad to be women.
Apparently you’ve been exposed to false feminism.
Masculinists teach women to feel they are weak, disgraceful and ugly etc.
men do in fact hate them. A jealous hatred. They keep them as close to prized pets as possible.
> Feminity is beautiful. It is graceful. It is the glory of mankind.
See right there? You inferior cowardly sot.
Alright, I know you’re not talking to me, I love femininity, but look at this reaction to the OP. Overblown, rhapsodic bullshitery. Look at all the boys clapping, all the misanthropic misogynistic fools looking for books to validate their ideologies.

The male has made the world a fragmented mess. A constant competition, a death match. Constructed hierarchies where there are none. Moan on for centuries about little sad facts, declaring life bad and nothing but suffering, and when it’s bright and cheery, you make sure the rest of us suffer. Kiss your muscles and congratulate yourself for vanquishing, murdering or enslaving the throngs
The males that understand us better, you degrade as wimps, *effeminate*. If you cared you’d take the patriarchal world apart and restore the horizontalist matriarchal ways of prehistory. To do so would at least silence those false feminists you’ve heard from.

>> No.18091282

to a man walking in a vast desert, the sun may seem to be a horrible thing as it burns and blisters his skin. I understand why he curses it's name, curses his weak skin and longs for shade. It is because we were not made for the desert, but if I could take him his natural place, I believe he would grow to love and respect the pleasant suns rays as many a ancient faith have.

Perhaps the reason your 14 year old self enjoys the post is because they still had hope in us, or at least in themselves, leaving that desert. Though I think I'd feel more anguish then nausea in learning I couldn't leave, as my skin still blisters on.

>> No.18091297

Man why the fuck would I want a matriarchy

>> No.18091310

>The male has made the world a fragmented mess.
Women are weak, narcissistic, feeling driven, self-absorbed, petty, cruel, and completely insane. The West is dying due to toxic femininity, which was the predictable outcome of letting women into politics. Nothing is more chaotic than a women with power.

No matter what women will lose the right to vote. Either the West will fall and Islam will take over or Western man will exert himself and save the day, in part by removing all modern privileges from women. Clown World is run on toxic femininity and by the psychopaths that so easily manipulate females.

>> No.18091311

Sounds hot.

>> No.18091314
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>If you cared you’d take the patriarchal world apart and restore the horizontalist matriarchal ways of prehistory.
Over my dead body nigger

>> No.18091315

Nothing is more easily manipulated than a childless woman

>> No.18091361

>Why would I want a world of peace and stability?

You are like a lost war orphan. You don’t understand this world and why it is this way.

Our dead bodies. You hate life itself so much, you’d help? More likely you’re just the deadweight and will remain so.

Not even a truism. Not applicable to me anyway.

>> No.18091370

>Why would I want a world of peace and stability?
What are some good historical examples of agricultural matriarchies? Pre-1900's please.

>> No.18091375

>horizontalist matriarchal ways of prehistory
never existed

>> No.18091377

>>18091264 <--this is what I mean. Sharing a gender with this thing is driving me mad

>> No.18091382

>Why would I want a world of peace and stability?
Yea nah wouldn't happen

>> No.18091407

>Our dead bodies. You hate life itself so much, you’d help?
No, i want to colonize the galaxy

>> No.18091408

>teach women to feel they are weak
Have you hit one. They cant take a punch for shit.

>> No.18091428
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>Broke free from feminity
Nah, you're just retarded.
Man cannot be free from masculinity and humans cannot be free from humanity.
You're just bad at being a woman and think being a man is somehow a better option when in reality its your feminity telling you to choose masculine role models to be a more appealing person. Its not a bad thing to try and be better, but if you deny the self to become an other, it'll only lead to self-image, esteem, and other mental issues due in no small part to the effects of cognitive dissonance. Be a woman, but be your own.

>> No.18091439

Yeah, it did. The hunter class turned into a warrior class which turned into a warlord/king. We went from goddess worship to ancestor worship to monotheism.
Women didn’t rule, they where respected.

>> No.18091464

Oh. You’re a fake. Should have guessed

And what have you read proving that the removal of accumulative currency wouldn’t remove corruption and instability, that direct democracies wouldn’t result in responsible stewardship and closer knit communities. You haven’t read shit.

A Muskrat. Deadweight

>> No.18091489

>A whore
Literally nothing of value was lost.

>> No.18091511

>Anon wants to embrace manliness
>Begins dressing like a man
>Has to frequent the gym twice as often to reach unnatural levels of female body muscle ratios
>Still 5'4" and struggles to beat an untrained lanklet in a fight
>Wants to join in all the cool reindeer games like mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc...
>Struggles to find it enjoyable when barely anyone gives her special attention for it
>Anon superficially resembles a man at this point, people mistake her for a man
>Less attention is given to anon because he (female) doesn't stand out academically compared to other men
>Less attention is given to anon because he (female) is shorter than other men
>Less attention is given to anon because he (female) is physically weaker than other men
>Anon recognises his (her) mistake, but it is too late
>The transition is complete, and this is what she wanted
>No more strangers hitting on anon, telling her she's pretty, because she's not anymore
>Anon struggles to find anyone who would settle for a mangina
>The dearth of attention and inability to copulate begins to alert anon's maternal instincts
>Natural desire to breed conflicts with inability to attract a mate as the easiest gender to do so
>Anon doesn't want to be a man anymore
>Anon doesn't want to be a woman either
>The grass is brown on both sides
>Alas, poor anon tried to hold her cake in her stomach and hands at the same time, and thus devoured her own flesh in the process
>Anon (female) finally understands that (You) will never be a real man

>> No.18091514


>> No.18091525

>that feel when....

>> No.18091533

>that feeling when......

>> No.18091544

>they freed willy

>> No.18091551


>> No.18091620

Show me that it would

>> No.18091625

Strong start, so-so finish. You kind of got lost in your duality. Other admirable manly things include exploring the unknown or our connection to myths and gods.

>> No.18091647

>leave behind the only value you have to be a subpar wanabee
You are no different than trannies. They love females, but instead of taking that energy and trying to bond with one, they become the woman (or so they think). Feminity is all you have, you better embrace it.

>> No.18091650

Consequentialists can believe in virtues. It's just that for consequentialists, virtue is a means to an end which is to be abandoned once it ceases to function well in that role. His claim seems iffy to me there. The distinction between these types of people is more their focus. Consequentialists should be concerned with developing a good character to make the world better and virtue ethicists should be concerned with developing practical wisdom that ultimately leads to good outcomes.

>> No.18091656

I refuse to let the world be deprived of another tomboy. Embrace your femininity, just don't be a faggot femoid.

>> No.18091663
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>> No.18091664


>> No.18091670

I want...

>> No.18091674

You forgot your final flourish:
>tips hat

>> No.18091677

I NEED.......

>> No.18091690

>Still 5'4" and struggles to beat an untrained lanklet in a fight
Literally me except I'm an actual man.

>> No.18091720

If only she embraced being a tomboy. It's such a tragedy that so many contemporary tomboys are getting confused.

>> No.18091731
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Real nigger post right here

>> No.18091737


>> No.18091738

the art of war

>> No.18091760

Ayn Rand

>> No.18091777

Bruh, just be a tomboy

>it is a certain joy to us that we may sacrifice ourselves for our friends. Women are not expendable, but are in fact the most valuable. Culture is made and defended by men, but it lives in women.
Well said

There are many dickless spiritual faggots with ovaries — an unabashed tomboy is to be treasured and prized

>> No.18091779

>rewriting pre-history to suit your ideolocial agenda
that's one big oof from me

>> No.18091792

T-t-t........ please i'm parched

>> No.18091797

Growth of the Soil
Just need to grow a harelip.
Alternatively the Kenau of Haarlem

>> No.18091802

>Reading all that
>Writing all that

>> No.18091832


>> No.18091835

>Ignoring all the evidence to suit your frail Scrotum like ideology.
Yea, oof.

>> No.18091876

no amount of fertility figurines will ever validate your wild and crazy interpretation of PRE-history. it would be a better theory to state that they used those figurines the way weebs cum on anime figurines and show it on /b/.

>> No.18091879

There was no "hierarchy" because there was no surplus, everyday was spend trying not to starve, freeze to death, dehydrate, are get mauled by a predator. What a paradise lmao

>> No.18091889

>evidence isn’t real. I interpret reality from my fixed notions
Round and round we go

>> No.18091892

>human living like chimps have no hierarchy
yeah, think again, champ

>> No.18091900

>Everyone pitched in to help the whole
>How horrible! We’re modern now, so forget trying to do what worked so well in the past.
>muh tradition. Not yers.

>> No.18091903

gimme your line of thought from the existence of female gods to matriarchy. there's no connection. exhibit a: the Greeks.

>> No.18091905

Faggot. Faggot faggot faggot. Faggot faggot, faggot. Furthermore, and so, and but so, faggot faggot. Faggot.

>> No.18091907

And there’s those fallacies.
1. We’re not chimps
2. Anarchism is desires JUSTIFIABLE HIERARCHIES

>> No.18091909

holy shit that logic, you really are a woman

>> No.18091910

How much do you think you know about the Greek gods and goddesses? There’s tons of evidence right there.

>> No.18091912

Where’s the logic problem?

>> No.18091923

ok, this game of baits has gone too far. it's gone from ridiculous to sad.

>> No.18091930

Holy based

>> No.18091938
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 35BFD4FA-4E66-401C-BA89-7E02A42E9E67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your concessions

>> No.18091955

/lit/ in a nuttshell

>> No.18091993

>Justifiable hierarchies
>Source? Well, me of course

>> No.18092006

are you the Autoandrophilic anon? it's honestly based

>> No.18092082

You cannot with that mindset. The way is barred, but perhaps if you look at it more like you need to integrate some aspect of your animus - look to Jung and Neo-Jungians.

"She" by Robert a Johnson check it out

>> No.18092092

have sex

>> No.18092094

have children

>> No.18092127

>don't worry, it's okay that you are not very smart or strong, because you're a child incubator that men want to fuck, just don't complain or else you won't be virtuous
This is why women want to be men, not because of feminism. The female role and "virtues" is inherently lesser, and accepting it is slave mentality. Contentedness with being an object of value simply for being is only for the vain and dull-minded. There is a reason that the only men who want to be women or take on female roles are perverts with a fetish for self debasement. Being perceived effeminate is the ultimate humiliation for a man, but the same cannot be said of masculinity in a woman. It is fine that you do not see the sexes as equal, but it is embarrassing that you pretend otherwise.

>> No.18092250

>You charlatan, speaking in the same manner I would use to speak to a golden retriever: "your purpose is to fetch and because it coalesces with my desire to throw, you are noble."
>This is why women want to be men, not because of feminism. The female role and "virtues" is inherently lesser, and accepting it is slave mentality. Contentedness with being an object of value simply for being is only for the vain and dull-minded

>> No.18092257

All civilization is negation of "nature" and the occidental world is just the most advanced one, hence such things happen in America and Europe. Let alone the fact that we base out knowledge on, at best, 3000 years of our civilization and completely ignore that previous ones could use different arrangements (i.e. women being praised for features that we think of as manly - read Graves.) Whether you like it or not, it's not a process that can be stopped. Remember that with great danger often come great chances.

>> No.18092556

litteral white pill

>> No.18092570

>All civilization is negation of "nature"
simply wrong.
it is our nature to be social animals.
this directly led to civilization.

>> No.18092573

>actively lesser
imagine how deluded one has to be.

>> No.18092584

manliness is as phony as womanhood. we are juts broken pieces of feathers. be different but you are always smashing and mess it up everything.

>> No.18092614


The real question is: do you want to embrace manhood or do you want to pretend to be a man?
Becasuse for me real manhood is:
>being able to handle your emotions
>being able to make hard decisions and face consequences
>standing up for yourself and others
>taking responsibility for family and other people
>doing the right things regardless if it is going to be hard or hurt you
>fighting in business and other areas
...et cetera
There is nothing wrong with woman aspiring for manhood. Even more: I think that most man would respect a women for that. You don't need to reject womanhood. But it is hard. A lot harder than wearing mans clothes and larping as a man. Guess what? Even a lot of men don't have this traits. But it is something that man should aspire to be.
You cain remain feminine and also have traits of a real man. I know few such women who prefered the company of men, didn't behave in a "girly" way etc.but still looked like a normal woman. Nothing wrong with that. On the other hand there is a lot of man who have long hair and look beautifully in a feminine way but I wouldn't undermine their manliness. So if you want to be a man, be a man, just dont be woman trying to look like a man because you want succeed anyways, you will only make yourself less attractive

>> No.18092623

the fact that the perfection of an ideal is unreachable doesn't Rob it of importance.

>> No.18092626

you will never be a man

>> No.18092651

Cool. I'm man who wants to be more feminine. I had hyperlib parents and was a very well behaved child, always trying to please adults and very into school. Then at 3rd grade my dad lost his job and I went from a private school to a 90% black and Latino school and was mercilessly bullied for years on account of being a suck up and white (although the Asian kids got it worst).

By high school all I did was masculine things, the opposite of my parents. I lifted, I played football and wrestled, I was into punk rock and gangster rap, I cut class all the time to smoke weed and drink. My intellect allowed me to get by and ace AP classes, but I had this brittle shell of masculinity.

This softened in college as I got into outdoor sports and could enjoy classes more without fear for my reputation. It eventually led me to graduate studies in security, and a job first as an intelligence analyst, then training army soldiers. I trained kick boxing and BJJ, and got into paintball, which I still enjoy quite a bit, but there was obviously a psychological element to picking those too.

And now I'm an oldfag and I can't express any emotions. Not to my parents, not to my wife, no one. And it's killed my creative writing, which I used to get praise for. And I became executive management early by grinding my ass off, which only led to me being more isolated, partly leading to me becoming an alcohol, phenibut, and kratom addict (quit a month ago).

Only a year ago at 33 did I decide, "you know, fuck boxing. It's been fun, but I always wanted to fence. Swords are cool even if people do make fun of it." And did that instead.

I don't think forcing yourself into masculinity works.

>> No.18092659

more or less conventionally attractive women purpusefully turning themselves into men or making themselves intentionally ugly is something i will never understand and never cease to be disgusted by

>> No.18092721

Need...... t-t

>> No.18092725

People who disagree with this are not men and have never met a woman

>> No.18092763

It is only natural for homo sapiens to form communities up to around 150 members. Past that point you need a common belief system like religion or money, which doesn't exist in nature at large (for example in contrary to animals forming herds for safety.) Therefore it is done out of economic convenience, which is unknown to other species and unnatural.

Unless we assume that all civilization and its consequences are natural, then I don't know why the push for fluidity of gender roles wouldn't be.

>> No.18092772

YWNBAM weirdo

>> No.18092774

Yes, I got your medicine. It's called going to a psychiatric ward, bitch

>> No.18092967
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Jesus, you are whack. You seriously are. I came to this thread wanting peace between men and women... But then I saw this post. Sure the other guy's post was a little bit over the top but you are genuinely insane.

>> No.18092973
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this made me cry

>> No.18092990
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This is the future of humanity

>> No.18093074

How abominable that you think a child is done at birth, and that a mother's role ends when the umbilical cord is cut. To mother a child is a perpetual sacrifice of self which is both a greater good to society than any job and more virtuous than anything done for profit.

>> No.18093114

Gender roles exist and grow from the physical form of the two sexes and the physical form of the two sexes is dependent on the environment and the efficiency that the forms can optimize towards.
Anyone still holding onto this idea of
>"muh women are caretakers and muh men are protectors"
is obsolete and will not be able to compete with the future evolution of humanity.

>> No.18093189

>search: Testo Junkie (0/0)
Shame on you guys!

>> No.18093209

>Women are not expendable, but are in fact the most valuable.
Women are valuable because they are necessary to produce new men. Men are just as necessary but not on the individual level for obvious biological reasons so the individual man is not seen as valuable on that front. Other than that men are more valuable.
>Because they make and raise children.
>Women serve society where society is fragile and soft and vulnerable. Their purpose, then, is a more vital purpose.
First the large scale statistics are formal in that men make better single fathers than women make single mothers. Women are traditionally tasked with raising children because you might as well use the women already there and play to their least bad competitive relation. That doesn't mean they are better at it.
More importantly you put an excessive premium on the cutesy part of life, which is probably what OP doesn't do and that fuels her feeling of unfemininity, same as posters like >>18090714.

The real reason to not tranny it up is >>18090265 and >>18090031. Males usually have stronger drives to realize higher forms of what they might be, but it doesn't mean they can or should try to become anything they want.

>> No.18093213


>> No.18093216
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Women are, ironically, much more feminine when not trying. That pic will hit anons right in the feels, because it is so rare to see a woman not plastered in makeup and putting on a fake smile.
History is full of women who felt this way. They either got married and moved on or became butch lesbians. They didn't have to "become men", whatever that would even mean.
Came here to post this.

>> No.18093227

This sounds like it worked out fine as you're self aware, still relatively young, and have the capacity to make other choices to adjust. Don't be a bitch. You wouldn't have got all this without your "fake" shell. You became and now you're adjusting. The other way around, you would have just failed. I'm the same age as you and have followed a similar path; it's fine.

>> No.18093250

Your parents were wrong, and your unhappiness comes from a lack of purpose and a lack of God.

>> No.18093266

The amazon woman with her large hips can give birth to litters of children at a time without much pain or problems, and the small energy efficient male can run society and the military and manufacturing and scientific research just eating an apple and a bowl of oatmeal a day.
There is no way to compete with it they will overrun all other societies and completely dominate the rest of the species.

>> No.18093282

complete idiot who has internalized society's suicidal value structure detected

>> No.18093284

nice post anon-san

>> No.18093318
File: 1.46 MB, 4571x3411, k dating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomboys are a comical parody. Even the meme post highlights this. The 2D tomboy shows incredible levels of secondary sexual characteristics.
The reality of tomboys is that they are "I'm not like the other girls" personified, even worse than the pixie dream girl. They will pull the feminine card as soon as it is useful to them. It never fails. Not even once. That's when they just aren't looking forward to being gang banged by the whole sports team or their military unit. Pic related is the reality to the fishing anime amazon fantasy.

>> No.18093465


It’s insane to know the con going on? Gimme a break

>> No.18093549

>I don't think forcing yourself into masculinity works
And yet you describe how it did work. Do you really think your life would have been better if you remained the teacher's pet? Your supposed lack of emotion being the cause of your decrease in writing quality could also just be you getting older and being out of practice. There are plenty examples of men who lived manly lives and also had great writing.

Brah, it's called mid-life crisis, you are doing fine.

>> No.18093675

In the ancient hunter gatherer days men would bash the brains of babies and rape women.

>> No.18093685

And be quickly put down, because a fucker can’t get away with that shit in such close knit communities

>> No.18093687

No he wouldn't.
Read this:

>> No.18093781

This doesn't prove this
>bash the brains of babies and rape women.
Especially the bashing brains bit. If you want to know something truly awful about women outside of infection, the greatest risk to a newborn's life is the mother

>> No.18093819

We observe infanticide in over half of mammal species and all primate species. Humans aren't an exception. The point of that paper was to show that female sexual selection did not happen in humans, and rather our sexual dimorphism evolved through male's killing each other and forcibly taking women. The "tight knight communities" were communities of males controlling women's reproduction. That has always been how it worked. I was responding to the women who thinks for some reason that "patriarchy" is some cultural thing that is recent, when in reality is is the inherent nature of a mammal species that has male larger sexual size dimorphism.

The one thing that I hate more that the stupid "muh traditional gender norms" shit that idiots like >>18089967 spew is the hypocritical feminist idiots who desire to have their cake and eat it too. Who desire to somehow have men be physically dominant over them in every way and yet to somehow and for some reason have men consider them "equal", and not use their power to extend their biological imperative. It does not happen in mammals and humans having language or culture doesn't change anything about this.

>> No.18093832

You've demonstrated everything I've said. In defense of women, you don't actually say one positive thing about women. You do not describe them in any way. Rather, you cover the power of men in society. But my entire point is that the externals of society--governments, sewage systems, paper machines, money counting--these are all less dignified that the interior of society--the home and family life. All that men do is organized around supporting the development of children, and the proper development of children determines the quality of society in the future. Women are biologically superior to men in this sphere, which is the more essential sphere. For example, children require a certain amount of verbal stimuli in order to be able to learn speech; men, cognitively speaking, are not biologically adept enough to provide this. Another example--children do not have a fully developed sense of reason; instead, they live and communicate based on their emotions, dispositions, and attachments; women are genetically, biologically proven to be more emotionally sensitive and responsive; they are also, generally, far more solicitous after the emotional well being of others; these traits are essential for cultivating mature adults; we can see today the results of generations now of poor parenting, which as produced adults which are emotionally volatile and lack self-control. It is a terrible tragedy that we continue to try and solve these problems in the external parts of society, as though the organization of roads and buildings, the existence of bike paths, or any other such solution can actually make up for a mother's love. Clearly, whoever would think so little of motherhood does not love or appreciate women, but in fact hates them. The world today is a fragmented mess, and it is largely because of the denigration of motherhood by bitter spinsters and the abandonment of fatherhood by cowardly men.

No artist could ever create anything so beautiful or meaningful or significant as another human life. Men provide the material, they build the environment, and they finish the job, but from womb to maturity, cultivating life is the art and calling of women.

>> No.18093868

The feminists are hypocrites because it is plainly obvious to all that men are stronger, that by that strength there are men who would oppress others, and it requires the strength of other men to prevent this. Whether you want to credit Darwin's natural selection or God's design, the differences between Men and Women are obvious to all. If they were not so obvious, then how could any man know enough of what it means to be a woman to desire it and imitate it? Your trouble is that you want to defend the dignity of women with acknowledging what makes them women. In order to say that women have an equal dignity, you go so far as to say that women are the same as men. But that is just to masculinize them, showing that you actually have no respect for women and can only respect them in so far as they resemble men. If you hold the ideal of womanhood to be the ideal of manhood, women will always fall short. Women have their own ideal, which of course men can never achieve. Men and Women are different.

>> No.18093912

Those studies are deeply flawed. The circumstances which produce single fathers and this which produce single mothers are very different. Most homes without mothers are caused by death of the mother, whereas most single mother homes are cause by abandonment of the father.

If you think child development is all cutesy, it's probably because you remember childhood from your own perspective rather than considering it from your parents' perspective. Good parenting is very rewarding, but it requires a significant amount of self-denial and unpleasantness. There is a reason why many fathers retreat from the home into business--it's easier to handle. You can fire a subordinate who cause trouble; you can close your door and not accept meetings; your coworkers are generally functioning adults.

>> No.18093917

What are you talking about? I am neither defending nor attacking the dignity of men or women. I am simply talking about how gender roles grow out from the physical form of the two sexes.
I'm not attaching any value judgement on patriarchy or feminism (so long as it isn't hypocritical) or anything. In mammal species with male larger sexual size dimorphism, males kill babies and rape females and females raise babies and sometimes have their babies killed by other males to be impregnated again. This is a highly effective strategy so we see it in the majority of mammals. It is NOT and has never been some noble form of "the man protected and provided for the woman while she was so sweet and nurtured the little babies and everything was complementary and right in the world". That is retarded and not how things actually worked in our evolutionary history.

Your problem is you're taking this stupid idea of traditional gender roles and pretending that they are universal or inherent or somehow inevitable or even preferable. None of that is true. The only thing that exists is physical optimization of the species in a niche. Nothing else exists. People who still cling to these optimized and obsolete gender roles are not going to be able to compete against the future genetically engineered optimized form of humanity.

>> No.18093930

*people who still cling to these UNoptimized and obsolete gender roles

>> No.18093964

its pretty stupid to dislike something solely based on gender. i guess you fit perfectly with all those ''men are competitive and intelligent and women are children'' retards

>> No.18094022

Women like this only ever end up looking like edgy 15 year old boys

>> No.18094047

Sexual selection without infanticide being included gives a skewed view of sexual selection. Meerkats for instance will kill other females' offspring as a form of sexual selection in a polygynous species. Humans differ in that type of sexual selection, and the risk of the female to their own offspring not even being discussed means the discussion regarding female investment is likely skewed and spurious. Females will kill their own children despite their greater investment in producing the child. On the male side, it specifically points to our closest primates having greater male sexual selection than in humans. Part of the reason they have greater male selection is because males in that species are far more likely than females to kill their own children, with female attitudes in those species more closely resembling meerkats.

>> No.18094052

You know that evolution is a lie and you're logic is an appeal to the majority. Mankind individually has all the attributes of all the animals albeit to varying degrees. Foxes don't kill baby foxes, the dog hunts whilst the vixen nurses.

>> No.18094065

If a woman's value is in the act of motherhood and raising children, then her worth is not inherent or granted to her by existing. Unless you think women are inherently good mothers without any character or consciousness.

>> No.18094076

The gender role stereotypes people are trying to go back to ARE optimum, they are just optimized for industrial capitalism. Now that we (at least in the developed countries) are living in post-industrial capitalism these roles are sub-optimal.

>> No.18094090

Cucked tasteless fag who can't appreciate the good ol' tomboy.

>> No.18094091

>fencing is feminine
>having no emotions is masculine
You don't want to be feminine, you just don't fit with the American redneck nigger tier conception of masculinity. The gender roles have been bastardized by modernity.

>> No.18094096

And these roles are actually optimal >>18092990 >>18093266
Cope about it.

>> No.18094104

>You know that evolution is a lie

>> No.18094113

You're a very binary thinker. He is saying that the most valuable thing a woman can do is be a good mother, he is not saying that it's the only thing of worth. It's only a little subtlety required, you can do it.

>> No.18094125

All of my ancestors are human. When you claim otherwise you are being disrespectful to your forebears.

>> No.18094130

get a room

>> No.18094139

What century are you from? Dead mothers are an statistical anomaly today. Women of birthing age don't die except in suicide or car accidents. The vast majority of single fathers come from being divorced. If anything, you could argue that in our gynocentric system children are systematically given to female custody except if they explicitly don't ask for it. But the fact that the mother was not invested doesn't mean the father was especially so.
I also never implied in any way that child development is all cutesy. I said that that aspect is a strong motivation and reward for this activity. Whatever the other motives involved, neutralizing the cute aspect is enough to push those women away from motherhood.
>There is a reason why many fathers retreat from the home into business--it's easier to handle.
Top kek. The "motherhood is the hardest job in the world" propaganda is almost retro now. Hadn't heard it in a long while.

>> No.18094151
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>> No.18094181

He might be from America where maternal death rates shot up, and where when men seek custody they get it more than half the time.

>> No.18094189

Yes, that's why there are far fewer single fathers than single mothers. Divorced fathers are single fathers, but these fathers rarely have sole, primary, or even half custody of the child. This might be unjust but it's how society is currently structured.

>> No.18094195

I've dated several women who were tomboyish, but happy about their gender and could also embrace their female side.
I myself am pretty feminine, as in sensuous, empathetic and caring, but also very masculine, the two sides don't cancel each other out, actually opposite.

through out history there has always been women who have joined traditional masculine ways of living, vocations, so you can do that as well. be who you are and be happy about this person, maybe read some books about this or do some therapy to find out. don't go down the tumbler/twitter/4chan rabbit-hole as either side of the spectrum is toxic.

find some activities that you would like and that can energize the masculine side of yourself, MMA, thai-boxing whatever, or find the road you wanna be on.

make it less about masculine/feminine and more about what you want, what are the masculine traits that you like, and what areas of life can you express these.

>> No.18094290

>America where maternal death rates shot up
Wait, what? Mexicans? Obamacare? Are they just all hooked up on opioids and antidepressants?

I know. I am replying to the anons up the thread claiming some special child rearing powers for women, which doesn't stack up with practice. The only proven advantage is that good old milkers are much better than formula.

>> No.18094322

Join the military.

>> No.18094356

A divorced father is not a single father unless he has exclusive custody of his children. There are lots of ways that mother's die other than childbirth. Studies also show that the children of divorced parents fare worse than the children of deceased parents.

>> No.18094358

>children require a certain amount of verbal stimuli in order to be able to learn speech; men, cognitively speaking, are not biologically adept enough to provide this
Just because you are autistic doesn't mean that men are not able to talk

>> No.18094363

You're basically telling her to get raped kek, women in the military are just soldiers' sex toys

>> No.18094364

In what does a man's value consist?

>> No.18094409

Perhaps in the nu-definition when a girl regrets it five years later. She'll beg for every single one of those cocks. Especially if the girl is against her own femininity because being sexually aggressive and open is "masculine" and will be her main way to connect with the boys.

>> No.18094421

According to that anon, most likely sacrificing themselves to maintain society and gather resources to support their children. It would make men and women equal in that their value is in sacrificing themselves to support their children and raise them well so that they can adequately perpetuate this sacrifice. However, women are inferior to men at all tasks, including raising children. The only reason women have specialized roles beyond reproduction is that it frees more men to take on roles that require greater strength and intellect, and makes some use of them when they are not pushing out more children.

>> No.18094451

maybe they are masculine and that's what they want to become

>> No.18094464

There may already be issues if she is repelled by biology, it is not a thing one can switch back and forth on. It is not a philosophy.

>> No.18094491


>> No.18094507

It looks like it's been continually increasing since the late 80s. We went from 7.2 deaths per 100k to 17.3 deaths per 100k

>> No.18094512

I'm not disrespecting my human ancestors by accepting evolution.
Your ancestors were monkeys and rats as well as humans.

>> No.18094525

Being a woman is embarrassing. A woman attempting to embody masculine ideals is like a child trying on his parents clothes. At best it is endearing in its naievety, at worst it is disruptive and irritating. An especially precocious child may be praised for his abilities, but will never be even close to a capable adult. I don't even want to be a man, I just wish we could actually be equal biologically and not always at the mercy of men. Gender equality is a patronizing lie that could crumble at any time. As long as men are the stronger sex there is no chance of equality.

>> No.18094530

Fuck that. Just read Virginia Woolf; she'll teach you how to be a proper woman.

>> No.18094537

Virginia Woolf lived a godless life and became an hero, she was a great writer but hardly a role model

>> No.18094546

Women as a group don't want equality. Women as a group are retards that for some reason think that men can be bigger and stronger than them universally and somehow not dominate and control them.
It's fucking retarded and this feminist hypocritical shit deserves no respect.
Ironically actual physical optimization of the species which goes against women's sexual desires will do more for equality between the sexes than anything feminists have ever done.

>> No.18094574

>Your ancestors were monkeys and rats as well as humans.
lol no, you're crazy

>> No.18094585

Women's sexual desires have had very little to do with sexual selection until modern socially-imposed equality has been in place and allowed them to choose. The only way that women have selected anything is infanticide, but they have had little choice in their sexual partners before civilization.

>> No.18094588

>Being a woman is embarrassing.
Speaking from experience?
Women aren't a group though. And you don't know what feminism is, you don't understand it.

>> No.18094598

>I admire men.

you should. our poos are bigger.

>> No.18094605

You would know pajeet

>> No.18094611

>Women's sexual desires
That has nothing to do with anything. Anyway, reinstatement of teen marriage and criminalized adultery.
>they have had little choice in their sexual partners before civilization
When do you think civilization began?

>> No.18094615

It got higher than that. And of course if you look at black women in the US it's about double the chances of dying. Legit would be less likely to die in Iran in a lot of years

>> No.18094637

Would you enlighten me on what feminism is so that I can understand it then? Because so far, everything I've read and heard has been stupid hypocritical shit. And I don't think that I don't understand it, it's just that it's retarded.

>> No.18094642

being an aesthetic tomboy seems like a good middle ground
what a similar solution for men for feel the wanting to become feminine impulse since men do not have as much freedom in expression esp these days

>> No.18094654

>that has nothing to do with anything.
I was replying to your comment about women's sexual desires going against equality. It is likely that women desire sexually dominant men because women who don't get wet during forced sex would get their genitals torn up and be more susceptible to death from infection, miscarriage and/or death in childbirth.

>> No.18094665

Go back to the victorian ideals of masculinity where men were sensitive, wrote poetry and held hands with their friends.

>> No.18094682

Not if you're going to be this blatantly disingenuous.
I said no such thing. Learn how to chan, noob.

>> No.18094698

>Not if you're going to be this blatantly disingenuous.
I'm not being disingenuous.

>> No.18094712

>become the bf

out june

>> No.18094735

>I said no such thing
>Ironically actual physical optimization of the species which goes against women's sexual desires will do more for equality between the sexes than anything feminists have ever done.
Are you conscious when you vomit words onto the keyboard?

>> No.18094736

We're different people you idiot.

>> No.18094741

Then why did you reply retard?

>> No.18094746

Because I'm one of those two. She and I are not the same person. You're talking to two different people.

>> No.18094784

go back how

>> No.18095066
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>> No.18095134

You didn't answer the question. You say men are freed to take on other roles, but what is the value of those roles?

>> No.18095148

>maintain society
>support family
I told you already.

>> No.18095157

What is society and what is its value? What do men do that maintains it?

>> No.18095160

These roles contain no value.

>> No.18095170

Then neither does motherhood. Humans are just self perpetuating organisms.

>> No.18095189

>maintaining society holds no value


>> No.18095327
File: 239 KB, 331x403, society.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based.

>> No.18095394

You're responding to a different anon; my reply is here:>>18095157
Self-perpetuation is an obviously absurd solution. Do men walk simply to have walked? Is any act done simply so that the act will have been done? Men do not live in order to have lived. It is also clear that a man does not live simply in order to continue living, just as a man does not walk so as to continue walking. If men lived simply to survive, then why would they engage in any activity superfluous to survival? And yet we see that most men spend and use the principal goods of life--such as health--in order to possess something other than health--such as entertainment and respect. Many slaves live longer than kings, and yet how many people would rather be a slave than a king? While certainly in some circumstances men seek survival more than an other immediate goal, they seek to survive always for some other goal, such as pleasure or comfort or love or happiness. We see also, in the suicidal, that those who lose hope of achieving happiness or love will choose to die rather than continue trying to survive. It is very clear that life is not the ultimate goal of life, but rather survival is a mediate goal of some other end. That is, men work to survive because they desire some good which can only be enjoyed by the living, and when they despair of those ultimate goods, they discover it is no longer useful to live. Utility helps us to know how best to achieve our ends, but it is plainly absurd to hold utility as the end itself. What is society? What is family? What are their values, and how do men have value in them?

>> No.18095673


>> No.18095734
File: 57 KB, 236x237, CHECKEMCHECKEMCHECKEMCHECKEMCHECKEMCHECKEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give an opportunity to redeem yourself by checking these digits

>> No.18095864


>> No.18095891

just ask Satan he will help you on your way to depravity

>> No.18095909
File: 402 KB, 682x947, fjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ywnbam, stop trying. embrace femininity.

>> No.18096131


>> No.18097127

Do you think that women do not seek the things you wrote?

>> No.18097142


Manliness by Harvey Mansfield. Just so you know, trying to cultivate virtues that are beyond your nature can lead to misery

>> No.18097717

Women are no more moved by self-perpetuation than men. Women, like men, desire happiness. Women, like men, seek survival not as a final end, but as a mediate end in pursuit of those things which they think will bring them happiness. No one is happy who does not fulfill their purpose. Why? Because happiness lies in satisfaction, and whatever is less than one's purpose is not fully satisfying, for after that other thing is fulfilled one's purpose will remain unfulfilled. For example, a cold drink will satisfy a man's thirst, but a man is more than his thirst and so he will not be fully satisfied. Considering all bodily satisfaction, we see that after a time what was once satisfied becomes unsatisfied again. Only one's purpose, once satisfied will remain satisfied, and only one's purpose is wholly satisfying, because only one's purpose fulfills all that a man is. This is just as true for women as it is for men. But one's purpose is necessarily suited to what one is, and so, in so much as men and women are human, their purposes are the same, but in so much as men and women differ, so do their purposes differ. So, in seeking the same thing--happiness--men and women, being different, must pursue different mediate ends in order to achieve the same ultimate end.

>> No.18097733

So what is a woman's purpose?

>> No.18097950

The same as a man's--to know, love, and serve God.

But, as Men and Women are similar and yet capable of different things, then they necessarily serve God in similar and yet different ways.

It is only then the extent of their differences which means that they have any difference in purpose, for it is only their differences which create any difference in their service to God. In all else they are the same. And in so much as God is worthy of all honor, glory, and love, than any service of him shares, in a certain sense, an equal and infinite dignity based on the infinite dignity of the one who is served. And so, even though each individual service is different and therefore, there is a difference of dignity between each service as they relate to each other, these differences of dignity are made to be almost nothing in comparison to the infinite dignity granted to all service of God.

>> No.18097986

And you shall continue to admire us from your back - legs akimbo.

>> No.18097994

>Culture is made and defended by men, but it lives in women.
I used to think this, then I read Schopenhauer.
He's 100% right, if men don't appreciate culture, it might as well be in the trash.
Literally the only thing women are better at than men is being soft and comforting.

>> No.18098035

You know what I am asking. What is woman's purpose as it is different from man's?

>> No.18098072

Because I was talking about you, not women.

> All that men do is organized around supporting the development of children, and the proper development of children determines the quality of society in the future.
Not much beyond cultivating slave classes. To serve them and their children, but not so much lately.
Honestly though, I’m not reading the rest. You’re heart may be in the right place, but you misread our times some.

>> No.18098294

I've already explained that, here (>>18089967), here (>>18093074), here (>>18094356), and in the post to which you are responding.

Women's purpose principally, and generally, is motherhood, and men's purpose is principally and generally fatherhood. On a purely natural level, the family is the basis of civilization. The concerns and responsibilities carry him outside the home and turn his gaze towards exterior threats. It is in this way that most of civilization is an extension of Fatherhood. The gaze of motherhood is principally toward the interior of the family, which is the more vital component and is, in actuality, the primary scene of life. Almost every problem men deal with is a result of some other man or men (or women) causing a disruption to society (that is, the common life shared between families). Necessarily, these disruptions are caused by some disfunction on the part of an individual or group. Often, we find that society itself is dysfunctional in some way. As children are not fully participants in society, this disfunction (while necessarily the fault of the individual who causes it) is necessarily a result of some failure in the development of the person, which stems from some disfunction in the family. While men, because of their exterior perspective, implicitly have responsibility over the family, mothers, more than any other, have influence over the development of the person. In this way, mothers have the greatest capacity for influencing society.

>> No.18098322

You're talking to a dude who denies evolution. You're not going to get actual meaningful answers.

>> No.18098351

I just replied here (>>18098294).

>> No.18098394

Wtf YOU'RE literally me
but less cringe

>> No.18098630

Were you not the guy who was saying family isn't enough as a purpose?

>> No.18098743


>> No.18098766

But also, as I've explained above, it's not enough in and of itself. It gives purpose only in so far as family is in service to God.

>> No.18098776


>> No.18098857

There isn't. You will never be a man or even be close to being one. Your struggle is what puts you down. A man "Is" because he solely "Is" and not because he tries his hardest to "Be"
Accept your role in life and move on or you will be damned with a life of pointless struggle.
Woe upon you and your kind.

>> No.18098939

You have to be autistic, or else you're fucked and have to admit to your reality. Your mind must disassociate itself with the image of the woman, but out of disregard for it. You can't hate the fact that your female, but have to have contempt for other women. You have to have contempt for the idea of the feminine, and hate it for the lack of value it has to you as an individual. Your self-ideation would have to come from the idea that you are not a part of society. Hence the autism. Love man for what you cannot be, embrace inferiority, but superiority from other females for being more than them and the single facet of superiority from men for not falling for the guile of other women. Improve yourself in whatever properties you ascertain value to and disregard the sex dichotomy as far as it pertains to yourself, but love men because you know they are the standard to be driven towards. Men have built this world.

Seeing as you have already self identified yourself as a female on an anonymous board, you have completely failed. A woman would post photos from tumblr. You've failed and you've been failing all your life to disregard femininity.

The solution (mental gymnastics, narratives are effective) I have posited above is not to be confused with retarded larping as a man. This is also something a woman would do, and just as well a degenerate autogynephilic porn-guzzling man would do.

t. 18 and maybe autistic
I don't know and it doesn't matter

>> No.18098986


>> No.18098991

And above all, forget this ("I want to be a man") is a problem and focus on actual mental ailments, those being financial welfare, finding a boyfriend (securing one that is good for a family), education/career. If you're a lesbian, don't listen to my advice because I don't want to help you.

>> No.18099372

Rose of Versailles.

You will never be a man, and this is why you will always have something to strive for.

>> No.18099510

>tfw no

>> No.18099540

>that feel when no

>> No.18099558

>that feeling when no

>> No.18099787


>> No.18099804

You can literally only larp, doing actual man things will just leave you in tears

>> No.18099944
File: 346 KB, 892x1210, 1594079038476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The old Conan stories by Robert E. Howard are pretty manly. You can't just be an observer tho, that's the role of the fat beta. You gotta live it, personal responsibility and all that. The most manly thing a women can do might just be being a better women.