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18089310 No.18089310[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did he stop doing book reviews?

>> No.18089331

Too much effort and nobody watched them

>> No.18089350

I watched them :(

>> No.18089380

Dunno, I thought a lot of the books he reviewed were interesting although they were all newer stuff.

>> No.18089437

Twitter fried his brain so he doesn't have the attention span for books anymore.

But seriously he needs to finish Dune and do a review.

>> No.18089446

I did
Yeah I really enjoyed this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As2pnkJkoUE

>> No.18089491

He said that if they got little views he would stop doing them, but that he would probably do a monthly review.

>> No.18089495

I thought he got banned from Twitter

>> No.18089513

Nah, he deactivated. He does that occasionally for a break. He even did a video justifying why it's good for your mental health.

>> No.18089529

Keith is the only e-celeb I bother with
He makes some interesting videos

>> No.18089557

Agreed. I’ve deleted all my social media.

>> No.18089668

I watched some of them

>> No.18089843

They got decent views though didn't they

>> No.18089845

Checkout Luke Smith too. He mostly does content about GNU/Linux, but he's got some pretty insightful takes. His Not Related videos are pretty interesting.

>> No.18089861

He says a lot of nothing using a lot of words

>> No.18089908

No that's on you

>> No.18089928

How? All of what he says is very clear. Are you mad because he made a video critiquing X mode of thought you have?

>> No.18090171

How does this little nigga support himself?

>> No.18090353

>duh trd przrshun
Seems like a good guy. I completely disagree with his take on Moldbug's concept of Cathedral vs Gramsci's concept of Hegemony, though, and I don't think he really thought through his critique.

>> No.18090362


>> No.18090439
File: 16 KB, 320x180, Abolish_College-v_VTL-xEC8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would pay for that

>> No.18090445

thought thats a drawing of me for a sec

>> No.18090472

He's actually doing a good job at picking up the torch of where the traditionalist branch of Nrx left off after that movement stagnated. Much of his audience is probably the same group of people. People misunderstand Nrx as being purely the Moldbug Fan Club, but it was really just the proto form of the dissident right. It was never really a secret that Moldbug's ideas weren't original and some of it was cribbed from Marxists. Why else would Nick Land of all people be attracted to the movement?

>> No.18090489

How old is he? Looks early 20s.

>> No.18090972

I heard he was in his late 20s.

>> No.18091018

He’s a Hack, brainlet, pseud. Stop watching him and read actual books

>> No.18091318

19 or 20, he's really young for how well read he is.

>> No.18091326

He looks 22 or 23 to me

>> No.18091338

Is evola anything more than a hack mystic

>> No.18091491

25 I believe

>> No.18092086

What's wrong with this guy, he looks like he hasn't seen sunlight in months

>> No.18092290
File: 325 KB, 1363x1129, pepe doesn't understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he have a Wagner bust in his room? I understand why he would like him, but why specifically a bust of Wagner and nobody else?


>> No.18092313

Why the fuck this faggot pseud shill thread is still up?

>> No.18092390

Im convinced he lurks here

>> No.18092499

Probably has a job.

>> No.18092502

That's just how Irish people look. It's a based look if you ask me.

>> No.18092541

How does a namefag facefag white nationalist keep his job in 2021?

>> No.18092603

I guess he lives off of donations

>> No.18093454

He posted a new vid

>> No.18093765

I guess this is a semi-review of the new Evola book (Metaphysics of Power) although he doesn't call it that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK9z6QOLdVo

>> No.18093771

They are on his gumroad

he has a interview about Adam Curtis worth a watch


>> No.18093793

Well because he's a chad and thats what chads do, they take on writing and speaking their own critiques.

>> No.18093804

How does a faggot with a gay ass voice like this get any following on youtube?
Absolutely unwatchable.
Everyone who likes this shit should hang themselves.

>> No.18093848

I used to find that Ty E guy really entertaining but I swear he gets more incoherent and just plain stupid as time goes on.

>> No.18093853

Show me on this potato where the leprechaun hurt you

>> No.18093871

He makes interesting content and is very inteligent. He lacks charisma, is true, but the most important thing is the message itself.

>> No.18093883

he just mumbles random 4chan talking points

>> No.18093933

It's like he's been huffing paint fumes or something. He was never eloquent, but when I first ran across him in like 2019, his breadth of knowledge on cinema was really impressive and it was refreshing to hear from someone who wasn't a nasally film school type.