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File: 561 KB, 780x440, Famous-writers-of-the-Russian-empire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18088281 No.18088281 [Reply] [Original]

Russian translation thread
Discuss translations and which versions are best. Discuss and recommend translations for specific authors.

>> No.18088292

just want to express my hatred for michael r katz
fuck that guy. don't read his translations

>> No.18088293

luv Garnett, luv Maude, luv McDuff.
'ate P&V.

>> No.18088411

I can read Russian pretty well at this point, and I think I could make decent enough comparisons and recommendations, but I'm too lazy, desu. That's the contradiction, if you don't know the language, you need the translation, but cannot truly judge it; and if you do know the language, you can judge the translation, but there's little use in reading it in the first place.
Actually, I can give one rec - avoid Nabokov's translations, or read them only when you have some knowledge of the text on your own.
Also, how come Derzhavin is in that pic?

>> No.18088530

Someone tell me a short story that you do not know of having been translated into Russian and I will translate it.

>> No.18088584

A bunch of people who don't speak Russian will tell you the P&V versions suck because someone told them to believe that.

>> No.18088597

A bunch of people who don't speak Russian will tell you the P&V versions are great because Oprah told them to believe that.

>> No.18088634

Which one are you? The one that doesn't speak Russian but thinks it's good because you were told to or think it's bad because you were told to?

>> No.18088662

pevear and volokhonsky whenever possible. top notch annotations in their translations. none of that censorship or brushing off whenever dostoevsky references jews for example. whoever says their translations are bad is either gatekeeping or fell for gatekeeping and has no good arguments except for "wicked" which at a first glance seems like a good argument but is really terrible.

>> No.18088707

they're prose is stiff and awkward. looks google-translated.

>> No.18088717

they are what?

>> No.18088719

shitty translators

>> No.18088724

how so

>> No.18088734

I am the one who knows Russian, compared the texts, and found that P&V, though their approach isn't without merits that other translations lack, commit outright comical mistakes and can be stylistically cumbersome even when the original is not cumbersome at all.

>> No.18088741
File: 697 KB, 2048x1796, 1479F742-7E09-4BD3-898D-0100C60F11A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the best translation for notes from the underground?

>> No.18088745

prose is stiff and awkward. looks google-translated. not properly rendered.

>> No.18088753

Why are you reading translations if you speak Russian? Faggot

>> No.18088759


>> No.18088768

Because fucking everyone talks about P&V here, and I compared them, not read P&V's texts all the way through, you illiterate cunt.

>> No.18088777

ok prose is stiff and awkward, can you back up your statement with one example?

>> No.18088778

I read the P&V version and found it to be very good. I've reread it several times

>> No.18088792

Best translation is Garnett. P&V got BTFO here: https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/gary-morson/the-pevearsion-of-russian-literature/

>> No.18088909


>> No.18088921

wicked is not the only argument, tastelet.

>> No.18088924
File: 111 KB, 720x679, 58855A58-67D8-4D66-8565-63A97660BDEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m confused now

>> No.18088933

i cant take people who post this article without adding anything of their own seriously

>> No.18088945

More like you can't refute the article.

>> No.18088968

So a bunch of people who don’t know the language are going to compare translations I see

>> No.18088974



>> No.18088979

theres no point in arguing about the stupid article. it has been posted and discussed on lit a million times. i cant do this again, i refuse to argue about the same article over and over and over - if you want to read discussion about this article check the archives.

>> No.18089010

You must be the faggot who got BTFO by the Ukranian guy last year. Sad!

>> No.18089972

I don't why people on this board get so elitist over translations. If you can't really read the original language, comparing english translations of classics is really just arguing over aesthetics. (I should note the first Russian classic I read was the P & V translation of crime and punishment which put me on to dostoevsky so maybe I'm biased.)

>> No.18090043

Dostoevsky's Russian isn't exactly famous for how good it sounds

>> No.18090060

they haven't only translated Dostoyevksy...

>> No.18090133

This is a stupid discussion that has no answer. Each have their own strengths and weaknesses. I’ve read W&P 3 times with the big 3 Tolstoy translators and it was a good book regardless and someone who read one translation could discuss the book with someone who read another. Read what you like. There is only one translator of a certain Russian giant that I would straight up avoid. I’ve though their work passable with other authors though.

>> No.18090145

say their name

>> No.18090166

It will just create more pointless bickering, but fine Garnett’s Dostoyevsky.

>> No.18090572

This really gets on my nerves, I see this claim thrown around all the time on /lit/, and I'm sure that every person that repeats it only read Dosto in translation. And even in translation, the obsessive energy of his style is usually retained. No, he does not write exquisitely meandering sentences like Proust or has the wordplay and linguistic abundance of Joyce, but he absolutely does have a characteristic and enticing style (not "stiff", in fact it's vivid like no other realist's style), which does require some work to retain in a different language.

>> No.18090717

Yea, but P&V not only translate Dosto yet all their translations have awkward bits.

>> No.18091172



>> No.18091409

mental illness

>> No.18091558


>> No.18092530

the advantage of literal translations is that the translator doesn't need to be an artist in his own right. I can use my imagination and good faith to get a feeling of what might be there in the original even if it's clunky and awkward in english. and that way, you don't have to rely on the translator being independently brilliant. that's not to "excuse" p&v and other literalists for being mediocre, but rather to force higher scrutiny on the more filtered translations.

>> No.18092550

I recently read Gogol's short story "Diary of a madman", it was great, I highly recommend it.

>> No.18092580

I'm going to take the opinion of James E. Woods over all these blogs, sorry.