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File: 674 KB, 891x755, 16191083945880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18087727 No.18087727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the first and last based leftist
What his works have you read?

>> No.18087775

He's a murderous scumbag like every communist.

>> No.18087787

Marx would have hated Lenin. Marx>Lenin.

>> No.18087795

that's not how anatomy works

>> No.18087798
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Too bad that assassin didn't kill him. Would have saved so many lives. Thankfully, people know the dangers of communism, and will viciously, without mercy, defend themselves from its encroachment on individual liberty. Death to Communists and death to socialism.

>> No.18087801
File: 586 KB, 2397x2093, 16191108890610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude ... If it wasn't for Lenin, you would never know about Marx.

>> No.18087803

currently reading state and revolution and its honestly great. for anyone with any confusion about the role of the state in marxism, this will give you answers and i just love how he relentlessly shits on his more liberal contemporaries.
>hurr durr killing people bad
how do you think change occured at all in human history? if its only tsars and porkys who die, thats pretty based imo. though what the bolsheviks thought of as counterrevolutionary was certainly a bit vague.

>> No.18087804

Socialism is alright.

>> No.18087810

Only the national sort

>> No.18087813

communism was refuted the second he had to bring in the nepmen to save his failing economy.

>> No.18087816

You know, I'm a bit of a socialist myself.

>> No.18087829

Neither, leave man alone - or face death

>> No.18087835

>though what the bolsheviks thought of as counterrevolutionary was certainly a bit vague.
No shit. Lenin, like the French radicals before him, only proved that leftist "revolution" is a state of endless butchery.

>> No.18087841

t. nigger-trannylover capitalist

>> No.18087842

The Soviets themselves admitted socialism doesn't fucking work, retard. Wake up

>> No.18087848

this kind of brainwashed LARPing comes exclusively from people whose only conception of leftism is a strawman built by the very people who opress you.
this is some genuine advice; read one (1) basic text on marxism and you will see that you hate something that doesnt actually exist.

>> No.18087858
File: 77 KB, 800x600, socialism-is-the-phantastic-younger-brother-of-despotism-whi-author-friedrich-nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it doesn't, it comes from knowing history of communism in Eastern Europe you cuckhold. You need to die. Someone needs to shoot you. If you support communism, socialism in any capacity you must be shot. Fuck your Marxism, its a bible to you degenerate freaks. You need to be crushed by the sheer force of arms.

>> No.18087859

Socialism is compatible with democracy and generally works for example in social democracies like Scandinavia. Communism doesn't work at all.

>> No.18087869

>some libertarian think tank funded by oil billionaires think (or at least say) that the NEP was an admission of defeat
this is so fucking funny

>> No.18087870

Its not. Its just gaslighting in lies. Nobody falls for your pathetic propaganda. Just kill yourself. Just die. I don't care what you have to say, what type of socialist you call yourself, you should be shot to death.

>> No.18087876

You need to be shot. There's no reasoning with you. Doesn't matter how many famines are caused, many dictatorships are led by you degenerates you will lie. I don't even care. I will openly call for your deaths. You don't "Reason" with socialists. You murder them.

>> No.18087878

stop with the LARPing, kiddo. and stop pretending to have read nietzsche.

>> No.18087888

imagine simping for the ussr 40 years after its collapse

>> No.18087890

You should be shot, kid. Get offline, and try to implement your ideas so we can shoot you and everyone like you, you leftypol tranny, You need to be executed.

>> No.18087891

global rules, number 2:
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.18087895

How old are you? 12?

>> No.18087897
File: 142 KB, 300x223, 300px-Lowering_the_Soviet_Flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commit suicide, get shot commie.

>> No.18087902
File: 231 KB, 1200x900, Ei2zTtlU4AA9dhZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get shot, commie

>> No.18087903

oh shit im scared, guess ill stop what im doing
sucks tho because now the hospital in my town is gonna get privatised and costs will go up dramatically. if only there were people wanting to stop that...

>> No.18087904

What propaganda? It's the truth. Capitalists are all niggerlovers and trannylovers by default, even the "cuckservative" ones. At least socialism aims for some well-being.

>> No.18087906


>> No.18087910

Nobody cares if you die. You deserve to die for supporting such a wicked system of legalized plundering. You believe it is justice to take food away from the mouths of people to feed your lazy, degenerate self. To hell with you.

>> No.18087916
File: 46 KB, 450x293, rate-profit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just incredible, please keep going
while you tell us to die and all that good stuff, what do you think about marx's prediction that the rate of profit is going to fall?

>> No.18087919

>muh platitudes

>> No.18087920
File: 763 KB, 900x900, ovg0jqbhgcp31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not working, you tranny. Go back to leftypol. This is an obvious raid thread, kill yourself, commie.

>> No.18087922

Stop pretending to understand economics

>> No.18087928
File: 79 KB, 440x324, east vs west.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, totally.
what do you think of the fact that women in east german reported significantly higher rates of orgasm than women in west germany?

>> No.18087929
File: 86 KB, 800x1069, 039ff2e66c69bdc263628cdba2e431f1aad8f469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from Lenin's final speech
>Communism becomes an empty phrase, a mere facade, and the Communist a mere bluffer, if he has not worked over in his consciousness the whole inheritance of human knowledge, and made his own and worked over anew all that was of value in the more than 2000 years of development of human thought

You're not a mere bluffer are you, anon?

>> No.18087932

>Socialism is when Capitalism and the more Capitalist it is the more Communism it is

>> No.18087934
File: 76 KB, 895x886, 195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will box every Leninist and win easily

>> No.18087936

Don't post degenerate weeb shit if you want people to take you seriously.

>> No.18087937

Trannies thrive under capitalism because it enables their degeneracy. If you aren't a national socialist, you're a fraud.

>> No.18087940

Get help, coomer freak.

>> No.18087944

no pretending here. in my country there is currently an effort to privatise hospitals, leading to rising costs. the local communist party has been successful in stopping this so far.

>> No.18087946

I'm not even close to a commie lmao, you're just acting like an edgy 12 year old

>> No.18087947
File: 633 KB, 640x853, 1va40drn60u61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks NEP and the collapse of Soviet Union was funded by libertarian oil think tank
>He thinks they also wrote the Soviet archives
Take your meds, tranny

>> No.18087949
File: 317 KB, 1195x960, 1618179810115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

National socialism is the dialectical fulfillment of Marxism.

Right-wing anticapitalism

>If only statesmen had been compelled to study the laws of Compound Interest, the fate of the whole human race might have been very different. ... [T]wo serious conditions began to develop. The first was the decline not merely of the aristocracy but, little by little, of all values that could not be correlated with pounds, shillings, and pence. The age of mechanized man was approaching. The new plutocracy and those of the old Whigs who were naturally perverse began their final and terrible offensive against the old country gentlemen. ... They were subjected to numerous mercantile blood transfusions until they had to undergo the final humiliation of accepting Jewish sons-in-law to save the ground to which they pathetically clung.
William Joyce

Werner Sombart and Othmar Spann

Ezra Pound

Gottfried Feder
>By Mammonism is to be understood: on the one hand, the overwhelming international money-powers, the supragovernmental financial power enthroned above any right of self-determination of peoples, international big capital, the purely Gold International; on the other hand, a mindset that has taken hold of the broadest circle of peoples; the insatiable lust for gain, the purely worldly-oriented conception of life that has already led to a frightening decline of all moral concepts and can only lead to more.

>This [mammonist] mindset is embodied and reaches its acme in international plutocracy. The chief source of power for Mammonism is the effortless and endless income that is produced through interest.

>The idea of interest on loans is the diabolical invention of big loan-capital; it alone makes possible the lazy drone's life of a minority of tycoons at the expense of the productive peoples and their work-potential.

>The only cure, the radical means to heal suffering humanity is the abolition of enslavement to interest on money. The abolition of enslavement to interest on money signifies the only possible and conclusive liberation of productive labor from the hidden coercive money-powers.

>Our anti-Mammonistic battle, which is ranged above the other two battle-fronts, is directed against the world-encompassing financial power, that is, against the permanent financial and economic bleeding and exploitation of our people through large loan capital. This battle however is, on the other hand, also a powerful intellectual struggle against the soul-destroying materialistic spirit of egoism and avarice with all its concomitant corrupting manifestations in all fields of our public, economic and cultural life.

>> No.18087956

You're a lolbertarian? That shit was BTFO ages ago.

>> No.18087957

Trannies love communism because it attracts degenerate freaks like them. Only the lowest of the low become communists.
>National socialist
You're a degenerate no matter what type of socialist you call yourself. You don't contribute to society, nobody would care if you die. Commit the su

>> No.18087964

>He thinks NEP and the collapse of Soviet Union was funded by libertarian oil think tank
>He thinks they also wrote the Soviet archives
literal textbook strawmanning, good job agent smith youre really making the lolberts look bad

also, rent free

>> No.18087965

you live in a shithole thanks to those communists

>> No.18087969
File: 82 KB, 1500x500, ErO6OHVXYAAEd9D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

National socialism is the synthesis of Marx's critiques of the bourgeoisie and capitalism, and his vindication of the rights of workers and producers over rent seeking parasites, with actual socialism, which was always nationalist and never Marx's exclusive property. It's just the liberation of socialism from Engels-style "we must dissolve the family!" social engineering (itself totalitarian and statist, and utopian, a great excuse for never doing anything) and internationalism (a fiction that can never exist since people naturally organize into distinct cultures).

National socialism is socialism for a culture that thinks of itself as a distinct unit. You don't have to be a Nietzschean will to power worshiper or a totalitarian to be a national socialist.

Ezra Pound:
>>I. When enough exists, means should be found to distribute it to the people who need it.
>II. It is the business of the nation to see that its own citizens get their share before worrying about the rest of the world.
>(This is akin to the Confucian idea that you achieve the good of the world by FIRST achieving good government IN your own country.)
>III. When potential production (possible production) of anything is sufficient to meet everyone’s needs it is the business of the government to see that both production and distribution are achieved.
>Note that in America when there was plenty and more than plenty of land, our government handed it out despite Quincy Adams’s protests.

>This third idea becomes an “idea statale” when I say “it is the business of the government.” But note that Mussolini is NOT a fanatical statalist wanting the state to blow the citizen’s nose and monkey with the individual’s diet. IF, when and whenever the individual or the industry can and will attend to its own business, the fascist state WANTS the industry and the individual to DO it, and it is only in case of sheer idiocy, incapacity or simple greed and dog-in-the-mangerness that the state intervenes to protect the unorganized PEOPLE; public; you me and the other fellow.

>The rest is political “machinery,” bureaucracy, flummydiddle. Jefferson, Mussolini, Lenin, all hated or hate it. Lenin wanted to get rid of it: “All this is political machinery, want to get rid of it,” as Stef reported Lenin’s opinion in 1918.

>As far as financial morals are concerned, I should say that from being a country where practically everything and anything was for sale, Mussolini has in ten years transformed it into a country where it would even be dangerous to try to buy out the government. In other countries they excuse inexplicable perfidies by saying “These men are personally honest.” I am now quoting an admiral : “All I know is that all these men are my personal friends and I assure you that they are personally honest.” The implication being that they play the super-crooks’ game because they are stupid and hoodwinked.

>> No.18087970

>Fake, bullshit graph made up by a literal who Marxist who isn't even economist
Literally nobody cares about your voodoo economics, loser. Get a degree that isn't gender studies, like economics, and then we'll talk

>> No.18087974
File: 83 KB, 850x400, 1616696995112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>London stank of decay back before 1914 and I have recorded the feel of it in a poem here and there. The live man in a modern city feels this sort of thing or perceives it as the savage perceives in the forest. I don’t know how many men keep alive in modern civilization but when one has the frankness to compare notes one finds that the intuition is confirmed just as neatly or almost as neatly as if the other man saw a shop sign.

>Thus London going mouldy back in say 1912 or 1911. After the War death was all over it.

>Italy was, on the other hand, full of bounce. I said all of this to a Lombard writer. I said: London is dead, Paris is tired, but here the place is alive. What they don’t know is plenty, but there is some sort of animal life here. If you put an idea into these people they would DO something.

>The Lombard writer said yes ... and looked across the hotel lobby; finally he said: “And you know it is terrible to be surrounded by all this energy and ... and ... not to have an idea to put into it.”

>Jefferson thought the formal features of the American system would work, and they did work till the time of general Grant but the condition of their working was that inside them there should be a de facto government composed of sincere men willing the national good. When the men of their understanding, and when the nucleus of the national mind hasn’t the moral force to translate knowledge into action I don’t believe it matters a damn what legal forms or what administrative forms there are in a government. The nation will get the staggers.

>And any means are the right means which will remagnetize the will and the knowledge.

>I think the American system de jure is probably quite good enough, if there were only 500 men with guts and the sense to USE it, or even with the capacity for answering letters, or printing a paper.

>Power is necessary to some acts, but neither Lenin nor Mussolini show themselves primarily as men thirsting for power. The great man is filled with a very different passion, the will toward order. Hence the mysteries and the muddles in inferior minds.

>> No.18087976

>You're a degenerate no matter what type of socialist you call yourself.
Capitalism engenders more degeneracy than authoritarian regime. It quitely literally means every one is free to to whatever the fuck they want, and much of that is degeneracy. If you are a capitalist and a "conservative", you are the biggest cuck imaginable because you are working against your own interests. There's a reason why they call them "cuckservatives."

>> No.18087982
File: 7 KB, 224x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LIterally distrusts historical evidence about communism that is general knowledge
>Thinks libertarian think tanks spend millions of dollars faking the Soviet archives, faking testimony about communism from Eastern Europe to show how horrible it is
>The libertarian tank thanks funded the revolutions of 1989, they did faked everything, nothing bad ever happened in our workers' paradise
Meds, tranny

>> No.18087992

I'm not reading your post. Nobody cares what you think, psuedo. You have no arguments. You're a bum resentful at the fact you don't ability to make yourself self sufficient. You're the degenerate.

>> No.18087999

>Schizo mad they can't have a dictatorship where they can have their power control freak fantasies put into practice
Too bad? Just kill yourself, bro.

>> No.18088003

stop astroturfing, faggot. fascism always was and always will be nothing more than a tool for the bourgeoisie to keep some of their power in the face of left wing advances.
you are a lapdog of the rich and the sad part is, you think youre the opposite.

maybe one day youll see through the bourgeoise culture war and realize your own economic interests.

>> No.18088004

>You're the degenerate.
Capitalists are. Aided by cuckservatives. Monarchies or national socialist regimes are the only things that benefit the conservative plebs.

>> No.18088005

>maybe one day youll see through the bourgeoise culture war and realize your own economic interests.

This. It's time we really rally against corporate interest in immigration.

Whoops, I did a heckin' fascism.

>> No.18088006

work on your reading comprehension. embarassing.
and still, rent free. pottery.

>> No.18088012

What? I don't like dictatorships. I'm simply saying you can't be conservative and capitalist.

>> No.18088018

>Blah, blah, blah why doesn't anyone like an insufferable prick like me
>Blah, blah, blah my life is so hard, feel sorry for me

>> No.18088019

any communist who isnt just pretending knows that immigration (currently) is a tool to drive down wages and grow a reserve army of labor you disingenuous faggot.

>> No.18088024
File: 775 KB, 2022x1749, marxist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a tool for the bourgeoisie to keep some of their power

Don't you have some DSA meetings to be attending with your genderqueer "polycule?" Remember to tell your dad to pay your rent on time this month.

>> No.18088034

Yes, you do. Like the communists, you call for the restriction of individual liberty. You just replace "counter-revolutionary" with "degenerate" while an all powerful entity that dictates the individual action of others. Your utopia where everyone does what you believe, thinks like you, and values actions the same you is only possible in fiction books. But, that realization isn't enough for you - you wish to utilize the most wicked terror imaginable to subjugate people to your awful policies. You're scum, and people will just rightfully shoot you.

>> No.18088037

americans... i feel sorry for you
speaking of rent, maybe you should charge some from the trannies living in your head

>> No.18088041
File: 248 KB, 995x914, koch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then we should be strategically supporting populists like Trump and forcing them to adhere to their campaign promises to restrict immigration, right?

>trannies live rent free lol you're obsessed with tranny

So you're a tranny. Makes sense.

>> No.18088048


>> No.18088058

I'm not calling for anything, retard. I'm saying conservatives are retarded and working against their own interests.

>> No.18088065

No, you are - don't be dishonest you rat. We know how you think. You don't decide what interests we have, we what we wish to do with our lives, you are not god, you are not an omnipotent being.

>> No.18088079

Take your meds.

>> No.18088080

>Then we should be strategically supporting populists like Trump and forcing them to adhere to their campaign promises to restrict immigration, right?
no since a large number of working class immigrants are already in the country and if the working class is to achieve anything it must be united.
>So you're a tranny. Makes sense.
i genuinely dont understand this pathology. why the obsession? why specifically trannies? i doubt theres many browsing 4chan anyways. im not one of them at least and i could not give less of a shit about your retarded identity politics. and i though liberal idpol was bad, jesus christ.

>> No.18088086
File: 168 KB, 1200x745, 1587627124103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha so you turn out to be pro-immigration in the end anyway, of course. Slippery double-talking liars as always. No wonder you lost the total faith of the working class.

Fuck off tranny.

>> No.18088098

One of the good things Hitler did was murder him

>> No.18088102

>thread about lenin
>immediately goes off topic into edgy threats, platitudes, tranny obsessions, actual schizoposting and strawmanning

i too love discussing literature on the /lit/ - literature board of 4channel.org

>> No.18088111
File: 213 KB, 877x518, 1602335827503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you enjoyed your latest astroturfing attempt, tranny. Now back to twitter.

>> No.18088123

can you really only think in the most simple of dichotomies? im not "pro immigration", but i know that right wing populism isnt gonna unite the working class. if you actually want less immigrants in your country, why not look at whats causing immigration in the first place? thats what an political solution to the problem would look like, stop giving the immigrants more reasons to leave their countries that have been bombed to shit to satisfy weapons contractors.

>> No.18088128

Cuckservatives love Jews, though. They are circumcised, domesticated capitalists kept in an eternal complacent slumber. You know who hated them? National socialists. You know who you hate? All kinds of socialists including NS. If you can't see you're working against your own interests, you're beyond salvation.

>> No.18088135
File: 1.13 MB, 1900x1557, 1574453040127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro i realize immigration is helping capitalists dilute labor organizing, b-but cmon they're workers too let's just turn them into socialists, don't actually put a stop to the dilution by enforcing existing laws against it!!!

Pilpul. This is why nobody trusts you, fucking weasel. This is why you lost and will continue losing. This is why you'll watch the world reject your death cult for the fiftieth time.

Neocons are not conservatives, in fact they are mostly Jewish, and the grilling boomer lumpenproletariat is no more representative of conservatism than the lumpenproletariat is representative of the proletariat. Pilpul divide and conquer tactics.

>> No.18088140
File: 58 KB, 800x450, 12c-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friends dad looked so much like him it was unbelivable, when I first saw a picture of Lenin I thought it was him
>gone for 29 years
>still triggering burgers into fear and peeing their pants
Commies are truly too based for this world

>> No.18088151

i thought the "/pol/turd who speaks in infographics" type of guy died in like 2018

>> No.18088156
File: 504 KB, 549x668, karelin-549x668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dont you try a real sport instead?

>> No.18088160
File: 547 KB, 950x1074, 1595816534919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities. Money is the universal self-established value of all things. It has, therefore, robbed the whole world – both the world of men and nature – of its specific value. Money is the estranged essence of man’s work and man’s existence, and this alien essence dominates him, and he worships it.
>The god of the Jews has become secularized and has become the god of the world. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange.
>Bourgeois society perpetually brings forth the Jew from its own guts.
Karl Marx

No, that was several of your tranny friends.

>> No.18088167

more and more platitudes.
i said absolutely nothing about changing current immigration laws, yet you immediately think youve figured it out. you dont give a shit about your contrymen or class struggle, you just wanna be a fash LARPer on the internet. propably for the best.
>This is why you lost and will continue losing. This is why you'll watch the world reject your death cult for the fiftieth time.
where are you seeing any fascist success outside of fringe internet groups whose leaders routinely get ousted as feds?
and did you not pay any attention when communists organized 3% of the worlds population in the largest strike in human history months ago?

>> No.18088170

wtf commies are based

>> No.18088174
File: 28 KB, 380x250, 0927_-_OxAi9iC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another /b/ tier politics thread started by commies

>> No.18088176

theyre more numerous than ever. and more indistinguishable from parody.

>> No.18088179

why are fashies *always* obsessed with trannys?

>> No.18088184

lmao this infographic so perfectly encapsulates what you believe in. you genuinely do not give a shit about exploitation of your people or any economic interests.
you are so cought up in identity politics its all you can think about, even when trying to "own" an opposing economic position all you can say is "b-but they gays and trannies"
genuinely more cucked than any liberal

>> No.18088188
File: 126 KB, 926x812, 1605562853322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your confused views would be unrecognizable to Marxists and every other leftist. You are a useful idiot of capitalists and their culture industry puppets.

The easiest way to demoralize fake leftists is to post actual Marxist positions that were completely standard under every socialist and communist movement, like anti-immigration, anti-gun control, anti-degeneracy, and anti-semitism.

Tranny. Keep trying to entice people like me over to your side with "dirtbag left" podcasts where you're sometimes allowed to say retard. It's really working out for you. That's why your entire movement licks AOC's boots.

>> No.18088189

ive always thought the "fascism comes from sexual repression" thing was total bullshit but its starting to make a lot more sense.

>> No.18088199
File: 66 KB, 400x400, odPLa3lW_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most commies in this thread are /pol/tier retards lmao,can't even bait

>> No.18088200
File: 100 KB, 847x600, whnuvoh4od031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.18088205

the guy itt feels like a nostalgia act. a one-man trump era tribute band, playing the hits

>> No.18088217


>> No.18088219

kek roasted

>> No.18088232

>Your confused views would be unrecognizable to Marxists and every other leftist
you think that because like most rightoids your conception of leftists is based completely on strawmen. you genuinely do not know what communism is or what communists believe. everything ive said so far is absolutely basic marxism101 that anyone who read more than the first 2 pages of the manifesto would understand.
>That's why your entire movement licks AOC's boots
and there you have proven it beyond a reasonable doubt. you are arguing against a strawman, retard. read a fucking book.
every time...

>> No.18088237
File: 337 KB, 1010x1010, 1487866576617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.

>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.

>> No.18088245

>Neither, leave man alone - or face death
The collective will always step over the individual, you had a good run but collectivism - both on the left and the right - is on a big rise up and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.18088248

Nobody believes you're the backbone of society like the medieval peasant. You're fat, lazy, stupid, and completely useless.

>> No.18088250

too based for /lit/
This board is filled to the brim with tranny fags

>> No.18088252

>Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD
Sounds based, where do I sign up to become a communism?

>> No.18088255
File: 61 KB, 408x630, 9781912759200_p0_v2_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the discord trannies talk to themselves, remember to get this book before it doesn't exist in stores anymore.

>Furthermore, Strakosch paid the debts of Winston Churchill and from that moment the history of the world would embark on a tragic course: a world war in the service of international finance that would destroy the British and all other European empires, to be replaced by a money empire, while Roosevelt laid down the post-war conditions to the hapless Churchill for the dismantling of the British Empire.[17]

>Goodson traces the origins of the Great Depression as an example of credit manipulation, and profiles those who sought an alternative: C. H. Douglas of social credit, Professor Irving Fisher, and Gottfried Feder, Germany’s primary banking reformer campaigner.[18] The innovative reforms undertaken by the Nazis were undermined by Hjalmar Schacht, president of the Reichsbank, an intimate of the international banking fraternity who was to be spared the fate of other high state officials at Nuremberg due to his connections, including particularly his friendship with Montague Norman, Governor of the Bank of England.

>Goodson proceeds to outline the many socio-economic achievements of the Hitler regime, such a low-interest loans for housing and the barter system that saw Germany capturing markets from Europe to South America, and undermining the system of international finance around the world, the rise in income, the great public works while, persistent claims to the contrary, expenditure on arms was relatively low.

>While Germany flourished in the midst of a world depression, Fascist Italy had already embarked on a similar course a decade previously, with giant public works, and gradually adopted state banking. Japan, which readers might be surprised to learn, had since the 1920s had been widely attracted to the social credit theory of C. H. Douglas, followed such policies from 1932, and completed its reforms in 1942, based on German banking legislation. This established Japan as a great economic power and in 1940 she announced the Grater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, which threatened the global economic system by creating an autarkic trading bloc.

Read a book, tranny. Stop getting your politics from youtube videos.

>> No.18088258

>socialism doesn't fucking work
Post what you have read about Allende's Chile and Tito's Yugoslavia to make such strong claims

>> No.18088267

being bald and having weird looking teets isnt a sport

>> No.18088276
File: 139 KB, 202x303, Bog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read a book, tranny. Stop getting your politics from youtube videos.
You're a retard but unironically the majority of these commies we are getting watch twitch/youtube streamers for their views,remember someone recommending a mongolian larper streamer on /lit/ relatively recently

>> No.18088283

Liberty is what gives you trannyfags. How can't you retards see that?

>> No.18088289

enlighten me anon, which communist writers have you read, what arguments did they make and why were they wrong?
anon, its pointless. when people say "socialism doesnt work" theyre not making an argument. its just a though terminating phrase to get out of the predicament of having to think about what youve been told all your life.
most of the retards here propably dont even know about allende outside of that one fag infographic and i doubt theyre familiar with yugoslav history.

>> No.18088302

They are not commies, they are liberal progressives who like the aesthetics of heroic rebellion. Like I was saying above, every one of them is anti-communist in his core beliefs (pro-immigration, pro-bourgeois dominance over laws and institutions, pro-capitalist degeneracy etc).

They are getting their ideology from youtube and social media because that's all they do all day, consume the opinions of other retards in a junk food instant gratification format. These people are being weaponized against legitimate communism, attached to it so it will sink under their collective dead weight.

The left should purge these rich losers.

I consider myself a Lukasian personally, and although I don't do apologetics for Stalinism, I would support a Leninist or Trotskyist terror against revisionists like you. What do you consider yourself, pro-immigration fake communist?

>> No.18088333

actually beyond parody kek
i asked what books youve read dumbshit, this is a literature board remember? not the place to string together names youve heard once and mage edgy and empty threats.
id consider myself a marxist leninist given its historical success and pragmatic attitude towards the state.

>> No.18088363
File: 557 KB, 828x1081, left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, youtube.

Anyone leftists actually read Lukacs? This guy's retarded.

>> No.18088418

Lol based. Owned sickfags.

>> No.18088439
File: 193 KB, 400x301, ougi nword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None. I only come on this board to call over educated fucks the n word.


Pic also related.

>> No.18088462
File: 365 KB, 768x512, 62056050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lenin was one of the most righteous men to ever live. Someone who gave everything he had to help humanity and put destiny in the hands of the people.

In the Phillipines, Nepal, India, Turkey, Latin America, and others, there are comrades still fighting for the working people. Only in the minds of deranged liberals has communism ever stopped. There is no running away from reality. From the reality of capitalism.

The world is still full of righteous revolutionaries and everyone hates the United States. 4chan is an American site, so you won't see much of it, but everywhere you look communist parties are recovering and advancing, in India, Brazil, Asian, and all of Latin America, the push back against the demonic Neoliberal vampires is almost in full force. The days of the USA and capitalism are almost over.

>> No.18088476




Fuck commies, Fuck trannies, and Fuck cringey faggots posting in this thread.

>> No.18088481

>Fuck trannies
Trannies are a product of capitalism.

>> No.18088492

Lol that's the leftypol level of discourse, just go "I'm a Zizekian mutualist radical leftcom, and umm, you're a hecking revisionist, read Bookchin and Foucault, chud!

>> No.18088498

> It's either capitalism or communism

take the Aristotle pill faggot

>> No.18088499

All revisionists must be purged. Read the real Marx and Bakunin, read the antisemitic Marx and Bakunin.

>> No.18088501
File: 568 KB, 1262x1440, Franco Communism Meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18088504
File: 68 KB, 640x399, 651502002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans have no idea how much they are hated outside of their home and Europe.

>> No.18088510

Yes on the jewish question is cool, you're still a gay faggot tho.

>> No.18088512

Killing and change are both bad. The former most of the time, the latter always.

>> No.18088522

All Chinese people count as one (hive mind) so if we're just counting heads, not all that many people hate the US

>> No.18088533
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>> No.18088551
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It's already over for capitalist cucks. Go cry or something, i will be waiting for the SOVIET REUNION.

>> No.18088561
File: 5 KB, 100x160, 3B172C96-F5D0-4D66-9F94-6BF8144301FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what trannypol was thinking when they made this thread, it always succumbs to shit flinging; jannies just please put this thread out of its misery.

>> No.18088562

Beautiful language, sadly socialists would do nothing to protect it from being replaced by Arabic because "Arabs are workers."

>> No.18088575

>30 incel posters

>> No.18088581

China is the most despised nation on the planet

>> No.18088590
File: 28 KB, 272x400, 026061651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHA.Literally bourgie larpers. Read a bit about them and you're never gonna want to be near anyone who likes these larpers.

Trash music btw, no soul. But that's expected, it's bourgie music.

The world isn't nato, midwit.

>> No.18088605

lol source

>> No.18088629

The nations that hate China the most, are also closest to it

>> No.18088637

>country has higher growth rate therefore it's better
LMAO I thought it was a joke but it's actually true. Commies and socialists really did flunk Econ 101

>> No.18088643
File: 49 KB, 500x401, 1618540430770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I explained here
It's /b/ tier discussion
Just because I hate how this board has been infested by twitch lefties doesn't mean I enjoy the /pol/ cringe,even if I agree a little with it
Just because I'm againts the /pol/ cringe doesn't mean I like the degenerate materialist lefty bugmen spamming their bullshit,perhaps 2 or three years ago I might not have complained but today I can tell the vast majority of them aren't from here by the way they write.

>> No.18088644

We are talking about fucking germany here, genius, not some agricultural country.

>> No.18088652
File: 146 KB, 1180x1242, 3ydizlzdkji21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking about a country that literally collapsed because they had to build a wall keep people from escaping

>> No.18088665
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>> No.18088672

>We are talking about fucking germany here
Doesn't change anything but so long as it allows you to cope...
>not some agricultural country
LMAO you think the industrial power of Germany is located in former DDR? That's absolutely hilarious

>> No.18088678


>> No.18088682
File: 73 KB, 600x450, 06-socialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Murdering people through starvation and terror is human decency
How can communists be so evil

>> No.18088687

>basic human decency
the left can't meme

>> No.18088692

Not an argument

>> No.18088693


>> No.18088709
File: 398 KB, 1266x1084, PG_10.15.19.europe.values-00-014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source is a literal Stalinist, communist website
Holy fuck

>> No.18088718

Wasn't leftism supposed to be based on facts and not feelings? In 1933 most Germans felt that National Socialism was a way forward. Doesn't prove anything. Besides rural areas of East Germany are quickly aging and depopulating, won't take long until people have forgotten what DDR was

>> No.18088727

What the socialist won't tell you is that Most East Germans vote for the conservative Afd, anti communist parties. Its non-sense

>> No.18088757

True. They do it all the time though. They provide dubious sources that are supposed to prove Russian people's sentiment towards USSR (which is confusing in itself because it might mean sentiment towards Russian supremacy in the Slavic bloc and not socialism) and then somehow despite this sentiment the КПPФ is losing all major elections and is basically a party for very old people