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18084860 No.18084860 [Reply] [Original]

Really hate having to read stories containing adultery for my class. It literally makes me depressed.

>> No.18084866

Fuck Jesus. Stoning adulterers is the right thing to do.
"let he who is without sin, lol" Fuck you Jesus, what, we can't have a criminal justice system because no one is without sin? What a fucking idiot.

>> No.18084875

>stoning women to death
>criminal justice system
What are you, a chimp?

>> No.18084884

The implication is broader than that; we can't punish criminals because we're all sinners.

>> No.18084895

It was about the criminal justice system of whatever time never having the ultimate say in what is correct for criminals, and that God would always be the ultimate judge, not that it was ever wrong to have a system of justice in a society. Ethics and justice themselves never fundamentally change, but their shape in the minds of man takes on new forms as centuries pass and Christian thought considers what is right, furthering the shape to look more like God's ethics. This is by design.

>> No.18084898


Because that's what was happening -- adultery was a crime, and the punishment was stoning. A criminal was being punished according to those people's customs. That's what Jesus interfered with, and the implication was that criminals can't be punished because we're all bad evil sinners.

>> No.18084902

Incredibly low resolution conclusions.

>> No.18084904

Imagine unironically being a tradcath larper. Everyone laugh behind your back and finds you a fucking weirdo, while virtually no one within traditional circles takes you seriously and very quickly figures out that none of this shit you’re doing is genuine, and solely inspired by the fact that your ‘modernist’ friends get laid more often.

>> No.18084915

Being against adultery needs you to be Catholic?

>> No.18084916

why do modernists pretend to enjoy STIs and abortions

>> No.18084917 [DELETED] 

Of course the justice system has the ultimate say in what's correct for criminals. That's its entire purpose.
>Ethics and justice themselves never fundamentally change
How can you say that? What about philosophy of ethics? That hasn't changed anything? What about modern justice? We don't ston people anymore. You wouldn't call that a fundamental change?

Maybe you think their punishment was too harsh, and you're probably right, but again, there are broad implications to the story. The moral is, no one was without sin, so no one could punish the criminal.

>> No.18084926

>'modernist' friends get laid more often
Religious families have more children and less divorces than non-religious families.

>> No.18084946

>Of course the justice system has the ultimate say in what's correct for criminals. That's its entire purpose.
So segregation was always just? No, we learned the truth of the matter and by the 1960's there was no more institutional racism in America.
>We don't stone people anymore. You wouldn't call that a fundamental change?
We still find adultery to be a crime, that has not fundamentally changed. Our methods for dealing with adulterers have changed with time and serious consideration. There are some things we found to be immoral that were really not from the start, you call that the ultimate say in what's correct? You have a very shallow, shortsighted definition of ultimate.

>> No.18084957

I deleted that comment for some reason.

>So segregation was always just?
Strawman of the century. regardless, the answer is "yes"

I'll admit I'm not an expert in ethics. I'm just surprised to hear someone say that ethics never changes, considering there are so many thinkers who contributed to it over centuries. And doesn't your own example of segregation disprove it?

>> No.18085252


>> No.18085336
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>> No.18085398

tradcath larping has died down, now its mostly tradorthox larping with a few schizo evangelicals sprinkled inbetween.
Not that this his anything to do with OP, since "adultery = bad" is a pretty commonly accepted standpoint among people without BPD.

>> No.18085414

>‘modernist’ friends get laid more often
Absolutely not true.

The people who have the most sex are traditionalist Muslims, orthodox Jews and some of the quasi-Christian sects like the Mennonites.

>> No.18085553

>t. adulterer