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File: 92 KB, 1200x640, Quotation-Friedrich-Nietzsche-Sometimes-people-don-t-want-to-hear-the-truth-because-34-72-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18074793 No.18074793 [Reply] [Original]

"Hurr durr nietzche is acshually leftist"
>Genealogy of Morals Essay 1 Ch.5
>With regard to our problem, which can justifiably be called a quiet
problem and fastidiously addresses itself to only a few ears, it is of no little interest to discover that, in these words and roots which denote ‘good’,
we can often detect the main nuance which made the noble feel they were
men of higher rank. True, in most cases they might give themselves
names which simply show superiority of power (such as ‘the mighty’, ‘the
masters’, ‘the commanders’) or the most visible sign of this superiority,
such as ‘the rich’, ‘the propertied’ (that is the meaning of arya; and the
equivalent in Iranian and Slavic). But the names also show a typical character trait: and this is what concerns us here. For example, they call themselves ‘the truthful’: led by the Greek aristocracy, whose mouthpiece is
the Megarian poet Theognis.10 The word used specifically for this
purpose, e0sqlov,
11 means, according to its root, one who is, who has
reality, who really exists and is true; then, with a subjective transformation, it becomes the slogan and catch-phrase of the aristocracy and is
completely assimilated with the sense of ‘aristocratic’, in contrast to the
deceitful common man, as taken and shown by Theognis, – until, finally,
with the decline of the aristocracy, the word remains as a term for spiritual noblesse, and, as it were, ripens and sweetens. Cowardice is underlined
in the word xaxo/v,
12 as in deilo/v13 (the plebeian in contrast to the
a0gaqo/v): perhaps this gives a clue as to where we should look for the etymological derivation of the ambiguous term a0gaqo/v.
14 In the Latin word
malus15 (to which I juxtapose me/lav)
16 the common man could be characterized as the dark-skinned and especially the dark-haired man (‘hic
niger est –’),17 as the pre-Aryan occupant of Italian soil who could most
easily be distinguished from the blond race which had become dominant,
namely the Aryan conquering race, by its colour; at any rate, I have found
exactly the same with Gaelic peoples, – fin (for example in Fin-gal), the
word designating the aristocracy and finally the good, noble, pure, was
originally a blond person in contrast to the dark-skinned, dark-haired
native inhabitants. By the way, the Celts were a completely blond race; it
is wrong to connect those traces of an essentially dark-haired population,
which can be seen on carefully prepared ethnological maps in Germany with any Celtic descent and mixing of blood in such a connection, as
Virchow does: it is more a case of the pre-Aryan population of Germany
emerging at these points.


>> No.18074796

(The same holds good for virtually the whole of
Europe: to all intents and purposes the subject race has ended up by
regaining the upper hand in skin colour, shortness of forehead and
perhaps even in intellectual and social instincts: who can give any guarantee that modern democracy, the even more modern anarchism, and
indeed that predilection for the ‘commune’, the most primitive form of
social structure which is common to all Europe’s socialists, are not in
essence a huge throw-back – and that the conquering master race, that of
the Aryans, is not physiologically being defeated as well? . . .) I think I can
interpret the Latin bonus18 as ‘the “warrior” ’: providing I am correct in
tracing bonus back to an older duonus (compare bellum19 = duellum = duenlum, which seems to me to contain that duonus). Therefore bonus as a man
of war, of division (duo), as warrior: one can see what made up a man’s
‘goodness’ in ancient Rome. Take our German ‘gut’: does it not mean ‘the
godlike man’, the man ‘of godlike race’? And is it not identical with the
popular (originally noble), name of the Goths? The grounds for this supposition will not be gone into here.


>> No.18074820

>Another Nietzsche thread

>> No.18074860

Nietzsche shits on every ideology, he mocks statism in one work then ridicules anarchism in another

>> No.18074882

Why didn't he take his own advice?

>> No.18074889

Neetch spam is cringe.

>> No.18075527

How didn't he?

>> No.18076018


>> No.18076106

Damn it. Every time I think I've written something good it turns out Nietzsche already wrote it and wrote it better than me. This I exactly like that south park episode.

>> No.18076257

A lot of Nietzche is ironic. Taking anything he says at face value is pretty foolish. Thats why hes considered so difficult to read, not because the language or ideas are complex, its because the way its presented is very tricky. He will say one thing and contradict it later to make a point

>> No.18076298

no one gives a shit OP, take it to /pol/

>> No.18076374

His Nazi sister edited his work to make it look Nazi-like. He was pro miscegenation and hated capitalism

>> No.18076388


>> No.18076563

>too difficult to read


Nietzsche is:
-an atheist [there is no god]
-anti-christian [like any marxist]
-a nihilist [there is no truth]
-an hedonist [live in the present moment to coom like my idol dancing dyonisus!! teehee]
-a postmodernist [values don't exist!!! but deny this reality and just become the heckin uberman, sink further into delusion to create your own values and fight for them until you die!!]

yeah no wonder that lefty/pol/ trannies shill his diarrhea all the fucking time.

>> No.18076568

fucking this

>> No.18076573

subfreezing IQ

>> No.18076576

>Hurr durr nietzche is acshually leftist
Begone foul scented imbecile.

>> No.18076619

No different than the very criticism he levies against Spinoza of putting the argument beneath density.

>> No.18076621

and he died of syphilis. defo a leftist

>> No.18076636

>shits on N for being a hedonist postmodernist
>acts like one

>> No.18076656

>like any marxist

>> No.18076658
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>His Nazi sister edited his work to make it look Nazi-like. He was pro miscegenation and hated capitalism

>> No.18076665


>> No.18076671


>> No.18076680

>I'm so scared I won't understand Nietzsche's books :(
>It's so hard to read a single paragraph, it makes me angry.
>I know! I will bash it on the internet as I saw other anon's do. This way I can pretend I read, understood and even developed my own opinion of it.
>Even though hundreds of illiterate retards over the internet say the same inane opinions, I'll surely make myself noticed repeating the same things!
>I'll even add 'marxism' over there, some anons speak bad of that one guy too.
>I surely will look smart and critical. and based!

Funniest thing about these kind of people is that they haven't read the bible either.

>> No.18076700

Let them have their cope — it’s not for them. Same for Heidegger.

>> No.18076773

from this post of yours i can surmise you are very secure lmao

>> No.18076776

I have always been puzzled by how certain leftists attempted to reconcile leftism (which is fundamentally about concern for victims and equality) with Nietzsche (the opposite).

>> No.18076808

>"Hurr durr nietzche is acshually leftist"
I have never heard anyone ever say this. In fact, I doubt anyone has. I'm assuming you're a butthurt rightoid that desperately wants to find great thinkers to validate your contrarian views. Pathetic.

>> No.18077006

he was a friendless incel loner whose only experience with women was prostitutes and who died in an insane asylum were he spent his last 10 years in a catatonic state?

>> No.18077013

he also loved trans people and blacks

>> No.18077016

reading a wikipedia article about him doesn't mean you actually read him, anon

>> No.18077028

yeah, I mean he is explicitly anti-leftist given that one of his major ideas is his praise of master morality over slave morality and being "selfish" above all else. You would have to jump a lot of hoops to paint him in a leftist light. And while it's true some of his ideas MIGHT fall into a rightist ideology, I'm sure Nietzsche would absolutely abhor being lumped with them or any political affiliation.

>> No.18077029
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>He was pro miscegenation
This is correct

>> No.18078642

>10 years
That's 23 years of mental illness less than Jesus tho

>> No.18078660

>"Hurr durr nietzche is acshually leftist"
no one says this, go outside

>> No.18078675

N never really reveals any of his straightforward philosophical positions. It's impossible to get a N scholar to give a clear answer as to what they think N would say about some issue.
No wonder Nietzsche said he was an Übermensch

>> No.18078681

replied twice :,)

>> No.18078686

>Taking anything he says at face value is pretty foolish
No, this is mostly cope for modern philosophers who don't want to address Nietzsche's "problematic assertions" directly. They always claim it's "nuanced" and "subtle", when in reality Nietzsche is quite clear in general.

>> No.18078711

>It's impossible to get a N scholar to give a clear answer as to what they think N would say about some issue
That's only because the scholars are limp-wristed academics who refuse to consider Nietzsche in his true light (which, although Nietzsche certainly wasn't a Nazi, was closer to Nazism than he was to postmodernism, anarchism, etc.) see >>18078686

>> No.18078731

I also listened to the latest episode of Caribbean Rhythms. It's great. BAP is turning me into a racist, bros.

>> No.18079008

Wrong on all accounts. You don't know anything about him.

>> No.18079373

There are literally anons in this thread arguing this.

>> No.18079385
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>> No.18079407

yup they also edited her photos to cover up the fact that she was black and they've deleted chapters which gave clues to Nietzsche's obvious gender dysphoria

>> No.18080406
File: 21 KB, 200x239, wojak-eye-roll-thumbnail (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18080426

I sware you people have only read neet

>> No.18080455

Nietzsche is hated by leftypol though because he supported the suppression of the Paris Commune, and condemned socialism in pretty every book that he wrote. Nietzsche does not reject value, he rejects moral values since they do not lead to the creation of new values, and stifle discovery of new understandings. Nor does it make much sense to call Nietzsche hedonist because he was against the notion that people should avoid suffering, much like Last Man in Thus Zarathustra Spoke, but to accept fate amor fati. Nietzsche is against organized Christianity for cultivating decedent, conformist followers, and not creators, and men of great action, such as Jesus Christ, who he praised.

>> No.18080488

Godspeed anon, fuck the shitposters

>> No.18080489

Whats the difference between values and moral values?

>> No.18080517

I could explain in detail - I recommend you consider examining the life of Gabriele d'Annunzio. It'll get to the point much sooner.

>> No.18080539
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yeah and foucault was antimarxism , wasn't he?

>> No.18080574

>But where is your internal value when you no longer know what it is to breathe freely; when you have scarcely any command over your own selves, and often feel disgusted with yourselves as with some stale food; when you zealously study the newspapers and look enviously at your wealthy neighbor, made covetous by the rapid rise and fall of power, money, and opinions; when you no longer believe in a philosophy in rags, or in the freedom
of spirit of a man who has few needs; when a voluntary and idyllic poverty without profession or marriage, such as should suit the more intellectual ones among you, has become for you an object of derision?

On the other hand, the piping of the Socialistic rat-catchers who wish to inspire you with foolish hopes is continually sounding in your ears: they tell you to be ready and nothing further, ready from this day to the next, so that you wait and wait for something to come from outside, though living in all other respects as you lived before—until this waiting is at length changed into hunger and thirst and fever and madness,and the clay of the bestia triumphansat last dawns in all its glory.Every one of you should on the contrary say to himself:“It would be better to emigrate and endeavour to become a master in new and savage countries, and especially to become master over myself, changing my place of abode whenever the least sign of slavery threatens me, endeavouring to avoid neither adventure nor war, and, if things come to the worst, holding myself ready to die: anything rather than continuing in this state of disgraceful thraldom, this bitterness, malice and rebelliousness!

>This would be the proper spirit: the workmen in Europe ought to make it clear that their position as a class has become a human impossibility,and not merely, as they at present maintain, the result of some hard and aimless arrangement of society. They should bring about an age of great swarming forth from the European beehive such as has never yet been seen, protesting by this voluntary and huge migration against machines and capital and the alternatives that now threaten them either of becoming slaves of the State or slaves of some revolutionary party

>> No.18080595

Not that poster, but moral values would be values concerned with the suppression of "decadence" and the revival of old values above all, as opposed to values concerned with self-expression and forging ahead towards new things. In hindsight, moral values aren't values at all, and are instead restrictions imposed on others' values pretending to be new values.

As Nietzsche put it, the creation of moral values is the first stage of cultural decadence, the first step in decline from a healthy outlook that concerns itself with self-expression and the future towards a sickly outlook that places life's priorities on the past and is hesitant to express itself because it is full of self-doubt. Nietzsche supported the creation of new values, the creation of new and healthy life that is confident in itself and full enough to overcome the fear of uncharted territories and make higher demands on itself with joy, and he retaliated against the Germany of his time, which was, as Spengler rightly observed, a cultureless shithole during the decades while Nietzsche was writing.

Nietzsche is more complex, though, and also recognizes the importance of moral values and religions in the grand scheme of things. However, in order to really redeem the cultural heritage of 18th century Germany, Nietzsche had to de-emphasize the importance of moral values to his fellow Germans, to remind them that their fight against decadence was decadent itself, and that the real goal was to establish a new world that was strong enough to not care about the decadence of one's neighbor, since that is the only way one can truly avoid becoming decadent oneself.

>> No.18080600

This is Dawn of The Day, and the fucking highlighting fucked up - but the middle passage of the most important. He calls socialists "rat-catchers" because they appeal to the lowest caste of society - not the type of people want to lead, but want to save. He praises the rebellious, iconoclasts, trouble makers, who don't allow themselves to conform to the conventional wisdom of their day. Socialists, Liberals, certain kinds of fascists, are all people just regurgitating their peers instead of being men of action, creating and doing.

>> No.18080757

Nietzsche was explicitly anti socialism and any communitarian movement and you'd need to have brain damage to think otherwise

>> No.18080854

The fun fact about Nietzsche is that he was buried in East Germany, and there were debates within East German government to condemn him as a fascist.

>> No.18080885

everyone was a fascist for commies just like today

>> No.18080902

Both Stirner and Nietzsche were buried in East Germany - I'd like to think their combined strength brought down the Berlin Wall

>> No.18081057

it’s almost as if he is a nuanced thinker and shoving him into an -ism is bound to fail. what was that thing he said about distrusting the systemizers

>> No.18081091

Am I supposed to think that quote is clever?

>> No.18081171

If it was clever - it would be an illusion. How would you see it as the truth?

>> No.18081215
File: 223 KB, 656x571, 1EE6C36C-9679-4FEF-863E-48600C69AB21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are on the wrong board. If you are interested in sex you can visit another anytime.
Nobody here forces you to take into account the value of a person beyond his pants.
You can be like any herd animal and care only about that which any animal is capable of. Hold onto that talent dearly, we do need our minimum wage laborers to reproduce, after all.

>> No.18081224

His real name was Neetchuh, and was of ancient Egyptian royalty (black).

>> No.18081640

That guy is wrong anyway. Nietzsche had lots of friends and acquaintances, several being women, one who he flirted with for a time (Louise Ott) and another who appeared to have a crush on him (Marie Baumgartner) so obviously he was volcel.