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File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-modernization-means-westernization-camille-paglia-109-97-76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18074257 No.18074257 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me feminist literature that is not cringe

>> No.18074267

that quote is unironically based (in the anti-west, anti-tech sense). And I don't know of any

>> No.18074278

Feminist literature isn't cringe; contrary to popular belief Anita Sarkeesian and Chanty Binx are not the entirety of feminism.

>> No.18074311
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Nick Land

>> No.18074318

this is literally what my salafi shiekh used to tell us growing up lol. so surreal

>> No.18074335

Shut the fuck up dumb hole

>> No.18074363

Camille Paglia is unironically the only based feminist alive. Maybe De Beauvoir if you consider child rape based, but i personally do not.

>> No.18074406

>Maybe De Beauvoir if you consider child rape based

Funnily enough, Judith Butler also a supports incest and pedophilia.

>> No.18074416

im not surprised at all by that

>> No.18074419

holy fuck, i kneel

>> No.18074437

>if you consider child rape based
this is your brain on Hellenism

>> No.18074622

Wow, that's actually surprisingly based, especially when she shits on vagina art.

>> No.18074627


>> No.18074630

Is that quote wrong? I honestly agree. That’s why “modernization” doesn’t work in Africa. Plus you could do the Uncle Ted type interpretation too.

>> No.18074636


>> No.18074663

Gravity's rainbow is feminist if you imaging Slothrop is a woman and his penis is a rocket he strapped to his groin. It also makes more sense when he climbs inside it.

>> No.18075273

I have seen good things from Paglia, so Paglia. BAP even likes her writing from what I understand.

>> No.18075371

• Virginia Woolf, Professions for Women
• Laboria Cuboniks, Xenofeminism: A Politics for Alienation
• Julia Kristeva, Stabat Mater
• Sally Haslanger, Gender and race: (What) are they? (What) do we want them to be?
• Breanne Fahs, Burn It Down! Feminist Manifestos for the Revolution
• Simon de Beauvoir, The Second Sex
• Shulamith Firestone, The Dialectic of Sex
• Toril Moi, What Is a Woman? And Other Writings
• Helen Hester, Xenofeminism
• Bell Hooks, Feminism is for everybody: passionate politics
• Bell Hooks, All About Love: New Visions

>> No.18076360

Isn't this the dumb bitch that thinks she's a man?

>> No.18076385

paglia's about it, if you wants ethics and sound reasoning

>> No.18076961

He said not cringe retard

>> No.18077238

Naomi Wolf has gone full schizo in recent years. I’m not sure if you would consider it feminist writing but it’s cool to see her talk about how vaccine passports are part of a pedo government agenda

>> No.18077478

this, but you can assume its not what the dyke meant

>> No.18077488

making an ideology over being a woman will inevitably lead to something completely incomprehensible and chaotic
good luck though

>> No.18078046

Yeah no shit she's not a retarded incel seething at computers existing

>> No.18078058

>Judith Butler also a supports incest and pedophilia.
For real? I always dismissed her as shit because trannies love to suck her clit but maybe I was too rash in my judgement. What are some works of her's that get into the above topics? I might have to chek her out if she's really that based

>> No.18078140

Unironically Jane Austen.

>> No.18078194

>the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.
I don't know how you can write a non-cringe book on such a cringe principle

>> No.18078544

all of this is shit tier except for Kristeva

>> No.18078573

Virginia woolf. My dick

>> No.18078580

>Judith Butler also a supports incest and pedophilia.

>> No.18078585

More like virgin that boofs

>> No.18078586

Lots of jews in there

>> No.18078591

It's true, there are also many Jewish women!

>> No.18078807


In her 2004 book Undoing Gender, she wrote, “It is not necessary to figure parent-child incest as a unilateral impingement on the child by the parent, since whatever impingement takes place will also be registered within the sphere of fantasy. In fact, to understand the violation that incest can be--and also to distinguish between those occasions of incest that are violation and those that are not--it is unnecessary to figure the body of the child exclusively as a surface imposed upon from the outside.”[1] So here she is arguing that sometimes parent-child incest is not a violation.
She also wrote, “The reification of the child’s body as passive surface would thus constitute, at a theoretical level, a further deprivation of the child: the deprivation of psychic life.”[2] This is the same old pro-pedo argument we’ve seen so many times already: if you perceive children who are being fucked/raped by adults as the victims of sexual abuse then you are oppressing and objectifying the child.
And she wrote, “So I keep adding this qualification: ‘when incest is a violation,’ suggesting that I think that there may be occasions in which it is not. Why would I talk that way? Well, I do think that there are probably forms of incest that are not necessarily traumatic or which gain their traumatic character by virtue of the consciousness of social shame that they produce.”[3] And there we go again, with the same old pro-pedo notion that it’s not the child rape that is harmful: it’s the social stigma that is harmful.
And to bring it all home, she suggests, along with the other pro-pedo queer theorists and anarchists, that prohibiting parent/child incest is in itself harmful: “It might, then, be necessary to rethink the prohibition on incest as that which sometimes protects against a violation, and sometimes becomes the very instrument of a violation.”[4]
[1] Butler, Judith, Undoing Gender, Routledge, London, 2004, p. 155.
[2] Butler, Judith, Undoing Gender, Routledge, London, 2004, p. 155.
[3] Butler, Judith, Undoing Gender, Routledge, London, 2004, p. 157.
[4] Butler, Judith, Undoing Gender, Routledge, London, 2004, p. 160.

Despite these facts, Butler promoted ‘the legitimacy and legality of public zones of sexual exchange, intergenerational sex, adoption outside marriage, increased research and testing for AIDS and transgender politics’

J. Butler, ‘Competing Universalities’, im: J. Butler et al, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues on the Left (Verso, 2000), p. 160

Casually throwing in "intergenerational sex" and public sex with adoption outside of marriage.

>> No.18078865
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>> No.18078870

>Simone de Beauvoir is alive
She's rooming with Elvis and Nixon

>> No.18079332

Why do these people do these things?

>> No.18079381

Have you seen Helga Goebbels? If Joseph didn't jerk off thinking about her, my name is Adolf Eichmann

>> No.18079663

I'm honestly fascinated with what Paglia would have to say about Gene Wolfe

>> No.18079669
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Pic related is the future of the human race.

>> No.18079676
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>> No.18079835
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ew, bro wtf

>> No.18079910
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<- this? you say ew to THIS?

>> No.18079978
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I'm not a pedo, you disgusting creature

>> No.18080004

Cook books by

>> No.18080107

>exposed nape
what a slut

>> No.18080260

why am i disgusting for looking at legal photos and fantasizing? i don't judge your lack of taste, why do you judge my preferences?

>> No.18080264

She's absolutely correct

>> No.18081739

Because most people consider it to be weird and wrong and would prefer you atleast to not know of your existence. Or are you autistic and don't understand social taboos?

>> No.18081752

Yeah nah

>> No.18081956

The Bible