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/lit/ - Literature

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18077646 No.18077646 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>engineering student
>distaste for all my peers, they're boring
>try to find some humanities friends
>find female studying literature
>ask what she's reading
>i haven't had time to read anything other than what is assigned to me... too exhausted to read anything else...
>(think about how i spend 99% of my freetime reading literature totally unrelated to my mountains of coursework) damn, burned out from assigned reading, i feel that, what sort of books do you enjoy reading?
>hmm what are your favorite authors?
>lists a bunch of bong post-colonial authors
>s-sweet, what classes are you taking?
>classes on progressivism, climate change, post-colonialism and creative writing
>excellent.. (racking brain to change subject) what do you do for fun?
>lately all ive doen is worked on my dissertation on post-colonialism
>realize that somehow even though we are two people sharing the experience of living through a global pandemic and both spending large amounts of our freetime reading, we have absolutely nothing in common
is this normal? are the guys like this too? i just wanted a circle of lit friends like kafka&brod/etc, where can i find this?

>> No.18077669
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> i just wanted a circle of lit friends like kafka&brod/etc, where can i find this?
Based, I would hang out with you bro.

>> No.18077704

wtf is post-colonial studies

>> No.18077728

Degree for Starbucks (unironically)

>> No.18077738
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she's an english lit major although maybe it's unfair to bring up her dissertation on postcolonialism as if it's a pattern considering that's her particular interest in the first place

Thanks anon, although i'm wary of 4chan friends because they always want to turn me into a girl or get me to participate in some femdom cult

>> No.18077739

Wow anon it seems like you made a mistake and posted on /lit/ while you meant to click on /r9k/.
No worries, it happens to everyone.

>> No.18077748

It's part of critical theory aimed at understanding the legacy that colonailism and the colonial mindset has had on the world.

It's basically an extremely narrow view of sociology.

>> No.18077749

my entire post is about a conversation with a girl about books, it's the polar opposite of r9k

>> No.18077759

Keep searching, eventually you will find some people that you share interests with, although it'll probably be a male. Also does your university maybe have some clubs related to philosophy/literature maybe even debate? Even a church could work to find some intellectuals.

>> No.18077762

Why is Zizek so sweaty?

>> No.18077832

This and has an anti-white ideological focus that completely ignores nonwhite imperialism or colonialism, I've met several of these people that had no idea that greece and serbia were ottoman colonies. They even try to drag the japanese into it talking about how they're light skinned asians. It's complete garbage.

>> No.18077836
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too many potential wives to choose from, maybe

>Also does your university maybe have some clubs related to philosophy/literature maybe even debate?
They do although it's all zoom meetings right now but that's how I met her - I'll check out some of the obscurer clubs soon
>Even a church could work to find some intellectuals.
good suggestion too
If that's an offer rather than a compliment, will talk to whoever posts contact details here

>> No.18077841

You can't have a common interest in reading alone, it's like having a common interest in talkin or browsing the net. Most women read YA and other bullshit.
He has some kind of disorder. His ticks and sniffing are also related.

>> No.18077870

>How to Be a Red China and other Levant banker frens Quisling for 1B1R

>> No.18077877
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>You can't have a common interest in reading alone, it's like having a common interest in talkin or browsing the net. Most women read YA and other bullshit.
this is true, although if it were YA i could still hold a conversation about the plot as if i were talking to a girl about juicy gossip (he did this? why not just [...]?) which i think would be pretty amusing

>> No.18077906

Tell her to read The Melancholia of Postcolonial Studies by Park Sorensen and hope it cures her.

>> No.18077985

>If that's an offer rather than a compliment, will talk to whoever posts contact details here

Sorry, digital friendships are absolutely nothing for me. I need to see people/walk around with them to feel a connection (which is also why I despise this pandemic).

>> No.18078057

I don't agree with that. The field itself is good at examining the results of inoerialism and offering solutions to the mess we created.

>> No.18078116

> Philosopher gives advice on love to the unenlightened masses
> Has been divorced three times

Many such cases

>> No.18078149

i agree completely, i was just making sure i wasn't leaving any of you hanging or anything

what's the alternative? i'd be wary of taking many kinds of love advice from someone that's been in one very long standing relationship as well

>> No.18078158

Women are a fucking meme
This is what they want the taxpayer to pay for

>> No.18078199

>Degree for Starbucks (unironically)
lel, my sides! thanks anon

>> No.18078303

>even though we are two people sharing the experience of living through a global pandemic... we have absolutely nothing in common
The pandemic has shown even more clearly how little people tend to have in common. All that's done is given people more bland smalltalk.

>> No.18078433

i feel like the more someone reads the more likely they are to be further away from you in the equalness-of-taste scale

>> No.18078550


Where are you nigga? I am in Germany and want lit friends as well.

>> No.18078615

Berlin /lit/ meet up when?

>> No.18078740

>am at uni for a mech eng
>mostly read non course stuff in free time
>hate most people I know (they only talk about football, girls, tv shows or dumb regular stuff)
>even my friends I can't be with for more than like an hour at a time
>used to being alone, but wouldn't mind proper friends

yoo I found myself several times in your descr. and desu it sucks ass...
I reject girls who approach me because one glance tells me that we wouldn't have much in common; I told myself I'd approach a girl I like, but I am yet to see her..
when it comes to friends, I have like one I wouldn't mind spending a day with and he is in a different city now cause job

so, in short, no cure. you can't find people like that actively (I think).. it just sort of happens or you get used to being alone
I do have a wonderful family, sometimes I spend time with "friends" and I don't reject party invites, I just tend to leave early or not go at all.. it's all up to you, but I would suggest to sticking to what's valuable and hopefully proper people will be thrown our way

God bless

>> No.18079580


Aww scheiße... I-I don't know.

>> No.18079590

>what's the alternative? i'd be wary of taking many kinds of love advice from someone that's been in one very long standing relationship as well

>> No.18079659

>we have absolutely nothing in common
I'm sure this isn't actually true

>> No.18079672

>classes on progressivism, climate change, post-colonialism and creative writing
Is this what people actually spend 50k a year going to school for?

>> No.18079844

>i haven't had time to read anything other than what is assigned to me... too exhausted to read anything else...
I've heard this line too. Most English majors these days seem to actively hate reading, many don't even bother with the assigned stuff.

>> No.18079862

noggers coping with being inferior inflated to a university degree

>> No.18079889

yeah, even Bloom was saying how disappointing ivy league humanities students had become after the 2000s. They can talk to you about theory but can hardly do so with actual literature.

>> No.18080151

Amsterdam niggas ww@?

>> No.18080183

>I reject girls who approach me
you aint rejecting shit nigga lmao

>> No.18080270

Basically, Boomers=bad, Zoomers=good.

>> No.18080286

humanities whites are mostly vapid trash, very few autists take non-stem classes from my experience. My best time I had was some extra credits I took, a course on medieval Europe. I think anything that is not firmly grounded in history or material reality is going to attract a lot of obnoxious bourgeois filth that get off on empty abstract theorizing. I actually joined a student group for climate action last spring but it was a very insufferable and feminized atmosphere, all about starting feel-good projects without ever naming liberalism or capitalism. If you want to date a nice girl don't bother with natives that much, look into the exchange student market via bumble/tinder

>> No.18080482

Just because this is 4chan, I will be very honest with you; and you get to choose whether you believe or not. I don't care which one.

>just turned 22
>slavic, white
>6'5" or 195cm
>always a shirt, coat, cap when out
>mechanic engineering student
>read books, listen to classical music
>writing my own book and playing guitar
>don't have insta, fb or twr, not even reddit
>mass each Sunday, Bible daily
>still a virgin (by choice, i had an ex of a year with whom I did not want anything while young)
>I don't hook around, and only approach girls I like
>have three sisters so I am fine with girls, also with children - good guy is what I mean
>speak 5 languages (technically 10)

I have been approached several times (also by few men) and they were often very obvious as to what they want.
Some of us are like that, I don't think I should let humbleness get in the way of facts. I have very many shortcomings; but those things in which I am good at, I am aware.

>> No.18080509

I'm also STEM but I have actual friends.

>> No.18080518

Sure, I'll believe you. Anyway, I would bet many shekels that you are from Serbia/Montenegro or of serb ethnicity.

>> No.18080535

you don't even try to correct these retards when you encounter them? wtf? I usually straight up say what they are reading is pure crap.

>> No.18080550

>an anti-white ideological focus that completely ignores nonwhite imperialism
not true. Maybe in the US, not elsewhere.

>> No.18080568

>Even a church could work to find some intellectuals.

>> No.18080580

actually a Croat (thank God)

>> No.18080606

fuck i knew it

>> No.18080615

i mean you guessed that it was a south slavic country, even balkan..
i haven't met many slavic people on /lit/ ....

>> No.18080623

>talks to one person
>thinks he has experienced all humanities students

Are all engineers like this?

>> No.18080627

>I actually joined a student group for climate action last spring but it was a very insufferable and feminized atmosphere
That sounds so extremely lame and useless. I majored in Wildlife Science and half of the profession is just explaining why you have to kill feral cats or why wind farms aren't going to save birds. But stem majors should take some humanities classes if they can, my favorite was a post-1945 German film class. I'd get drunk and watch the movies with my friends.

>> No.18080638
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I've met a girl who not only reads but our favourite authors are the same, and yet we didn't hit it off in the long run. She was single and obviously trying to make it work also, but alas

>> No.18080652

Si iz Dalmacije?

>> No.18080670

i am a mech eng student and my uni surrounds the uni of philosophy (and other humanity fields) so we get a lot of them around and in same lunch halls; anyways, they are the absolute worst, all have coloured hair, tattoes and piercings, dressed like flags, and some of them drop the L.. the least ambitious students, least hard-working, lazy, and with a hard-on for Left (political). You can meet some decent exceptions, but you oughta spend some time searching.

>> No.18080680
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Ne brate, slavonac. Ti?

>> No.18080705

>find female studying literature
Sorry OP but you are stupid if you thought you'd get anything but what you got. Not even being an incel, women who study literature are ALL pseuds, vs. a mere 90% of the men.

>> No.18080726

Beograd. Ja sam prvo pomislijo da si ti kod nas na faksu po tvojoj deskripciji

>> No.18080744

Ma ne, ali sam čuo da imaju dobar fakultet strojarstva (?). Osim toga, toliko želim vidjeti Beograd, trenutno sam u Zagrebu i vrh je, ali sam čuo da je i Beograd jednako poseban. Što ti misliš kao domaći? Jel mi se isplati izlet napraviti ili nešt?

>> No.18080752

Having something in common is a fucking meme. Do you like her? Yeah? Then you can make her like what you like. Chances are if she is single she is bored out of her mind waiting for an interesting guy to give her something new.

>> No.18080760

She needs to let go of her wokery

>> No.18080773

that is a fair take, and it surely stands that opposites can attract each other, BUT certain things need to be same, or similar.. highest values and such - religion, what you want of life, stance toward certain important life's questions etc.

>> No.18080823

this is kind of a fucked up thing to say, but that only depends how much they are willing to compromise on their values. and for some women that is 100%, especially if they genuinely like you. not everyone has put as much thought and built up their identity around their beliefs as you have. some people have. only way to find out is to get to know them

>> No.18080837

okay its not fucked up at all, I fully understand you and agree.. women do tend to be way more open-minded, agreeable and can recognise when a man is right.. men have recently forgotten how to be men , ergo - feminism, but I agree with you. Nicely put.

>> No.18080838

The fuck is post-colonialism? Who cares? Is she cute? Yes? Then fuck it, if you like her just go for her what do you care. Unless she's completely unbearable why discount over post-colonialism whatever that it.

>> No.18080884

Ne bi škodilo. Beograd je poprilično velik grad, ima tu svašta za svakoga. Ja sam baš pre nekoliko minuta proveravao razlike cena između Beograda i Zagreba. Izgleda da je kod vas sve duplo skuplje, npr običan hleb ovde košta 3 kuni.

>> No.18080907

1) you can google
2) at least one person (op)
3) does it seem like it makes much difference to OP? looks are important, but not what you base your behaviour on...
4) awesome example of a low-effort "advice"
5) khm khm:
>why discount over "something"
>and i dont know what "something" is
OP did not mean to say that that was the only issue, but even if it was, once again awful advice. Maybe stick to quora

>> No.18080920

Nemoj reći.. tri kune.... Iskreno nisam imao dojam da je Zg skup, ali opet, uspoređivao sam ga samo sa većim Europskim gradovima i zemljama u kojima sam bio - plus Dubrovnik pfft.

>> No.18080924

>thinks he has experienced all humanities students
if i thought that i would not have asked
>is this normal?
>are the guys like this too?

>do you like her?
my goal was to find non-stem friends (not find a gf), also i don't like her because we have not only nothing in common but nothing superficially in common. any conversation i would have with her would bore me more than those with my stem friends

why? do you have reasoning or are you like everyone else on this website? if i've been through a messy relationship why would i take advice from someone that has no experience with them?

thanks for the reply anon.
>you can't find people like that actively
i think kierkegaard said the same thing in an essay on friendship, if im thinking of the right one

>> No.18080940

yeah, that man Kierkegaard seems to be talking a lot of stuff I say baka
mind sending link to essay or a name?

and good luck in finding the right people

>> No.18080965

Ja sam proveravao s pomoću numbeo, stavljao samo zapadne gradove "srednjeg" privrednog stanja, npr. Bourdeaux, Leipzig, Salzburg. Ako su cifre precizne, onda su ti gradovi baš skupi u poređenju s čime sam ja odrastao. Šta uglavnom čitaš da nemaš s kime da obsudiš materijal, itd?

>> No.18080996

Komplicirano je i pokušat ću ukratko.
Počeo sam čitati s 5, do kraja osnovne sam pročitao 200+ knjiga (dječji krimići, par klasika i dosta fantazija). Kroz srednju sam prestao totalno čitati (osim par lektira) i tek u srednjoj se uhvatio knjiga opet. Biblija svaki dan, a čitam na hrv, ruskom i engleskom, pa što mi dođe. Trenutno čitam knjigu o direktorima (za fakultet), Povijest Hrvata od V. Klaića, i dvije knjige o povijesti zemlje. Želim početi čitati od klasika i grka sve do trenutno, kronološki, pa to krećem (Gilgameš, Ilijada, Odiseja (i grčki filozofi) već kupio knjige, pa dalje lako), ali usput završavam dosta drugih knjiga i preporuka... ubiti rusvaj, ali sam zadovoljan. Nemam s kime pričati jer uobičajeno ljudi ni ne čitaju knjige. Većinom cure, a i to češće Harry Potter nego nešt što valja.

Sori na eseju, ali da čujem i tebe, kakvi su ti ukusi?

>> No.18081002

tek na faksu**
brt napušen sam

>> No.18081056
File: 3.61 MB, 4128x3096, Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kod mene ista situacija ali retko kad pričam o knjigama irl, zato sam i ovde. Ja sam uglavno čitao prevođene francuske enciklopedije za decu i te stvari, i gledao sam mnogo ruskih filmova i crtaća kad sam bio mali (bez subtitra, ruski mi je technically maternji jezik). U srednjoj sam polako ali postepeno počeo da se interesujem književnosti, filozofiji, istoriji, ali vojna i politička istorija mi je ubrzo dosadila. Čitao sam Huma, Karnapa, Akvinskog, Šejkspir i drugih autora. U to vreme počeo sam da kupujem kao picrelated, ali nisam ih pročitao do kraja jer sam izgubio interes. A sada pokušavam da napravim podkast gde ću da probam idem od grka, pa rimljana, pa arapa, itd. Imaš li Diskord? Znam jedan server gde ima drugih slovena, ima jedan Hrvat koji trenutno uči antropologiju

>> No.18081062

*knjige kao
Izvini za greške, na fonu sam

>> No.18081072

e jel imas discord?

>> No.18081086

hahahajaha jbt procitao sam do ruskog i poslao prvi reply........
ivan, a brojevi su pet nula tri dva, necu da me makar tko doda

>> No.18081094 [DELETED] 

Da, Ænesidemus$0352

>> No.18081096

I read daily and I have no idea what's post-colonialism but I assume it's a non-white thing therefore cringe

>> No.18081107

Tvoj nalog je sa macom, da?

>> No.18081118

ne tebra, ja ko djecak s parama i cigarom te naocalama

>> No.18081130

Ja vidim nekog Jordana lmao

>> No.18081142

pa de mi svoj kod

>> No.18081150

Aenesidemus nol tri pet dva

Pazi da ti a bude veliko, jer diskord je sensitivan na take stvari

>> No.18081194

Holy hell you have no idea how close this hits to home. I have no suggestions but I have experienced almost exactly this

>> No.18081196

Only english allowed here subhumans

>> No.18081309

Ja, Randstad scherm autisten hier?

>> No.18081321

monolinguist trash

>> No.18081322

>speak 5 languages
>technically 10
How does this work?

>> No.18081338

for my knowledge of Croatian, I also speak Serbian, Bosnian, Montenegrian, (maybe even kosovian then) and i can understand slovenians and they can me..
others are english, latin, russian, bit of german and spanish

i didnt count all south slavic, thats how it works. the languages are counted as unique though - technically

>> No.18081365

Speaks Latin, based.

>> No.18081941

>if i've been through a messy relationship why would i take advice from someone that has no experience with them?
Because theres a reason why they have no experience with them. Do you just want to live the same even over and over again because you cant step outside your own circle?

>> No.18082011

kys faggot