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18074474 No.18074474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How will Aristotle and "natural law" faggots ever recover again?

Nietzsche, Machiavelli and every other thinker who understood the dynamics of power and the fact that power has to be obtain through force, violence and fear has been vindicated tonight.

>> No.18074496

Natural law doesn't mean 'necessarily happens', it refers to natural rights and there is an actual theory behind it.

>> No.18074501

That's why the Soviet Union won, and why niggers keep winning. So, true.

>> No.18074518

I feel like all online rightists are just people that never grew up from 2014, gamergate and "gamerbro" politics, and that adolescent phase of watching sjws get destroyed videos.

>> No.18074520

Yes, because the Right has been neutered into believing in Christicuckery. You're right

>> No.18074523

Actually, no, retard Nietzsche actually rejected "might makes right." He accused socialists of doing that. He wasn't fan of violent, nihilistic beasts. The Ubermensch is not a vengeful person.

>> No.18074526

Small wins is all you faggots ever get. Natural law always prevails in the end.

>> No.18074527

Nietzsche praised Machiavelli. Nietzsche also despised passiveness

>> No.18074537

Might does make right tho. Why would I care what some moralfag has to say if I could squash them like an insect?

>> No.18074538

What are your mature political views let's hear them

>> No.18074547
File: 12 KB, 274x363, Carl_Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go boys

>> No.18074549

Being passive doesn't mean you have to be vengeful. That's just resentment.
He also praised Spinoza and Epicurus - what is your point?
Sure, you don't have to care. Just like nobody has to care about you. The feeling is mutual.

>> No.18074557

>Being passive doesn't mean you have to be vengeful. That's just resentment
I'm vengeful at Christcucks who believe that their God will ultimately save them and they don't have to do anything. Resentment is that person who engages in a game - losses and still is bitter about it. The Right hasn't given the Left a proper fight since 1939.

>> No.18074558

How is Schmitt relevant here?

>> No.18074562
File: 791 KB, 862x697, Bergman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually follow the trial
>jurors still convict him on all counts (including 2nd degree)
Violence and intimidation works, disregard any replies in this thread that says otherwise.

>> No.18074574

Explain Schmitt bro

Explain what Bergman would say about this, lets get this thread theoretical

>> No.18074576

Much of Schimtt's thought is essentially the aphorism 'might is right' placed in a legal context.

>> No.18074579

Why would you hate Christ cucks when it was good who created them in the first place? Why would you hate people who have no control of their lives, and are simply just programmed to do what their environment tells them. I doubt you always had your political views.

>> No.18074581

They can't

>> No.18074587

It's not

>> No.18074588

i wonder if this will encourage rightoids to wake up

>> No.18074605

The Ubermensch would still destroy without mercy, like Caesar to the Gauls.

>> No.18074610

That the law is governed by a sovereign who can 1)decide on the state of exception and 2) relies on extra legal force to enforce the state of exception, is a basic appeal to force and authority.

>> No.18074619

I just picked that picture from my folder because it fits the mood.

>> No.18074620

Qtards will never be vindicated. Just like Americans will never win a war.

>> No.18074631

>t. has never read schmitt

>> No.18074633
File: 166 KB, 960x1084, 1618760488581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad we agree OP.
That's why I see absolutely nothing wrong with white genocide.
Jews have proven themselves the stronger ones, they control every institution in the West, all this while only accounting for 0.2 % of the world's population.
They deserve to win.

>> No.18074640

Nothing to do with might is right. That's just efficient political organisation to achieve one's goals but it doesn't say or imply that it must be right in the sense of being just which is what might is right refers to

>> No.18074642
File: 343 KB, 1896x971, 1izbw9dp30e61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the Ubermensch would not. Nietzsche explicitly denounced the terror you defend because saw socialists doing it. He had praise for beasts like you. The Ubermensch creates his own values; he doesn't follow nonsensical "good v. evil" Christian spitefulness dichotomy that still infects your infantile brain. He even rails against your entire concept of punishment in the Twilight of Idols as "bestiality of thought." And he certainly have a high opinion of beasts.

>> No.18074643

No lol. If you look at american history the moment they might have fought back is extremely clear: when they were ethnically cleansed from their own cities, really starting in earnest in the 60s. That was it, and they decided to go to the suburbs instead of revolt because life was too comfy.

>> No.18074649 [DELETED] 

Tucker is based as fuck. How do they let him stay on air? You can’t even do the honeypot/controlled op type criticism because he’s redpilling boomers/normiecons, not trying to make some movement.

>> No.18074651

Hot. Kikes will get genocided like usual though.

>> No.18074661

Nietzsche was against the Social Darwinists of his time, but you are still painting a picture of the Ubermensch that isn't totally accurate. A Dionysian joy in destruction is central to the concept.

>> No.18074666

>You are a faggot
>If you say that is wrong I will cut your head
>Therefore I'm right in the statement that you are a faggot
Are you OP?

>> No.18074669

You have an underdeveloped/damaged prefrontal cortex.

>> No.18074679

I’m honestly a democratic socialist or whatever it’s called (I like Sanders and agree generally with pretty much everything Chapo Trap House says) and one of the biggest reasons that chuds piss me off is they intentionally try to poke at the sleeping bear that is black America and black people more globally. I don’t know how you can look at black men and not view them as pretty much superior to whites in every way. They’re stronger, bigger and more composed than us and less prone to weird cringey behaviour. Like 99% of the alt right is guys who are insecure about black “superiority” and athleticism. It’s Freudian. They’re the closest thing the planet earth has to a legit master race (definitely not a bunch of doofuses in lederhosen) and it would be best to not provoke them. Normally I wouldn’t care if the chuds did this, you know get blacks to massacre them, but sadly I’m also white and I don’t want to be lumped in with these retards.

>> No.18074683

Establishing legal precident is precisely defining what right is in a purely practical sense.

>> No.18074691
