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File: 57 KB, 736x415, 833857217368502361-stevenpinkerblog.full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18073666 No.18073666 [Reply] [Original]

Everything is better then what the news is telling you everyday. Any other books like pic related?

>> No.18073677
File: 410 KB, 1941x2725, peter-diamandis-abundance-the-future-is-better-than-you-think-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18073680


>> No.18073682
File: 36 KB, 634x414, Oh NO NO NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was friends with Epstein.

>> No.18073684
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>Shill Pinker
>get diabolic trips

Makes me think

>> No.18073694
File: 494 KB, 1542x2356, 9780141034645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Steven Pinker

>> No.18073693

tldr argument?

>> No.18073708

>Everything is better then what the news is telling you everyday

Factfulness by Hans Rosling, without a doubt

>> No.18073709

World is less hungry, the poorest today are much more wealthy, racism is down and the media wants you to believe the world is on fire because it sells.

>> No.18073716

Taleb calls him an IYI and a Panglossian. If you're looking for similar shit, people clamor about Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel (1997) / Harari's Sapiens (2014). Better books would be Plomin's Blueprint (2018) and Scheidel's The Great Leveler (2017).

>> No.18073721

Hans Rosling was all about this. Factfulness is good, his talks are great.

>> No.18073726

status quo good

>> No.18073733

A few of his early books were decent but he sold out, and now this elite jew from the ivory tower is telling us peasants how good we have it? Lmao

>> No.18073747
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>> No.18073757

Sapolsky's Behave (2017) is actually worth reading if you don't have a Uni education but want concise information with real explanatory power.

>> No.18073758

Has Hans also been bought out by the jews and the satanic pedophile cult or truly worth a read?

>> No.18073762

>this elite jew from the ivory tower is telling us peasants how good we have it? Lmao

>> No.18073768

How does one tell?

>> No.18073773


>> No.18073776

Intellectual Yet Idiot

>> No.18073779

Line of banker numbers go up mean life gooder

>> No.18073801

>this elite jew from the ivory tower is telling us peasants how good we have it? Lmao
Is it the same jews that run the news media telling everyone that world is dying and the white mans to blame? I guess the jews are working together by this logic...

>> No.18073806

They've always played both sides, didn't you know? See: capitalism and communism.

>> No.18073808

But the media Jews are the ones saying that whites get the most abortions, and that's a good thing!

>> No.18073811

Did you know that Archimedes was very close to developing calculus?
Did you know that the Romans almost invented steam power engines?
Did you know that we have lost many metallurgical and architectural technologies?

Progress is a myth. We Progress and Regress. Culture isn't a line but a circle, and we're on our way down. Brace for impact.

>> No.18073824

Pinker is the worst bloomer pill you could possibly take. His arguments are soulless. You don't need LINE GOES UP charts to see that life is good.

>> No.18073852

based retard

>> No.18073865
File: 125 KB, 1600x1068, dsc8242hans-roslingtystad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly he's probably the most misread person in intellectual circus. Despite obviously being a child rapist, I can't help but admire the amount of seethe he causes.

Anyway, Hans Rosling is better and has way better banter, especially when he proved university professors know less about the world than chimpanzees.

>> No.18073878
File: 14 KB, 315x245, 1948647737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some more good news lines? Be happy that things are better

>> No.18073885

>implying smart people should be interested in banalities

>> No.18073888

4chan started going downhill when people started using "kek" instaed of "lol"

>> No.18073894

so we accelerate by being Pinker stans?

>> No.18073901

Friendly reminder that this line exists:

>"If I could go back in time, I might confront him [Nietzsche] as follows: “I am a superman: hard, cold, terrible, without feelings and without conscience. As you recommend, I will achieve heroic glory by exterminating some chattering dwarves. Starting with you, Shorty. And I might do a few things to that Nazi sister of yours, too. Unless, that is, you can think of a reason why I should not.” -Pinker, Enlightenment Now

>> No.18073908


>> No.18074494

Are they better tho?
Material wealth is a very shoddy measurememt for wellbeing

>> No.18074503
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Refuted. Into the trash he goes.

>> No.18075023


>> No.18075047

>Bro just eat thai food everything is fine
TRASH. He doesn’t even try to make a philosophical argument, just makes the typical “Things used to be materially worse so that means everything is fine now” argument.

>> No.18075056

What a geek.

"Yeah, our elite hates the country they're supposed to lead. Yeah, we have an unsustainable immigration system. Yeah, we have a never-ending crisis of urban poverty and crime. Yeah, suicide and depression are at all-time highs despite simultaneous all-time high clinical treatment. Yeah, popular media tells us to hate our history and what our forefathers produced. But you have more money to spend on emotionless materialism!!!"

>> No.18076169

This guy's writing style is awful.

>> No.18077094


>> No.18077121

The natural state of humanity is abject poverty (living on less then 2 dollars a day). In 1820, roughly 85% of the worlds population lived in this state. Today its less then 10%. If overall wealth going up in only this amount of time isnt a sign of the world getting better i dont know what to tell you.

Global wealth threshold = Happiness. Or you can die at the ripe old age of 30.

>> No.18077194
File: 207 KB, 1049x705, Bentham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technowave of optimism as Enlightenment secularization and Benthamite utilitarianism lock into happiness take off.

>> No.18077245

>the rainwater has fucking plastic in it, the oceans are poisoned, my nation is being invaded by savages and we are spied on constantly but we have more toys!

What kind of soulless idiot is this author?

>> No.18077315

I don't know about you, but pollution is a pretty small price to pay for not starving to death and having actual medicine

>> No.18077330

You can have "for not starving to death and having actual medicine" with a small non intrusive state and sane environmental and immigration policies. You don't have to choose.

>> No.18077352

People did just fine for millennia without modern mutant food and happy pills.

>> No.18077355

Based, finally.

>> No.18077377

If you're going to argue in bad faith, why even post?

>> No.18077383

is the argument here that things are bad because they're not perfect?

>> No.18077387

I just returned in kind to the post I was replying to, retard

>> No.18077412

No things are bad because we are being enslaved by the state and replaced in our homelands and most people are too stupid to care.

>> No.18077865

So things have gone from a nightmare to nightmare-lite, aka things have gotten better?

>> No.18078315

Bump, I'm also looking for books with good side of future

>> No.18079006

Damn, now there's less people living on 2 dollars a day and more people living on 3 dollars a day. Progress!

>> No.18079027

Matt Ridley is similar

>> No.18079122

>increases in material wealth and comfort come without costs
Don't be so naive.

>> No.18079336
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Indeed it is and dont tell me it means nothing. Most people can enjoy things we often take for granted today that would be nigh impossible to attine only a few generations ago. But keep being a contrarion faggot all you want and make the world seem like hell for all i care.