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18070996 No.18070996 [Reply] [Original]

>calls Christianity an death cult
>inhabits a reality in which objective morality and judgement doesn't exist
>bro just live epic
>after your death your whole existence was pointless

Why are nihilists so retarded. They are always trying to invent pointless copes

>> No.18071012

You know nothing about N or Christianity.

>> No.18071022

He wasn’t a nihilist

>> No.18071025

I leave this board for 6 months just to come back and this is the first thread I see, glad the old tropes still exist and the people here continue as retarded as always

>> No.18071033

>is a Christian
>can’t come up with good reasons against its critics so just calls them names and misrepresent what they claim
Way to prove Nietzsche’s point

>> No.18071047
File: 466 KB, 408x481, Pope Nietzsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thus Spoke Zarathustra and the Gay Science were Pope Nietzsche's two great Papal Bulls where he exposed the hypocrisy and self-contradictoriness of the ethics of self-proclaimed God-murderers and instead invites us to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ who defies the decrees of Death and who did rise on the third day, through whose example we too may become perfect, new creations and prepare the coming of the Overman, who none of us can ever be, but who is the Christ in his Second Coming.

That our Lord is both God and man, begotten yet unblemished through the act of insemination, the Lion and the sacrificial Lamb, made lower than the angels and in his depth the Highest (Hosanna in excelsis), that the works of our Lord should be through the works of the Spirit, yet that all things should flow through Him, who was and is and is to be the Word in the beginning, that our Triune Godhead is three, but none in denial of their Oneness, that Satan is the God of this world whose will is yet overcome by the Highest (Hosanna in Excelsis), our Lord Jesus Christ whose will elevates him above the divinity of this World. The Pope Nietzsche affirms all of this. His Wisdom was to convey the Holy Mystery to the gentiles in a way amenable to their hearts so that they too may be saved.

You will not understand if you are a follower of the Pauline faith. Nietzsche is the Greatest Defender of the Faith and the true apostolic successor to Peter. May the legacy of Pope Nietzsche continue to radiate the glory of the Lord in all the sepulchres of the Earth and in His holy tabernacle.

Habemus Papam.

>> No.18071071

>Why are nihilists so retarded. They are always trying to invent pointless copes
You're basically quoting Nietzsche here.

>> No.18071073

If there is no objective judgement and morality the ultimate ethical position is antinatalism because no amount of potential pleasure can top the position of not realizing that you are missing out. Death is the most rational consequence of atheistic thinking. If I shouldn't care about that and love life just as it is then it still doesn't matter objectively

>> No.18071086

The best argument against N is going to an actual church and partaking in the community. Zarathustra can be a reclusive prophet all he likes - the rest of us can seek eudamonia through community.

>> No.18071111

Shockingly enough, he must have taken notes from Nietzsche and his cohorts here on /lit/. I see nothing but this in their overeager (yet unsurprisingly dull) mis-evaluations of Christianity

>> No.18071131

Nietzsche may have had good intentions but obviously failed (and he acknowledged it). He failed to grasp the true sense of tragedy, the message of the greek tragedians and the utmost expression of tragedy in Christianity. This in itself was evoked in his own life and final years.

>> No.18071135

Nietsche is a hedonist and capitalist in terms of values, not in terms of fixing a value [ie hedonism disguised as scientific realism under humanism].

Nietsche only want a value war and doesnt give a shit about the content of the values at the top of the hierarchies. Nietsche just want the entertainment and the fighting. THat's his ersponse to nihilism. Ho god is dead? well jsut make values and fight for them...

woah insightful. You see how atheists value such a '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''deep''''''''''''''''
thinker and why Nietsche is trendy in liberalism.

Dont forget that in appearance 99% of atheists are Marxists. But nowadays with the commodification of ideologies, Marxists delude themselves they can be religious. The left is just a mashup of perennialists, humanists, antifascists, anti-capitalists, , vishnu buddha worshipers.

Plus of course atheism is itself a religion leading to destruction and anti-tolerance, as their various 100-million deadly atheist revolutions and their two fucking world wars prove.
This is why today you have women and subhumans who claim to be liberals, buddhists and antifascist all together while saying they are killing non-atheists for them own good lol.

This means that any form atheism [communism, fascism, classical liberalism, new liberalism, neoliberalism, anarchism] are not about the content but jsut the amusing comparison of '''models'' [they love using the word model to pass as scientists and not delude religious people]

So again , The Nietsche fans have destroyed the old values of the white supremacists, and now they impose their own. Leftists are the overman.

You have to understand that Nietzsche being a nihilist, he just wants a way to fill up his day and he hates morality. So he can only push for meaningless activities, and for him it is Value Wars. Those subhumans don't need to take a side. They just watch the war on values like they watch a movie. It does not matter to those bugmen that all they do is fruitless and they are even okay with knowing it, like his atheist audience says

All that Nietzsche and his bugmen followers advocate is just a worldwide delusion that entertainment matters because nihilism is true. What fills up this entertainment is not relevant to them.

basically Nietzsche is a capitalist about values. He wants a free market of values, just like women larp as socialists, for a fake sense of morality, and yet want to be the apex predator on the sex market.

>> No.18071157

then why did he say there is no god and no truth hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.18071163

That's not what nihilism means.

>> No.18071173

Denying reality kinda seems nihilistic to me buddy

>> No.18071174

God has not yet died, and he seems overeager to kill him entirely; that seems like the height of nihilism to me. Emptying out the past and influencing the leftovers- an exploitation

>> No.18071177

Christians have been so murderous, destructive, and have raped so many children to the point where if "objective morality" does exist its not in my interests

>> No.18071178

>Denying reality kinda seems nihilistic to me buddy
Then you do not know what nihilism means.
>God has not yet died, and he seems overeager to kill him entirely; that seems like the height of nihilism to me. Emptying out the past and influencing the leftovers- an exploitation
see: >>18071012

>> No.18071185

-there is no god
-there is no truth
-there is only interpretation

Your pea sized brain on atheism shows you can't even understand your fellow atheist idols lol. Stick to youtube videos.

>> No.18071190

What does it mean

>> No.18071191

You don't have to have any ethical positions if you're a nihilist, retard. Nihilism doesn't embrace aristotelian reasoning, so, why would it care about being "consistent" or even "ethical.", dumbass

>> No.18071194

>-there is no god
>there is no truth
>-there is only interpretation
N was a proto-post-structuralist in some ways - not a nihilist. Go back, read Nieztsche and then try again.

>> No.18071200

But have they done this in accordance with Christianity? Or in accordance with the politics, greed, and hatred of men?

>> No.18071203

Yeah, to reject truth does not seem the path of someone caring for consistency

>> No.18071210

When you see Christians become so infantile that there people that exist that won't validate their miserable, worthless, existence with group think you know N had a point. Literal slave morality.

>> No.18071215

This has been literally the history of the world and pagan religions. Read books.

>> No.18071221

If Christianity can't rid the world of these problems, the problems it meant to solve, what the fucking good is it - you dumbass. You've make the argument for us - it doesn't solve the problems we face, so, what fucking good is it?

>> No.18071227

I have a dream that one day no anglo and no amerifat will say a word about continental philosophy. I have a dream!

>> No.18071230

>after your death your whole existence was pointless
Is a song not worth listening to just because it ends? Additionally, if the eternal recurrence is true, then death is not the end, but rather the start of another cycle of the same.

He said "God is dead and we have killed him," not "there is no God." God, as in universal purpose, eternal being, unity, and truth, lost its footing in European society on account of the Enlightenment era. This doesn't mean that there is no individual purpose, individual being, self-made unity or personal truth, all of which become the focal point of our lives after the death of God.

>> No.18071237

It literally exposes the problem and shows the way. It can’t force people like you to follow it.

>> No.18071258

Christianity became infantile? Do you judge a person because of what he becomes, or what he ought to be? You would not be attacking Christianity qua Christianity, then, but rather Christianity as subverted and misused by the world.

>that there people that exist that won't validate their miserable, worthless, existence with group think
Inarticulate rage. Be more clear

Christianity can't get rid of these problems because it is not being practiced. Instead of properly applying it, we hop, like weak and ungrateful pussies, to the next thing we think will save us. But it's too late; the failure of Christianity is a result of the human condition- what makes you think Nietzscheism (or something influenced by this) will be properly applied and will not also be butchered to Hell?

>> No.18071261

This just makes the argument against religion stronger, not weaker, did you mean to post this?

>> No.18071270

It clearly does not because so many Christians have done those acts.
>Christianity can't get rid of these problems because it is not being practiced.
If Christianity can't be practiced consistently - what good is it?

>> No.18071276

It is an argument against human weakness- your god- not religion.

>> No.18071280

But, retard, my argument was when PEOPLE DO FOLLOW IT, when they do become Christians, they rape, murder, kill, and commit heinous acts. So, what is the point again?

>> No.18071281

>You would not be attacking Christianity qua Christianity, then, but rather Christianity as subverted and misused by the world.
Plants only come from seeds.

>> No.18071285

The fact is that if there were no religions, no numinous consciousness, there would be no reduction and epoché, no emergence out of natural attitude, out of pehnomenological flux and that means out of the pre-unity/integration/community chaotic spread of reciprocal violence.

>> No.18071288

God is too weak to control human beings, so, why should he have dominion over him? He can create heaven, and earth, yet he can't control humans? You guys just make the fucking case for us the more you talk.

>> No.18071298

You think to be a christian is to profess yourself as one? You can even study theology deeply, it does not make you a christian, it does not revert your will, it does not warrant self-conversion. Jesus Christ Himself proclaimed it. Read the Gospels.

>> No.18071299

>If Christianity can't be practiced consistently - what good is it?
If Christianity cannot be practiced consistently, this does not mean any other idea can be consistently practiced.

Imagine this: if you try studying for your test by reading, and you are too lazy to read, what fucking good will watching videos instead be? The same laziness exists. The same laziness will bring you down because you're further enabling it (by choosing an easier method instead of strengthening yourself; of course, there is also an element of the nobility and clergy being infiltrated, mass propaganda, "acts of nature" such as plagues and barbarian migrations, occult brotherhoods, etcetera)

>It clearly does not because so many Christians have done those acts.
Not only did you not address his point, your point was actually obliterated by the previous post. It is a part of human nature; furthermore, you have not even begun to attack Christianity's beliefs, just possible misapplications of Christianity. A murderer will always be a murderer, Christian or not

>> No.18071302

Violence, all the "immoral things" you've complained about are literally done by Christians every fucking day. There already exists wide spread with suffering with religion. So, why would nihilism be any worse? We already have the problems you complain about it with religion being dominate over atheism.

>> No.18071310

No True Scottsmen is not an argument. See, you'll always make this claim. Doesn't matter what Christians do, they all the acts you say atheists will do, but you see they aren't the "real Christians" - only perfect Christians can exist dood. Its a circular argument.

>> No.18071318

It can and it has been with many christians as well. But of course there will only be cherrypicking of bad people who claim themselves christians, who are superficially part of the community. These for you are saints.

>> No.18071327

>when they do become Christians, they rape, murder, kill, and commit heinous acts
The point, my slow-minded friend, is that they would have done the same even before converting. And of course, the (equally culpable and fallen) popes/priests calling them to violence suffer from the same condition.

>God is too weak to control human beings
I will stop responding, you are obviously new to this argument; He allows all of these things to happen, interfering only here and there. If you read Revelation, the fall of Christianity is not against the Bible.

>He can't control humans?
Can you fly? Did you create yourself? Can you make your arguments any more intelligent?

>You guys just make the fucking case for us the more you talk
People who actually follow these debates and (decades old) arguments will just find you pathetic.

>> No.18071344

No, see, I'm cherrypicking but you're not when you say there are "good Christians", and ignore all the horrific shit Christians have done to people. But, you still don't know why nihilism has arisen.

>> No.18071366

All christians are sinners. The difference is the acknowledgement of what Christ is. There are bad christians who the Lord Himself said are not christians (read the hecking book you even are implying to have read in this discussion about Christianity and clearly you haven’t) and there are “good” atheists. This is the dumbest discussion for anyone knowing what the Spirit of Christianity is, what God and His Son are (this is the metaphysical foundation of Christianity expressed in the Trinity, but you have no idea about any of this lol).

>> No.18071387

Of course you don't want to argument anymore. I've refuted you easily. Your first argument, which is non-sense, falls into a "no true scotsman fallacy" where you ignore the bad acts of Christians by saying "THAT WASN'T REAL CHRISTIANITY, ONLY TRUE CHRISTIANS DO THIS!" which is kinda fucking stupid considering there are so many different Christian domininations, and Christians have constantly killed each other over different interpretations of the bible.
Your second argument - is also fucking ludicrous. You just ignore the initial point - an all powerful god can create the universe, the solar system, the Earth, storms, yet he can't control human behavior? He'll just let all these horrific things happen like people losing their mothers to cancer, or people being killed for no reason but being in the wrong place but at the wrong time? How fucking stupid do you think people are - nihilism didn't rise because people wanted to edgy, they saw rats like you who constantly make excuses and defend your fucking degenerate behavior in the name of god

>> No.18071391

All religions are fundamentally against violence through controled violence. Christianity is also against controlled violence, and this is why this is above religions, and truly spiritual. You have no idea of the anthropological implication of Christianity and you come here with the childest of the arguments “b-but there bad people there!”. Yes there have always been bad people everywhere.

>> No.18071402

>i have refuted you easily
This is the level of the people we discuss with in this thread.
There are bad atheists bad pagans bad nihilists bad buddhists bad nietzscheans. I have refuted you easily.

>> No.18071409
File: 19 KB, 480x360, sdfsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no god
>so there is no afterlife
>just empty void
>this puts the previous life lived into perspective as meaningless
>thats not what nihilism means

>> No.18071412

>All Christians are sinners
Yeah, all Christians are duped into believing in "sin." Yes, but this is also a terrible argument for Christianity. If we're all sinners - what's the point of Christianity? Why would the fuck would god create sinful beings? Why would you defend a good who created the concept of evil in the first place?

>> No.18071426

I don't like how Nietzsche subverted Zarathustra's message in Thus Spake Zarathustra. It's a trashy book, and I think he cursed himself. Christianity is a stupid tradition with absolute no merit, but don't pull Zoroastrianism into your angsty rebellion.

>> No.18071434

>Why would you defend a good who created the concept of evil in the first place
Because you don't have any other options. It doesnt matter what we think of the creator because he owns everything and we don't belong to ourselves

>> No.18071444

No. It isn't.

>> No.18071447

>why god allows freedom
See. In the end it all boils down to the same childish whining. You are completely blind and I can only truly pity you. However you must suffer to learn and I won’t give you any answer. Find by yourself, do your own work like we all do.

>> No.18071452

Are all burgers like this? Who the fuck cares about religion or philosophy?

>> No.18071465

I mean yeah you could play as the hardcore post-truth subjectivist but at the end of the day for atheists it seems more like everyone is living an unreasonable life and inside of uncohesive narratives and then the people end up suffering somehow at some point and that should be minimized

>> No.18071466



>> No.18071476
File: 1.11 MB, 3840x2160, 6661505-Max-Stirner-Quote-If-religion-has-set-up-the-proposition-that-we.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't have any other options
But I do - I don't have worship a god who created evil in the first fucking place. I don't have to care about the concept of god in the first place.
>See In the end it all boils down to the same childish whining
You think freedom can not exist without evil? Also, this WEIRD argument too - because there's reason for you complain about nihilism, atheism, or any other religion if god created "FREEDOM." I guess he gave us the FREEDOM to do whatever we please then, fucking retard. God gave me the ability freedom to not believe in objective morality, so, thanks for completely wasting everyone's time with your self refuting argument. Thank GOD for creating the tools I need to NULLIFY his existence, retard.

>> No.18071487

You're not nullifying anything. Nobody can nullify god. You've merely chosen to live in sin and self-owned for all eternity.

>> No.18071504

>It doesnt matter what we think of the creator because he owns everything and we don't belong to ourselves
>yes daddy I have no rights I deserve to be spanked
The overlap between Christians and porn-fucked gay sissy maids is amazing

>> No.18071525

>Nobody can nullify god
Well, you just said he gave us the freedom to sin, and to nullify god is a sin, so, I can do it.
>You merely choose to live in sin
God created sin, so, that's not true. If didn't want me to live in sin, he wouldn't have gave me the FREEDOM to do so, like you said. You can't argue that god created everything, and then argue I have "free choice."

>> No.18071533

I have no ill will towards N. I would consider him to be a pretty significant spark that caused me to think more about myself and the world and he's the first philosopher I've seriously read like so many young teens.
That being said, I think N can be a very manipulative writer and his refusal to show his straightforward philosophical positions is the reason why so many people read him as being either extremely right-wing or extremely leftist. He wants you to be a Nietzschean, so he needs you to read into him the way you want him to be.

>> No.18071536

Don’t even bother dude. See how clear his situation is from that post, how happy and realized he is.

>> No.18071556

>live a highly restrictive life based on the assumption / promise of potential reward after death
>live free of these assumptions and consider / strive to achieve your highest potential

>> No.18071560

This is why Christianity is worthless. You can't save people, and this is a perfect example. You have no control over people unless they buy into your non-sense. So, again, your doctrine is worthless. If I accept it, god gave me the freedom to reject it. And if I don't accept it initially - it would make no difference either way. So, again, its pointless - just like you and this entire fucking thread

>> No.18071568

No matter how hard you're working. Everything you achieve exists within the framework of your non-self-earned genetic potential

>> No.18071581

>you just said
I'm not the one you were talking to up until now.
>he gave us the freedom to sin, and to nullify god is a sin, so, I can do it.
He gave you the freedom to sin but you don't have omnipotence over the world. That's silly megalomania talking. All you've chosen is to shut yourself off from the light of heaven and live in eternal darkness.
>God created sin, so, that's not true
It is true. Just because God gave you the freedom to sin doesn't mean you have to sin. You're paradoxically bouncing between acting like you're above God, and lamenting the fact that you are cursed from the start, which betrays your real spiritual desperation.
>If didn't want me to live in sin, he wouldn't have gave me the FREEDOM to do so, like you said.
Nonsense. He doesn't want you to live in sin but he doesn't want you to be puppet either.

That stirner quote you posted is stupid also. A culture that recognizes no imperfection in anyone can only lead to narcissistic loathing.

>> No.18071582

>Harder daddy, I will always be a sissy bitch!

>> No.18071622

Anyone have the soijak neetches?

>> No.18071673

>He gave you the freedom to sin but you don't have omnipotence over the world.
And neither does god since he clearly can't control human behavior to prevent "sin." If he's not omnipotent - how can he be god? So, what is your point? God can't stop me from doing things because he gave me the freedom, to do, whatever I please. Yet, he can't stop that freedom? What?
>Just because God gave you the freedom to sin doesn't mean you have to sin.
Then its not "freedom" then. So, god did not give me "freedom." How can god give me freedom if I he restricts my behavior? You just keep contradicting yourself. Why should believe a man who says god exists when he says "god gave me freedom to commit sin", but he says I can't sin. Its a self refuting argument. What's the point of God if he can't stop me from doing sin; he allowed it to happen in the first place by giving me this so called "freedom." He allowed evil exist in the first place. He's omnipotent, yet he can't control me?
>A culture that recognizes no imperfection in anyone can only lead to narcissistic loathing.
Why would god allow for narcissitic people to exist? How could you say I have free will, and then say god created everything? Why are you blaming us for what god created?
Stirner's quote is just showing that anyone be a god, usurper god, because you give us the tools to do so. Yet, you stupidly believe we must use our own egoism to serve god, and his causes, and not ours... yet claim god gave us the ability to do so

>> No.18071855

>Why are nihilists so retarded. They are always trying to invent pointless copes
Like Christianity.

>> No.18071882
File: 360 KB, 774x2524, christianity roko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not nullifying anything. Nobody can nullify god. You've merely chosen to live in sin and self-owned for all eternity.
>Listen to me Goy, or you will be Damned!
>Cries out while he Strikes you
>"Kierkegard knew Christianity was Obscene" - Zizek
>Pic related

>> No.18071889

Why do brainlets think he was a nihilist?

>> No.18071899

gee idk,
Nietzsche is:
-an atheist [there is no god]
-a nihilist [there is no truth]
-a postmodernist [all values are relative, so just become the heckin uberman, create yur own values and fight for them & don't forget to coom like my idol dyonisus!! teehee]

yeah no wonder why lefty/pol/ trannies shill him all the fucking time.

>> No.18071915
File: 87 KB, 720x720, FN 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are nihilists so retarded. They are always trying to invent pointless copes
>Projecting to Nietzsche what at the Core christianity has made of people

>> No.18071979

They don't read him or much philosophy in general.

>> No.18071988

I want the midwit Christcucks to leave, and sincerely hope that the /re/ board becomes a reality very soon

>> No.18071990
File: 39 KB, 480x556, Slave Niet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah no wonder why lefty/pol/ trannies shill him all the fucking time.
All Commies are Christians.

>Mitchell’s thesis is both simple and elegant: he contends that the worldview underlying a great deal of today’s progressive activism is a curious admixture of Friedrich Nietzsche’s reduction of all ethics to power and the zealous moralism of America’s Puritan heritage. Despite their seemingly irreconcilable presuppositions, the two paradigms nonetheless make up a distinctly American brew.

>But, as Mitchell correctly points out, few of Nietzsche’s latter-day disciples go this far. Instead, “Nietzsche’s Puritan Warriors” prefer to hover at the level of surface criticism, decrying modern civilization as pervasively oppressive while simultaneously immunizing their own premises from critique.
>The contemporary campus left simply lacks the courage to embrace the full force of Nietzsche’s work; the philosopher who urged his successors to go Beyond Good and Evil would treat today’s students of critical theory as “craven fools who are unwilling to take the final leap and discard the Christian ideals whose foundations they have sought so assiduously to destroy.”

>On the Dionysian reading, Nietzsche situates the true end of humanity—that is, the sacred—in the full flowering of passion and material desire, which was lost when the “priests” seized control of the West.

>Smith explains that the ascetic or “eternal-looking” dimensions of Christianity—avoidance of gluttony, sexual restraint, renunciation of hedonic desire—were profoundly offensive to a pagan society that located the divine in transient matter and sensation.

>Indeed, Nietzsche’s legendary madman, after proclaiming the death of God, asks, “What water is there to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent?”
>And that pre-Christian ideal may be surprisingly attractive to modern minds. One need only consider the themes of much contemporary progressivism—sexual liberation, biological heritage, environmental apocalypticism, idealization of preindustrial society, experience-based epistemology, and so forth—to see that there are numerous points of correspondence with the “this-worldly” religiosity of the classical age.

>From this perspective, the deconstructionist tendencies of “Nietzsche’s Puritan Warriors” become easier to explain: despite their use of Nietzschean methods, they are not übermenschen but, in an ironic twist, reactionaries. Their demand to deconstruct the “systems of oppression” upon which modern civilization rests is the necessary condition for the full expression of a non-transcendent religiosity, one that promises full liberation from oppressive dogma and all transcendent claims. Theirs is not a cowardly reading of Nietzsche, but simply a bastardized one.


>> No.18072007

I'm not convinced that believing that you could end up in eternal hell if you don't put your trust in Jesus Christ and repent is a funny cope for many people

>> No.18072187

>caring about philosophy

>> No.18073544
File: 95 KB, 1310x422, Niet_Fiction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gee idk, bla bla this that he is a nihilist
The Absolute State of Plebs.
>pic related
Nietzsche had to bring back Myth-Making if he was to defeat Nihilism.
And Myths aren't Rational nor Objective
Christians love ignoring the fact that their own tradition is founded on Myth too, the particular Myth that their truth is Truth and everyone elses Traditions, Poetic World Building, Cultural makeup and Spiritual Mythological character...

>Heraclitus and Nietzsche
>Concerning the content of being, both defend a natural philosophy of permanent change that leads to a never-ending process of overcoming and of creation and destruction of forms
>The eternal recurrence is of immense ethical importance, as it is Nietzsche’s theory of salvation, and it can give meaning to people who do not believe in a Christian afterlife but rather in a this-worldly concept of existence.

>Nietzsche’s eternal recurrence and Heraclitus’s great year, understood philosophically, have implications concerning ontology and the philosophy of time. Concerning ontology, the concept can be seen as the form of being, the circle in which all other worldly events occur. Concerning the philosophy of time, the concept implies the circularity of time.

> Nietzsche’s worldview is based on one substance,
>When various will-to-power quanta are unified, will-to- power constellations come into existence. In his notebooks he tried to develop a will-to-power metaphysics. By doing so Nietzsche was the only thinker who further developed Leibniz’s monadol- ogy. However, Nietzsche’s was based upon only one, nonunified substance, as “will can only act upon will.”

>Because one type of substance is all there is, time and space have to be aspects of it and cannot exist separately from it.

>> No.18073570
File: 25 KB, 333x499, Moses 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The distinction between natura naturata and natura naturans comes from Spinoza’s Ethics. If for Spinoza, God and nature are interchangeable, and nature has two aspects, natura naturata (All) and natura naturans (One), then for Spinoza God is All and One. Thus it is easy to see how Hen kai Pan became the watchword of both Spinozism and Hermeticism in the 18th-century, which is the subject of Assmann’s next chapter.

>Cudworth wishes to show that the idea of one supreme God is entirely natural, not the product of idiosyncratic fancy or pious fraud.

>Cudworth distinguishes between “unmade and self-existent gods” — Spinoza called the unmade and self-existent “substance” and identified it with with God/nature — and “native and mortal gods” — i.e., gods which are relative to particular societies and which have the status of higher-ordered created and finite beings. Cudworth claims that no ancient people ever claimed that there is a plurality of “unmade and self-existent” gods. Instead, they believed that there is only one unmade and self-existent god, who creates all beings — including “native and mortal gods"….Cudworth sums up his thesis by claiming that “the generality of Greekish Pagans acknowledged One Universal and All-comprehending Deity, One that was All.”

>The idea that God is “One and All” (Greek Hen kai Pan) is not the same as the Biblical view, which claims that God is one but not identifiable with the all. The cosmos is created by God and sustained by God but also separate from God. The pagan teaching is that in our deepest nature we are one with God. The Biblical teaching is that in our deepest nature we are nullities, sustained in existence only by the will of a separate God.


>> No.18073578

Picrel is kinda interesting. The more I've learned about Christianity the more it alligned with some of my life denying axioms. Determinism and a leftist attitude are fitting more together than I have thought

>> No.18073581

See this >>18071131
Christianity, like the Tragedies, are all counter-mythical.

>> No.18073622
File: 293 KB, 1542x1028, Jan Assmann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Picrel is kinda interesting. The more I've learned about Christianity the more it alligned with some of my life denying axioms. Determinism and a leftist attitude are fitting more together than I have thought
>Pic related

>Christianity, like the Tragedies, are all counter-mythical.
You are going to have to expand on that desu.

>> No.18073690

>the rest of us can seek eudamonia through communi-

>> No.18073760

>quoting yourself

>> No.18073766

This. Post the soijaks

>> No.18073792

>expand on that
You begin with Violence and the Sacred, then you move to Things Hidden and you can finally see the light of Christianity in anthropological analysis in I See Satan Fall

>> No.18073924

You mean the anon in the Pic talking about Fiction?
Wasn't me.

>> No.18073940

This is bullshit but it's still the most rational explanation of NEETzsche I've ever heard.

>> No.18073958

>and instead invites us to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ
> Lord Jesus Christ

>> No.18074042

Behold, a critique 121 years in the making!

>> No.18074056

based ad hominem chad

>> No.18074087


There are no 121 year olds ITT. But to the point, Nietzche thought that inventing one's on copes was super.

>> No.18074096

Reminder that Nietzscheans don't read.

>> No.18074111

>nihilists try to invent pointless copes
>no really, you will go to a place of eternal peace and happiness if you just believe and do what I say

>> No.18074871

How the fuck did this meme that Nietzsche was a nihilist get started? He despised nihilism and makes it very clear in his writings.

>> No.18074922

why do you ask why questions? only complete retards and shills ask why questions with propaganda claims in them.

>> No.18074957

all of that grounded on solid metaphysics

deny metaphysics and all you get is nihilism. you can call yourself anti-nihilist but if you negate the only thing that shows reality to be real, then you are a nihilist. end of story, there is no discussion go read.

>> No.18075390

he said there are no truth

>> No.18075414

You're trying to affirm God when the existence of the anti-God has already nullified him. You're merely living in a lie and shackled yourself to it.

>> No.18075456

He said there are no moral truths

>> No.18075525

he denied metaphysics

>> No.18075535

>Nietzscheans don't read
Most of all, Nietzsche himself. Those who learn best from him don't become devoted to him.

>> No.18075545

There are interpretations, i.e., personal truths. This is contrary to nihilism because it opens up an opportunity for multiplicity and music.

>> No.18075568

Calm down, sperg

>> No.18075596

Oh fuck, you are an idiot.
Even if trolling of course. Double idiot wether or not you’re in a death cult too. Probably don’t even read.

>> No.18075701

Leftypol hates him though, faggot. They think Nietzsche was a fascist. Fucking Nietzsche supported the suppression of the Paris Commune and wrote CONSTANTLY about hating socialists and their fetishization of state power and violence.

>> No.18075799

True. Lefties are usually not real postmodernists

>> No.18075844

this is sentimentalism and has no basis on reality, you can whine all you want.

>> No.18075880

Merely your interpretation.

>> No.18076194

so there is no axiological distinction and your own interpretative subjectivism is null, bravo.

>> No.18076265

You're taking it to be more complicated than it really is. What any of us call "reality" is always going to be just our idea of it, and by recognizing this we have an opportunity to discover and fulfill our own destinies. When everything is ordered under a single idea of reality, under God, then everything becomes mere imitation of that God, which is the real nihilism.

>> No.18076403

>imitation of ungrounded ground of reality, infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, superbenevolent being
>real nihilism

you people are absolutely insane but the problem is that you still presuppose an objective value in your own interpretation in detriment to say a theistic, philosophical ''interpretation'' or really any other that is misconceivedly categorized as nihilist.

>> No.18076436

>you people
I don't know what "people" you think you're talking to. I represent myself only.

>you still presuppose an objective value in your own interpretation in detriment to say a theistic, philosophical ''interpretation'' or really any other that is misconceivedly categorized as nihilist.
Dude, I'm not a liberal. Liberals do that shit. They pretend to denigrate themselves, and then turn around and assume a universal position, allowing nobody else to speak. I'm not about that and neither is Nietzsche.

My point is simply that everyone has a perspective, therefore, it is up to you to understand yours and fulfill it. That's all Nietzsche's point was too, regarding the overman: everyone else has been imposing their will on the world since the beginning of time, so the overman should do that too.

Christianity, on the other hand, is nihilistic and much closer to what the liberals do. Christians tell you that everyone is equal under God, and then they claim to have special knowledge of this God (i.e., they assume a universal position) and tell you to follow what's in a book written thousands of years ago by an ancient tribe. It's a reversal of everything natural, because it takes everyone away from the one thing their life is about: themselves.

>> No.18076458

You are not the only nietzschean who have uttered these exact point of view of things.

>I'm not a liberal...
That is exactly what you are doing and I have no idea why you brought up this liberal thing here.
You say everyone has a point of view, an interpretation and that this is exactly what constitutes reality. Then there is no nihilism at all. But you insist on objective categorizations of specific ''interpreations'' somehow, and what is cumulative of absurdity in all this is that your own understanding of Christianity is as superficial as possible. Everything very convinient.
I mean, I don't even know why I'm still talking to you, all you present is self-refuting both for the inherent contradictions and tautologies and for your own degree of understanding of those things you posit absolute values.

>> No.18076472

Oh, just adding that the fulcrum for all of your superficiality posed as absolute is obvious what was inherent in Nietzsche's own philosophy: resentment.

>> No.18076507

>Literal slave morality.
A sixteen year old made this post. I fucking hate this board so much.

>> No.18076528

"We have no organ for truth." That is not self-refuting, that is an observation which inevitably leads one to the conclusion that our knowledge is our own, not God's or any universal position's.

I don't honestly get you. You're accusing me of positing an absolute and being nihilistic when I'm the one saying that we each have our own absolute to live by. I reject no absolutes. Only you do this (i.e., only you posit an absolute); and I don't reject that either.

Stop fighting boogeymen and straw men.

>> No.18077266

Every single time, without fail, every time anyone makes a thread about Nietsche, they make it absolutely clear they have never read him or even bothered to read about what he wrote.

>> No.18077363

You found one video of one sermon. congratulations. now go back to your crushing loneliness dionysus.