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18071002 No.18071002 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you will never have adorable children to read these to

feels horrible bros. how do i cope?

>> No.18071024


>> No.18071067

idk have sex, make babies?

>> No.18071068

what would you read to them you frail skulled faggot? never reply to be again you pathetic tripfag

>> No.18071074

I'm scared of girls

>> No.18071105

I'm sorry i was out of line. apologies

>> No.18071124
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Based. Girls are scary and mean desu

>> No.18071489

I dunno man its pretty easy i did it by accident

>> No.18071500

Find a girl, settle down, if you want you can marry

>> No.18071502

oh hi chad. can you fuck off out of my thread?

>> No.18071514

>Find a girl
first step most impossible step

>> No.18071524

I mean if you reaally want to have a kid you can donate your sperm

>> No.18071538

so someone else reads books to them? no good will come of this

>> No.18071540

You can go to any orphanage and read to those kids.

>> No.18071545

Maybe you can, i dunno, talk to women... someone, somewhere will want to fuck you either that or you can move to a 3 world country and find a wife

>> No.18071548

By having children.

>> No.18071554

You can read books for children in need, there are many organizations that do that stuff

>> No.18071571

but they won't love me back
>talk to woman and eventually one will want to fuck me
look chad, you need to realize that not everyone is a chad. like for example now. i, the person you're talking to, am not a chad
you make it sound so easy
see above. they won't love me back

>> No.18071591

Dunno, many of thoe kids are so desperate for affection they will suck your dick just so you notice them. You might condition them to love you, ifyou start early enought.

>> No.18071606

>they will suck your dick just so you notice them
your mind is filthy. i want to love them not abuse them. you may be right though about them being desperate for affection. poor souls. i want to make them happy

>> No.18071609

This. My friend is a pedo and goes to orphanages at least once a month. Those in charge turn a blind eye because he greases their palms

>> No.18071616

that's horrifying. please help those kids

>> No.18071628

desu your attitude stinks, you're so full of self loathing and crippling sexual anxiety, you probably don't have what it takes to raise children in the first place. You'd need to work on these personal issues well before anyone should let you near children. Do you have siblings? Perhaps you can be a good uncle instead. Either that or contribute to humanity in some other useful way, or just re-enter the carbon cycle like a good organism.

>> No.18071644

>you probably don't have what it takes to raise children in the first place
this i dread the most. you're probably right.
>Do you have siblings?
all older than me or now too old to be read to.
>Perhaps you can be a good uncle instead
literally my only hope

>> No.18071662

Well, those kids are emotionally fucked beyond believe. I don't mean that you should get your dick sucke by them, I only wanted to make it clear that some of them will do verything they can if they think you will show them the affection their parents didn't give them.
They are like dogs rescued from selthers. No matter how well you treat your dog he will never love you as much as one which knows how bad the world can treat him. Same goes for kids.

>> No.18071676

I want to adopt a blonde boy and name him Mithras and read the Gathas to him and tell him he is a descendant of the great Sintashta. I also would teach him bird-watching, scuba diving, and programming at a young age.

>> No.18071677

>Same goes for kids.
My heart aches for them. perhaps I could adopt and just completely bypass the whole talk to woman and somehow have sex nonsense. You think they'd let a single man adopt a child?

>> No.18071686

There's great honour and dignity in being a good uncle, anon. There's always hope; you have to foster joy in your life. You gotta stop fixating on girls and just work on yourself for now. The rest will come. It's gonna be okay! You have worth as a rational being and are an end in yourself. There are plenty of ways to be a good member of your species; it's not all about reproduction.

>> No.18071690

I don’t think adoption agencies give children to single men often. It should be obvious why they don’t

>> No.18071699

Thank you for your kind words anon. I appreciate it. I'm sorry I told you to fuck off earlier, i acted rashly

>> No.18071707

>It should be obvious why they don’t
of course they have to be careful but i just want to be there for them and protect them. i would never hurt them

>> No.18071708

I’m having a kid bros, due in November. I read the Jungle book this year, it’s a bit racist lol. I plan to edit my copy before reading it to them in a few years, like in Rikki Tikki Tavi, the mongooses keep talking about how great the white man is, I’ll just say man. Is that basedish?

>> No.18071718

>you make it sound so easy
In the long run it is, just the natural evolution of life. It's not like you autistically say "work for the day: find a woman and impregnate her".

>> No.18071734

are you hoping for a boy or a girl anon? congratulations. i hope you have beautiful wholesome evenings with your child where you read to them and you bond over your shared time together

>> No.18071744

woke culture has its upsides too

>> No.18071760

Look at me, I'm old, but I'm happy

How would you know? Become a father to those without them. It will be a rewarding experience for you both.

>> No.18071768

Nah, because you would only adopt them like post-wall women adopt cats: to have something to rear and care for. You wouldn't love them for their own sake, you would get bored for reading to them quite quickly. And if you can't even get laid, your life is probably o shitty, you don't want to raise a child in your own image.

>> No.18071839

>to have something to rear and care for.
i want them to feel safe and like they belong. it's not just about mem i want my love for my children to be a two way street

>> No.18071880

You just want to be loved and play out your biological clock and delusions about being a father. Just adopt a dog, because you ain't having children and being is more than jut happy go luck fun times. It's a hard sacrifice. Sleepless nights, terror in face of the dangers of this world, fucking shitty behaviour when they mature, you not having any time to read in peace for years and barely any money to spend on nice editions. You would yeet that kid out within 2 months.

>> No.18071912

>It's a hard sacrifice. Sleepless nights, terror in face of the dangers of this world, fucking shitty behaviour when they mature, you not having any time to read in peace for years and barely any money to spend on nice editions
I want the good and the bad because even the supposed bad is good if there's love

>> No.18071927

Just read it as is

>> No.18071977

You're both a faggot and really sweet anon.

I too possess an immense desire to have kids. Oh the rigours of desire!

>> No.18072001

>You're both a faggot and really sweet anon

>> No.18072021

>the supposed bad is good if there's love
You're pathetically desperate and delusional. Please don't influence kids, this world doesn't need more faggots.

>> No.18072032

Sadly you only had elder siblings or you could have somewhat experienced that. Its okay, can be very draining as said. Probably far easier to deal with if their your own fruit though.

>> No.18072035

this poor anon never tasted bittersweetness

>> No.18072036

If they have proper nutrition, go to private school, not allowed to go on Internet or watch cable television until much later, read profound texts, and get taught Shikantaza and importance of daily solitude in nature, they would turn out alright.

>> No.18072078
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Jesus Christ, thank God and all that's holly that you people do not reproduce.

>> No.18072087

What's wrong with what I said?

>> No.18072194


Thanks man! Hoping for a boy, but I’d be happy to have a girl.

Which ever I’m blessed with Just So Stories and then The Jungle Book will be some of the books I want to read them when they’re old enough.

>> No.18072205

>I’d be happy to have a girl.
Disgusting. You are not a man.
Real men want nothing but boys to teach horse-back riding and archery. To worship the fire underneath the starry skies. To lynch niggers while talking about the importance of slaying the forces of darkness. To taking over the throne and ushering a new age of pervasive nobility. You are like a little girl yourself.

>> No.18072211

Not him but it reads quite autistically. Getting children out in nature etc. is great but your shit reads so planned and forced that you would damage the poor child.

>> No.18072215
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>literally living my dream
I'm happy for you anon. you deserve it

>> No.18072218

You are a dumb faggot. People are their conditioning. Freedom is an illusion.

>> No.18072224

wow that's cringe to the most potent degree.

>> No.18072238

You must be, like, what, twenty? You need to figure out what your values are, and also figure out what you want in a wife. You may also consider leaving whatever Western country you live in, because you probably don't enjoy living here anyway.

>> No.18072239

Yeah, but I hope youre a good manly rolemodel or that shit wont stick. As it stands, it reads like your a meek faggot with illusions of grandeur.

>> No.18072242

I was joking about the second part, but there is nothing more cringe than raising a woman. Regardless, it can be done, but you have to be extra protective. 99% of women become whores in the modern age.

>> No.18072247

25 in june. maybe you're right anon

>> No.18072261

You're just trying to cope with your own failure as a father. It is as simple as sitting down, writing a sophisticated plan, and having the MONEY to do it. It requires nothing more.

>> No.18072330

>tfw grandpa tought me horse back riding, to hate jews and their puppets, installed a deep bibliophilia for political and historical literature most of which has long been banned as well as teaching me the importance of reproducing with a worthy man to create a new age of Übermensch
Sure, I'm autistic but women are much easier to influence and have a far higher, 17 times to be precise, chance of giving on your lineage. We're also more radical, once we get behind something.
Men which dismiss female offspring completely forget the subversive power a woman can use to reach her goals, which is far greater compared with the might of a man, exactly because nobody suspects any tactical ideology from such a frail creature.
Meanwhile your male offspring will have a hard time to even deal with society, probably going full Einsiedler at best, creating a genetic dead end.

>> No.18072349

>what is peer pressure
Ask me how I know that you do not have money or children, because than you would know that your autistic ways would only increase your childs desire to conform to society.

>> No.18072439

It is not uncommon for men to marry at 40. There are entire societies where men do not marry until anywhere between 28 and 40.
Your job is to figure out what sort of life you'd like to live and find a woman who is willing to come along for the journey. If you give up, you will undoubtedly fail. If you refuse to give up, and instead take every single opportunity available to you, no matter how difficult or far-fetched, then you will eventually succeed.
You must also consider that the avenues for meeting women that are generally promoted here, i.e. clubs and bars, are unlikely to provide you with what you are looking for. You must figure out where the women you are looking for congregate and go there.
If you have any pretensions of marrying a woman who is a carbon copy of your interests, abandon those now. That is not what will bring you happiness. Having shared activities is important, but those can be created with time, will, and a little effort.
Your wife cannot be everything to you. She cannot provide you with all the forms of intellectual stimulation that you desire. Even if she could, that would not bring you the domestic joy that we typically look for in the marital relation.
Concerning physical appearance, the only thing you need is a basic level of attraction, which often means just one feature that draws you. You do not need to marry a beautiful woman. You do not even need to marry a pretty woman. If she has all the personal qualities you need, and if she genuinely supports you, then you will be utterly satisfied.

>> No.18072446

I am not even a father you retard, just being realistic.

>> No.18072488

Most kids in private school are better than genetic trash in public schools. Also, I will make sure each of his friends are good people, otherwise he is banned from seeing them.
My will should be absolute because I am immensely intelligent, wise, and so forth. I know for sure raising a child is easier than a cat or dog who have more complex nutritional and communication needs. A human child can be raised well if you follow a good plan.
It is not hard to train a woman to become an intellectual for example. Most of you are just cucks and don't know how to be real men like me. I am planning to write a book called "How to Train Your Women". It is much easier than training a noble dog.

>> No.18072520

Baiting or actually inexperienced Nietzsche cuck ?

>> No.18072535

I don't like Nietzsche.
Again, let me explain.
All you need is a well-thought out plan. Most of you would write shit plans compared to me. I can give you a sample of a roughly worked out plan if further interested.
Then you just need money. If you don't have enough money, then you can't raise a good son.

>> No.18072559

you need to stop making virginity your personality trait. once it stops being a part of you you'll have a chance at losing it.
just stop thinking about it. think about books, about your job, about the weather, about politics - anything. by thinking about being a virgin you incrementally become one.

>> No.18072560

You're derailing the thread. Also, you cannot expect to succeed in such an endeavor in our society.

>> No.18072561

So just an autist. I get where youre coming from but its never that easy. If youre a cuck, and project that, you can have a plan and money but as your son Id just think some weakling loser with money raised me. Dont be that.

>> No.18072562

Private school is where degenerates from decadent backgrounds lacking any real life experience accumulate, as well as high class minorities and jews, fucking up his perception of reality even more. And no, you will not be able to pick your kids friends, that's not how it works. The only thing you can influence is the social sphere from which he will pick up his friends, but judging by your goals, you'll be in for a surprise. Your current idea of raising kids will basically make him hate him (and therefore what you tried to teach him) as well as trying to rebell instead of seeing what you want him to see himself.

You truly have no idea how people, let alone children work. Stop spreading you brainlet ideas of child rearing.

>> No.18072577

Why can’t you have children OP? If you’re biologically incapable, you can still adopt, and if you are rather old you can still probably reproduce. If you are having trouble finding a woman but you’re still relatively young then dont sit there loathing, let that be an inspiration for you to go out and find a partner.

Don’t give up hope so early friend.

>> No.18072602

>didn't even ask for my plan
It doesn't matter how people work. Most are trash. What matters is me. I am the greatest, wisest, and magnanimous, especially when compared to your cunts. All of you secretly wish I were your dad, that's really the crux of it. You are weak little bitches who wish you had a strong, wise dad like me to be a mentor in your life. Okay, since I am such a kind person, I will be your dad for 100 dollars an hour if that's really what you want.

>> No.18072615

>You're derailing the thread
I am on topic, dumbass. The reality is most of you wish you were children where a noble man like me would read you high-quality children's literature. It's fine, not all of us are lucky enough to have a great father-figure like myself in life. For a measly sum of 100 dollars per hour, I will let you be my son temporarily.

>> No.18072620

>Finally just gives up the charade of it not being bait
>Isnt even funny

>> No.18072624

Delusional autist. Btw you re speaking with a rich fag which was raised in a private boarding school ans is speaking from experience. It made for the worst deisions in my life and the time I look most fond back is when I was away for two weeks in a poor ass country working on a farm and butchering a big with my hands. That's what made me apperciate nature, tradition and my people.

I always cringe when poor fag think sending their kids to private school will change their epigenetic trash for the better.

>> No.18072636

Depends on the private school, there are many, some with a single focus. Also, tutors might be better ofc. It depends how much money you have.
>butchering a big with my hands.
Poor pig. It would be better to butcher a black "man". Pigs are very noble creatures.

>> No.18072649

Try the fat or ugly ones if you're that hard up.

>> No.18072686

>I'm raising a superiour beeing with private schools
>get's angsty when thinking about where his bacon came from
If you can't even find your balls to secure a meal, you'll be tyrons boipussy at best, weakling. And now stop larping.

>> No.18072724

>>I'm raising a superiour beeing with private schools
Tutors are better. Also, I'm not going to raise a child without 5 million dollars on the side. That's the minimum needed to make him turn out well.
>get's angsty when thinking about where his bacon came from
I'm fine with pescetarianism. Slaughtering any mammal or bird outside of tyrones is unethical imo.

Stop talking back to your intellectual and spiritual superiors, genetic trash. You should know your place when talking to someone like me.

>> No.18072812
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>5 gorillions on a single card
lmao at your life, anon.
>hiding being too much of a bitch to kill animals which can fight back
lmao even harder at your life, anon.

Next time you larp, at least make up some sensibel backstory.

>> No.18072818
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Your whole attitude and approach to the problem seems wrong already. There's no magic button to fix things like this. It takes work. Life is work, both mental and physical. If you're looking for the solution; look in the mirror and you'll find it staring right back at you.

Considering this is /lit/, you might find some literature helpful on your journey. But it's not a fix, it's a tool. Personally, and apt to this thread, I've found Jung quite helpful, but opinions differ.

>> No.18072824

You are an unethical jackass with a defiled mind and have the mentality of Satanic black nobility. You need to be cleansed of your filth. We can fix this. For 100 dollars an hour, I will be your dad over Skype. I expect payment in advance though.

>> No.18072904
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>consuming a natural diet as suit the descendant of the yamnaya is bad, goy!
>money, money, money!
Fucking plebs and their lack of introspection.

>buy a self-help kikel book

>> No.18072918

>Is a /his/ genealogy retard

>> No.18072932


>> No.18072988

What ever you need to tell yourself, to sleep tight.

>> No.18073061

you literally advocated for having sex with children in another thread yesterday

>> No.18073118

Not a bad idea, especially if you just want children. That is, find a fat girl whose parents display superior genes; she'll have them too, hidden under her lack of discipline. Only problem then is keeping her from influencing the children.