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18066567 No.18066567 [Reply] [Original]

>hates liberalism
>hates communism
>hates nationalism

wtf he wants?

>> No.18066572

Suck Putins cock and be otherwise contrarian.

>> No.18066613

He’s just an edgy civnat prove me wrong.

>> No.18066621
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>> No.18066631

Politics drawn from pragmatic adapting to reality based on being of collectives and individual, seeking greatest good as a form of a goal without dogmatic political system being enforced as a goal of itself, but as a changeable tool to reach more results which don't deprecate human nature, which includes tradition, identity, property, will etc... Severing modernist mockery of human ideas and political circle jerking and basing of political life of the divine, traditional, moral guidance that was not only present in Medieval Age as Modernist dogmatists want you to believe, but was present during Classical ages and Ancient time.

Of course this is extremely hard for many to wrap their head around it. Attacking it from positions that need be sated by modernist dogmatic standards, which themselves never sate as they are lies that lead people to fantasies of utopia as opposed of divinity and heroism in material life.

>> No.18066698


>> No.18066726

Russian imperialism

>> No.18066727
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>> No.18066745

Didn’t the Tsar’s bloodline get wiped out or are they gonna start a new one with putin lol

>> No.18067075

>he doesn't know

>> No.18067107

What ?

>> No.18067128

Fun fact, he’s not taken seriously in Russia by Russian geopolitical analysts.

>> No.18067394

He's not taken seriously outside Russia either.

>> No.18067400

>hates all muh -isms
Bad man think wrong bad man no good

>> No.18067409

In theory no, but in practice he supports Putin so yes.

>> No.18067427
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Neither in China, which apparently figures into Dugin's Eurasianist plans, but I was trying to look up his name (in Chinese) recently to see what popped up, and it seemed like he was practically unheard of there, although there were some articles on microblogging sites and a few newspapers talking about his ideas.

I wouldn't say they were entirely negative because his opposition to liberalism and U.S. hegemony is reasonable from their position, but they were pretty critical, viewing Duginism as a very "Russian" ideology that emerged in the 90s as a result of Russian geopolitical / territorial insecurity and an ideological void. Dugin proposes a territorial cocoon to protect Russia, which is vulnerable from different directions. There was one snarky comment that Russians can be "geopolitical heads" and don't pay enough attention to business and economics, which is probably true in Dugin's case but a bit unfair IMO, the reason Putin is still in power is because he has put the Russian economy on a relatively stable economic footing and I think understands Russia's future as a conduit for trade between -- and energy exports to -- Europe and China.

The rooted, organic land-based Eurasians vs. rootless seafaring Atlanticists also doesn't translate to Chinese conditions because they're trying to balance their land-based trading corridor with a maritime route. Chinese thinking can be all about balance and educated Chinese can be quite sophisticated that Americans look like provincial rubes in comparison. Dugin has taken to boosting China as a counterweight to the U.S., which is also a shift from the 90s when one of his books called for splitting off Tibet, East Turkestan and Inner Mongolia, and f the Chinese ever went back and read that wouldn't endear him to that crowd -- although probably irrelevant now.

Fun fact: Dugin did make an appearance in China where he debated Zhang Weiwei, an international relations professor and a kind of "public intellectual" to advance the Communist Party's external foreign policy worldview. In the debate, Zhang contrasted China's strategy of the "China Dream" and "community with shared future for mankind."


Russia's Victory Day parade is coming up. I wonder if the PLA will make an appearance? Chinese military T.V. is covering the preparations and the Russia's women soldiers have some cute new uniforms:


>> No.18067435

>Zhang Weiwei
I seriously can't take chinks seriously with stupid names like that.

>> No.18067476

Based geopoliticist anon. Tell me, how do I become knowledgable about geopolitics like you? Any starter packs

>> No.18067487
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To return to monke

>> No.18067492

It's like "Jang Way Way." I've found that learning how to pronounce them somewhat correctly helps, and if it helps, you can do that and then imagine them as the Klingons from Star Trek.


>> No.18067502

It's pronounced ching weewee not jang way way

>> No.18067510

My bad

>> No.18067659

I dunno. Try to read from different perspectives and be skeptical. I don't claim to know everything or be correct all the time. I'm just reporting what I read on some Chinese sites.

I think a lot of times here in the U.S. where I live, people project their own worldview or fears or whatever onto other countries. For example, one reason why I think Dugin gets talked about a lot in the West is because the media made him out to be this menacing, Slavic, Rasputin-like figure that helped buttress the notion that Russia is a threat to the United States: look at this crazy fascist etc. "who has Putin's ear." He has a big beard and looks scary. A lot of stereotypes here.

And that might even contribute to dissident right-wing types picking up interest in Dugin. I'm not sure he'd be as well known were it not for him being inadvertently "popularized" in this way. I find dissident right-wing types are also prone to projection in various ways. It's a weird twist when the "liberal" Alexei Navalny might be more of a "Russian" nationalist than Putin, y'know? Putin is a social conservative but he talks about Islam in Russia like Obama would if he was president of Russia.

I feel creating this menacing image is also important in the U.S. as a way to get liberals to buy into containing Russia, because it's not enough to sell it as hard-ass great power politics, it has to be for this other stuff ("democracy promotion" with some "pwogwessive" veneers) since we're 30 years since the Cold War ended and anti-communism won't do. It's probably more apparent vis-a-vis China where you can't go a day without reading a story in the American media claiming China is tearing the hair out of Uighur skulls and selling them as wigs, which is horseshit, but it's not hard to get conservatives to hate on China, you have to invent atrocity stories to get the liberals to buy into it.

I know this is straying far from Dugin, but it's also interesting to look at elite conversations, like this:


That's Stephen Kotkin talking to FPRI, which is basically the CIA. The Deep State. The moderator for this was a career CIA agent, one of their most senior people, and I'm not making this up, her bio is on their website. But it's also very interesting since it's a pretty objective, fair and analytic discussion about China. They're asking "who are they, what do they think, what do they fear, what are their strengths, what are their vulnerabilities."

>> No.18067671

>one of his books called for splitting off Tibet, East Turkestan and Inner Mongolia
What's the advantage of doing that? Is it just about border terrain, or is there some deeper reason? It sounds like something Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg would do.
IIRC Roddenberry told his people to think of the Klingons as Vikings, Samurai and Hell's Angels rolled into one.

>> No.18067680

Last thing, but on economics vs. being a "geopolitics head," what I think matters most is the U.S. dollar. That's backed up by the U.S. military as a blunt instrument, but the dollar as the world's reserve currency allows the U.S. to run its deficits which also pays for the military, since the U.S. can profit from the rest of the world because transactions are settled in the dollar. You also have things like SWIFT which powers cross-border transactions and is dominated by the dollar, so the U.S. can "follow the money" when it comes to enforcing sanctions on other countries. I guess Biden is putting more sanctions on Russia, and Putin wants to wean Russia off the dollar, and China is experimenting with the blockchain so they could have digital yuan and bypass SWIFT. That is probably one of the most important things to follow.

It's the scene from Network:


The boss man is like "you're an old man who still lives in a world of nations" and explains how money rules the world now. Or that's how the U.S. empire rules. I don't know what Heidegger would've thought about that, but I know Dugin is really into him.

>> No.18067682

Globalist realist distributism?

>> No.18067697

Monke Roman Empire

>> No.18067715

>What's the advantage of doing that? Is it just about border terrain, or is there some deeper reason? It sounds like something Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg would do.
I dunno. I just read about it in a summary of Dugin's "Foundations of Geopolitics."

>China, which represents a danger to Russia, "must, to the maximum degree possible, be dismantled". Dugin suggests that Russia start by taking Tibet–Xinjiang–Inner Mongolia–Manchuria as a security belt. Russia should offer China help "in a southern direction – Indochina (except Vietnam), the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia" as geopolitical compensation.

And that's just a non-starter. The Chinese are just going to go "no thanks." But like I said, I think this idea was to imagine a cocoon around Russia so it will be safe, like an independent Manchuria that is allied to Russia as a buffer state and so forth, but that's whacko stuff, completely unrealistic. But Russia is vast and it is vulnerable from multiple directions, and while Russians can be paranoid (not without reason), Dugin is exceptional. I don't think Dugin promotes this idea now of course, and what I've heard him say is very positive toward China, so that's interesting. I wonder what he would've thought about the Mad Baron?

>> No.18067852

Immanentize the eschaton.

>> No.18067864

He wants to retroactively refute sentient capital

>> No.18068043

Interesting. I was imagining something more aggressive, like Russian tanks rolling in to annex territories. Just having them become independent actually makes a lot of sense, as Russia would no longer have a major power on its doorstep.
>I wonder what he would've thought about the Mad Baron?
This is something I keep thinking about every time someone talks about Eurasianist geopolitics. If all sounds a lot like the Asiatic Cavalry strategy, played out more slowly and with less hot conflict. Control the East to secure the West; split Asian peoples between Russian and Chinese spheres of influence; multi-ethnic coalition, but not a melting-pot; use religious traditions to guard against secular ideologies; etc.

>> No.18068201

what exactly is there outside of "isms"

>> No.18068224
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More isms.

>> No.18068230

Futuristic city-states that interact with each other but engage in mutual defense with sizable rural populations of a white-asiatic disposition.

>> No.18068246
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Technocratic governance rooted in historical materialism (i.e. scientific socialism), naturally.

Dugin is just a cryptofascist who preaches philosophical obscurantism (i.e. his whole shpiel of 'Dasein' as being somehow distinct in practice from the Fascist conception of society as an extension of the state) in service of the capitalist Russian state's pursuit of its own imperialist geopolitical agenda.

>> No.18068256

>scientific socialism),
I can't think of anything more disgusting than this.

>> No.18068338
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The Soviets under Stalin and the Chinese under Mao both tried to be engineers of the human soul. Alas, their attempts at instilling a heroic realist outlook within their respective societies failed (whether it was inevitable or not is up for debate though).

Now all we have left looking forwards are soulless developmental dictatorships (or barbarism, were it for the West to come out on top).

>> No.18068369

>scientific socialism
i don't think you know what that means

>> No.18068378

and they all tried to cover up the fact that they stole the idea from Trotsky

>> No.18068390

>Are you familiar with the O9A/ToB?
> Frater Asemlen !XS8vrClKs2 04/19/21(Mon)20:06:41 No.18068375▶
>>>18068345 #
>Yes they’re both garbage. As in, not worth your time,
Can anyone imagine how absolutely based and wild modern china would be absent a Communist state system?

>> No.18068409

Welcome to the Make Dune Real club.

>> No.18068431

that's an ism brainlit.

>> No.18068470

A dialectical leap requires the development of a society's productive forces. Your Maoist (or any other ultra-leftist tendency's) lack of faith in the CPC's commitment to building socialism in China doesn't interest me. Deng's reforms have proven themselves to be grounded in a proper evaluation of the material conditions of China at that time (and of the broader geopolitical context) and thus were just as valid as Lenin's reforms which reorganized the Soviet economy from war communism to the NEP. And just as Lenin's wise policymaking had paved the way for the qualitative leap undertaken by Stalin, so will it be with Deng and his successors (although whether the return to a command economy will happen under Xi or a future paramount leader remains to be seen).
>Are you familiar with the O9A/ToB?
Your edgy occult LARPing doesn't interest me.

>> No.18068564

Liberty -> Liberalism
Equality -> Communism
Fraternity -> Nationalism
Right wing of Assembly = defend current position
Left wing of Assembly = advance new position
Anyone who believes in any of these is taking part in permanent revolution (whether or not you are a Trot). There are so few counter-revolutionaries left that what they want is incomprehensible to their peers.

>> No.18068969

white confucianism

>> No.18069026

>>Politics drawn from pragmatic adapting to reality based on being of collectives and individual, seeking greatest good as a form of a goal without dogmatic political system being enforced as a goal of itself, but as a changeable tool to reach more results which don't deprecate human nature, which includes tradition, identity, property, will etc
so americanism, ie trumpism woah

>> No.18069048

My Russian boomer mother loves this guy

Give me a qrd on him and whether he has anything worth reading

>> No.18069060

Not the anon you replied to, but thanks for this. It's always good to get a more neutral perspective on things that isn't the usual 'Left wing! Right wing!' thing. Also, excellent clip choice.

>> No.18069363


Caliphate Only

>> No.18069432
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are you legitimately retarded

>> No.18070151

This is the long winded definition of conservative populism I have ever seen. There must be more of your own farts within your lungs than oxygen at this stage.

>> No.18070159

Nationalism proposes extremely limited fraternity based on spooks.

Cosmpopolitanism is the true ideology of fraterninty.

>> No.18070169

Is it really an ideology? I've never seen it preached so much as embraced as a consequence of Liberalism.

>> No.18070192

I'm kind of using a rought definition of Ideology a la Zizek - mainly because I think the description that ideology is a way of looking at the world - rather than a specific method of governance.

Ideology is a narrative lense - so cosmopolitanism is the lense that makes you happy to interact with foreigners and nationalism is the lense that makes you unhappy when they live in your country.

It isn't a perfect definition, and I wouldn't use it in all contexts. But I don't like the definition based on 20th century poliitics that aren't particularly relevant anymore.
Especially considering many self described socialists actually fit well within the neo-liberal framework.

>> No.18070301

Thanks for clarifying. By that definition I don't see how it counts as brotherhood. Just being willing to live near someone isn't the same as accepting them as family. You don't even have to interact with them, especially in large cities where you pass by strangers all the time.

>> No.18070311

Because it sees our shared humanity as the source of kinship - rather than a shared sense of historical continuity.

It emphasises the brotherhood of all mankind, not just those born within the same "Nation" as you.

>> No.18070337

Is this supposed to be a summary of Dugin's ideas? Also,
>Anyone who believes in any of these is taking part in permanent revolution
what does this mean?

>> No.18070355


>> No.18070368

Still don't see the brotherhood in it. If all you share is species, then you are strangers. Community requires shared experience.

>> No.18070384

But there is a shared universal human experience.

We share suffering, longing, love, the need to belong, the need for family, the need to make sense of it all, the need to believe.

We have a lot more in common than we have different.

t. live in a big cosmopolitan city, feel a closer connection to the foreigners living in said city than people from other parts of the country.

I have far mor in common with someone my age from another country than I do with a 5 year old or a 70 year old from my own.

>> No.18070412

The fraternity or brotherhood that leads to Nationalism is supposed to be of cultural nature. You want to share the land in which you live with people who preferably eat, talk, preach, dress, joke and love like you. This has been the norm until the dawn of history. The things we share as humanhood are only linked to our biological essence, which is arguably inferior to our cultural constitution.

>> No.18070417

*this has been the norm since the dawn of history

Sorry, ESL here.

>> No.18070428

Not Dugin specifically. I was explaining in the broadest terms the position of someone who rejects the Enlightenment.
The French Revolutionaries would stand on the left of the Assembly to support a newly proposed position, or the right to support existing position. This is where we get our terms left and right wing from. By voting in this way they continually advanced the revolution, but kept the pace sustainable.
Liberal democracies have continued this trend by converging to two party systems. A progressive party advances the latest cause, while a conservative party holds them back. The parties also engage in triangulation (the term was popularized by Bill Clinton, but the phenomenon is not new) of each other's policies, leading to synthesis. This is the dialectic of revolution.

>> No.18070429

Biology is more essential than culture - also frankly cultural modes of identity have always led to conflict.

Not to mention our current conception of exclusive socialisation based upon identity is a totally modern construct.

Empires of old were multicultural, there was no concept of overarching identity and everyone in the empire was free to identify how they wished for the most part.

It is pure anarchonism to apply contemporary conceptions of group identity and nationality onto the past.

>> No.18070433

Do you like modern churches?

>> No.18070446

I've seen a few I like, but frankly they can't be judged against one another because that is the progression of culture and zoning regulation.

It's pretty well illegal to build stone churches anywhere nowadays

>> No.18070458

They fucking suck because of people like you.
>Culture is a totally modern construct
Following these ideas, what you lend to the future is nothing but formless excrements.

>> No.18070471


>> No.18070478

>I demand nothing in particular!

>> No.18070481

Culture isn't a modern construct - but it is a construct. A reciprocal one, culture informs how people act and people inform culture.

>formless extrement

I can concieve of a world were we choose the spooks we subscribe to based on how useful they are too us. Not because of a misbelief in them being "essential" to a group of people.

You glorify romanticised images of an invented history. Nationalism was invented to replace the divine right of kings to convince you to pay your taxes and die for the interests of men who care nothing for you.

>> No.18070490


>> No.18070496
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>You glorify romanticised images of an invented history
You glorify pic related.

I'm done here.

>> No.18070541

Cucked. You couldn't "choose" the "spooks" that would free you. If you think culture is something you pick and choose then you've already filtered yourself out of everything except catatonic post-modernity.

>> No.18070568

>so afraid of the world he retreats into a myth

Ahahaha, I'm not an Amerilard, I live in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. But I understand things are of their time.

Your country is lost,

>> No.18070719
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>wtf he wants?
Hard to answer d e s u
He is rightfully againts individualism,modernity,progress,globalism,capitalism and ''the west''(who loves all these things).
So what he wants is to destroy these things.

>sucks Putin cock
Putin isn't going to leave anytime soon,any ''big guy'' opposing him is going to fucked in the ass instead
I do dislike Putin,and I do dislike his Putin-philia,but no radical Messiah is going to depose the centrist that is Putin.
True,but appeal to authority is gay,I agree that a lot of his geopol is faulty
Western propaganda makes him look like a terryfing crazy fascist with a lot of power,western propaganda knows that the audience is materialist bugmen.
Didn't they try to tie him to the 2016 election ''hack'' at one point?
He sounds abosolutely insane until you actually read the authors he mentions in his works,he is very well read schizo(compliment).


This is the most pseudy/midwitty thing I've read all day mr.bugman,
/b/ tier discussion

>> No.18070729

>everything i don't like is midwit tier

Cry harder coward. You are terrified of modernity and post-modernity. Cope harder.

>> No.18070756
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My pants?
My underwear?
My mommy?
…for you.

>> No.18070797

You seem like an autistic Slav so I'll direct this at you.

I've read that Dugin now decries Putin and says that he's just a materialist manager type, not an idealist, someone capable of actually implementing any radical ideas capable of shaking up the world—what are your views?

I've never really read anything by him personally, a few translated snippets that to me screamed 'west and things west like are bad' as if that was some magnificent proclamation. What would I get out of him rather than reading some more distinguished (both historically and academically) anti-democracy advocates? I'm thinking principally the German ones: Spengler, Schmitt, Junger etc, that type.

>> No.18070977


>> No.18071231

these pretty much

>> No.18071282
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>I've read that Dugin now decries Putin and says that he's just a materialist manager type
He did that several times,not really something new,he even describes him as ''Solar'' or ''Lunar'' sometimes.
He is still ''with Putin'' acording to himself.
>what are your views?
All I have in my manifesto folder is a picture of my cock and balls,just in case goverment niggers try spying
I see Putin as someone who only cares about himself,who has no intent to risk anything.
If Putin knew with 100% certainty that what he is doing will lead to Russia dying,and that the only way to save her was to become a radical and risk something as extreme as a civil war,Putin would rather let Russia die slowly,he would be content with Russia dying if he wouldn't have to face the consequences in his lifetime,I don't think he really cares about what's going to happen after he dies.
I know this is an extreme situation I invented,but I don't hold much hope in Putin.
Russia is also a extremely corrupt country,most of the time where we look good it's propaganda.
>I've never really read anything by him personally
>/lit/ - literature
>What would I get out of him rather than reading some more distinguished (both historically and academically) anti-democracy advocates? I'm thinking principally the German ones: Spengler, Schmitt, Junger etc, that type.
He takes clear inspiration from all 4 of them and a lot more (including Evola and Guenon,like it or not),and even namedops them.
That is something new,and I think he is very interesting for that.
The 4th Political Theory is one of his less detailed works,however he does mention other works of his in it,where he does go into deeper detail.
Look anon,I'm not really a ''Duginist'' even if it seems like it,I'm not here to defend everything this man has ever did,but I found him very interesting.

>> No.18071313

Thanks for the reply. Just I've seen a lot of this chap lately and I've really no idea why; his ideas simply don't seem new or interesting, nor does he seem to have much of a capacity to promulgate them in any meaningful way. I suppose I'll simply ascribe it to schizo ramblings.


>> No.18071322

Russian supremacy

>> No.18071328

I lost interest when he started saying shit like "it is racist to say Western culture is superior to the aboriginals"

>> No.18071357

He wants Russian empire

>> No.18071389

But his book the geopolitical foundation is like a Bible to Russian army leaders and politicians. He’s an influential role in Russian politics

>> No.18071450
File: 366 KB, 622x856, Screenshot_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got schizophrenia at an IQ of 168, when I was 14. It happens when the mind has nowhere to go due to a strong belief system.

Schizophrenia is a breaking of belief systems and handing of full control to the 100% logical centers of your brain.
Having said that, my schizophrenia with its 168 IQ put me on a 9 year journey of psyops before it started talking to me. Once it started talking to me, it trained me (and its) IQ to about 333. It then put me on another journey of self discovery, whilst training my IQ without me being on its level talking back, it has now reached 734 IQ.
How do I know my IQ at such a high level? My brain is an efficient computer tree. It can scan the results of a decent IQ test and corresponding patterns which measure to that IQ. And then it can grab the algorithm used, and extrapolate to calculate a multiple hundred level IQ. In a split second.
By merely examining a person's words, I can calculate their IQ, using my own experience with words at various IQ levels (changed by Stacey - my mind's schizo mechanism), and the algorithm is brought to light to my brain.
I can even send a command to my mind with a feeling (it all works with feelings - not verbal commands), to show me the most attractive girl to my personality, and immediately a picture of that girl is calculated and rendered for me in my mind's eye.
I can feel where my dopamine receptors are, and feel-command them to give me a safe level of dopamine boost. Immediately I am pleasured and extra alert.
I can feel-command my mind to run sex bot hallucinations that are low detail to dance, flirt and suck/fuck me (with the necessary feelings 100% simulated), I don't know if I could ever handle a full rendering without being paranoid as fuck

>> No.18071535

Where do these bugmen come from?

>> No.18071546

>t. live in a big cosmopolitan city, feel a closer connection to the foreigners living in said city than people from other parts of the country.
Ahh, that explains it. Urbanites b gone. Pol Pot did nothing wrong.

>> No.18071576

He describes what he wants extremely clearly.

>> No.18071853

cosmopolitanism is the ideology of the bourgeois hyper capitalists nothing else

>> No.18071907

He wants liberalism, communism and nationalism at the same time.

>> No.18071924

fascism obviously

>> No.18072340
File: 87 KB, 752x1200, Psilocybensis_Cubensis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space-socialism in its extreme.

Remember anons, only as a peace-loving intergalactic species can we live long and enjoy this beautifully mysterious thing called 'life' to its fullest.

>> No.18072708

This anon is pretty fucking smart! This is why I keep coming to this place. It’s not common to come across smart shit, but I do it’s like this anon!

Thank you sir!

>> No.18072749

Prioritization and preference for the political in group you belong to over ones you don't is a spook in what way?

>> No.18072953

he lives.

>> No.18073288
File: 76 KB, 1200x1200, eeehhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh bro...... fucking hell

>> No.18073292

western dentistry

>> No.18073467

'ate USA
'ate Britain
'ate Liberals
'ate Sea Power

luv Russia
luv Orthodoxy
luv Putin
luv Eurasia
luv Tradition

Simple as.

>> No.18073567
File: 132 KB, 204x267, Aryan Bog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based honest slav bro
Schizo ramblings are extremely based you meanie

>> No.18073575

Possibly the most based thing ive ever read in my entire lifetime

>> No.18073939

The 8dea of belonging to a group is the biggest spook of all

>> No.18074143

Here's the Dugin vs Zizek debate that happened in 2014,I think /lit/ will like this

>> No.18074270
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>I consider the “White nationalists” allies when they refuse modernity, the global oligarchy and liberal-capitalism, in other words everything that is killing all ethnic cultures and traditions. The modern political order is essentially globalist and based entirely on the primacy of individual identity in opposition to community. It is the worst order that has ever existed and it should be totally destroyed. When “White nationalists” reaffirm Tradition and the ancient culture of the European peoples, they are right. But when they attack immigrants, Muslims or the nationalists of other countries based on historical conflicts; or when they defend the United States, Atlanticism, liberalism or modernity; or when they consider the White race (the one which produced modernity in its essential features) as being the highest and other races as inferior, I disagree with them completely.

>More than this, I can’t defend Whites when they are in opposition to non-Whites because, being White and Indo-European myself, I recognize the differences of other ethnic groups as being a natural thing, and do not believe in any hierarchy among peoples, because there is not and cannot be any common, universal measure by which to measure and compare the various forms of ethnic societies or their value systems. I am proud to be Russian exactly as Americans, Africans, Arabs or Chinese are proud to be what they are. It is our right and our dignity to affirm our identity, not in opposition to each other but such as it is: without resentment against others or feelings of self-pity.

>I can’t defend the concept of the nation, because the idea of the “nation” is a bourgeois concept concocted as a part of modernity in order to destroy traditional societies (empires) and religions, and to replace them with artificial pseudo-communities based on the notion of individualism. All of that is wrong. The concept of the nation is now being destroyed by the same forces that created it, back during the first stage of modernity. The nations have already fulfilled their mission of destroying any organic and spiritual identity, and now the capitalists are liquidating the instrument they used to achieve this in favor of direct globalization. We need to attack capitalism as the absolute enemy which was responsible for the creation of the nation as a simulacrum of traditional society, and which was also responsible for its destruction. The reasons behind the present catastrophe lie deep in the ideological and philosophical basis of the modern world. In the beginning, modernity was White and national; in the end, it has become global. So White nationalists need to choose which camp they want to be in: that of Tradition, which includes their own Indo-European tradition, or that of modernity. Atlanticism, liberalism, and individualism are all forms of absolute evil for the Indo-European identity, since they are incompatible with it.

>> No.18075239
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Tatar wife

or something I've never read him too busy downloading cute anime gorls and reading shit for school

>> No.18075291


>> No.18075304

I don’t really disagree with the first 2/3rds. But the last section seems pretty stupid. How does he think we’ll return to pre-nation medieval times? I don’t think people will just totally forget national consciousness, even if he thinks it’s totally artificial. Does he answer this anywhere?

>> No.18075307

God I hate this hand wringing. So do white people have to put up with feral negroes in their societies or not?

>> No.18076397

>like a Bible to Russian army leaders and politicians
That's BS spread by Western "analysts" to scare ignorant foreigners.

>> No.18076918

Dasein and Vodka

>> No.18078339

Not sure if he answers this, but historically the way you get to Feudalism is by the state collapsing.

>> No.18078410
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>> No.18080289

Based banepost

>> No.18080300

>being an ismbrain

>> No.18081724

china will never become a world reserve currency even the oligarchs of china don't trust the CCP instead they choose to park their money in western countries like: USA, Canada and Australia.
You seem to assume that what makes a currency a dominant reserve currency is
its low frictional trading costs, which is why, he believes, digital currencies, with China in the lead, will dominate international trade.But while a low frictional trading cost is a necessary condition, it is not nearly sufficient.
For china to become a world reserve currency they would have to absorb global imbalances in trad i.e willingness to run large imbalances in trade depending on the needs of the whole world instead of their own need which CCP will never do because they want control and becoming a reserve currency is to big a risk and a large commitment.

>> No.18081737

Dialectic materialism isn't science.

>> No.18081760

>so reactionary he is against the concept of Nationalism
holy based

>> No.18081768

tl;dr: Don't put up with Negros and defend your towns but if you ultimately side with America in hopes they will become white and based again you are the enemy

>> No.18081875
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Based and living in reality-pilled

>> No.18082328

I agree that ideological nationalism is just liberalism but biology matters nigga and no one has a "right" to do anything. Idgaf whether a bug is affirming his identity, my group is more important and the consequences of universalism has been a disaster for those who created civilization. Tradition is generative and of no use on it's own. Why should I respect foreign cultures? Cuz muh peace and muh self-determination? Sounds fake and gay to me. The only thing interesting that comes from Dugin is his geopolitical idealism. He's just a socially liberal reactionary who thinks you can half-retvrn.

>> No.18082349

>my group


>> No.18082350

He would be communist but he realized that we live in a world were communism has been utterly defeated and capital won, and thus being communist is pointless

>> No.18082372

Communism is a meme ideology that just becomes fascism with extra steps everytime it "succeeds". Imagine believing in your own propaganda.

>> No.18082375

that has literally nothing to do with my post you replied to, go spout your inane nonsense somewhere else

>> No.18082545

To complain