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18067225 No.18067225 [Reply] [Original]

>Mother Nature oppresses women because childbirth is icky and painful; this is why we need to outsource reproduction to artificial wombs
>black men fancy white women because they have an Oedipal Complex from living in a white supremacist society and perceive white women as their mothers
>children need to be "sexually liberated" from the oppressive patriarchal nuclear family
>end parent-child bonding and child-rearing; instead place children in adult groups to get rid of the Oedipus/Electra Complex
>end incest taboo by destroying the concept of family
>end genital distinction
Firestone's vision of an utopian society is basically a technologically advanced version of Pol Pot's Cambodia, but with feminism and pedophilia.
This shit should be an assigned read to every normie who thinks: "well, feminism was originally good, it's just that the Third Wave went too far".
No, feminism has always been abominable. And why does janny keep pruning my Firestone threads?

>> No.18067237

Childbirth isn't supposed to be painful at all.

>> No.18067250

>end parent-child bonding and child-rearing; instead place children in adult groups to get rid of the Oedipus/Electra Complex
>end incest taboo by destroying the concept of family
>end genital distinction

>> No.18067255

Oh hey I remember the name Firestone. I added her to my subreddit r/jewishcontributions (banned).

>> No.18067257

I watched a video of an African woman plopping out a baby while standing up once. I think giving birth in a sterile hospital full of strangely dressed people might be psychologically terrifying.

>> No.18067261

That's unironically where I first heard of her. I don't go on reddit much anymore, every decent sub has been banned

>> No.18067266


>> No.18067271
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>hates families
>calls childbirth "barbaric"
>thinks every woman should automatically be on birth control pills
>thinks the parent-child relationship is sexual
>mentally ill

>> No.18067289

Definitely. Birth is mostly a mental thing. If you're in a very relaxed mental state, the chemicals in your brain tell your body to push out the baby really fast. No painful contractions. Being in a hospital and always hearing about how birth is painful and being scared of it MAKES it painful.

>> No.18067301

>In 1998 she published Airless Spaces, a collection of fictional short stories based on her experiences being hospitalized for schizophrenia. Inspired by personal experience, this work highlights the lives and struggles of different characters in New York City battling with mental illness and poverty. Each narrative in the book addresses the difficulties of mental disorder, as well as the feelings of "shame, humiliation, fear, loneliness, and anxiety" that accompany it.
Sexual freak who hates humanity is mentally ill. Name a better combo.

>> No.18067323

She was a living stereotype of a feminist - nerdy Jewish schizo art student with daddy issues (and a strict rabbi father). Even had the "problem glasses".

>> No.18067343
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>No, feminism has always been abominable.
If the regular people knew what de Beauvoir and Sartre were into, they would have lynched them in the night.

>> No.18067356

>place children in adult groups to get rid of the Oedipus/Electra Complex
Per Lacan the Oedipus complex is a result of language itself and will occur regardless of the child's material surroundings

>> No.18067364

Have seen/given birth anon? What's the best way to do it?

>> No.18067373

Beauvoir also groomed her female students for Sartre and molested some of them herself. She also publicly bragged about her abortions. Bitches be crazy

>> No.18067379

Tbf most of 4chan are probably some level of schizo/autist. The difference is if we saw CP we would report it, whereas these people would want to buy the poster a drink.

>> No.18067398

Keep your jaw unclenched. Do big blubbery horse lips to loosen it. Make sure the horse lips are big and vibrate your whole cheeks, not just the lips. Doing this as the baby comes out prevents tearing.
No men around except your husband (it helps women feel calm).
Birth in an upright position, not lying on your back.
Water births seem easiest.
Keep good posture before and throughout pregnancy. Look up Egoscue exercises for this. The position of your pelvis is very important.
Red raspberry leaf tea strengthens your uterus. Drink all throughout pregnancy.
Eat your placenta. It helps your mental health postpartum. Take it in grinded up pill form.

>> No.18067399

Firestone also argues that eliminating the nuclear family will end the perception of children as belonging to a father. Since patriarchy is based on securing that the baby is father's, she claims children should be literal bastards with no conception of being "owned" by the father in such way.

>> No.18067413

>The Dialectic of Sex is a feminist classic. Mary Anne Warren described it in 1980 as "the clearest and boldest presentation thus far of the radical feminist position".[6] In 1998 Arthur Marwick ranked it as one of radical feminism's two key texts, along with Kate Millett's Sexual Politics (1969).[7] Writing in The Cambridge Companion to Marx (1991), Jeff Hearn described Firestone's approach as having lasting significance in reviving interest in sexuality and reproduction as the basis of patriarchy.[8]
You could literally write anything and these academics will praise it.

>> No.18067425

Was it the ghost of Firestone telling people they should be shot if they didn't want to abolish families in that Wigan Pier thread?

>> No.18067444

This is all exceedingly based and it routed in platonism.

except for the fact of were for art father uranus?

>> No.18067463

I'm skeptical of end-all-be-all solutions

>> No.18067465


>> No.18067503

>Aggressiveness was not created by property. It reigned almost without limit in primitive times, when property was still very scanty, and it already shows itself in the nursery almost before property has given up its primal, anal form; it forms the basis of every relation of affection and love among people (with the single exception, perhaps, of the mother's relation to her male child). If we do away with personal rights over material wealth, there still remains prerogative in the field of sexual relationships, which is bound to become the source of the strongest dislike and the most violent hostility among men who in other respects are on an equal footing. If we were to remove this factor, too, by allowing complete freedom of sexual life and thus abolishing the family, the germ-cell of civilization, we cannot, it is true, easily foresee what new paths the development of civilization could take; but one thing we can expect, and that is that this indestructible feature of human nature will follow it there.

>> No.18068154

Definitely gonna give this read sounds intriguing

>> No.18068886

kek this place really has changed a lot

>> No.18069209

Excluding /b/tard originalfags. Should have made that caveat.

>> No.18069236

>patriarchal nuclear family
nuclear family is a nontraditional jew invention from the postwar world designed to break up extended families into less robust atomized ones

>> No.18069284

Who gives a shit about this book? Feminism is a dying ideology and imploded into broader gender ideology that teaches that gender isn’t real and that being a “woman” is an interchangeable identity. This is what most young women in the West now believe, classical feminism failed and collapsed in on itself, we went from wanting rights for woman to not believing there’s such a thing as a natural woman to begin with. If you actually believe feminist views like in this book today, you will be considered a bigot and a transphobe. That is the truth. Women don’t care about femininity anymore and so feminism is quickly becoming obsolete.

>> No.18069328

Maybe in America. Here in Europe people aren't yet on board with John Money gender madness, but feminism is still at large.
It's nevertheless a useless ideology. As Houellebecq said, "feminism is demographically doomed". And it leaves behind a trail of wine bottles, cat food and powerpoints for Schlomo.

>> No.18069368

Give it time. People underestimate the importance of the youth. Most people under the age of 30 almost certainly agree with progressive politics given how widespread they are on social media. By the time the young generations get older and inherit the world, feminism will be fully replaced by gender ideology or at least forced to submit to intersectionality. Traditional feminist critiques like sex-based discrimination will be derailed as bigotry for not being inclusive enough. And yes it won’t matter much anyway considering the demographic fuckery that will take the world by storm in the future

>> No.18069370

It's been known since ancient times that birth is painful. Stop acting like an incel and trying to deduce intellectually the woman experience.

>> No.18069381

Next they're going to claim that gravity is patriarchal and will propose quantum destroying our universe to liberate ourselves.

>> No.18069621
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I've been thinking about this trend in relation to Dugin's take on OOO/Accelerationism/Ateleology. Here's a video where he summarizes it:
What follows is just the beginning of an idea, which I haven't fleshed out yet, but here goes:
Your ontology is not socio-politically neutral. It defines the frame of reference for subjects and therefore for insideness and outsideness. This then defines the terms of any negotiation between subjects. People who never read any philosophy will still act upon the normative metaphysics of their social environment (e.g. Thomist thought influenced the church which in turn influenced the churchgoers who never read Aquinas).
Modernity is a Christian heresy in which the Great Chain of Being is deconstructed from the top down. Each stage of the process is understood by its adherents as the liberation of the next layer down. The process itself is a memetic virus that can operate without any infected individuals being aware of it, or of the future that it is converging on.
The Enlightenment usurps origin point of being by placing reason above intellect in the hierarchy of mental faculties. Secular disciplines are liberated from Theology. People can still be religious, but the universal subject is now treated as one form among many, (beauty, truth, wisdom, etc) rather than the meta-form in which the others exist as potential. Heaven is turned into a Republic, liberated from God.
The industrial revolution, with its emphasis on sciences, brought the next phase. The privileging of material production over all other concerns is an implicit rejection of the ideal, eventually made explicit by Nietzsche's philosophy and Crowley's occultism ("there is no God but man"). Man is now liberated from Essence.
The Man, however, is still the master of woman, so feminism is the next step. The function of the masculine subject must be reduced to a performative set of oppressive behaviors that can be critiqued and even legislated against. Woman is liberated from Man.
Gender ideology is just the next step down the chain. Woman must be deconstructed and, crucially, children are invited to take part with the full backing of the state. Already in some jurisdictions a mother can be punished for trying to stop her child from transitioning. Since this is being treated as a human rights issue, you can guarantee that more will follow suit as they have done on all other human rights agendas. Child is liberated from Woman.
After this the only place to go is to liberate Animal from Human, Vegetable from Animal and finally Mineral from Animal. Pure base matter liberated from life is the endpoint.
Artificial intelligence offers the means to do this, as it can act as an agent independent of any living subject. Thus a new subject emerges from the very destruction of subject. The new subject is a p-zombie, acting without consciousness. The blind idiot god.

Please tell me if I'm on to something or just hyper-paranoid.

>> No.18069635

Just noticed >>18069381 after posting >>18069621
>destroying our universe to liberate ourselves.
This is near enough where I think it's headed.

>> No.18069656
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>female thinkers

>> No.18069811

Dude it's just Jews jewing

>> No.18069867

>After this the only place to go is to liberate Animal from Human, Vegetable from Animal and finally Mineral from Animal. Pure base matter liberated from life is the endpoint.
this is pretty epic. "unto dust you shall return".

>> No.18069894

Nice post.

>> No.18069966

*Mineral from Vegetable
If Jews are responsible, why do they keep drinking their own coolaid? Why do so many Jews willingly degrade themselves with the same agendas?
I appreciate the death analogy. Wouldn't call it epic though, more apocalyptic.

>> No.18070037

Good post, and I don't think you're hyper-paranoid. "Modernity" and its ideological subsets are clearly a revolt against God.

>> No.18070098

Occultists are going against the laws of the universe that the sage and magi Hermes Trimegistus stated.
The are basically trying to implode reality itself

>> No.18070102

Thanks anon. Sometimes I feel like I'm going insane.
>Clearly a revolt against God
Do you have any ideas on what the counter-revolutionary position would be? Perennial Traditionalism? Reactionary politics? Become a monk?

>> No.18070111

>If Jews are responsible, why do they keep drinking their own coolaid? Why do so many Jews willingly degrade themselves with the same agendas?
Also a jewish thing
They literally thing you can pin your sins on a sacrifice, like a goat or jesus christ
Jewish religion is badically a magick initiation

>> No.18070115

That's an interesting connection to make. Why do occultists study Hermeticism then? Are they just trying to pervert it?

>> No.18070119

Do the sacrifices know they are being sacrificed?

>> No.18070127

>If Jews are responsible, why do they keep drinking their own coolaid? Why do so many Jews willingly degrade themselves with the same agendas?
Jews aren't a monolith with a precise master plan. While there certainly are plenty a Jewish schemes and concrete plans of action among the more well-connected, richer Jews, their behavior often follows a termite-like pattern where they subvert your house and then die under the ruins.
Take Firestone for example - a mentally ill, lonely spinster with daddy issues whose intelligence was used on nothing more than rationalization of her hardwired feelings of otherization from the rest of society she felt, as Jews often do.
So the course of action she took is to:
1) validate her misfitness by proclaiming the Western civilization to be evil and oppressive
2) validate her own fear of pregnancy and motherhood by claiming it to be an oppressive relict of nature that should be fixed by technology
3) validate her daddy issues and chaotic family relations by pinning the blame on the family unit itself, advocating incest, pedophilia and Pol Pot-style childrearing communes

>> No.18070170
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Name me one (1) female thinker I should have on my shelf

>> No.18070178

>Firestone's vision of an utopian society is basically a technologically advanced version of Pol Pot's Cambodia, but with feminism and pedophilia


>> No.18070191
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>> No.18070212

I could've fixed her bros...

>> No.18070214
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John 3:3-8
>(3) Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
>(4) Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
>(5) Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
>(6) That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
>(7) Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
>(8) The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

>> No.18070223

Wouldn't this apply to any high-IQ minority then? Otherization + intelligence -> neuroticism + subversion

>> No.18070235
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>> No.18070247

Yes, I've read the Bible. It doesn't tell you what to do when the state comes to take your child for forced gender reassignment. Hence my question about becoming a monk. Is it even worth having children this close to apocalyptic destruction of the world?

>> No.18070248

Well, yes. That's what happening. There's also a slew of blacks, Indians, Muslims, etc. in media and academia who also have a grudge against European culture and civilization.
Jews are the most overrepresented because of several factors; highest average IQ (Ashkenazi), preoccupation with education and white collar jobs, high levels of nepotism and ethnocentrism, etc. Critical Theory in general was started by Jewish academics after WWII, seeking to neutralize European families to ensure another "Boy from Brazil" won't be sired, bred and led into power.

>> No.18070251

What's to fix? She was maximally based already.

>> No.18070257

Who is that?

>> No.18070261

Simone Weil. Personally I don't get the hype

>> No.18070266

How do you account for all the white Europeans who started the Enlightenment then? They were living among their own people, mostly in comfortable conditions by the standard of the time.

>> No.18070272

Thanks anon

>> No.18070275

Ugly jewish night-owl.

>> No.18070300

Those were mostly Freemasons, hardly the typical European.

>> No.18070338

make feminism based again, I want pedo technological utopia, not sjw trigger bullshit

>> No.18070348

Do they know the agenda they are serving? I can see the connections between Freemasonry and Kabbalah, but if I can see it then I'm sure that those who partake in it can see them too. Why would a respected member of the majority group want to join a group that will destroy his people?

>> No.18070363

They were rebelling against Christianity

>> No.18070396

>Why would a respected member of the majority group want to join a group that will destroy his people?
It's a banal answer, but they just didn't know what will happen to European culture in the long run. They just wanted to oppose the Crown and the Church's power (and some were against religion altogether). I doubt they accounted for the possibility that their school of thought would eventually lead to John Money and Ibram X. Kendi.

>> No.18070402

Interesting take. In the west, people don't seem to value their aunts, uncles, and cousins that much. In my culture, (1st degree) cousins and uncles/aunts are extremely important with grandpa as chief. Your uncle could slap the fuck out of your for being faggy and you would develop sexual fantasies about your aunties as well. It's quite comfy, but also hectic at times.

>> No.18070411

>Do they know the agenda they are serving?
The ones at the top do, the underlings probably think they're just "doing good"

>> No.18070418

>gender isn’t real and that being a “woman” is an interchangeable identity
No one says this, not even trannies. Sex is real and so is gender, but gender is (more) malleable (not sure if that word is even apropriate). Sex has a physical basis as the body, while gender has a biological basis in the brain structure.

>> No.18070436

They're inextricably linked and not nearly as malleable as the academics would have you believe, that's just sociological and gender studies gobbledygook

>> No.18070463

if it is not malleable, which is not an unfair position to hold, would you agree that
1) a person born in a male body could have a female brain;
2) a person born in a female body could have a male brain,
and that this incongruence could lead to the dire need to transition the natal body to the brain's sex, i.e. 1) male to female and 2) female to male?

>> No.18070512

I didn't say it's not malleable, I said it's not nearly as malleable as the prevailing ideology would have you believe. I'll explain.
>would you agree that
It's not that black and white. Some men will be more feminine, some women will be more masculine, both through nature and nurture. What the current ideology says is that if you don't completely align with an arbitrary definition of masculinity/femininity (one many traditional societies would disagree with), you're defective and need to embrace your being different or completely transition. That's bonkers.
>this incongruence could lead to the dire need to transition the natal body to the brain's sex
Sure, in some very specific cases I guess that could be a solution. But that would amount to far less than a percent of the current trannies. But in the overwhelming majority of current transitions it stems from some kind of other untreated form of mental illness and deep insecurities, fed by propaganda that it's a good thing to transition (it's really not, it's just a last resort in some incidental cases).

>> No.18070523

This is just pushing the problem back a level. Why rebel against the Crown and Church when you are living well under them and even the poor beggars are living better than they have in over a thousand years?

>> No.18070536

So the ones at the top are just evil outliers? Or is there a rational reason for what they're doing?

>> No.18070565

Because of the good times - weak men trope.

>> No.18070575

>So the ones at the top are just evil outliers?
No, they embody what the movement stands for. It's just like scientology. If you wanted to recruit people for that, you'd have to ease them in by slowly and gradually revealing the "truths" you believe in. Once you're in so deep and still believe, there's no getting out.
>Or is there a rational reason for what they're doing?
Yes, they don't think of themselves as evil, they also think they're doing good to some extent, but they also think regular people are too dumb to know what's good for them (they might have a point there actually) and need to be led in the right direction.

>> No.18070579

>In my culture, (1st degree) cousins and uncles/aunts are extremely important with grandpa as chief.
In my culture, you’re encouraged to see aunts/uncles and grandparents as an extension of your parents, and your cousins are basically your siblings. Very comfy desu, basically a built in social circle of 20+ people.

>> No.18070606

You are wrong. The whole point of LGBT is to make gender and sexuality flexible and malleable to a person’s individuality. Why do you think this pronoun stuff is so popular now? Little kids are literally just making new gender identities for themselves because it’s not seen as ontological or intrinsic anymore. There’s no basis for womanhood in mass culture

>> No.18070747


>> No.18070774
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>> No.18070929
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Pic is one (of the several) pages from the infamous liberation magazine. Headline is "Teaching love to our children" for non-Francophone plebs.

>why yes, my utopia is based on cuckoldry, how did you know?

>> No.18071010
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>> No.18071019

It's a shame only the antisemitic retards are flowing this up. I think there's defiantly something to what you're saying. Where does technology factor into your model? I don't think you can ignore the correlation between your deconstruction of the Chain and technological progression. One begets the other? Double emergence?

>> No.18071037


>> No.18071130


>> No.18071182

Fun fact, the same individuals who fund for trannyism also fund for transhumanism, which is pretty much a form of Luciferianism.

>> No.18071199


>> No.18071217

>Eat your placenta.
>It helps your mental health postpartum.
Wow, that went downhill fast.

>> No.18071255

t. Marie Cachet

>> No.18071272

>If Jews are responsible, why do they keep drinking their own coolaid? Why do so many Jews willingly degrade themselves with the same agendas?

>>The dog which licks the file drinks from his own blood; he does not recognize his hurt on account of the sweet taste; and the solitary who condescends to drink vain glory, sucks from his own life without being aware of his hurt, because of the momentary sweetness.

-- Isaac of Nineveh

>> No.18071388

Thanks anon. I heard the thing about raspberry tea before, but not how it's supposed to work. Any idea what it does to strengthen the womb exactly?

>> No.18071509

Kek. Nature as feminine is one of the few beliefs that were independently developed across the globe.

>> No.18071537
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>Pure base matter liberated from life is the endpoint.

>> No.18071638 [DELETED] 

>>thinks the parent-child relationship is sexual

It's the most sexual relation there us,

>> No.18071661 [DELETED] 

I’m sorry about your upbringing anon

>> No.18071663

>thinks the parent-child relationship is sexual

It's the most sexual relation there is.

>Recall the Freddy Got Fingered scene where Gord throws the bust of Freud through the window before going through it himself. The impregnation metaphor is as obvious as it is innocuous: the bust breaking the glass as sperm penetrating the egg and Gord as the child now gestating in a world made motherly by the father's removal. The birth metaphor on the other hand is as tantalizing as it is monstrous: the bust as the third sexual organ, i.e. the plaster idol of the man vulgarly synonymous with morbid sexuality precedes Gord as the morbidity of sexuality precedes the child. The child effectively being the third sexual organ from the world's perspective: all parenthood is exclusively libidinal and proudly so, mercy and rigor are given to him in true phallic reverence and yonic cruelty, respectively. Parents do not use their children as "proof that they have sex", they use them TO have sex. The libido far surpasses the scope of the genital and of any one other person, and is instead invested in the child by way of feeding, sheltering, clothing, etc. with the whole world as a sexual partner, as it receives the libido-soaked child and as he perceives it, just as bodily sexual tension is invested into the bodily sexual act by way of the genitals. Coincide the previous metaphors, or rather, acknowledge their actual coincidence in the same scene for a tremendous analytic shortcut: reproduction is reproduction of sexuality. The genital is reproduced in full, up the fractal vista. In a Demiurgic mockery, the parent "finishes sex", he fucks the world. This maps exactly onto the abomination of Atonement: the sacrifice of animals and criminals as genital sex and Jesus as the third sexual organ whereby the "Father" fucks the world, the world becoming complicit to his reproduction, the apotheosis, of petty sacrifice. More to the point that the most Gnostic texts are the Canonical Gospels themselves, nowhere does the Victor speak more ominously:

>And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage:
>But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:
>Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.

>> No.18071680

>It's the most sexual relation there is.
I’m sorry about your upbringing anon.

>> No.18071700

More feminist books/writers that would shock/disgust normies and poltards?
and what are the best feminist books/writers?

>> No.18071703

Tumblr posts

>> No.18071727

Seems to me that every feminist complaint centers around the inevitability of womanhood through puberty and the inevitably of pregnancy through sex. They very much want to usurp what they are and become discount men.

>> No.18071732

>More feminist books/writers that would shock/disgust normies and poltards?
Seconding this request. Inonly know of Dworkin and Solanas as far as radical stuff goes

>> No.18071741

Based, I follow you on telegram.

>> No.18071758

I don't get how you can read feminist books and agree with them.
I mean yeah, normies like feminism because they think the vague notion of "equality of the sexes" is good or whatever, but take for example some concrete feminist theory, such as Laura Mulvey's work (the feminist who came up with the "male gaze" notion). It's obviously a thing because of the natural differences between the sexes, not because of any male conspiracy or an outdated model of patriarchy. The whole feminist worldview rests on these few axioms that are very, very shaky and myopic.

>> No.18071770

My dad moved to america from europe, leaving his whole family behind. My american mom ended up divorcing him. I literally didnt have a family.

>> No.18071784

This is the future feminists want:

>> No.18071833

>not because of any male conspiracy
I remember reading some feminist garbage in university saying men rape women and then offer women protection from rape in the same manner a mafia vandalizes a business and then offers the bussiness protection for a fee. It was the most retarded thing I ever encountered.
>The whole feminist worldview rests on these few axioms that are very, very shaky and myopic.
Yeah i remember all the students criticizing the feminist section of Five Faces of Oppression for just this reason. The author was making broad and sweeping claims about how women feel and live. Everyone was asking for justification

>> No.18071865

Technology itself is merely an arrangement of matter, but our relationship to it has a profound effect on the collective ontology that we construct. Before the industrial revolution there was plenty of science, invention and market economics, but these were still not given centrality. No one would, for example, rank nations by something as crude as GDP. Nor would they declare, as Stephen Hawking did, that philosophy is dead as it cannot keep up with science.
All of this really boils down to nominalism. Once most of life is spent considering particular examples of objects, rather than that which they represent, the nominalist worldview becomes much more convincing. Undermining the real and ideal "frees" man from spiritual obligations, but also removes the guiding light of natural law.

>> No.18071875

Uhhh based?

>> No.18071903

Thanks anon, yes I've been looking into this. Martine Rothblatt appears to be the most dangerous to me, because he/she has developed so much lifesaving technology it will be difficult to convince anyone that the same person wants to destroy them.

>> No.18071920

Only if you hate everyone and everything from God Almighty right down to single-celled organisms.

>> No.18071939

What if you love God and base matter but hate everything in between?

>> No.18071953

They wouldn't do the chastity part. All feminist theory is a rebellion against any self control or restraint.

>> No.18072006

This is somewhat deserved, as life is corrupted. Destroying it is rebellion against God, however. Subordinating it to God would be more consistent with the love and hatred of your worldview.

>> No.18072316

Never have I felt the words 'I was born too late' like in this moment

>> No.18072367

Their heads are smaller though

>> No.18072621

What's your source for this info? Sounds like you fell for the maternity ward jew.

>> No.18072731

Feminists aren't really wrong in a way, "society" is actually oppressive towards base female instincts - to join the harem of the most attractive man she can find. However, social oppression of women through patriarchy is fun and beneficial so we should keep doing it.

>> No.18072775

But they *are* wrong because they don't frame it that way. They would never admit that unavailability of Chad is what their famed "oppression" actually amounts to.

>> No.18072789

Shit like this should be banned non-ironically

>> No.18072803


Women are oppressed and that’s a good thing
They should be oppressed even more in fact

>> No.18072864

>It's the most sexual relation there is.
Do Americans really?

>> No.18072884

>Women are oppressed and that’s a good thing
They're not oppressed in the West in any way mufugga.

>> No.18072896

>What's your source for this info?
The Bible itself mentioning how God cursed Eva and the rest of womankind with painful birth, you fucking retard.

>> No.18072903

Does anyone have any more good “new left” books/writers like this? I’m rw but the ideas of these people are somehow still fascinating to me. I’ve already read Marcuse.

>> No.18072905

Idk man, the goat that had the sins of the city laid on it probably didn't realize what was going on

>> No.18072924

Wilhelm Reich is peak lefty Jew schizo. He's actually even more insane than Firestone

>> No.18072944

Great post anon.
To add to it, I would say that this is driven by capitalism which is basically just the sociological firmware of modern technology. Capitalism is the most revolutionary force in all of history since it liberates capital from everything that has ever hitherto constrained it. It deconstructs all preexistence social forms and reconstructs so as to make them more amenable to capital's need for limitless self expansion. All of nature and all of society, all of spiritual and cultural life, becomes subordinate to the logic of the market. Instead of the mysterious generative power of nature being that which brings forth new beings it is post-modern techno capital. The process you've described by which liberation progressively moves down the hierarchy of the great chain of being, liberating the next lowest layer from the present layer, I think it ultimately driven by techno-capital.
I do agree that eventually this process will resolve itself into AI eventually capitalism will completely deconstruct humanity an capital will move beyond capitalism as a means of limitless self expansion. Massive, planet sized super computers as powerful as the sun will eliminate supply and demand and eventually technology will be liberated from capital itself. The end result will be an all consuming machine whose only goal is to completely deconstruct all of nature so as to reincorporate it into itself.
The only limit it will confront and be unable to surmount will be the fundamental laws of nature themselves.

>> No.18072952

This is only one half of the dynamic though. You also need to give the sub-chads a reason to contribute. Otherwise they will just be NEETs or barely working slackers and all the other needs besides sex won't be met. They'll never get their high-tech zero-scarcity society.
Unless of course they're happy to return to monke. If that's the case, they're going the right way about it.

>> No.18072971

based and cunnypilled

>> No.18072979

The human ones.

>> No.18072980

Yes they are just not enough
It’s just that roasties are the biggest spenders so they’re coddled in capitalistic societies so you don’t notice

>> No.18073170

Thanks for the feedback anon.
Capitalism as you describe it cannot exist without the modern state. In stateless society the capital has to flow through human hierarchies. Anarcho-Capitalism would just lead back to Feudalism. The liberation of capital therefore depends on the prevailing human assumptions about the body politic that make Westphalian ideology possible. That is why I place ontology prior to capital.
I agree that techno-capital is currently the driving force of deterritorialization. Every deterritorialization, however, is met with reterritorialization; the bigger the action, the bigger the reaction. When you approach history through this lens, the apocalypse, judgement day and the wrath of God don't sound so fanciful anymore. Not sure if any human life will survive it though.
The planetary computers you foresee sound a lot like the grey goo scenario. A whole planet of nanoprocessors forming a neural network.

>> No.18073224

>You also need to give the sub-chads a reason to contribute.
That's what patriarchy is

>> No.18073409

How are roasties oppressed by anything other than feminism?

>> No.18073429

Society organized to cater to women's base instincts is basically a fuck party (but only for the top 10% of men) + longhouse, except no childbearing occurs because that wouldn't be any fun.

>> No.18073531

To my understanding? They operate under a perversion of Hermeticism. Rather than trying to refind God, they are staking man entire to Nature. That is effectively what transhumanism is.
Atwood, writer of A Suggestive Inquiry Into The Hermetic Mystery. It wont make any sense at all the first couple of times you read it, but there is good information in there.

>> No.18073593

These are all good things. Don't see the problem here.

>> No.18073659

Is that Liberation the same one that is some major newspaper in France today?

How would a society organized to cater to men's base instincts would be like? I have this feeling it would basically be a over-crowded El Salvadorean prison.

>> No.18073667

>Anarcho-Capitalism would just lead back to Feudalism.
This is honestly what I see as being the trajectory that capitalism is taking. The state will wilt away and what will replace it will be interplanetary neo-feudal tech firms. The hierarchy will still be there, but it will be one more amenable to the objectives of techno-capital than the state.

>> No.18073669

>How would a society organized to cater to men's base instincts would be like?
Europe prior to the Sexual Revolution

>> No.18073697

It’s more about horizontal vs vertical birthing. Doctors have women lay down to make it easier for doctors. It allows them to easier see if the baby is coming out correctly and what not. Standing or kneeling while giving birth is physically easier on the woman.

>> No.18073713

Gender is malleable, but there are few ways of capitalizing on your sexual differences for maximum gains possible.
So one either chooses a strategy we call feminity when female or get outbred by those who do choose the optimal gender strategy for their sex.
Like there is only one efficient way to hit a nail, everything else is showing off.

>> No.18073717
File: 18 KB, 573x355, scooter board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should give doctors scooter boards

>> No.18073763

It's a good book. I feel like all online rightists are just people that never grew up from 2014, gamergate and "gamerbro" politics", and that adolescent phase of watching sjws get destroyed videos.

"I do not believe, as many women are now saying, that the reason pregnancy is viewed as not beautiful is due strictly to cultural perversion. The child's first response, "What's wrong with that Fat Lady?"; the husband's guilty waning of sexual desire; the woman's tears in front of the mirror at eight months -- all are gut reactions, not to be dismissed as cultural habits. Pregnancy is the temporary deformation of the body of the individual for the sake of the species.
Moreover, childbirth hurts. And it isn't good for you. Three thousand years ago, women giving birth "naturally" had no need to pretend that pregnancy was a real trip, some mystical orgasm (that far-away look). The Bible said it: pain and travail. The glamour was unnecessary: women had no choice. They didn't dare squawk. But at least they could scream as loudly as they wanted during their labour pains. And after it was over, even during it, they were admired in a limited way for their bravery; their valour was measured by how many children (sons) they could endure bringing into the world.
Today all this has been confused. The cult of natural childbirth itself tells us how far we've come from true oneness with nature. Natural childbirth is only one more part of the reactionary hippie-Rousseauean Return-to-Nature, and just as self-conscious. Perhaps a mystification of childbirth, true faith, makes it easier for the woman involved. Psuedo-yoga exercises, twenty pregnant women breathing deeply on the floor to the conductor's baton, may even help some women develop "proper" attitudes (as in "I didn't scream once"). The squirming husband at the bedside, like the empathy pains of certain tribesmen ("Just look what I go through with you, dear"), may make a woman feel less alone during her ordeal. But the fact remains: childbirth is at best necessary and tolerable. It is not fun."

>> No.18073834

I'm not the anon you're replying to, but I feel like we're on the same page. I used to fantasize a lot about being a monk. When I was in high school, a Buddhist bhikkhu. In college I became a Christian, so the fantasy moved accordingly.
I don't think that escapism is the radical counter-revolution that is needed. I understand the desire, but I think that its satisfaction would be far too convenient for the enemy. Marry. Rear children. Do what the enemy despises. I think that eventually communes will arise of people who (perhaps instinctually, in the manner of the modern American conservative) are frightened of the machinations of modernity.
Destroy in your being the influence of the enemy. Die, and be born anew. Turn away from the conveniences of modernity, and, if you wish, believe the good news - that the utter subject, the essence, has become man, was killed by modernity, but survived death itself. Live boldly, because though we are clearly reaching the end of history - the enemy will fail. God will save us, if we but turn towards him and submit.
The enemy calls his liberation our liberation, and has fooled the masses in this trickery. Deliberate yourself. Burden yourself with the easy yoke shared by the Christ.
Lord have mercy on you, anon. You're not going crazy. I pray for you the peace of Christ. Please pray for me.

>> No.18073961

>I feel like all online rightists are just people that never grew up from 2014, gamergate and "gamerbro" politics", and that adolescent phase of watching sjws get destroyed videos.
"If you don't like a psycho kike bitch's schizo pedo ramblings you're a rightist!!"
Compelling, now face the wall.

>> No.18073972

and presumably faceguards

>> No.18074001

>The child's first response, "What's wrong with that Fat Lady?";
>the husband's guilty waning of sexual desire;
>the woman's tears in front of the mirror at eight months
Literally none of that happens to people that aren't batshit insane. The authoress of this tripe is also batshit insane.

>> No.18074003

>But that would amount to far less than a percent of the current trannies
I really don’t think it would. Trannies are ~0.3% of the population. They are also more likely to have hormone problems, mutations on androgen receptors, left handedness, etc. There is really no reason to believe that it is propaganda causing all this. The vast majority of people hold some contempt or disgust for trans people in the first place, even “allies”.

>> No.18074025

>There is really no reason to believe that it is propaganda causing all this.
Rrad The Transgender Industrial Complex by Scott Howard

>> No.18074032

>Trannies are ~0.3% of the population.
Wait 10 years in the current climate and find out.

>> No.18074038

>>children need to be "sexually liberated" from the oppressive patriarchal nuclear family
>>end parent-child bonding and child-rearing; instead place children in adult groups to get rid of the Oedipus/Electra Complex
>>end incest taboo by destroying the concept of family
>>end genital distinction
so she wants BNW basically

>> No.18074045

also the articial womb bit

>> No.18074049

She was just sexually frustrated and insecure in her ability as a potential mother.
If a male wrote something like this he'd rightfully be identified as a troubled beta virgin.

>> No.18074083
File: 874 KB, 640x800, 1618568787136.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shulamith Firestone was a sexually frustrated beta female.
Deep down she just wanted to be like the girl in the webm - a big-boobed, fertile-hipped, juicy-assed cute white woman with unlimited sexual monopoly and power over men.

>> No.18074089

We’ll see but lol, normies don’t encourage that shit a tenth as much as this website would like to believe.

>> No.18074109

I know several normies who support that shit and I live in fucking Eastern Europe. It really can't be overstated how pliable people are to ruling narratives. With enough social pressure, the average person will cave in and start believing that pigs can fly.

>> No.18074180

One look at that gif destroys feminism forever.
If you think that girl has ever been oppressed you deserve to have your money eaten up by OnlyFans donations to chicks like her.

>> No.18074216

Read Manly P. Hall.
They're pushing trannyism because they believe that the first humans were hermaphrodites. In some sources this means Adam and Eve. So yeah, this is just Luciferianism

>> No.18074404

This is what happens when you let a femcel be taken seriously

>> No.18074414

Male philosophers are also frustrated incels

>> No.18074432

When we try to train AI to differentiate brain structure, it can't do it.
There is no real difference in the brain structure that would validate the idea of being "born with the wrong brain in the wrong body".
Whatever causes gender dysphoria is not that.

>> No.18074485

It's just autists and sexual perverts.

>> No.18074533

I don't care at all about feminism because I am going to genetically engineer women to fit in my image and they can't do anything to stop me.

>> No.18074591
File: 49 KB, 590x469, 4dmj3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a 6'5 ripped muscular sixpacked bigdicked bigballed hairychested gigachad whose sharp body odor makes every nearby female instantly ovulate.
I guarantee I'd stop giving a shit about intellectual matters (unless I get buddhapilled).
No. With the way the things are going, the EROI of our energy grid will start yielding diminishing returns and then it'll be global brazilification time.

>> No.18074611

Why would you want to be physically inferior?

>> No.18074644

To bully you

>> No.18074715

Guns render large energy inefficient men obsolete.

>> No.18074790

go home YHWH you're drunk

>> No.18075408

Thanks anon, that helps. I tried to read a translation of the Hermetically years ago. Will have to finish it now.

>> No.18075832

Prior to Enlightenment. By the sexual revolution it was already getting bad.

>> No.18076676

I can get a gun too you know

>> No.18076697


>> No.18076726


>> No.18076989

>Rather than trying to refind God, they are staking man entire to Nature. That is effectively what transhumanism is.
What redpilled me on this was actually Vigilant Citizen.
Garbage boomer site, but his articles on Hollywood transhumanist propaganda are great.

>> No.18077143

Well, Nordic Europe has always been nuclear family -esque since forever. While they had never gone quite so far, scandis, Germans, and other northwestern Europeans have always had weaker extended family structures than other species. Modernity just kind of allowed it to fully manifest in the total destruction of the extended family. Nuclear families are much easier to destroy than extended ones. One divorce and it’s all gone.

>> No.18077161

>Modernity just kind of allowed it to fully manifest in the total destruction of the extended family. Nuclear families are much easier to destroy than extended ones. One divorce and it’s all gone.
Yeah. OP here, I should've specified that although Firestone especially hates the patriarchal nuclear family, she's against biological family units in general, as she sees them as inevitably patriarchal.

>> No.18077391

We need to promote mandatory looksmaxxing to combat the spread of feminism and inceldom

>> No.18077454

the pain of childbirth is a key factor in the formation of a bond between mother and child. dysfunctional relationships between mother and infant are a result of the painkillers used in the hospitals.
also this bitch should've been beheaded

>> No.18077970

John Money

>> No.18078508

>Is that Liberation the same one that is some major newspaper in France today?
It was one of the biggest media operation in France from 1945 to mid 1980s. Today it is memetic and is only kept afloat by public subventions. Their actual readership must be around a hundred thousands. The pedo stuff is from the golden age of that publication, when all your leftoid "intellectuals" would occasionally write for it.

>> No.18078646

Post tits

>> No.18078670

And then you're just an energy inefficient larger target

>> No.18078673

Ok manlet

>> No.18078885

Incredible manlet cope

>> No.18078977


>> No.18079495

>also this bitch should've been beheaded
She just needed a good dicking. Women literally go insane when they can't access Chad.

>> No.18079527

There will unironically only be small men and amazon women in the future.

>> No.18079548

I had similar thoughts but couldn't express them in a lucid manner. Good post but take your meds nonetheless

>> No.18079550
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Based future. I want to be a tiny man climbing a big woman like in Ryunosuke Akutagawa's story "A Woman's Body"

>> No.18079575

This, she sounds like a female version of Eliot Rodger

>> No.18079598

>I think giving birth in a sterile hospital full of strangely dressed people might be psychologically terrifying.
It definitely adds more stress, which is why many White Liberals are quietly rediscovering the profession of midwife and having their kids delivered at home with only some modern medical precautions.

>> No.18079607

>After this the only place to go is to liberate Animal from Human, Vegetable from Animal
the liberation of Animal from Human is already taking place and you've missed a stage where Animals (prey) are liberated from other Animals (predators). the idea of imposing a police and turn predatory animals into vegetarians is taken seriously by philosophers and made me leave philosophy out of pure disgust

>> No.18079618

That's the opposite of free flowing capital. Only statist societies have ever been able to achieve capitalism. AnCap leads back to Feudalism which is no longer capitalism, but humans using capital for human ends.

>> No.18079641

>the idea of imposing a police and turn predatory animals into vegetarians is taken seriously by philosophers and made me leave philosophy out of pure disgust
Sounds similar to David Pierce from HedWeb, who wants to genetically reprogram every living organism on Earth to quit being carnivorous and to feel only happiness

>> No.18079654

Why do fr*nch fags project their sickness onto americans?

>> No.18079667

> The abolitionist project is hugely ambitious but technically feasible. It is also instrumentally rational and morally urgent. The metabolic pathways of pain and malaise evolved because they served the fitness of our genes in the ancestral environment. They will be replaced by a different sort of neural architecture - a motivational system based on heritable gradients of bliss. States of sublime well-being are destined to become the genetically pre-programmed norm of mental health. It is predicted that the world's last unpleasant experience will be a precisely dateable event.
This is the culmination of A*glo "thought". Bentham would be produ

>> No.18079675

Why do you cope like that?

>> No.18079691

I'm so glad for that all we Americanized my Irish-American family still has maintained the extended family structure. Even our Gen X generation still averaged 3-4 kid birthrate, which is insane for the current times. I legitimately don't know how I would even cope if I grew up in one of those broken nuclear families all my friends seemed to have grown up in

>> No.18079697

There is no coping.
Small males are unironically superior in technocratic environments and humanity will be genetically modified en masse to only have small males.
If this makes you angry, you are the one coping.

>> No.18079706

women will not allow this to happen. they have absolutely crazy preferences with regards to height and refuse to settle down with anyone who is under 6'2

>> No.18079721

Modern women's preferences are nothing in comparison to the power of the entire military industrial complex and the resource optimization that will come from this.
There is no stopping evolution. The women in the future society will like small males.

>> No.18079732

BTFO by the Wisdom of Silenus (PBUH)

>> No.18079760

She should've hit the gym and started doing squats to enhance her glutes. Her bookish, frail, nerdy appearance would be in for a shock upon her experiencing simple baboon pleasures from feeling her ass muscles twitch. Then some chad would smack her ass, marry her and sire ten kids with her. Much better than being a perma-spinster and cat lady messiah.

>> No.18079777

Post your height

>> No.18079781

Not small enough

>> No.18079788

there are few
Santa Teresa de Avila (PBUH)
Santa Catarina de Sena (PBUH)
G.E. Anscombe (PBUH)

>> No.18079836

I thought that was Solanas

>> No.18079961

Here are some quotes from Firestone's book:
>The best way to raise a child is to LAY OFF!
>All men are selfish, brutal and inconsiderate--and I wish I could find one.
>In my own case, I had to train myself out of that phony smile, which is like a nervous tic on every teenage girl. And this meant that I smiled rarely, for in truth, when it came down to real smiling, I had less to smile about. My 'dream' action for the women's liberation movement: a smile boycott, at which declaration all women would instantly abandon their 'pleasing' smiles, henceforth smiling only when something pleased them.

>> No.18079989

Everything a woman writes, says, or does is a parody of the whole gender

>> No.18080063
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Childbirth is hot though

>> No.18080077
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>> No.18080150

I don't see the problem with any of these. Every moment I am on here nowadays I realize how much time.I have wasted here and that everyone here is a resentful loser that never grew up.

>> No.18080266

> I don't see the problem with any of these

Of course you don't, you were developmentally arrested at adolescence and can conceive of no good higher than pleasure.

>> No.18080320

Oh please. The same btfoing of "sjws," the same destroying the "wokescolds", the same destroying the "feminazis," the same destroying the "normies,"etc etc etc. You and everyone here hasn't had any mental development since they were 14. You aren't even sad just contemptible. Disgusting. Tasteless. Rats.

>> No.18080395

The Scott volume translation Hermetica comes with the original Greek opposite the English translation. It is a beautiful work to study, and something which touched my soul akin to Christ speaking of virtue. Good luck, Anon, and God bless you.

>> No.18080397

Boring bait

>> No.18080403


>> No.18080405

Self reflect at least once in your worthless life

>> No.18080433

Boringer bait

>> No.18080590

How can I understand women if I do what they cannot?

>> No.18081507

Why are there so many Christians on 4chan as opposed to other websites?

>> No.18082064


>tfw no firestone gf

>> No.18082391

Being the Anon you have replied to, I can think of a few reasons given the sites, and especialy /lit/, nature. There are those who try for secular political or philosophical reasons, from the TradCath LARPer meme to actual cultural Christians who are athiests and just sticking with a given denomination because. Then, for those who arent just faking it to play into an ideal image or out of rebeliom, you must consider that the average Anon here is probably intelligent enough to be miserable with the world and with themselves. This may, in turn bring them into seeking Christ, or any other religion, as an alternative to nihilism and ideological aimlessness and find faith as a result. Then there are Anons like me, who were raised in a Christian household and decided, or felt compelled, tn deepen and make their faith and a relationship to Christ their own rathnr than abandon it.

>> No.18082797
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>Firestone was born Shulamith bath Shmuel ben Ari Feuerstein

>> No.18082798

There aren't. Larp isn't real.

>> No.18082805

Are you retarded? Her first name is still SHULAMITH.

>> No.18082847

Nothing meaningful is fun

>> No.18082860

I wish you wouldn't write off all christian converts as larpers

>> No.18082911


>> No.18082920

That seems like a bastardized version of kallipolis

>> No.18082989

cope. you are a depressed loser.

>> No.18083011

Oh I dont at all, Anon. I acknowledge that some attempt it for political or cultural reasons, but I feel the majority, if not most, posters who purport to be Christian are being genuine.

>> No.18083077

In conclusion: women are a mediocre sex

>> No.18083099

>Implying male schizo writers are any better

>> No.18083115

They are. Not as lame for sure

>> No.18083287

Yep, capitalism will become something like feudalism with tech firms eclipsing countries, growing their own employees in vats etc.

>> No.18083313

All radfem are the same.

>> No.18084037

im of the mind that the womb is potentially the most intelligent thing on the planet

i have high confidence this book is "ghost written", as much of that ideology is

>> No.18084048

>I think giving birth in a sterile hospital full of strangely dressed people might be psychologically terrifying.
also the belief of seeing how other women have handled the process
also the wests fixation on drama and attention around dramatic things

>> No.18084576

they're not gonna win though. God always wins in the end

>> No.18084580

Repent and believe in the gospel.

>> No.18084633


>> No.18085559

>(with the single exception, perhaps, of the mother's relation to her male child)
complete bullshit. is this peak feminist cope?

>> No.18085711

Nah, Valerie is infinitely more based than Shulamuff

>> No.18085736

go to a fucking convent you moralist sissy bitch

>> No.18085942

That's not at all what they want. They want complete indulgence in all sexual choice and pleasure, but none of the consequences of responsibility that comes from that sexual freedom. Futuristic feminism would NEVER involve chastity. It's more like they want endless sex and endless abortions. That way they get to have their cake and eat it too.

>> No.18086019

extremely based. the only enlightened route is striving for aesthetics. of course this would never fly in society eyes.

>> No.18086024


>> No.18086033
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>outsource reproduction to artificial wombs
Future is male. No one will favor existence of women in the era of sexual robots. Weaker sex will be seen as a fucking weakness and malignant for survival.
>>black men fancy white women because they have an Oedipal Complex
What about rest of the world? Even in places like China where they use white models
>>children need to be "sexually liberated" from the oppressive patriarchal nuclear family
What evidence do they have that children will be liberated?
>>end parent-child bonding and child-rearing; instead place children in adult groups to get rid of the Oedipus/Electra Complex
What is stopping children from developing a decentralized Oedipus Complex? What if they get attached to a particular adult?
>>end incest taboo by destroying the concept of family
Fucking filthy whore
>>end genital distinction
Why """she""" is stopping at genitals? She should yell for ending all type of distinction.

What a stupid cunt.

>> No.18086037

physically large men may be inefficient in your eyes (im assuming your a man), but women dont care, and women are the sexual selectors. physically large (in every aspect) and handsome men will always be "efficient" and thereby superior in women's eyes.

>> No.18086115

>Even in places like China where they use white models
Obviously it's because wypipo oppressed dem chinks wif opium n shieet

>> No.18086169
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>Future is male. No one will favor existence of women in the era of sexual robots. Weaker sex will be seen as a fucking weakness and malignant for survival.
No, we'd use them for fun.

>> No.18086226

This point was already addressed.
There will be no inefficiency in the future, sorry girl the men you like are not gonna make it.

>> No.18086246
File: 142 KB, 670x1005, 1619026688970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from the fact that this is a manlet cope, your "future" won't happen because women's hypergamy will wreck civilization and we'll return to the actual most efficient system: enforced monogamy.

>> No.18086271

There is no cope. I'm sorry this makes you uncomfortable.
There will be no collapse scenario. We're only going to become more automated and optimized.
There is no reason to invest exponentially more resources into a smaller population of lower quality soldiers and workers. This scales regardless of technology. It's over. Any nation that does not optimize it's population will not be able to compete with those that do, which will force all nations to do so.
You don't understand the difference in inefficiency. Modern aesthetic preferences aren't relevant.

>> No.18086274

Varg I know you're on this board.

>> No.18086275

You're making a mistake assuming the globohomo view on female sexuality is a permanent given.
The preferences of women are dysgenic, at least against their long term goals. IQ is negatively correlated to sexual activity in men and high IQ negatively correlated to attractiveness, in addition to women favoring various types of mental illnesses in their mates, or as is the point here preferring tall men by a huge margin that makes no sense from the perspective of the technocratic bioengineering to come.
Unleashing female sexuality is a very good way to destroy the structures previously in place. However, it is a transitory state. Either the technocrats get their transhumanist genetically engineered wagie (that will probably be half-sterile and impotent by design), or "traditional" forms of sexual repression will be reinstated.

>> No.18086306

As we speak chinks are making crispr tube chinks that'll be taller. Everyone intuitively understands that women's mating preferences are a more powerful and immediate force than muh gdp and tech growth.

>> No.18086318

>As we speak chinks are making crispr tube chinks that'll be taller
China just banned modifying humans, and while they were studying the genes related to size, they weren't doing so in order to make people taller.
Why does this make you uncomfortable? Are you a woman?

>> No.18086323

>China just banned modifying humans,
Lmao at the naiveté
>Why does this make you uncomfortable? Are you a woman?
What makes me uncomfortable?

>> No.18086328

>What makes me uncomfortable?
What humans are going to be like in the future.
There is no reason to be upset at it but you are arguing against it despite the fact that it is inevitable.

>> No.18086344

>What humans are going to be like in the future.
They're not going to be like that. Women despise short men and won't breed with them willfully. Short men are more prone to suicide. There's no evidence that they're more "efficient" at anything than a tall man except for hiding behind a small chair when running away from a tall chad about to beat them up.

>> No.18086381

Small people require exponentially fewer resources to perform all tasks, and are not disadvantaged in any area of relevance, while being advantaged in things like aerospace flight and combat. Production of food is one of the most costly thing in terms of energy and land use and reducing this while also gaining a superior population is beneficial.
Even your idea of women's preferences are exaggerated. Women prefer taller males but their attraction is far more varied than you're making it out to be. Women already do breed with short men willingly all the time. It's not a relevant variable.
Smaller males are literally superior in technocratic environments, this isn't going to change just because you are more attracted to larger guys.

>> No.18086427

Quite bullshit. Short height is always associated with lack of resources and hunger, which is why North Koreans are much shorter than their southern neighbors. An average tall guy could beat up an "efficient" NK pilot any day and enwetten women's pussies. And yes, women hate manlets and fuck them as last resort.

>> No.18086445

This is what I mean by uncomfortable. You are coping hard.

>> No.18086455

Coping for what? I'm on manlets' side because I feel bad for them. But you're just delusional dude.

>> No.18086472

Women will likely also become smaller so Stacey height difference fetish may remain.
Other anon is sex obsessed and doesn't realize we are going for a comparatively sexless future in the long run. The conversation is about what happens to a society that is well optimized and even capable of artificial child growing.

>> No.18086476

No nation is going to modify their people based on fist fights, every point you're bringing up is pointless. They're going to do it based on actual relevant factors, like how much food and energy they need to produce, how effective the population will be in terms of military combat, how easy it will be for the women to give birth, without complications, etc.
This is the actual future. There is no delusion.

>> No.18086503

Yea could be. Artificial womb technology is not easy though. Eventually most likely humans will transition to that though.
About one third (31.3%) of women in the USA have children by C-section because they're too small to give birth without dying. Smaller women are worse than big women, and smaller men are better than big men.
This fact makes people insanely uncomfortable for some reason.

>> No.18086521

I'm not the guy you are talking to.

Birth ease depends on ratio of cranial diameter to pelvic inlet diameter, not final height. I think you are underestimating how much aesthetics will play a role in eugenics/genetic modification. People will choose to be taller, because it is desirable. This will not, as you suggest, have an exponential effect on resource use. Height contributes little to basal metabolic rate.

>> No.18086571

Many people are sex driven. All that industrial efficiency brought to human engineering is irrelevant to them compared to cooming. Pushing the argument to the limit, if you offered the average human to either become a levitating cyborg demigod with telekinesis and telepathy or gigachad/gigastacey with a harem and infinite sexual stamina, how many would pick the second?
Most people would choose the slightly more sexually attractive humanity even at high costs in other domains.
Hopefully the relevant choice makers and powers that be in the future won't be this retarded. Nothing is guaranteed though.

>> No.18086578

>I think you are underestimating how much aesthetics will play a role in eugenics/genetic modification
I think you are overestimating it.
>This will not, as you suggest, have an exponential effect on resource use. Height contributes little to basal metabolic rate.
But linear increase in mass does exponentially increase metabolic rate. It might not look like a lot on the individual level, but when you get to the level of a population the difference becomes substantial.

>> No.18086605

Cultural or general aesthetic preferences aren't immutable so even if we were to talk about what makes a "sexually attractive humanity", there is no actual true form.
As much as you guys may not like it, the world of smaller males and larger females is not innately any less desirable than the reverse. But in terms of it's material requirements it is more efficient. That part is not cultural or aesthetic.
There is no reason to select for aesthetic preferences over actual superior material conditions.

>> No.18086630

>There is no reason to select for aesthetic preferences over actual superior material conditions.
Start using this as a pick up line and report back the results.

>> No.18086659

>There is no reason to select for aesthetic preferences over actual superior material conditions.
People don't think about mating in terms of reasons except for incels and illuminati types.
Your view is that sexual attraction will be smoothly relegated to oblivion in terms of relevance to the choice of masses of people. I am not saying it is not happening in the extremely long run but this is science fiction territory.

>> No.18086676

Women already go for the rich guy with superior material conditions lol
On a serious note, you guys are underestimating the cultural aspect that informs sexual preferences. There is no actual problem with it and the people in such a world aren't going to think there's anything wrong with it, they're going to like it.
~10 years.
By 2030 there will only be small males and large females being born in industrialized nations.

>> No.18086706

Are you a virgin?

>> No.18086710


>> No.18086711

>~10 years.
Try 100 at the earliest to see any result, assuming a considerable shift in public opinion on the matter, starting right now.
Controlled, targeted macroevolution is like regrowing teeth or holographic storage. It's been ten years away for 70 years.

>> No.18086736
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>> No.18086748

I don't think it will be 100 years before we can modulate size based on sex. 10, 15 at the most.
I have to be honest, I don't understand why you guys put up such a fight against what I'm talking about. Why do you have such a problem with it? There's literally nothing wrong about it.

>> No.18086774

>I don't understand why you guys put up such a fight against what I'm talking about. Why do you have such a problem with it? There's literally nothing wrong about it.
I don't think any of your repliers have argued against it being "wrong" I think many would be fine with your proposed "smaller male, larger female", it's just that they disagree with your conclusion that the future will go this route.

>> No.18086781
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The future belongs to dicklets because they're more efficient
Picrel is built for Big Dicklet Cock

>> No.18086802

I could be misinterpreting but their responses seem more like they outright do not want it to happen, not simply that they don't think it will.
I honestly don't see any reason for it not to happen, I consider it inevitable desu.
Larger penises don't cost much unlike greater overall mass so you can give the small males large penises for the pleasure of the women. It's not a problem, it's not so costly on the population level.

>> No.18086808

>Larger penises don't cost much unlike greater overall mass so you can give the small males large penises for the pleasure of the women. It's not a problem, it's not so costly on the population level.
I have to be honest, I don't understand why you put up such a fight against what I'm talking about. Why do you have such a problem with it? There's literally nothing wrong about it.

>> No.18086859

You're not going to be able to just flip this and think you're making a point or that you've discovered a contradiction in what I'm saying.
My argument is actually based on actual efficiency in terms of food production, military efficiency, living in spacecrafts and all that stuff. It actually is more efficient to make people smaller for these things. At the level of a nation you will be investing substantially less energy and food and such into maintaining your people while not being any worse in terms of military capability or economic/scientific output etc.
Giving the men big dicks for the women's pleasure so isn't going to get in the way of that. Making the guys large for the women's aesthetic preference (which won't even exist in such a society anyway) will get in the way of that so it's not going to happen.
What greater efficiency does smaller penises give?

>> No.18086865

Basically the future is going to be a bunch of small cutish guys with big dicks running around and a bunch of tall women with thick hips that give birth to 2 or 3 children at a time.
What's actually wrong with this? Come up with a problem that isn't "but I don't like the way that looks".

>> No.18086924

Nigger, future societies won't choose efficient males based on your paradigm. Spacecraft technology will go nowhere, as will most tech in general due to lowering IQs and ecological issues. Only high-status men will reproduce and there's no indication they'll be manlets. You're coping so bad it's honestly sad to see.

>> No.18086942

>What's actually wrong with this?
There's nothing "wrong" with it, you retarded 60 IQ worthless nigger sack of shit. Nobody here thinks it's bad. Hell, it may be preferable to today's hypergamy with tall guys dominating the sex market. But it's not going to happen.

>> No.18086955

Collapse scenarios are the actual cope.
>"We WONT continue to advance technologically!"
It's inevitable based on how our technology is advancing.
The only thing that I can think of that would stop it is a singularity type event but obviously at that point all bets are off about everything.

>> No.18086971
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>Collapse scenarios are the actual cope.
>>"We WONT continue to advance technologically!"
Intelligent people have the least amount of kids. See: East Asia, Europe, U.S. whites.
How are you going to advance tech with the avg IQ of Somalia at your disposal?

>> No.18087013

US and European niggers have birth rates as low as the whites, specially in america, black and white population is decreasing meanwhile latino population is booming

>> No.18087051

There are more than enough intelligent people having kids. It's not at replacement but that's fine for now. Technology continues to improve.
Do you actually believe that in the future the industrialized nations are going to fall?

>> No.18087072

Man I was really hoping this thread was going the other route of discussing esotaricism.

>> No.18087103

Blame the obsessed manlet. We can make a new thread after bump limit hit though

>> No.18087117

Then you're the one coping.
I will always shit up any thread where I can inject the amazon woman small man master race into the discussion. It's my raison d'etre

>> No.18087140

Cope and if you try it again I'll report you. Go shit up threads on /pol/ or /sci/ instead

>> No.18087156

Anon, please refrain from doing so next thread. This is really the only place where I get to discuss the subject of Hermeticism/the intersecting aspects with Christianity.

>> No.18087164

If circumcision is genital mutilation then childbirth is also pretty barbaric, I'm not saying one logically follows the other but they follow a very similar logic overall.

>> No.18087184

I am not coping here, stop projecting. You actually believe that somehow we're going to collapse despite technology getting better. You're the one who belongs on /pol/ with your conspiracy shit. In fact, declaring that you'll report someone because you don't like what they're saying is faggot reddit shit, get off this website entirely.
I'm not stopping you from doing that. Just have that conversation with other anons.

>> No.18087250

You're an absolute thread shitter-upper who copes copiously; read Woodley and Dutton and realize what it means for global IQ to go down.

>> No.18087271

I'll read it and I won't shit up the next thread because you're right it doesn't really belong, but I ain't coping anon.
The future of humanity will be beautiful and optimized. Imagine legions of 4'10" manlets working in perfect unison manufacturing weapons and training in military combat and performing scientific research while tall thick beautiful women shit out liters of children to continue the process.
There is literally no way to compete against that given the traditional form of humanity. Modern humans can't compete.

>> No.18087436

why would r/jewishcontributions get banned?
it seems like reddit is getting anti-semitic and problematic ://

>> No.18088154

Always love how this Jews never give credit to Judaism in the whole patriarchal thing, the binary system, the homophobia and so on.

>> No.18088762


>> No.18089097

I could point out to you that this is a strawman but I doubt you don't know that already

>> No.18089192

Jewess having identity and daddy issues.